
Lockdown Story from A Different Perpective

Title (Dublin Core)

Lockdown Story from A Different Perpective

Description (Dublin Core)

“During the lockdown, it seems that everyone took on a small hobby to keep themselves busy. For me, I took on a couple to keep me busy. One of them included going for daily walks and taking photos of the scenery around me. I’ve taken walks even before COVID, but this was the only time where I really took my time and payed attention to my surroundings. I normally don’t bring my phone as that time is my 20 to 30 minutes away from technically, however I started to bring it along with me to take photographs of the trees blooming in spring and everything starting to grow and looking amazing. For the remainder of 2020, I kept to my hobby of taking photos and made sure to capture scenery I thought looked interesting. I especially made sure to snap photos in the same spots to capture what they look like in each one of the seasons. Luckily with it snowing weeks before Christmas that year, I was able to get a photo of one street during each one of the seasons. To me, they looked really cool!”

Photo by Kyle Collesano, April 19th, 2020 #lockdownstatenisland

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Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)

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This item was submitted on March 26, 2023 by Justin Collesano using the form “Share Your Lockdown Staten Island Story” on the site “Lockdown Staten Island”:

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