
Creatives Meet in The Cloud

Title (Dublin Core)

Creatives Meet in The Cloud

Description (Dublin Core)

During a pandemic, creatives continued to collaborate online through the platform Zoom. In this picture, Jackson Scoggins, William Way, and I (Spencer Bolding) meet and discuss the beginnings of Jackson’s new magazine about a local record label. We spent our first semester interviewing key characters in the creation of Dolfin Records over Zoom, often having to explain the mechanics to those new to the program. After a series of recorded interviews, we put together an in-depth timeline of the beginning of Dolfin Records that will go into our first issue. Creatives will always find a way to create. #HST269 #zoom #localmusic #Dallas #Dolfin #zine #DIY #musicians #art #deepellum #pandemic #creative

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text story

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This item was submitted on February 18, 2021 by Spencer Bolding using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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