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Amazon workers won’t get paid for Covid leave anymore
This is a news story from CNBC News by Jessica Bursztynsky. Amazon is cutting pay for frontline workers that test positive for COVID. The new policy is that workers who test positive will now be given five days of unpaid, excused leave. Amazon added that workers waiting for Covid test results will no longer have time off excused since rapid tests are now widely available. This decision has sparked backlash from pro-union workers who are arguing for better working conditions. -
My Neighbors and I
My neighbors and I have known each other for multiple years, and are good friends. They came from India as immigrants back in 2000 and started a family, eventually moving in right next to us about two years before the pandemic. Once COVID hit, our usual Saturday night bonfires together came to a halt as we wanted to be safe and not spread the potential infection. Instead, they bought an entire fire pit off Amazon, and through the trees each Saturday night we continued our Saturday night bonfires together, just not next to each other. This was honestly a beautiful experience because no matter what we found a way to continue to connect with each other in a safe and timely manner! We still keep in contact to this day and reminisce on our old memories as neighbors. -
Why COVID-19 will end up harming the environment
This article warns that COVID will only offer a brief respite from environmental problems like air pollution. Post-COVID, we may see even worse pollution and accelerated climate change. -
Monitoreo COVID19
"La presente herramienta recoge el esfuerzo de la CONFENIAE y sus organizaciones filiales por levantar, sistematizar y monitorear el avance del COVID-19 en nuestros territorios como una respuesta a la ausencia de información pública clara, oportuna y diferenciada para nuestra realidad pluricultural. La información presentada se actualiza automáticamente según la disponibilidad de la información que proviene de fuentes confiables a través de las cuales la CONFENIAE y sus organizaciones filiales gestionan apoyo para canalizar y coordinar atención emerhente a la pandemia. " "This tool reflects the effort of CONFENIAE and its affiliated organizations to raise, systematize and monitor the progress of COVID-19 in our territories as a response to the absence of clear, timely and differentiated public information for our multicultural reality. The information presented is automatically updated according to the availability of the information that comes from reliable sources through which CONFENIAE and its affiliate organizations manage support to give and coordinate emerging attention to the pandemic." -
Yanomami want miners out of their lands to prevent spread of COVID-19
"The most well-known Yanomami shaman and leader, Davi Kopenawa, with French anthropologist Bruce Albert. Inspired by his words and teaching, Ye'kwana Leadership Forum produced the film "The Shaman’s Message", to bring the #MinersOutCovidOut campaign to the world. The campaign calls for the immediate removal of illegal miners who are active in the Yanomami Territory, destroying the forest and rivers, bringing violence and now COVID-19 with them into the communities." -
When Workers Stand Together in Collecive Bargaining, There's Power.
Verified When workers stand together in collective bargaining, there's power. Every benefit, from the minimum wage to the 5-day work week, was earned when people organized. It’s never easy. But workers at an Amazon warehouse in Alabama are standing together right now and if they win, it will send a shockwave throughout this country. -
大型セール“ブラックフライデー”仏で1週間延期へ(2020年11月21日) - Large sale "Black Friday" postponed for one week in France (November 21, 2020)
厳しい外出制限が敷かれているフランスでは、ブラックフライデーの大型セールを1週間延期することが決まりました。 フランスでは新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を受けて多くの中小の小売店が閉鎖されています。一方でアマゾンなどネット通販大手は営業を続けていて、ブラックフライデーのセールが27日から始まることに小売店からは不満の声が高まっていました。それを受けて政府は20日、ブラックフライデーの大型セールを27日から1週間延期し、それまでに小売店の営業再開を認めることを発表しました。 In France, where strict outing restrictions are in place, it has been decided to postpone the big Black Friday sale for a week. In France, many small and medium-sized retail stores have been closed due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection. On the other hand, major online shopping companies such as Amazon are still in business, and retailers have been complaining that the Black Friday sale will start on the 27th. In response, the government announced on the 20th that it will postpone the big Black Friday sale for a week from the 27th and allow retailers to reopen by then. Video translated by Youngbin Noh -
Bathroom Black Lives Matter LGBTQ+ Amazon Announcement
In this Announcement posted above the urinal in the Amazon Warehouse bathroom, the link between Black Lives Matter, the LGBTQ+ movement, and Amazon is made explicit. Clearly Amazon is actively choosing to endorse the Black Lives Matter movement in light of the fact that protesters were risking people's lives, according to the narrative, because many were not social-distancing during their protests, thus putting the public i.e. the elderly at risk. So this stance is noteworthy. -
Gay Pride Flag at Amazon Warehouse during Covid-19
This photograph shows that despite the Covid-19 pandemic, efforts to continue the Civil Rights movement via the LGBTQ+ movement is still continuing, even in the work place. -
The Coronavirus Is Spreading Through Indigenous Communities In The Amazon
Excerpt from article: Now, nearly 2,000 people in and around Leticia are sick with COVID-19. About 70 have died. That might not sound like a colossal death toll at first. But because the surrounding state of Amazonas is sparsely populated, this amounts to the highest per-capita death rate in all of Colombia, according to figures from Colombia's Health Ministry.