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I have been vaccinated. I got both of my shots, waited the requisite two-week waiting period, which mysteriously dropped from 30 days to 14, and so as of yesterday, I am as fully vaccinated as I can be.

And I am still not traveling.

I will continue to wear a mask.

In fact, I will be double masking when students return to the high school I work at following spring break.

There is still a pandemic.

Not enough people are vaccinated.

I don’t truly know how effective the vaccine is, no one does.

And most of all, I want to make a statement. That masks are important. That masks are important. That social distancing is important. That I might still catch COVID, be asymptomatic, and pass it on. Herd immunity is essential.

A lot of life I want to get back to, but I know that so many things should not go back to the days of 2019 and early 2020. We cannot forget. We cannot become complacent.

Okay – sometimes I want to keep wearing the mask so hide my sneers so no one can see. ;)

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This item was submitted on February 18, 2021 by Erica Price using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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