
How effective was Gov. Ducey's Order to Reopen Schools?

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How effective was Gov. Ducey's Order to Reopen Schools?

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On March 11, 2021, the Arizona State Health Department reported seven counties, including Maricopa, were coded as "substantial transmission rate", however, this rate is technically one level under the serious risk categories. The remaining counties (six) were deemed "moderate" and were set to reopen by March 15. The NPR article argues about the irrelevancy of the order because more than half of the schools in the county are offering some form of in-person instruction, this order didn't change much for that particular school. For some schools, Osborn and Cartwright, the order actually sped their reopening date. In the Osborn case, school officials pushed for reopening because they confirmed that more than half of their teachers had been vaccinated. In places like Coconino and Pinal counties where transmission levels are exceedingly high, the school districts are exempt from reopening. Again, the effectiveness of the March 15th executive order is questionable at best.

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This item was submitted on April 11, 2021 by Daniel Lopez using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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