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Artists Reimagine How Covid-19 Will Shape the Art World
This Wired piece by Lydia Horne starts off with a really interesting point about the viewer relationship with art as social distancing before Covid and the distance in museums and galleries for the artwork’s protection. It is more than just considerations about virtual auctions and virtual viewing - the way that the art itself translates is something that many artists are struggling with. The article also speaks to the ways that artists are redefining themselves and their work. The changing structures and changing methods reaching an audience or sharing work, some artists are using the pandemic to explore possibilities to reshape the art world. For example, non-profits and community-based models instead of the traditional gallery model. -
Help for envisioning the future
This website represents the German Pavilion at the Venice Biennale. It's a pretty remarkable approach to thinking about how we will live in the future. A quotation on the site, from Buckminster Fuller, is a perfect inspiration for the call #SMhopes: an Archive of Hopes and Dreams: "You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." -
News Article: How AI Played a Role in Pfizer’s Covid-19 Vaccine Rollout
This Wall Street Journal PRO article on Pfizer's use of artificial intelligence discusses that company's use of predictive technologies to identify geographic areas with the greatest potential for its COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials. -
News Article: Pfizer Injects AI Into Vaccine Trials
This sub-article was the lead item in this week's Wall Street Journal PRO "Artificial Intelligence Weekly" email blast: "By Angus Loten Welcome back. Artificial intelligence is set to take a decisive role in shaping the post-pandemic economy, from helping employers reopen workplaces to getting supply chains back on track. Corporate technology leaders and industry analysts offered these and other insights at last week’s virtual edition of the WSJ Pro AI Executive Forum. Some of their views are outlined in the sections below. One broad takeaway: Though still in its infancy, AI is already having a profound impact on our daily lives. Pfizer’s Speedy Vaccine Rollout Pfizer Inc. last year developed AI-powered dashboards designed to monitor the effect of Covid-19 on clinical trials in real time, ultimately helping the pharmaceutical giant roll out its coronavirus vaccination in less than a year, The Wall Street Journal’s Sara Castellanos reports. A shot in the arm. Pfizer fed large amounts of case-rate data into AI-enabled predictive models to quickly generate site selection for clinical trials, said Lidia Fonseca, the company’s chief digital and technology officer. A smart move. Pfizer two years ago began experimenting with the emerging technologies, focusing on digital tools that promised to offer better outcomes for patients, doctors and employees, with results it was able to draw on during the pandemic, Ms. Fonseca said."