
Colorado Governor Jared Polis Gets Engaged

Title (Dublin Core)

Colorado Governor Jared Polis Gets Engaged

Description (Dublin Core)

The Governor of Colorado Jared Polis proposes to his boyfriend of seventeen years Marlon Reis due to their COVID-19 diagnosis where one of them had to be hospitalized. Members of Congress in his state had issues with him getting engaged to his longtime boyfriend due to their conservative views and the governor's response to the pandemic. The two long-time partners have two children together as well. Some residents of Colorado showed hate towards the Governor's news as he was an open and out government official and was the first Gay Colorado Governor in history.

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Text Story

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LGBTQ Nation

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This item was submitted on April 10, 2021 by Robert Baker-Nicholas using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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