topic_interest is exactly
April 2020
April 2020
Cin 211
the daily life of Matthew Torres during the height of the pandemic -
April 8, 2020
Find the positive in the negative
a look at the everyday life of Gabriella Bartley during the height of the 2020 pandemic -
April 5, 2020
Jessica comoletti project cin 211
a video of an empty/near empty park during the pandemic -
April 5, 2020
Cin 211 project
a look at the pandemic through the eyes of youtuber @user-hm9gs8by5i -
On Illness From a Virus and Surgery During the COVID-19 Pandemic
In this essay, I reflect on my personal experiences with illness and recovering from surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic. -
Emptiness Around Us: Empty Aisle
A whole row of empty shelves at Target in Niskayuna, NY in early April. This shelf is normally fully stocked with toilet paper, flushable wipes, paper towels, and facial tissue. -
Emptiness Around Us: Empty Plaza
The U.S. and New York State flags flying at half-mast in at the Empire State Plaza in Downtown Albany, NY in late April, after Governor Andrew Cuomo ordered all flags to be flown at half-mast in honor of all who have died from COVID-19. The New York State Museum is seen straight ahead centered between the two flags. -
Emptiness Around Us: Empty Shelf
A scarcely stocked shelf of soap at Target in Niskayuna, NY in early April. The shelf here is normally fully stocked with hand soap. The note explains a purchase limit of 1 soap bottle per guest. -
Emptiness Around Us: Empty Ledge
An empty shelf at Target in Niskayuna, NY in early April. The shelf here is normally fully stocked with toilet paper, flushable wipes, and facial tissue. The note explains a purchase limit of 1 product per guest, although there was none to be had in the store. -
Emptiness Around Us: Empty Rows
A few shelves of boxed macaroni and cheese at Target in Niskayuna, NY in early April and a note limiting the amount one dry good per customer. Normally, these shelves are fully stocked. -
Emptiness Around Us: Empty Park
Taken at Washington Park in Albany, NY in late April. The sign notes that these swings are closed and cannot be used due to COVID-19. All other playgrounds and equipment in the park were closed and had similar signage. -
Emptiness Around Us: Empty Street
Down an empty State Street in Downtown Albany, NY in late April. This photo was taken standing in the middle of the street, which normally would not be possible as this street is usually busy and packed with cars. The SUNY Central Administration building is seen straight ahead in the distance. -
Emptiness Around Us: Empty Bus
A CDTA bus pulling up to a bus stop on State Street in Downtown Albany, NY in late April. All riders were required to wear masks, and there were barely any riders on the bus. Its electronic sign reads, “STOP THE SPREAD.” -
Emptiness Around Us
The month of April found me back in my parents home in a suburb of Albany, NY. My university was closed, and I was forced to move out of my on-campus housing a month earlier. All of my classes continues online, and my film photography class was required to move to a digital photography platform as we were not allowed access to our university’s darkroom to develop our film. I found myself wondering how to find subject matter amidst a global pandemic, where at the time grocery stores were just about the only places open, in what I considered to be the most boring small town in America. After weeks of submitting photo after photo of my backyard, house, dogs, and siblings, my professor asked me to try and find a new subject for my photos. I really had no idea what else to photograph, but on a trip to Target for groceries with my mother, I found myself wandering through row after row of bare, colorless shelves. I took a photo of this to send to my father, proving that there was not a roll of toilet paper to be had, but then thought about how interesting it could be to document the rows and rows of desolate shelves, leading me to a new subject for my photography class assignments: emptiness. I moved from documenting empty shelves, to empty parks, to empty streets. Emptiness was a subject I could find nearly everywhere I looked during the coronavirus pandemic. Looking back on these photos a few months later, I am so glad I was able to use an art form I love to document what life was like during this strange and scary time in our world. I hope that years from now, my photos could help someone have some idea of how empty our world truly felt during this time.