Identifier is exactly
The not so boring every day life
I used to work at a store called Bed Bath & Beyond. It was a mediocre job at best. Getting up at 9am and working until 5pm. The occasional customer who’d come in every now and then and brighten my day was nice, but there has to be a balance. The occasional customer who would come in with the sole purpose to ruin your day. Pre December 31st, 2019. After work I would come home and play some video games, do homework, and if I had time go to the skatepark late at night. When I wasn’t at work, I was at school. I went to Palmetto Ridge High School, and it was my junior year. I was looking forwards to just graduating already. It was fun, I met a lot of friends, but it was just getting tedious, going to the same classes over and over again, just to meet the state requirements. I couldn’t wait to go to college, to pursue only the classes I needed for my future career. Life was pretty much mundane, no action, repetitive. December 31st, 2019. I had just awoken from my sleep and was getting ready to go into school, since it was a Tuesday. I turned on my TV and switched to the news channel to see if anything interesting was happening on the news, and to my surprise, this “virus” was said to have started in Wuhan China. Our “wonderful” president said it was nothing more than the common flu, so I shrugged it off and got ready for school. A couple of days had passed since the announcement of COVID-19 and things only escalated. I still thought it was nothing more than a virus, because at the time I followed Trump, (still don’t know why I ever did). That was until a customer came in, coughing their lungs out. I made sure not to check her out because she looked really, really ill. I stayed in the back most of the day, claiming that “Today was just not my day, I am tired, and I do not feel well”. I asked to leave work early that day and left. January 21st, 2020. By now I was seriously worried. I heard over the news that COVID-19 was spreading fast, and that it had just infected its first citizen in the U.S. I did not know what to do to counter it, so I treated it like a plague. I wore a medical mask everywhere I went, and double layered my hands with two latex gloves. My coworkers teased me, saying I was too worried and that it would pass. I almost wanted to listen to them, but I stuck to my guns and wore my protective gear in work. March 14th, 2020. Schools were now closed until April 14th. Things were starting to get serious, now my friends weren’t doubting my use of masks and gloves and they followed in my footsteps. There was no school now, which meant I had to work more hours. It was really weird not going to class, but I was kind of glad we weren’t. I was just happy to still be earning money. March 15th, 2020. I was supposed to work today, it was a Sunday, but seeing as my job was overstaffed that day, I called off saying that I was sick. (I really wasn’t). I wanted to go to the skatepark today with my friends and did not want to work overnight today. I am glad now that I skipped because a customer that had COVID-19 was not wearing a mask and had infected two co-workers. This had forced the building to shut down, and had the CDC close the building down to quarantine it. I really dodged a bullet. August 26th, 2021. (Present Day) A lot has changed over these past few years. Mainly lockdowns and mask mandates. I have been fully vaccinated with Moderna and am going to take my booster shot when the time comes. Oddly enough after the first major lockdown, nature started to come back. A lot of deer in the roads, alligators in swimming pools, and a ton of insects and amphibians. It is present day now, and we have a new variant of COVID-19, named the Delta Variant. Mask wearing was mandated, and then unmandated, and since Trump left office cases dropped with real facts on COVID-19 daily, none of this “fake news” as Trump used to say. COVID-19 is starting to die down a lot more now, but it still is not over. Hopefully people will use their brains and get vaccinated, and if they don’t, hopefully they use masks. -
Covid and the Impact
the pandemic although is horrific and affecting many people can have a positive impact on some -
The long summer break
I submitted what the start of the pandemic was like from the view of a 16-17 year old and how it started the rapidly changed conditions. -
Involuntarily Online
The easiest way to explain the feeling is exhaustion. As somebody who doesn't learn well independently nor online, this year has been hard in so many ways. Entering my third, yes THIRD (fourth if we're going to count spring 2020), fully online semester, I can only express what I feel as exhaustion. Mentally, physically, and emotionally, it feels as though there is not that light at the end of the tunnel everybody is talking about. While I know my troubles are surface level compared to the tragedy faced by many this last year, the turmoil I've experienced as a result is truly starting to hit home. I'm not the best online learner, I never have been, which is why in my time in college I have specifically designed my classes to fit into in person lectures only. My University has begun to transition into on campus classes again, although I am one of the few I know who have yet to have an in person option. While life isn't ever fair, it is difficult to continue to believe in a system that is providing resources and in person education to some, with no clear indicator of why they were chosen, and leaves others to continue to try our best. I love my school, I would not want to be anywhere else hands down, and I do believe that they are doing what is best for not only the student body, but our surround community as well. But gosh, am I exhausted. -
I've Taken the COVID-19 Test Twice in as Many Months
I have always gotten sick during the fall semester; it's just how my immune system has always been with my allergies and all of the normal sicknesses that go around this time of year. This year the fall semester and my normal sicknesses during it have been a source of stress for me on top of my classes. I am currently attending Florida Gulf Coast University and we have to fill out a daily health screening app that puts case investigators in contact with us if we report any symptom that might be related to COVID-19. This semester I have been in contact with case investigators twice. The first time was sometime around October 26 when I got my first COVID-19 test. I had a cough, a sore throat, and was experiencing fatigue but no fever. Just to be sure, I scheduled a test at a local CVS. The test at CVS you have to administer yourself and was unpleasant to say the least. My results came back negative on October 29, I told my case investigator, and returned to class. I missed my zoom class that Monday as well as my on-campus class that Tuesday. The following month, I developed a fever that reached 103.8 at its highest but I had no other symptoms except a cough after my fever passed. I tested on November 17 at another local CVS. It was the same self-administered test. I attended my class the Monday before, my temperature during which was between 102.8 and 103. I missed my class that Tuesday and got my results on November 20. It was once again negative, and I was able to return to my on-campus classes once my cough stopped. Like many other students, this pandemic has interrupted my normal school life and has added stress to an already stressful semester. In addition to this, not being able to attend class while I was waiting on my test results like has impacted my grades though I would not have attended those classes anyway if I were allowed to while waiting on my results. -
College Daily Screening App
This a screenshot from the Veoci App. At Florida Gulf Coast University, students are required to fill out a survey each morning before coming onto campus. The questions in the survey are presented as followed: 1. Do you intend to come to campus today? 2. Are you a student-athlete? 3. Are you experiencing any NEW symptoms that are causing you to feel unwell today? (If yes, a list of symptoms is then displayed) 4. Have you tested for Covid-19 and/or received results that you have not yet reported to FGCU? 5. Have you been in close contact with someone who has confirmed positive for Covid-19 or with someone who is awaiting results for Covid-19? After filling out the survey, based on the student's answers they will either receive a big green checkmark that indicates that they are permitted onto campus, a yellow caution sign and warning that if you are not feeling well enough to then stay home, or a red circle with a line through it and a message that the student is not allowed on campus and must quarantine. -
Schooling During the Pandemic
With the pandemic going on school has been quite different and this is more of a general outlook of how that is effecting me personally, because I can't speak for everyone else. When COVID really first started hitting us in March, I packed up all my things almost out of no where because my school (FGCU) suggested that we all go home for the semester and changed all of our classes to online meetings. When it first happened I suppose that it wasn't a huge hit to my education because the semester was already pretty much over and we only had a month or so left. However, when summer came and I had to do two more challenging classes over six weeks I started to realize how much I actually appreciated going to classes in person. Especially with Physics, which was very difficult to learn and comprehend in six weeks all while being taught online. Even more challenging was the virtual labs which in of itself is ironic. Nonetheless I was able to pass physics (barely), and now fast forward to present time we're in the Fall semester and not too much as changed. I understand what we are doing, but it is honestly quite annoying when you're trying to pass all of your classes, especially being an engineering major like me. For example, just now as I'm writing this I'm supposed to be in a class, but for some reason I can't connect to the zoom meeting and neither can anyone else. Thankfully my professor records all of our meetings so I can watch it later but regardless it is pain because finals are this week and I'm more worried about my calculus and engineering classes. I really find it more challenging to pay attention to a class when it's online compared to when I'm actually there in person, maybe that's just me but I couldn't imagine I am the only one who agrees with that. -
At home work during the Pandemic
Adaptation to the work enviroment -
How COVID Affected My Summer
This story is my experience with COVID and what I think the future holds from this learning experience.