
Black Doctors Consortium 24hr Philadelphia Vaxathon Feb 19 - Feb 20

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Black Doctors Consortium 24hr Philadelphia Vaxathon Feb 19 - Feb 20

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The Black Doctors Consortium in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania planned to administer vaccines at the Liacouras Center at Temple University. It was to last 24 hours from Feb 19 12PM to Feb 20 12PM. It aimed to serve those who "live[d] in the hardest hit zip codes." No appointments were necessary. The original poster, handle @dralastanford, posted a series of photographs that helped answer some of the most frequently asked questions. These included the zip codes they were aiming for. These zip codes were specifically chosen as African Americans had "more than 50% of [the] death[s] related to COVID-19."

With so much confusion over the vaccine and how to get it, this organization tried to make it an easy process. They assured that there would be designated lines for those who pre-registered and those who didn't.

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This item was submitted on February 24, 2021 by Fitria Hardono using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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