
Marc Carolla and Niccola Lutri Oral History, 2021/12/07


Title (Dublin Core)

Marc Carolla and Niccola Lutri Oral History, 2021/12/07

Description (Dublin Core)

Marc & Niccola discuss their experiences with COVID-19 and relate it to past pandemics that they learned about in class

Recording Date (Dublin Core)

Creator (Dublin Core)

Type (Dublin Core)

Audio Interview/Podcast

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)


Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


Date Created (Dublin Core)


Interviewer (Bibliographic Ontology)

Niccola Lutri
Marc Carolla

Interviewee (Bibliographic Ontology)

Niccola Lutri
Marc Carolla

Location (Omeka Classic)

United States of America

Format (Dublin Core)


Language (Dublin Core)


Duration (Omeka Classic)


abstract (Bibliographic Ontology)

Student Niccola Lutri interviews Marc Carolla and discuss the similarities between the COVID 19 pandemic and past pandemics. In this interview they also discuss social reaction to the current pandemics, anti-maskers, and differences between the current pandemic and past pandemics.

Transcription (Omeka Classic)

Niccola Lutri 0:00
Hi, my name is Niccola Lutri and I give consent to do this interview.
Marc Carolla 0:04
Hi, my name is Marc Carolla, and I give consent to do this interview.
Niccola Lutri 0:08
Today is Tuesday, December 7, 2021, and it is 10:40am, and it is nice and sunny outside. Mark, how are you?
Marc Carolla 0:19
I'm doing good.
Niccola Lutri 0:20
How did you like this class this semester?
Marc Carolla 0:23
It was good. I learned a lot.
Niccola Lutri 0:25
Yeah, a lot of big takeaways?
Marc Carolla 0:27
Niccola Lutri 0:29
I think one thing we really want to touch on in this podcast is how this pandemic that we're currently going through compares to past ones like the Black Death, and the 1919 flu outbreak. And so one thing I noticed that was a reemerging pattern throughout all these, as we learned in class was the role of religion. And a lot of the time in older pandemics during like 1346, during the Black Death, like, it was often thought that the plague was God's will. And even in like India, in Hindu cultures, they thought that, when you got sick it was like a gift from God, like you weren't supposed to be upset by it, you know what I mean?
Marc Carolla 1:13
Niccola Lutri 1:13
When you're supposed to be thankful that you've got it, and they prayed to the gods for mercy and everything, but at the end of the day, they were like, this is their decision, and we kind of have to respect it. And I think the role of religion definitely ties into the emerging pattern of scapegoating. So...
Marc Carolla 1:31
Yeah, with uh, with scapegoating, I would think that, um, during the Black Death, a lot of the people, some religions look for other religions to blame. And that's where the Jews came in, and got blamed. And it resulted in a lot of deaths.
Niccola Lutri 1:50
Yeah, so Christians during the Black Death really thought that, since they were doing everything right for their religion, that it was other religions faults of the Black Death because [unintelligible] as well. Right? And so they started scapegoating, minorities, like Jewish people, Muslims and Lepers, right? And they started kicking them out, and of the cities, and they even eventually, you know, killed them. And I know there was Strasburg, like burning up the Jews in 1349. And it really just shows like, how, I don't know how crazy people will go trying to solve this, especially when religion ties into it. Um, but in regards to more modern plagues, I think it's really interesting how there's been a consistent pushback on like scientific recommendations, like anti maskers. And so like, in 1919, during the flu outbreak, like people wouldn't wear their masks, because they're like, oh, it's dirty, it doesn't actually do anything. And they thought people who wear masks were like burglars, like, why would I wear that? But like, it worked. And even today, like they're anti maskers. And so like, I don't know, I've personally had a lot of experience with anti-maskers in Jersey. Mark, where are you from?
Marc Carolla 3:14
Niccola Lutri 3:14
You're from Jersey too? My gosh. And like, I don't know, there are a lot of anti-maskers in Jersey. And.
Marc Carolla 3:23
The way I think it's just from past pandemics, the same habits get carried on. So, I think, the same type of people who were anti maskers, then they're going to be anti-maskers now it's just gonna keep carrying on to the future pandemic.
Niccola Lutri 3:43
Yeah, and I think by now, you know, maybe they would have learned, and I think, because people aren't wearing masks, like there are new variants, and now we're dealing with how do you say it, Omnicron, Omnicorn?
Marc Carolla 3:56
I've noticed.
Niccola Lutri 3:58
But now we're dealing with a worse variant. And I don't know, I think it's interesting how there's just a pattern of not really disobedience, but just, you know, people won't minorly inconvenience themselves, for the public or the general society. And I think, as a society, we could just be more considerate of one another, especially when it comes to like vaccines. Like, I got vaccinated pretty early on. What about you?
Marc Carolla 4:29
I got, like, not early but not late.
Niccola Lutri 4:33
Yeah. And like, obviously, there are all these people who refuse to get vaccinated, and it's just really concerning, I guess, because it's like, you know, you're really putting a lot of people at risk here.
Marc Carolla 4:46
Yeah I think, people don't like being told what to do. I think that if they had a choice, I think they'll be more welcomed to getting it but when people see like, restrictions and stuff like that, they want to do it less.
Niccola Lutri 5:00
Yeah, absolutely. It's kind of that like, when you when you can't have it you want more thing, but like opposite. That's crazy. Can’t believe we just solved this entire pandemic. We just have to stop telling people to wear masks and then they'll do it themselves. No, I'm kidding. But anyways, marks been lovely as always. And thanks so much for chatting. I can't wait to see what happens next.

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This item was submitted on December 7, 2021 by Niccola Lutri using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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