
Roller Coaster Ride

Title (Dublin Core)

Roller Coaster Ride

Description (Dublin Core)

The pandemic hit when I was in Saint George, Utah, for school. Being away from family and friends was by far the most challenging thing we had to go through. With everything shutting down and classes moving online, we were all confined to our rooms. Keeping in touch with our families through facetime and video chat, I was grateful that I still had the chance to talk to them. To make up for the lost holidays because of the pandemic, my friends and family began to send care packages. And one of my favorite gifts that my dear friend sent was this little plaque that I was able to hang on my wall during the shutdown. It says, "Life is like a Roller Coaster. It has Ups and Downs. You could either Scream or Enjoy the ride." It became my favorite thing to read whenever I was going through a rough time during the shutdown. Life is unpredictable, and so is the pandemic. I learned that I would either whine and complain about the pandemic and the shutdown or learn to accept it as another challenge in life. As the plaques said, I chose to enjoy some of the good things the pandemic brought, like self-meditation, catching up on my favorite shows, bonding with roommates, learning to cook/bake, and learning how to do tiktoks.

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This item was submitted on May 7, 2022 by Anasitasia Vaitele using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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