
Covid-19 Lockdown

Title (Dublin Core)

Covid-19 Lockdown

Description (Dublin Core)

I decided to put together a collage of some of the paintings/drawings I have made since Covid-19 started. Most of these were from when the pandemic first started which was when we could not leave the house at all. Under the collage I added a little comment describing the word lockdown and what it meant to me. My artwork does not specifically show things like wearing masks, the number of cases we had, or schools shutting down but the artwork signifies the thing that kept me sane while the lockdown was happening and while doing remote learning I explained in my source that the artwork was basically my escape from the real word and the horrible pandemic we were experiencing. I chose to represent my experience in this way because the lockdown, not being able to see friends and families was a huge effect from Covid-19 and it was also one of the hardest things for many people to do.

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Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

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This item was submitted on May 5, 2021 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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