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Department of Public Health
American Samoa COVID Cases Situational Report #22
This is the twentieth-second report released by the American Samoa Department of Public Health regarding the rise of covid cases in American Samoa. As of April 13, 2022, positive cases have risen to 5457 from 5254 on April 08, 2022. A total of four individuals are hospitalized, and nineteen recorded deaths related to COVID-19 have been documented. American Samo's vaccination coverage of individuals who are fully vaccinated currently stands at 83.7%. -
American Samoa COVID Cases Situational Report #21
This is the twentieth-first report released by the American Samoa Department of Public Health regarding the rise of covid cases in American Samoa. As of April 08, 2022, positive cases have risen to 5254 from 4957 on April 05, 2022. A total of two individuals are hospitalized, and eleven recorded deaths related to COVID-19 have been documented. American Samo's vaccination coverage of individuals who are fully vaccinated currently stands at 83.4%. -
American Samoa COVID Cases Situational Report #20
This is the twentieth report released by the American Samoa Department of Public Health regarding the rise of covid cases in American Samoa. As of April 05, 2022, positive cases have risen to 4957 from 3756 on March 29, 2022. A total of five individuals are hospitalized, and eight recorded deaths related to COVID-19 have been documented. -
American Samoa COVID Cases Situational Report #19
This is the nineteenth report released by the American Samoa Department of Public Health regarding the rise of covid cases in American Samoa. As of March 29, 2022, positive cases have risen to 3756 from 3381 on March 27, 2022. A total of five individuals are hospitalized and 4 recorded deaths related to COVID-19 have been documented. -
American Samoa COVID Cases Situational Report #18
This is the eighteenth report released by the American Samoa Department of Public Health regarding the rise of covid cases in American Samoa. As of March 27, 2022, positive cases have risen to 3381 from 2953 on March 25, 2022. -
American Samoa COVID Cases Situational Report #17
This is the seventeenth report released by the American Samoa Department of Public Health regarding the rise of covid cases in American Samoa. As of March 25, 2022, positive cases have risen to 2953 from 1932 on March 22, 2022. On this report, a number of 7 individuals are hospitalized to covid and there is 1 death related to COVID-19. -
American Samoa COVID Cases Situational Report #16
This is the sixteenth report released by the American Samoa Department of Public Health regarding the rise of covid cases in American Samoa. As of March 22, 2022, positive cases have risen to 1932 from 1565 on March 21, 2022. -
American Samoa COVID Cases Situational Report #15
This is the fifteenth report released by the American Samoa Department of Public Health regarding the rise of covid cases in American Samoa. As of March 21, 2022, positive cases have risen to 1565 from 1188 on March 17, 2022. -
American Samoa COVID Cases Situational Report #13
This is the thirteenth report released by the American Samoa Department of Public Health regarding the rise of covid cases in American Samoa. As of March 10, 2022, positive cases have risen to 433 from 343 on March 9, 2022. The DOH advised that elders are strongly recommended to get the booster shot. -
American Samoa COVID Cases Situational Report #12
This is the twelfth report released by the American Samoa Department of Public Health regarding the rise of covid cases in American Samoa. As of March 9, 2022, positive cases have risen to 343 from 291 on March 7, 2022. The people of American Samoa are still advised to get their vaccine shots and booster shot. The numbers jumped by 52 cases after two days. The report also shows how many doses of vaccine and booster were administered. -
American Samoa COVID Cases Situational Report #11
This is the eleventh report released by the American Samoa Department of Public Health regarding the rise of covid cases in American Samoa. As of March 7, 2022, positive cases have risen to 291 from 243 on March 6, 2022. The people of American Samoa are still advised to get their vaccine shots and booster shot. It is also heartwarming that within these reports that are released to the public, the DOH encourages people to send text messages, video messages, or groceries to someone who tested positive. -
American Samoa COVID Cases Situational Report #10
This is the tenth report released by the American Samoa Department of Public Health regarding the rise of covid cases in American Samoa. As of March 6, 2022, positive cases have risen to 243 from 229 on March 5, 2022. The people of American Samoa are still advised to get their vaccine shots and booster shot. And if they are to get tested, there are clinics on the East and West of the island to get tested if people are positive. The DOH released these reports daily or weekly to inform the public about the number of cases on the island. -
American Samoa COVID Cases Situational Report #9
This is the ninth report released by the American Samoa Department of Public Health in regards to the rise of covid cases in American Samoa. As of March 5, 2022, positive cases have risen to 229 from 215 on March 4, 2022. -
American Samoa COVID Cases Situational Report #8
This is the eighth report released by the American Samoa Department of Public Health in regards to the rise of covid cases in American Samoa. As of March 4, 2022, positive cases have risen to 215 from 154 on March 3, 2022. The DOH also changed the look of the Situational Report to show the map of American Samoa and color-coded villages with their number of cases. -
American Samoa COVID Cases Situational Report #6
This is the sixth report released by the American Samoa Department of Public Health in regards to the rise of covid cases in American Samoa. As of March 2, 2022, positive cases have risen to 135 from 94 on March 1, 2022. -
American Samoa COVID Cases Situational Report #5
This is the fifth report released by the American Samoa Department of Public Health in regards to the rise of covid cases in American Samoa. As of March 1, 2022, positive cases have risen to 94 from 85 on February 28, 2022. -
American Samoa COVID Cases Situational Report #4
This is the fourth report released to the public by the Department of Public Health notifying the public of American Samoa of the number of cases that the island has as of February 27, 2022. From the past three reports, it seems as if from the past three days till now, the number of cases jumped from 22 to 85. While a summary is provided of the situation, upcoming events and health advisories are also included in the report for the public to continue to practice and where to get tested, vaccinated, or the booster shot. -
American Samoa COVID Cases Situational Report #3
This is the third report on the COVID cases in American Samoa. The public is informed to get their vaccination and booster shots and to practice good hygiene social distance and wear masks. The number of cases is now 63. -
American Samoa COVID Cases Situational Report #2
This is the second report from the American Samoa Department of Public Health in regards to reporting the number of cases in American Samoa. After a day, the number of cases jumped from 22 to 53. -
American Samoa COVID Cases Situational Report #1
This is a report from the American Samoa Department of Public Health in regards to reporting the number of cases American Samoa has with COVID reaching the island. Ever since cases began to rise on the island, the American Samoa Department of Public Health has been releasing these situational reports on COVID cases publicly and weekly. The importance of these reports was to keep the public inform and we could see just how fast the disease spread in a significantly high amount weekly or even in a couple of days.