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HIST30060: Food Relief Centre Queue
This is a photograph taken of a queue to enter a food relief centre in South Melbourne in August 2020. The queue was several hundred metres long. As lockdowns began to ravage Melbourne, most businesses were forced to close, resulting in many people losing their jobs. Where this food relief centre had services around 100 people at the start of 2020, this number swelled to over 2000 by the height of the pandemic. Among the most vulnerable demographics affected by the pandemic restrictions were international casual workers and students. Where citizens were eligible to apply for various emergency relief payments, such as Job Keeper or Job Seeker, migrants did not have access to these resources. This food bank only required a form of identification to register the recipients. Several pandemic related restrictions are shown in this picture. The recipients are socially distanced, standing on makeshift markings spaced 1.5 metres apart by government restriction. They wear masks; a government requirement both indoors and outdoors at the height of the pandemic in Victoria. The food bank volunteers wear neon orange high-visibility vests and hold QR codes for the recipients to register on their own devices. I have volunteered at the food relief centre since 2020, performing the same role as the volunteers in the photograph. Where mainstream historical narratives and media may focus on how the lockdowns affected citizens, it is important to remember how migrants too were affected by the pandemic and had little to know support from the Australian government. -
Non-profits celebrate return of LoveLoud music festival
This is a news story from KUTV by Hayley Crombleholme. After a two year break, LoveLoud will return, and will feature acts like Neon Tress and Imagine Dragons. This event is to help raise funds for LGBTQ charities. COVID has been hard on non-profit organizations. While this festival is meant to raise money for LGBTQ youth, some are excited to be back for in-person events. -
Fundraising for Ukraine
This is an Instagram post by maniteeshirts. This post is about people fundraising for Ukraine since they have been hit hard by the Russian invasion. Noticeably, all of the people posted in this picture are all wearing masks. This picture helps show that where some places might not require masks, some people are still wearing them. Due to not being given a location, I am not sure on the status on masks where this was posted. Since everyone is wearing them though, I am at least guessing it is a store that requires masks to enter. -
After two-year hiatus, LGBTQ events return to Fiesta San Antonio
This is a news story from the San Antonio Current by Sam Sanchez. This story is about LGBTQ events returning to San Antonio after a two year break due to COVID. For the past two years, many of these events have been canceled. This article shares events happening in San Antonio and what non-profits they benefit. Some of these non-profits include: the San Antonio AIDS Foundation, The Thrive Youth Center, Pride San Antonio and BEAT AIDS. Events include: themed parties, chili cook-offs, party shuttles, and fiestas. Certain events include fees for attending and certain COVID precautions, such as masks, to attend. -
‘Open for all’: Local Sikh temples to host COVID-19 testing vans
The Sikh community has been working vigorously to help the communities they are in as much as possible. In San Joaquin County, Sikh temples have temporarily transformed their worship areas into massive COVID-19 testing sites. As the article notes, Sikhism “is based on giving back to the community and believing in community service.” Even though vaccination is continuing to roll out, the Sikh community is working to help drive down the positivity rate by getting as many people tested as they can. -
Sikh temple is offering 1,500 COVID-19 shots
For most religions, helping in the community is a necessity. For Sikhs, it is no different. This article details how a Sikh temple has allowed its building to be used for the distribution of 1500 COVID-19 vaccines. Throughout the history of Sikhism, a premium has been placed on service and charity. By providing its building for easy access to vaccines, this Sikh temple is playing its role to help get back to normalcy. -
The Sikh Coalition: COVID-19 Responses and Resources
Sikhism is one of the most generous faiths in the world, working to help all who may be in need. This site is a great source to see how Sikhs are responding to the pandemic in the various countries where the religion is practiced. Furthermore, one is able to see how Sikhism has contributed to aiding those in need during this time. -
Faith-based Organizations Responding to COVID-19
Coming from the USAID (United States Agency International Development), this article provides a breakdown of several different FBO’s (Faith Based Organization) and their response in providing aid during the pandemic. The article discusses various faith groups (Christian, Muslim, Jewish) and their individual responses. While a lot of aid and charity has been provided in the United States, many FBO’s are working to also provide aid to those overseas as well. Citizens of Pakistan, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, as well as Latin American countries are being helped during this time. -
U.S. faith-based groups fight COVID-19 worldwide
This article explores how faith-based organizations are coming together during COVID-19 and providing aid where possible. Specifically, the author makes note that Christians, Jews, and Muslims are working together during this time to help all people. Not only is this an example of inter-faith ecumenism, but what is actually being seen is a coordinated multi-faith system to give to those who need help. These charities have together to meet the needs of the hungry, are aiding in taking care of those sick with COVID-19, and are helping the poor overseas push through the economic hardship of the pandemic. -
Artists decorate COVID-19 masks to raise $13,500 for LGBTQ charity
Artists in Baltimore were encouraged to create and donate masks to be auctioned off. 40% of the profits from the masks went to local artists while the remaining amount went to Baltimore Community Foundations" LQBTQ fund. The fund supports numerous LGBTQ organizations in Baltimore such as peer counseling, suicide prevention, and health services. -
Flowers brighten isolation for many during pandemic
A 65-year-old woman collects old flowers from funeral homes, grocery stores, and the like. She then makes bouquets and distributes them to nursing homes, hospitals, and community areas such as libraries and even laundromats. The flowers she delivers brighten people's days, especially in these hard times. -
Donating PPE
Université du Québec à Montréal donated PPE to hospitals at the beginning of the pandemic. -
The future of music festivals might be inside video games
There has been multiple online festivals hosted inside video games such as Minecraft, with Lavapalooza, or Fortnite, the infamous Travis Scott event. Many of these events proceeds have gone directly to charity regarding Covid-19 relief. These digital live music events raise the question of the viability of hosting a digital festival in a post-pandemic world. -
As Thanksgiving Comes, Nonprofits Brace for More Food Insecurity
As Thanksgiving approaches, food nonprofits across the United States preparing to distribute more food this year because of increased food insecurity caused by COVID-19. -
Ramin Karimloo gave Youtube concert to raise money for healthcare workers
On October 1, 2020, Ramin Karimloo, who starred in several musicals on West End, held a livestreamed concert on his Youtube channel to help raise money for healthcare workers. The charity he featured was Care Not Profit, a Canadian-based charity lobbying for living wages for people who work in for-profit long-term care facilities, better conditions for residents of those facilities, and better benefits for the workers. -
Jewish Melbourne: Chabad on Carlisle Erev Sukkos Appeal
Chabad on Carlisle - Jewish Russian Centre organised a fundraiser for Sukkos: "In a talk which he delivered on Erev Sukkos, the Rebbe described Yud Daled Tishrei as a day when Jews should literally splurge in giving tzedoka. This year, the call for generosity is so much greater due to the impact of Covid, and the funds you donate will be distributed to alleviate financial hardship and enable the celebration of Succos with true joy and peace of mind." -
Jewish Melbourne: Souper Kitchen's lockdown rules
In July, as Melbourne headed into its second lockdown, Souper Kitchen provided information about how they would handle the rules about workplaces and gatherings -
Jewish Melbourne: Souper Kitchen's Yom Kippur campaign
Souper Kitchen ran a campaign for Yom Kippur, encouraging people to donate, given the hardships many have faced due to Covid-19. -
Jewish Melbourne: Chevra Hatzolah 'Beyond the Crisis' fundraiser
Facebook post thanking people for their contribution to the Chevra Hatzolah 'Beyond the Crisis' fundraiser. The post says: "During the Pandemic, Hatzolah’s focus has been directed at continuing our emergency response, Responder and patient safety, and community education through online media. Working together with community groups such as the Covid-19 Taskforce, CSG and Ambulance Victoria, keeping our community safe was the primary objective. However we also incurred huge expenses and needed to replenish funds used to purchase large volumes of expensive PPE, and still have enough for us to emerge and grow Beyond the Crisis. All of us at Hatzolah Melbourne have been humbled by the outpouring of moral and financial support during the “Beyond the Crisis” campaign, and express our sincere thanks to the community. In spite of the financial strains being felt across the board, the community has shown us incredible support and we are extremely grateful. We wish everyone good health, and look forward to continuing to serve the community, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week." -
Jewish Melbourne: 'consider those with hearing difficulties while wearing a mask'
Chevra Hatzolah encouraged people to consider those with hearing difficulties while wearing a mask: "😷 Please consider those with hearing difficulties whilst wearing a mask. 😷 Please: - Be patient - Speak louder but do not yell - Articulate your words - Speak slowly - Use your hands and body language (gestures and pointing) - Move to a quiet place - Use alternative methods to communicate e.g. text Information is sourced from: Wherever you can, keep 1.5 metres apart from others, wash your hands often, and cough or sneeze into a tissue or your elbow. And if you have symptoms – get tested. In a medical emergency call 9527 5111." -
Jewish Melbourne: 'Chevra Hatzolah message to Wear a Mask'
facebook post by Chevra Hatzolah encouraging people to wear masks: ""Wear a mask. It's not too much to ask." - Daniel Andrews. Premier of Victoria Wearing a face covering helps keep you and others safe. Coronavirus (COVID-19) is spread from close contact with a person with COVID-19. Face coverings help stop droplets spreading when someone speaks, laughs, coughs, or sneezes, including someone who has COVID-19 but feels well. The best way to protect other people against COVID-19 is keeping 1.5 metres apart, wash your hands often, and cough or sneeze into your elbow or tissue. Face coverings add an additional protective physical barrier to protect you and your loved ones. And if you have symptoms – get tested. Information is sourced from the DHHS at In a medical emergency call 9527 5111." -
Jewish Melbourne: making masks as a fundraiser for Chevra Hatzolah
This is a facebook post by Chevra Hatzolah, including a photo and the words: "Frances Spanger (known to many of us as "Granny") began making masks at the beginning of COVID-19 for all her friends. She gets up at 5am every morning and works hard making masks for the community. In just one month, she has raised $500 which she decided to donate to Hatzolah. Thank you Frances for the incredible work that you are doing to keep our community safe. We are all very grateful."