
Quote from the Streets

Title (Dublin Core)

Quote from the Streets

Description (Dublin Core)

STRAAT is opening its doors on October 9! My work is on show in the new museum for street art and graffiti during the opening exhibition ‘Quote from the streets’.

STRAAT is the museum for street art & graffiti. Here you will find artworks - canvasses as big as a building - and their stories that stay untold in the streets. Made by legendary icons and up-and-coming artists from all over the world.

STRAAT strives to become the world’s most important center for an art form that was born on the streets of the city. STRAAT makes street art shine for everyone to see in a space that seems to be there just for that.

You can visit the website for more information: #STRAAT #fake #fakestencils #supernurse #straatmuseum @straatmuseum #stencilart #streetartmuseum

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This item was submitted on March 21, 2021 by Dana Bell using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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