
S.F. Japantown businesses owe tens of thousands in rent. Can the area survive without them?

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S.F. Japantown businesses owe tens of thousands in rent. Can the area survive without them?

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In the decades since, the community’s boundaries have shifted and shrunk, devastated by forced Japanese removal and internment in the 1940s and by large-scale redevelopment in the ’70s. But San Francisco’s Japantown persisted, even as others throughout the United States faded away. Today, Nihonmachi is the country’s oldest and largest Japantown, one of three remaining, but it covers only about six blocks — and many worry it is in danger of disappearing. The pandemic has hit neighborhood businesses particularly hard, and this year an agreement with the area’s largest landowner to keep the Japan Center malls “Japanese-themed” is set to expire.

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This item was submitted on March 7, 2021 by Dana Bell using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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