
The Hanover County School Board, in partnering with an anti-LGBTQ outfit, has declared war on its transgender students.

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The Hanover County School Board, in partnering with an anti-LGBTQ outfit, has declared war on its transgender students.

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This news article is from the Richmond Times-Dispatch in Richmond, Virginia. The article contains a recent review of the Hanover Country School Board seeking legal advice from a well-known hate group that disguises themselves as "Christian conservative legal group" also known as the Alliance Defending Freedom. Back in December of 2021, the ACLU of Virginia filed against Hanover County for discriminatory policies against transgender students. The pandemic has bought out numerous laws against the safety of LGBTQ students and individuals. This is just a small example of what queer children have been facing since the start of the pandemic.

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This item was submitted on March 16, 2022 by Aiden Ball (He/Him) using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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