
covid is the worst

Title (Dublin Core)

covid is the worst

Description (Dublin Core)

Over the years my favorite part of life was hanging with people and saying hello and being with them. this could be walking driving or anything else that be a fun time. But due to COVID-19 meeting with people is not the smartest move. This did not hurt my friendships with my friends because most of my friends talk online and play video games online as well. So, my friends and I did not struggle in our relationship. the hardest struggle this pandemic had on me would be my relationship with my grandmother. She lives in a nursing home and knowing anything that the news has said is that nursing homes have been in lock downs. These lock downs are helpful for the residents that live in them but it has been almost a year since I have seen my grandmother. She has been alone for most of it due to her building having lots of cases she had to be in her room by herself for months.
This strain of not being able to see her is not the best that came out of this and I worry for her all the time, but she is an iron will lady so I know she will be fine. The other relationships that have been hurt due to COVID-19 would be in the same house with my parents and sister. There is no doubt that I love my family, but it seems that since me and my sister have been in college, we have found our own ways to live life. It seems that both my sister and I have felt that our family is very pushy and that most of what my mom and dad do is still treating us as kids. this is due to our close quarters having but heads all the time. If there is an issue on someone doing something different chaos would erupt. It seems that both my sister and I are on the same page, but my parents are not really. Either on what we can do in or outside the house. So mainly what this pandemic has done for me is to put some tension on my relationships with my family but has left my friendships with normalcy. This pandemic is not welcomed and I would wish that it would go away but it seems that it is staying a little longer.

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This item was submitted on February 15, 2021 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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