
Positive Pain

Title (Dublin Core)

Positive Pain

Description (Dublin Core)

In March 2020, my life would change drastically, as I was just turning nineteen, but also entering one of the craziest pandemics the world has ever seen. It was not just my life that would change. My family, friends, and millions of people all over the world were affected by the deadly COVID-19. Because it is such a deadly virus, people were forced to go into lockdown and isolate themselves from one another. During this time, it got much lonelier in life as there was not as many people around. Many people were sad by this; however, I took it as an opportunity to look at myself and truly focus on what I needed to do to improve. There was less outside noise, so more of my energy was directed to my schoolwork that needed to be done which boosted my grades over the course of a few months. Also, working out is a great passion of mine and I was able to get more physically fit as I had more free time. However, it was hard because all of the gyms were closed, and I had to find an alternate route to reach my goals. In the basement, I had some rusty dumbbells that I am grateful that I was able to put to great use. It was enough for the chest, back, arms, shoulders, and legs that I was so focused on training at least. This situation was great to prepare for my life because I was faced with a minor inconvenience and set out to overcome it through strategic perseverance. This pandemic taught me that if you want something bad enough, you can attain it through determination and hard work. While I never saw many friends during the first lockdown, I was spending even more time with my immediate family. While I usually would have been at college, the pandemic gave me the opportunity to get closer to my parents and siblings. We made time for evening walks, family game nights, family meals, and also various other movies and activities we would love to participate in. At first, I did not know what to expect when I we were asked to move off of campus due to COVID-19. While there was a great deal of hardship that the pandemic brought upon the world and my family and friends, is gave me the chance to find myself and grow as a person, which I will always be grateful for.

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This item was submitted on February 12, 2021 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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