2 Years
Title (Dublin Core)
2 Years
Description (Dublin Core)
We just got back from a concert in central California. Suddenly, we realized our last concert and last trip out of town was to the same winery, for the same band, with the same friends, on the same weekend in August 2019.
How much has changed since then! Felt like yesterday, but also a lifetime ago.
Hopefully it won't be another two years before we can see a concert, go to a play or movie theater, sporting event, travel, get back to work, or even leave the house without a mask. Hopefully...
How much has changed since then! Felt like yesterday, but also a lifetime ago.
Hopefully it won't be another two years before we can see a concert, go to a play or movie theater, sporting event, travel, get back to work, or even leave the house without a mask. Hopefully...
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text story
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
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This item was submitted on August 23, 2021 by Jody Gray using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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