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Separation Anxiety
Americans adopted millions of dogs during the pandemic. Now what do we do with them?
As one of many people who adopted a pet during the pandemic, this article resonated with me in many ways. It discusses how people transitioning from remote work at home and returning to the office are trying to ensure that the change is smooth for their newly acquired pets as well. Many of the pets – especially dogs – are not accustomed to being left along for lengths of time and are experiencing separation anxiety. As a result, some pet owners are trying to ensure that their animals have care while they at work. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done due to overbooked facilities and some animals with behavioral issues due poor socialization as a result of the pandemic. This article does a nice job capturing some of the struggles pet owners are experiencing now as they attempt to return to normalcy and some of the services available to keep them happy and occupied as they adjust. -
Pets struggling to adapt as owners head back to the office
VANCOUVER -- Dog trainers and animal behaviourists are being flooded with calls from people seeking advice because their pets are having a hard time adjusting to their absence. Pet adoption rates soared during the pandemic, as people spent more time at home and found they enjoyed the company of a furry companion. Now that people are returning to the office – even those back for just a couple of hours a week – have noticed their dogs and cats appearing stressed. -
Divide in social interaction
This photo speaks a lot about the current pandemic that is rapidly spreading among the world. I chose this photo because it represents how much we have taken seeing our loved ones and friends everyday to totally not seeing them at all in an instant. This photo I personally can relate to in a way. While I have been fortunate to not have any family members contract this virus, I still was not able to see any family or friends for months! This photo speaks for the pandemic because so many people are stuck in hospitals and they aren’t allowed any visitors. I feel we have all taken life a little bit for granted before this pandemic came along, but I also feel we have all learned more about our selves, lessons about life, and to always cherish time with family and friends because you never know what could happen.