
Food Service Workers Rally For Justice

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Food Service Workers Rally For Justice

Description (Dublin Core)

"Businesses always like to emphasize the family aspect of working in their space. However, they fail to recognize we can choose who we want to dedicate our time and energy to. Because even family can be toxic and unsuitable for our livelihoods. To be transformative in this industry, it shouldn't be 'here is 50% off your meal 'or 'pizza for working with us for 10 hours today'. Instead they should talk about how we can be a community. Cause in a community, we protect, we listen, engage, act justly, we care, and we work to be better." Brenda Montes, Waitress, Rival House Sporting Parlour⁣

Restaurant Opportunities Center of Minnesota is demanding these collective protections for restaurant workers:⁣

Worker health and safety to come before profitability and customer expectations⁣
Livable and equitable wages for all staff across the industry: no more wage theft⁣
Cultural & structural change in the industry that fosters equity, inclusion, dignity for all workers⁣

Visit @rocmn612 for more information or to get involved.⁣

Photos from Food Service Workers Rally For Justice, July 28, 2020

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