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Brazil's pet market benefits from COVID-19
Not everyone is losing out from the pandemic. Some businesses are reaping big profits due to rising demand. The pet market has exploded in the last year as people got animals to fight loneliness. -
The effect of suppressing funeral rituals during the COVID-19 pandemic on bereaved families*
This documental study was intended to understand the meanings individuals who have lost loved ones in this context assign to the phenomenon of suppressed funeral rituals. -
Why COVID-19 will end up harming the environment
This article warns that COVID will only offer a brief respite from environmental problems like air pollution. Post-COVID, we may see even worse pollution and accelerated climate change. -
Brazil Crashes Through New Records for COVID-19
CNN explores the "war like" scenario Brazil is currently dealing with as they tackle a local variant. -
Brazil is Bearing the Brunt of an Alarming Surge
MSNBC reports on an alarming surge in Brazil and how it is trying to deal with a local variant and its politicians who still deny the severity of COVID-19. -
International mobilization to save Indigenous Lives
"A Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil (APIB) apresenta um plano emergencial indígena de enfrentamento da Covid-19 no Brasil e conclama todos a apoiarem medidas que possam salvar vidas e exercitarem a solidariedade. Os povos indígenas estão entre os grupos mais vulneráveis ao avanço da pandemia e encontram-se desprovidos de condições para enfrentar a doença. Precisam do apoio de todos." "The Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (APIB) presents an indigenous emergency plan to confront Covid-19 in Brazil and calls on everyone to support measures that can save lives and exercise solidarity. Indigenous peoples are among the groups most vulnerable to the advance of the pandemic and are devoid of conditions to cope with the disease. They need everyone's support." -
Yanomami want miners out of their lands to prevent spread of COVID-19
"The most well-known Yanomami shaman and leader, Davi Kopenawa, with French anthropologist Bruce Albert. Inspired by his words and teaching, Ye'kwana Leadership Forum produced the film "The Shaman’s Message", to bring the #MinersOutCovidOut campaign to the world. The campaign calls for the immediate removal of illegal miners who are active in the Yanomami Territory, destroying the forest and rivers, bringing violence and now COVID-19 with them into the communities." -
Evangelical missionaries, COVID-19, and the rationalizing of infection
Excerpt from the article: "One talking point that commonly arises in evangelical subculture is that “there is no safer place to be than in the center of God’s will.” If God needs you not to have coronavirus, in other words, you won’t get it; and why would God want people to get coronavirus in church after all? Following the same principle, if God wants you to preach to uncontacted peoples, God will make a way. You don’t need to worry about diseases; if the people you’re trying to convert die, that will turn out to have been God’s will." -
An Open Letter from Indigenous Peoples to Indigenous Peoples in Brazil on Surviving COVID-19
This entry shares an open letter titled "Indigenous Peoples to Indigenous Peoples in Brazil." The letter includes artwork of Indigenous artists, to encourage, uplift, support, educate, and communicate about solidarity and strength of Indigenous communities. The open letter includes historical information, words on Acts of Resistance, and Acts of Healing. The webpage and downloadable letter/PDF are available in English, Portuguese, and Spanish. This is important to capture because it is created by Indigenous Peoples for Indigenous Peoples, shared publicly via the Internet. -
中国ワクチンの治験中断…ブラジルで 新型コロナ(2020年11月10日)- Suspension of Chinese vaccine trial ... New coronavirus in Brazil (November 10, 2020)
新型コロナウイルスのワクチン開発をめぐって、ブラジルの衛生当局は9日、「深刻な事態」があったとして中国の製薬会社「シノバック・バイオテック」の治験を中断したと発表しました。 ワクチンは、サンパウロのブタンタン研究所がシノバックと提携し開発していたもので、治験者の1人が死亡したと衛生当局に報告があったということです。 研究所の所長は、死亡と治験との関係はないとしています。 ブラジルでは、少なくとも9,000人が最終段階の治験に参加していました。 Regarding the development of a vaccine for the new coronavirus, Brazilian health officials announced on the 9th that they have suspended clinical trials of Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinovac Biotech because of a "serious situation". The vaccine was developed by the Butantan Institute in São Paulo in partnership with Sinovac, and one of the participant was reported dead by health officials. The director of the institute says there is no link between death and clinical trials. In Brazil, at least 9,000 people participated in final-stage clinical trials. Video is translated by Youngbin Noh