Victoria pressed to scrap two-jab Covid vaccine mandate amid worker shortage
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Victoria pressed to scrap two-jab Covid vaccine mandate amid worker shortage
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This is a news story from The Guardian by Adeshola Ore. The Victorian government has been pressed to stop the two-jab vaccine mandate due to a worker shortage.
"While some industry groups have called for the two-dose mandate to be abolished to help ease the skilled workers shortage, the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) said the decision was up to health officials."
"Almost 95% of Victorians aged over 12 have received two doses of a Covid vaccine."
"While some industry groups have called for the two-dose mandate to be abolished to help ease the skilled workers shortage, the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) said the decision was up to health officials."
"Almost 95% of Victorians aged over 12 have received two doses of a Covid vaccine."
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