
A Tale of Two Arizonas: COVID-19 Data from Maricopa and Greenlee Counties Through March 30, 2021


Title (Dublin Core)

A Tale of Two Arizonas: COVID-19 Data from Maricopa and Greenlee Counties Through March 30, 2021

Description (Dublin Core)

This daily tracker displayed on the New York Times site displays and explains public data provided by the Arizona Department of Health Services. The attached graphs illustrate the disparate COVID-19 experience between Arizona residents in Maricopa County and Greenlee County.

Arizona is the sixth largest of the United States with a population of more than seven million residents within its 113,594.08 square miles. 61% of Arizonans reside in Maricopa County, which translates to a population density of approximately 481.3 people per square mile, or 57,959.3 square feet per resident. In contrast, southeastern Arizona’s Greenlee County claims only 0.14% of the state’s residents for a population density of 5.7, or approximately 4.8M square feet per person.

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This item was submitted on March 31, 2021 by James Rayroux using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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