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Eurostar station in London, June 2022
During my honeymoon, my husband and I were in London, Summer of 2022. We had spent two weeks there and it was time to take the Eurostar train through the Channel Tunnel to Amsterdam. What particularly struck me was how serious the ticket agents and French government officials (the train must enter through France) were about Covid-19 Vaccine Record Cards. If someone did not have their official government-issued Covid vaccine certificate, they were absolutely not permitted on the train. It was very serious and made me anxious, even though I held on to mine tightly, along with my passport. We waited in the entry line for 40 minuets to an hour to get to the check point, the guards were very intense and scrutinized every passenger, and we eventually entered the train on to our destination. This was the first trip we had taken since the pandemic began, and by this time Europe and parts of Asia were opening back up for tourism. Many people we saw in London and Amsterdam at this time were no longer wearing masks, and since my husband and I were vaccinated, neither did we. We had an amazing honeymoon and I am grateful that the pandemic was slowing down and the countries we visited were accepting tourists. -
HIST30060: Canberra Test Centre
This photograph depicts negative popular responses towards public messaging about the pandemic. On the Canberran road sign, a sticker reads, “The media is (the virus) lying to you. Turn off your tell lie vision.” At the bottom of the corner, a sign points towards a PCR test centre. This photograph was taken in February 2022. It is likely that this sticker was posted by a Freedom Rally protester. In January 2022, the Freedom Rally attracted thousands of protesters to Canberra in protest of the government’s response to the pandemic. The “Canberra Convoy” drove from all parts of the country to protest in front of parliament house. While the protesters’ concerns primarily revolved around the vaccination mandate and media censorship, the movement evolved to include all manner of political concerns, including housing affordability, the rising mental health crisis, religious freedoms et cetera. This photograph illustrates how the government measures and media coverage of the pandemic were not universally accepted but rather hotly contested in some places. The Freedom Rally, for example, attracted over 100,000 people to the nation’s capital. The photograph further shows popular anger towards the media coverage of the pandemic. The Australian Broadcasting Channel in particular attracted the ire of the anti-vaccination and anti-mandate movement for contributing towards increased fear of the virus and support for the vaccine. -
Masks optional for fully-vaccinated customers
This is a sign I found outside a shoe store at Arizona Mills Mall. It says that masks are optional for fully-vaccinated customers. I didn't go in the store, so I don't know if they would check for vaccination status or not. From my experience with other places with similar signs, no employee has asked about my vaccination status before shopping. I could see this being enforced a year ago, but not now. -
Arrival Requirement at Pago Pago International Airport for April 7 Hawaiian Air Flight
The Governor and Lt. Governor of American Samoa has issued arrival requirements for travelers on the April 7th Hawaiian Air Flight coming into the island. These requirements are to ensure the safety of the people of American Samoa and as well as the travelers traveling to American Samoa from COVID-19. -
Pregnant Mothers Can Get Safely Vaccinated
The American Samoa Department of Health released this flyer for pregnant women that can get vaccinated safely. This is a piece of great information for the public, especially for pregnant women who are wondering if they can get the vaccine. -
American Samoa's Children Vaccination
With schools opening back up in American Samoa, children are required to get vaccinated. As the Department of Health points out that children will not be accepted into school if their vaccinations are not updated. The Department of Health has put out this flyer on June 26, 2012, for the public especially working parents to get their children's vaccination after hours from 4-7 pm on June 27 - July 1. -
Face Mask Suggestion Sign at It's Sugar
This is a sign on the front door of It's Sugar. It's Sugar is a chain candy store. Here, it is saying that those who have not been vaccinated should continue to wear a mask while inside the store. I went in there today, and no employee asked about my vaccination status, and the employees weren't masked. Arizona as a whole has been pretty light on COVID restrictions, but I imagine that other locations of this store might react differently. -
Eranga Narangoda Oral History, 2022/05/03
It provides the pandemic perspective of Dr. Eranga Narangoda, a practitioner of internal medicine specializing in infectious disease, as he served on the front lines of Sri Lanka's COVID response. -
American Samoa COVID Cases Situational Report #3
This is the third report on the COVID cases in American Samoa. The public is informed to get their vaccination and booster shots and to practice good hygiene social distance and wear masks. The number of cases is now 63. -
3rd dose is mandatory in Peru
This Instagram post from the ministry of Peru lets people know that they need to head to a vaccination center to receive their 3rd dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. A commenter asked what happens after April 1st? And someone responds that after April 1st it is obligatory for adults over 18 years old to have 3 COVID shots. -
Freezer Failure
January 28, 2021, around 11 PM one of my friends called me, we normally don’t talk on the phone so I assumed something was wrong. I could tell that she was driving and her voice was shaky. She told me that a freezer had failed at her mom’s work and that around 1,300 vaccines would be expired by 5 or 6 AM. She was told to try to get anyone she knew to get to the hospital in order to reduce the chance of wasting such a hard to get thing. This was prior to my state lifting restrictions on who was eligible for the vaccine yet. Not everyone could get it, just certain people due to age, pre-existing conditions, and career. The clinic did a good job at still trying to make sure that people who were eligible got to the front of the line, but they knew that they needed to make sure every vaccine was used. My girlfriend and I would not have made it there in time since we were over 3 hours away, but her family all lived within a 30-minute drive. We started calling her parents and brothers to wake them up and get moving. Her mother, oldest brother, and soon to be sister-in-law were all teachers and were going to have to start teaching in person again. None of them would have been eligible until a month or more after going back in person, and they were all decently nervous about being in person unvaccinated. Her family got lucky and was able to get vaccinated that night. I cannot thank my friend enough for calling me to keep the people who have become my family safe. -
Ana Suarez Oral History, 2021/12/01
I interviewed a student that attends St. Mary’s University and is a work study in the Law School. I wanted to get her voice out and get an idea of what her perspective was on this ongoing pandemic. Hearing her and speak about where she was when the pandemic struck really reminded me that we all faced the same problems and that no one knew what the outcome was going to be. As a student in college, I’m sure that it was just as hard to know that schools would be shutting down and having no clue as to what the next step would be. Going back home and attending class virtue was hard especially if some did not have the resources for online fees, or laptops, etc. Hearing from Ana, and knowing that she struggled financially while in quarantine and making ends meet really makes us think that everyone had it hard. But in the long run she was able to go back to school and received the vaccination and made sure she followed all the policies that were in effect at the University. At least make it feel like some things were back to normal. -
Pro-Vax, Pro-Union Anti-Fascist Poster - Jewish Melbourne
In the wake of the anti-lockdown riots that gripped Melbourne in September 2021, the Campaign Against Fascism movement disseminated the phrase Pro-Vax, Pro-Union, Anti-Fascist. Inspired by this, Link/לינק, a zine associated with the Jewish Labour Bund in Melbourne, posted a poster to their Instagram account, of their take on this messaging, including the shouting man from early twentieth-century Bund posters. The poster was also physically published in the zine's second edition in October 2021. HIST30060 -
A Vial of the COVID-19 Vaccine
Image licensed under creative commons fair use. -
Pfizer Vaccination Approval Form – HIST30060
This document is an example of evidence given to students at Ormond College as proof of eligibility for the Comirnaty (Pfizer) vaccine. With a push for widespread vaccination happening in the second half of 2021, there were various reasons for eligibility which were introduced in order to manage the rollout. This letter indicates that an Ormond College resident is eligible due to their residence in ‘sensitive accomodation’ – namely ‘supported residential services.’ Many identical letters were distributed to students in order to encourage vaccination, and thus reduce the chances of a serious outbreak on campus. HIST30060. *Names and personal information has been redacted. -
HIST30060: Vaccination Sticker
The image is of a sticker I was presented with upon receiving my first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, Pfizer. I received my vaccine in regional Victoria and was given the sticker after checking in for my appointment. I was then shown the way to a vaccination booth which was located in the ballroom of a Hotel that had been converted for widespread vaccination. I had been eligible for the Astrazenica vaccine previously in my age bracket, however, I waited until Pfizer was available as there had been less side effects with greater efficacy reported. The vaccines been a contentious issue in the Australian media after delays in our vaccination program and domestic politics overshadowing health advice. These have contributed to a sense of mistrust and paranoia in some. -
US to German Vaccine Memorandum
The attached is a letter from the Rheinland-Pfalz state secretary that explains and validates the COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card that the CDC gives out with vaccinations. Many US military members in Germany received the vaccine, but our vaccine cards were not recognized by local German establishments as German and other European vaccine cards looked very different. In Germany, people were not allowed to eat inside restaurants if they were not vaccinated. By carrying the attached letter with our CDC-issued vaccine cards, we were able to visit local establishments. -
Breitbart says the Left is Trying to Kill Conservatives En Masse with Reverse Psychology
I just can’t. I shit you not….. right wing nutters are now claiming that the organized left is doing everything they can to make sure the right does not get vaccinated… things such as vaccine Mandates…….. VACCINE MANDATES. He says the Biden Admin has instituted mandates in order to ensure that the right DOES NOT GET THEM. I’m so sick of the victim mentality exhibited by the far right. It’s so dangerous and the misinformation and disinformation being circulated on social media and right wing “news” is genuinely terrifying to me. I have family members who have refused to get vaccinated and I have begged them, BEGGED them to get vaccinated. So much that they refuse to talk to me about it. It’s lunacy to me that my efforts could be construed as “reverse psychology” to ensure their deaths. -
"Big Y offering COVID vaccinations at Springfield schools as rates among teens languish
This MassLive article reports on the efforts of Big Y, a local grocery store chain in Massachusetts and Connecticut, to offer vaccinations to high school and middle school students in Springfield, Massachusetts. -
Brianna Tong Oral History, 2021/03/18
Self description: “I am sitting in my bed right now as I’ve done for a lot of this quarantine. In regular times and I guess still now, I’m in three bands and I also work at the library, the public library. So I’ve been working there in person since we came back to work in May. I was contacted for this interview through Bussy Kween Power Trip, which is a Black queer punk band with three people, no guitars, so my close friends. I’m in two other bands. One band is called Je’raf and one is called Cordoba. And one person each from Bussy Kween is in each of those bands. Haven’t played a show in forever. I can give a little about what I look like or am like. I’m a woman. I’m 26, almost 27 I guess. I’m Black and Asian. I’m kinda short. And during this pandemic I’ve been in general super lucky to have a job still and a great living situation. And I met my partner right before the pandemic, so we’ve been chilling a lot and that’s been amazing. She is so great. Yeah, just going to work and working on all kinds of things in my home. And sometimes having the energy to do a bunch of music and crafts and other art things, and sometimes laying in bed for a full day.” -
The Big E Health and Safety Measures Web Page
This page on the Big E's website lists the health and safety measures put in place at the Big E, known formally as the Eastern States Exposition, which is a New England fair held annually in West Springfield, MA. The fair was cancelled in 2020 due to the pandemic, so it has a series of health and safety measures in place in attempt to make attendance safe in 2021. -
Ableism and Vaccination
This is a complaint that I don't know whether to officially lodge about the treatment my partner and I experienced at the mass vaccination hub in Homebush. It is a complaint regarding ableism, and invisible illness. -
Wetzel's Pretzel doing their part
I snapped this picture at the mall today. Most of the signs that I've seen around the valley just say that masks are no longer required if people are vaccinated but of course, no one is allowed to ask for a vaccination card so no one can ever be sure. This sign however states that by approaching the register without a mask you are attesting that you have been vaccinated. I really liked the wording of this sign because it makes the customer think about the responsibility they alone hold on being careful regardless of their vaccination status. -
English, Spanish, Mandarin, Tagalog COVID signs in SF
On June 25th, I saw this set of posters next to a bathroom in Japan Center, a Japanese shopping center in San Francisco. The posters are in English, Spanish, Mandarin, and Tagalog. -
Broadway Looks to Reopen at 100% Capacity on September 14
This article discusses Governor Andrew Cuomo's announcement that Broadway can reopen at 100% capacity starting September 14. Broadway has been shut down since March 2020. It seems like the ability to go to see a Broadway show may be dependent on whether or not a person has had a vaccine. -
Tribes of north-central Montana pause use of Johnson and Johnson vaccine under recommendation by CDC and FDA
"Native American tribes in north-central Montana are responding to today's CDC and FDA recommendations that the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine temporarily stop being used. The reason for the "pause" is because it has been linked to blood clots in at least six people out of the more than 6.8 million who have received that version of the vaccine." Tribes including Little Shell Tribe, Rocky Boy Reservation, and The Blackfeet Tribe are coordinating with providers and pausing use of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. -
Shoshone-Bannock Tribes pause use of J&J vaccination following guidance of CDC and FDA
IHS, Shoshone-Bannock Community Health Center (HRSA), and Tribal Health and Human Services (THHS) will halt the Johnson and Johnson vaccination until we have official confirmation of the vaccine safety and guidance. -
Dinner and Hearts
As of yesterday, my two weeks was up and I am now "fully vaccinated" per the CDC guidelines. My wife got there Friday, and my mother has been fully vaccinated since February. Per the CDC, since we are all fully vaccinated, we can visit each other and not have to wear masks. We had Mom over for dinner for the first time since before the pandemic. After dinner we played a few rounds of hearts. I had to reacquaint myself with something that used to be "normal" before COVID-19. I was a bit rusty at playing cards, but I soon got back into it. It does not seem like that big a deal, but it was good for Mom to get out of her house for a while. It was good for all of us, and I am looking forward to more such evenings. -
Finally got my second shot
I got my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine late on the evening of Tuesday, April 6. While the process at the vaccination site at State Farm Stadium went smoothly enough, it took a lot longer. The drive from South Tempe is about 35 minutes, but there was an accident on Interstate 10, so we had to take a detour that lengthened the trip. I had an appointment for 9:21 PM, but there was a much longer line this time. By the time I got my shot and we left, it was about 10:35 PM. I felt pretty tired the next day. Nonetheless, I feel very relived to be fully vaccinated, and I am looking forward to things I will be able to do on April 20, when the vaccine will have had a full two weeks to take effect. -
News Article: Pima County (AZ) Vaccinations Approach 250K - FEMA Vaccination Pods
By: Valerie Cavazos - Posted at 12:50 AM, Apr 14, 2021 and last updated 12:51 AM, Apr 14, 2021 TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — Pima County is now a step closer to FEMA setting up vaccination PODS and bringing in about a quarter million doses. The state first rejected FEMA's offer to run the PODS, criticizing Pima County on how it's operating its current vaccine locations. The state has now officially given the county the green light to allow the FEMA PODS, but with a long list of stipulations. "I don't think it's anything that prevents us from moving forward," said Supervisor Dr. Matt Heinz. He says the stipulations include "how the state is not involved in any way, the state registration system cannot be utilized, the county has to cover any and all costs, any moment the state can decide without cause and without notice that the agreement is null and void," he said. The state can also audit the funds used to create, implement, operate, and dismantle the site. Heinz told KGUN9 the county received the 4-page proposed Intergovernmental Agreement Tuesday afternoon. "I'm pleased that we're seeing progress, because now the county can now go over this the next 24 hours or so," Heinz said, "And hopefully, very likely, agree to these conditions which are largely ones we were expecting." Administrator Chuck Huckelberry wrote in a memo, "We are in the process of reviewing these requirements to determine their reasonableness and/or ability to comply." -
News Article: Gila County's COVID-19 efforts lead more urban counties
"By Christopher Brito, March 5, 2021, While a majority of states and cities are still vaccinating higher priority groups of people, one county in Arizona is now allowing any resident over the age of 18 to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Gila County, which is located east of Phoenix, entered Phase 2 of their vaccine prioritization late last month, opening up eligibility to the general population. Part of the the decision to open vaccine eligibility is because Gila County has one of the lowest percentages of COVID-19 vaccine doses used in Arizona. Michael O'Driscoll, director of Public Health and Emergency Management for the county, told CBS affiliate KPHO-TV that they received permission from the state last week to offer the vaccine in a drive-thru clinic last weekend. "Prior to that, we were struggling to find enough people to make appointments to that, so the state gave me permission to offer it to any resident 18 and older," he said. About 56,000 people reside in the county. According to the Arizona's Department of Health Services, more than 13,000 people – or almost one fourth of residents – have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. "We did a survey before to get a sense of how many people in Gila County would consider getting the vaccine, and our survey came back about 50-60% of the residents would choose to get the vaccine if available," O'Driscoll said. Based on the data, over 5,600 people under the age of 65 have received the vaccine, including 73 people under the age of 20. One of the younger recipients, 18-year-old Jacob Jost, told KPHO-TV that he was "excited" to get the shot. "I have a little nephew, a little baby, so having the vaccine puts a peace of mind for that," Jost said. First published on March 5, 2021 / 12:13 PM © 2021 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. Christopher Brito is a social media producer and trending writer for CBS News, focusing on sports and stories that involve issues of race and culture. -
POL COVID-19 Update: Possible UK Variant in Pueblo of Laguna
Both vaccine makers, Pfizer and Moderna, have tested the effectiveness of their vaccines against the UK variant and tests are showing the vaccines are effective against this strain. The POL EOC strongly encourages that we all take individual responsibility to get vaccinated to protect ourselves and our children who are still not able to receive the vaccine. The virus still has a hold of us and is putting our community at risk so we must continue to remain vigilant. -
Sacramento: vaccination efforts opening up
Sacramento City Councilmember Mai Vang distributes information about vaccination opportunities in her district. The notice contains information about registering in various languages including English, Spanish, Arabic, Hmong, and Vietnamese. Vaccination clinics have just begun to offer vaccinations to everyone aged 16 and up in Sacramento. -
Gila County Health Department and COVID-19
The Gila County webpage provides clear and concise information for residents on COVID-19 updates, as well as specific data to allow residents who wish to be vaccinated to choose which manufacturer's product they receive. This is unlike any of the major Arizona county sites, or even the state's site, as they do not allow residents to differentiate between the vaccines. Additionally, the information displayed here demonstrates how far ahead rural Gila County is in achieving President Joseph R. Biden's directive to allow all adults in America access to vaccines by April 19. -
News Article: ASU watching new COVID-19 'Arizona variant' with a mutation known to weaken vaccines
By Amanda Morris of the Arizona Republic: Arizona State University researchers have found a home-grown variant of the coronavirus emerging in Arizona that they say should be monitored closely because it carries a mutation known for weakening vaccines. In a non-peer reviewed study that published Sunday, researchers said they have detected 17 cases of the new variant since February, 15 of which were in Arizona. The other two cases were found in Houston in late February and New Mexico in early March, suggesting that the variant has begun to spread. "My hope is that we do not see more of these cases. The whole point of surveillance is to keep this from spreading," said Dr. Efrem Lim, an ASU virologist and assistant professor. The variant is known as the B.1.243.1 variant, and descends from a common lineage of the virus called B.1.243, which nationally makes up about 2.5% of all cases, according to David Engelthaler, director of the Translational Genomics Research Institute's infectious disease division in Flagstaff. "It's not dominant. But, there's a fair amount of that lineage that has been able to hang around," Engelthaler said. "It seems to have picked up this E484K mutation, what we call the 'eek!'" This E484K mutation has also been seen in the variants first detected in South Africa and Brazil, as well as one new variant recently discovered in New York. Numerous studies have shown that this mutation — located in the spike of the virus — lowers antibody responses to the virus and could weaken vaccines. Antibodies are one of the body's tool to recognize and fight the virus. The E484K mutation has been shown to weaken antibody responses. One study from Seattle showed that it caused the neutralizing effects of antibodies to decrease by tenfold, and numerous other studies have shown similar results. American vaccine development company Novavax reported that its COVID-19 vaccine was 96.4% effective against the original coronavirus strain and 86.3% effective against the U.K. variant, but was far less effective in South Africa, where the South Africa variant carrying this mutation is dominant. In the South Africa trials, the vaccine was shown to be 48.6% effective overall, and 55.4% effective in HIV-negative individuals. Moderna announced a sixfold reduction in antibody responses from its vaccine against the South Africa variant, and Pfizer observed a drop in vaccine-induced antibody responses against the South Africa variant. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is reported to be 64% effective against moderate to severe COVID-19 in trials in South Africa vs. 72% effective in U.S. trials. Though the E484K mutation appears to reduce antibody response and possibly reduce vaccine efficacy, Lim stressed that vaccines still work well and said people should get their vaccines as planned. Scientists are monitoring mutations in the spike of the novel coronavirus. Community spread is a concern Though the new Arizona variant carries this mutation, it's still possible for the variant to fizzle out and stop spreading. Lim said researchers have found two other cases where viruses within the B.1.243 lineage independently picked up the E484K mutation, but did not spread. "In both cases, they never led to more transmissions," Lim said. Engelthaler has also tracked other lineages where the E484K mutation showed up, but those strains fizzled out. Overall, researchers have detected over 60 samples containing the E484K mutation statewide, according to TGen's Arizona COVID-19 sequencing dashboard. In order to continue spread, Engelthaler said variants need to be very "fit." "This mutation has popped up on multiple instances and then just goes away," he said. "This one mutation by itself doesn't give the virus superpowers." "It’s definitely a mutation of concern but time will tell if it will be a variant of concern," he added. If the mutation shows up in a more fit version of the virus, then Engelthaler said it becomes more of a concern. The new variant in Arizona is different than past cases because it has already spread from one person to another and could spread further, according to Lim. He said "one-off" mutations here and there are normal, but that the bigger question is about the transmission levels of this variant. A variant's ability to spread to others is also dependent on human behavior, Lim said. If people follow public health guidelines, they are less likely to spread variants to others. In total, Lim said the new Arizona variant has 11 mutations, which is "quite a bit more" than normal virus variations. These 11 mutations could be helping the virus survive or spread and could also act as a "fingerprint" to help researchers identify the new variant, Lim said. Another one of the 11 mutations is located in the spike that the virus uses to attach to and infect cells. Engelthaler said that because of the importance of the spike, any mutations in that area could affect things like how fast the virus spreads or how severe the related illness is. Both Lim and Engelthaler said it's too soon to tell whether the other mutations in this variant have any effect. Overall, this variant still seems to account for a very low percentage of overall cases in the state, according to Dr. Joshua LaBaer, the executive director of ASU's Biodesign Institute. ASU researchers wrote that it's still possible there are more undetected cases of the variant since there are limited efforts to genetically monitor the virus nationwide. In Arizona, roughly 1.3% of cases overall have been genetically sequenced, or analyzed, according to TGen's Arizona COVID-19 sequencing dashboard. In February and March, over 3% of cases were sequenced, higher than national rates of sequencing, which were below 1% in January. ASU is working with the Arizona Department of Health Services to monitor the new variant and hopefully prevent further spread through contact tracing and other public health measures, Lim said. California and UK variant cases rise Currently the Arizona variant is only considered a "variant of interest" and not a "variant of concern." These are different categories outlined by the CDC and used to assess the risk level of each variant. The CDC defines "variants of interest" as those that are associated with potential changes, whereas "variants of concern" have evidence showing actual changes such as increased transmission, more severe disease or antibody evasion. There are five variants of concern, which include variants first identified in the United Kingdom, South Africa, Brazil and California. Two variants from California were elevated from variant of interest to variant of concern this month and have rapidly spread in Arizona. "They're closely related to each other and have definitely been documented with increased transmissibility and some impact on some antibody treatment," Engelthaler said. In November 2020, both the California variants accounted for only 0.73% of Arizona's genetically sequenced samples. By March, they accounted for 31.64% of samples and are predominant variants statewide. One non-peer reviewed study from the University of California San Francisco showed weaker antibody responses against the California variants. Because of concerns that monoclonal antibody treatments may be less effective against these two variants, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced two weeks ago that it would limit the distribution of one treatment to states with high levels of the California variant, including Arizona. The California Department of Public Health also recommended that the state stop distributing the treatment, which is made by American pharmaceutical company Eli & Lily. In a health alert, the department said this treatment was unlikely to be active against the California variants. The U.K. variant, which is highly contagious, has also been spreading statewide ever since it was first detected in late January. In March the U.K. variant accounted for 4.72% of genetically analyzed samples. Currently, Engelthaler said Arizona has over 100 cases of the U.K. variant and over 1,000 cases of the California variants. Arizona also detected its first cases of the South Africa variant last week. So far, Lim said that all of the variants of concern are manageable and have not risen to the level of "variant of high consequence," which the CDC defines as variants that are shown to significantly reduce the effectiveness of prevention and medical measures. "The risk is whether one of these current variants of concern acquire additional mutations that push it up to the next level," Lim said. To prevent further mutations, LaBaer said it's important to prevent spread of the virus by continuing to follow health guidelines and getting vaccinated. The more the community can prevent the spread of the virus, the less mutations will occur, he said. "We're kind of in this race right now between the developed dominance of these much more infectious variants that are now spreading throughout the country and getting people vaccinated," LaBaer said. "At the moment, I'm a little worried that the spread of this virus is so fast that that may outpace our ability to get vaccines in arms." He said it was theoretically possible that new variants could escape the vaccines, meaning that the public would move backward away from reaching herd immunity. But Lim said the vaccines can easily be updated to protect against new variants. Pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer and Moderna are already working on developing updated booster shots. In the meantime, researchers will continue to monitor the Arizona variant to see if it spreads further. Engelthaler said he expects the most fit variants of the virus to become more dominant statewide as people continue to get vaccinated and stamp out less successful strains. "There's a bit of a race here with the virus — a survival of the fittest race," Engelthaler said. "But what we don't want is to raise too much concern that things are going in the wrong direction...what we're doing is closely watching the evolution of a virus like we never have before. It's good that we have this capability, it's more important to put it into context." Amanda Morris covers all things bioscience, which includes health care, technology, new research and the environment. Send her tips, story ideas, or dog memes at and follow her on Twitter @amandamomorris for the latest bioscience updates. Independent coverage of bioscience in Arizona is supported by a grant from the Flinn Foundation. -
News Article: How AI Played a Role in Pfizer’s Covid-19 Vaccine Rollout
This Wall Street Journal PRO article on Pfizer's use of artificial intelligence discusses that company's use of predictive technologies to identify geographic areas with the greatest potential for its COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials. -
News Article: Pfizer Injects AI Into Vaccine Trials
This sub-article was the lead item in this week's Wall Street Journal PRO "Artificial Intelligence Weekly" email blast: "By Angus Loten Welcome back. Artificial intelligence is set to take a decisive role in shaping the post-pandemic economy, from helping employers reopen workplaces to getting supply chains back on track. Corporate technology leaders and industry analysts offered these and other insights at last week’s virtual edition of the WSJ Pro AI Executive Forum. Some of their views are outlined in the sections below. One broad takeaway: Though still in its infancy, AI is already having a profound impact on our daily lives. Pfizer’s Speedy Vaccine Rollout Pfizer Inc. last year developed AI-powered dashboards designed to monitor the effect of Covid-19 on clinical trials in real time, ultimately helping the pharmaceutical giant roll out its coronavirus vaccination in less than a year, The Wall Street Journal’s Sara Castellanos reports. A shot in the arm. Pfizer fed large amounts of case-rate data into AI-enabled predictive models to quickly generate site selection for clinical trials, said Lidia Fonseca, the company’s chief digital and technology officer. A smart move. Pfizer two years ago began experimenting with the emerging technologies, focusing on digital tools that promised to offer better outcomes for patients, doctors and employees, with results it was able to draw on during the pandemic, Ms. Fonseca said." -
Vaccinations for ages 16 and older could affect Arizona high schools
(Monday, March 22, 2021) Gov. Doug Ducey announced that Arizonian's ages 16 and up would be eligible for COVID vaccines. In particular, the counties of Pima, Maricopa, and Yuma are interesting in administering the vaccines in an effort to produce "a positive impact on schools and our community." The statement from the governor comes after the executive order mandating that districts that are non deemed as "high transmission" counties. District leaders and health experts are hopeful that as more students and staff are vaccinated it will reduce transmission levels and ultimately produce an environment safe for all. -
News Article: Here's how much vaccines are selling for on the illegal market
This article relays data gleaned from cybersecurity firm Check Point Software to a CNN reporter, Samantha Kelly, related to the illicit market for COVID-19 vaccines and proof of vaccination cards available for purchase through the dark web. -
Graham County (AZ) to open up COVID-19 vaccine to all residents 18 years and older
Staff Reports SAFFORD – The Graham County Department of Health and Human Services has announced that starting Monday, March 22, any resident of Graham County who is 18 years old or older will be eligible to receive a vaccine for COVID-19. Those who would like a COVID-19 vaccination should contact their primary care physician or schedule an appointment with the health department by clicking here. Those who schedule appointments will currently be given the two-shot Moderna vaccine at the Graham County Health Department Vaccination Center at 627 W. Main Street in Downtown Safford. The health department will announce a clinic for the one-shot Johnson and Johnson vaccine at a later date. While the Pfizer and Moderna two-shot vaccines utilize messenger RNA, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine works through a different mechanism and uses the more traditional DNA, which is introduced to the nucleus of cells with an adenovirus which is modified so it cannot replicate itself and cause disease. All three vaccines have been approved for use by the federal government and have safety records in good standing. All prompt the body to produce T-cells, which retain a memory of the protein and attack it. “We would like to thank everyone for their support as we have navigated through the COVID-19 pandemic this past year,” said Graham County Health Department Director Brian Douglas. Greenlee County Gila Health Resources in Greenlee County will hold a COVID-19 vaccine drive at the Morenci Club Hall at 314 Plaza Dr. in Morenci on Friday, March 19, from 1 – 8 p.m. At the vaccine drive, any adult resident of Greenlee County or those who work in Greenlee County can show up to receive a dose of the Moderna vaccine with no appointment or registration necessary. -
San Carlos (AZ) to hold a drive-through COVID-19 vaccine clini6c
March 22, 2021 - by News Director Contributed Article SAN CARLOS – The San Carlos Apache Healthcare Corporation is proud to present a COVID-19 vaccine drive-through clinic for SCAT members and their family and friends of the surrounding communities of Globe, Miami, Superior, Hayden, Winkleman, Kearny, Pima, Thatcher, Safford, and Morenci. Our SCAHC Vaccination team will be administering the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine at the San Carlos High School, on Saturday, March 27, from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. No appointment is necessary. For the Pfizer vaccine, those receiving it must be 16 years of age or older (must have a parent/legal guardian consent if under 18) For the Moderna vaccine, those receiving it must be 18 years of age or older. Please remember to bring your state ID. There is no charge for the vaccine. -
Graham County (AZ) now with less than 150 active documented COVID-19 cases
By Jon Johnson SAFFORD – Graham County has had very few new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the past month, lowering its numbers to just 147 active cases as of Thursday. According to the Graham County Department of Health and Human Services, Graham County has had a total of 5,355 confirmed cases for the course of the pandemic, with 5,132 listed as being recovered, 147 active, and 76 deaths in more than a year. No new cases were recorded Thursday, and, according to the Arizona Department of Health Services COVID-19 school dashboard, Graham County had just a 1 percent positivity rate as of the week of March 14. That is good for a tie with Apache County for the second-lowest percent positivity rate out of Arizona’s 15 counties. Only Greenlee County, which registered a zero percent positivity rate from Feb. 27 – March 14, had lower. With the lower cases statewide and vaccine rollout, Governor Doug Ducey issued an Executive Order on Thursday, rolling back several COVID-19 mitigation measures involving businesses and gatherings. This comes as other states roll back their COVID-19 mitigation measures as well. The rollout of the various COVID-19 vaccines has picked up steam in the last month, with the state opening up the vaccine to anyone 16 years old or older for the Pfizer vaccine. Anyone 18 years old or older can be administered the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. The San Carlos Apache Healthcare Corporation is holding a free, drive-through vaccine clinic on Saturday, March 27 at the San Carlos High School. No appointment is necessary. The clinic will be administering both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Graham County and Greenlee County are also providing vaccination sites for those 18 and older, and provide the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. Greenlee County According to the Greenlee County Health Department, the county currently has just nine active cases of COVID-19. For the course of the pandemic, Greenlee County has had 568 confirmed positive cases (by far the lowest out of any of Arizona’s 15 counties), with 549 recovered cases, nine active, and 10 deaths. -
Graham County (AZ): Spots still available to receive COVID-19 vaccine
Staff Reports SAFFORD – While some in other states attempt to bribe or lie their way to the front of the vaccine lines, that isn’t necessary for those in Arizona. The state has opened its registration to receive a COVID-19 vaccine to anyone 16-years-old and up for the Pfizer vaccine, and anyone 18-years-old and up for the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. In Graham County, the Graham County Department of Health and Human Services has advised that there “are many appointments still available” to receive the Moderna vaccine. Anyone 18-years-old and up may schedule an appointment at The Graham County Health Department Vaccination Center is located in Downtown Safford at 627 W. Main St. In addition to the Moderna vaccine, a vaccination clinic for the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine is also available to any Graham County resident who is 18-years-old or older. A vaccination clinic for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine will be held Friday, April 16. Register for an appointment at For any additional questions contact the Graham County Department of Health and Human Services at 928-428-0110. -
Rate of Coronavirus Cases Among LAPD Officers Plummeting; Mass Vaccination Slated to Begin Next Week
This article discusses the decline in COVID-19 infection rates among LAPD employees and personnel as their vaccination rates increase. This expected correlation demonstrates the efficacy of the early vaccines despite ongoing concerns at that time about an increasing frequently and number of viral variants across the United States. Additionally, the article addresses concerns of officers who choose not to get vaccinated. At the time of this article, 8 LAPD employees had died from COVID-19 complications and, at one point, more than 20 were testing positive with new infections each day. Those infections have dwindled to about 30 per week, and are likely also a reflection of vaccination among the general population as well as among police officers. -
Southern NM County Mandates COVID-19 Vaccine for First Responders Including Sheriff's Deputies
This article discusses a recent mandate from the Dona Ana County government, which is seated in Las Cruces, New Mexico, that orders all its first responders to submit to vaccination. To my knowledge, this is the first such mandate in the United States, and it illuminates the relative lack of control first responders have over their lives once they enter their respective profession. The order is likely to be contested, particularly when such requirements have not historically been a condition on employment, The order reads in part, "Being vaccinated is a requirement and a condition of on-going employment with the County due to the significant health and safety risks posed by contracting or spreading COVID-19." The order applies to all paid personnel in the county's law enforcement, fire, detention, and medical professions. -
Finally got my shot
I'd been trying to get a COVID vaccination appointment on the State of Arizona's website since late January. Finally, on the evening of Monday, March 15, I found a couple of slots open on the following evening at the State mass vaccination site at the Arizona Cardinals Stadium. It was about a 35-mile trip, and my wife drove me out there. Once we got to the site, everything went really smoothly and the staff were very pleasant. I got my first Pfizer dose and an appointment for April 6 for the second. It was nice to see the ASU banner at the site. Altogether, the travel time and the process on site took about an hour and forty-five minutes. I feel immensely relieved. -
Getting Vaccinated at State Fairgrounds
As the vaccines were getting rolled out in Arizona, we were excited to learn that Arizona State University faculty fit into category 1B, as teachers. When the Arizona Patient Portal opened for 1B appointments on January 11 we dropped by the site at lunchtime, worried that we'd missed our opportunity. As luck would have it there were appointments available on January 15 at State Far Stadium in the wee hours of the morning. We were surprised as we'd heard the rollout of the site had met with difficulties earlier in the morning; we chose the a time just after midnight on the morning of the 15th, rather than at 4am (which seemed just too awkward.) On the 15th, we were antsy and hoped that the wait would not be too long; we decided to leave a bit early for the stadium, which is an hour drive from our home. As we arrived, we saw the shining portable lights of the vaccination center, just south of the stadium, in a parking lot. We navigated to the entrance and were delighted that nobody appeared to be waiting. Volunteers directed us through an elaborate maze of lanes, and traffic cones. (Many of my friends, in fact, served as volunteers, partly out of civic duty and partly to get the vaccine.) We showed one registrar our appointment slips (from the state website), and he wrote our appointment numbers on the window of my car (in either sharpie or wax pencil). We briefly waited in another line, as two registrars sitting under portable heaters that are so common on chilly winter nights in Arizona (normally you'd encounter them at restaurants.) They checked our identification and entered our names into the system, as well as asked about our health. From there we were directed around more cones into traffic lanes, leading up to where the vaccinations were delivered. Again, after a brief wait, and more checking our registration--confirming our appointment numbers (written on the windows) and names--we entered a tent. Two nurses briefed us on the vaccine and delivered our shots. They directed us to a waiting area, where we were asked to wait 15 minutes in case of an adverse reaction. And, voila, it was over--in under an hour. -
My oldest friend—let's call her Dr. Z— is an infectious disease specialist. She has been working on an AIDS vaccine for decades now, so when COVID came along, it was traumatic for her in a different way. COVID has commonalities with AIDS and she was grim about vaccine prospects. Thankfully, a year later we are all getting vaccinated as a Herculean national effort unfolds. A few days ago New York State announced that pregnant women could now join the ranks of the vaccine-worthy, so my pregnant cousin asked me if I would ask my friend if it was safe. Dr. Z has two daughters, also both doctors in busy New York City hospitals. This was the exchange we had. And now, I ask you...what would you do? -
ワクチン集団接種“初訓練”3分想定も最大26分に(2021年1月27日) – Vaccine mass vaccination "first training" assumed 3 minutes and up to 26 minutes (January 27, 2021)
This was a news video where Kawasaki city in Japan conducted a practice round of vaccination process. Personally, I do get the reason why the practice is happening; however, Japan still doesn't have a set date of when vaccinations will actually happen. This news and event itself could lead to people having high hopes of getting vaccinations soon when in reality, it could take much longer. Unlike U.S., Japan does not have a culture of drive through, meaning people physically have to go to locations for the vaccines. Also, having large gatherings like this I personally think should be avoided and maybe they should have videotaped it and posted on YouTube on how to get vaccinated, instead of many people physically going to the place and learning how to be vaccinated. I have translated the video. After 1:00 pm on the 7th, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and Kawasaki City conducted a training for mass distribution of the new coronavirus vaccine. The training also cooperated with Pfizer, which supplies vaccines. About 40 vounteers of doctors, nurses, and patients checked the actual flow. At the venue, there was also a freezer where vaccines could be stored at a minus temperature 70 degrees or less. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has already conveyed the message of mass distribution to each local government. First, at the reception, complete the temperature measurement and identity verification, and fill in the questionnaire about your health condition and chronic illness. Next, a pre-examination will be conducted to see if the doctor can actually vaccinate, and if there are no problems, vaccination will be given. You will then need to wait 15-30 minutes to receive a vaccinated certificate and follow up for any side effects. According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, it takes 3 minutes per person from pre-examination to vaccination, and if it takes 7 hours, 280 people can get the vaccine a day. However, it is said that some people took up to 26 minutes from the pre-examination to the vaccination in the training. Kawasaki City College of Nursing, President Noboru Sakamoto: "I was a simulation patient today, but I feel like I would continue asking questions like ‘I am really scared of allergies from this vaccination’. People who are receiving the vaccination are most likely afraid so we would need to consider and adjust the fact that people will ask questions, for future vaccination sessions” the issue of selecting a venue was also pointed out. Kawasaki City College of Nursing, President Noboru Sakamoto: "I think it's okay if it's a gymnasium, but when it comes to elementary, junior high and high schools, we use it in regular class for students. Once vaccination starts, we have to use it for at least half a year or a long period of time. Given that it is unbearable, we will not be able to use gymnasiums that are used for education every day.” Some local governments cannot prepare large venues. In Izu Oshima, which has a population of about 7,500, we plan to vaccinate at the Oshima Medical Center, the only medical institution on the island. Oshima Town Welfare Health Division, Tetsuya Yoshizawa, Chief: "We plan to have Saturdays and Sundays, which are holiday medical treatment days, considering the system of medical staff. If that is not enough, we are considering about one day from the weekday. However, the trouble is that we have to vaccination twice. This is just new for us.” The vaccine will be shipped by ship, but the schedule may be affected depending on the weather. Tetsuya Yoshizawa, Chief of the Oshima Town Welfare Health Division: "Of course, depending on the weather conditions, it may be canceled. If we can't see when the vaccine will arrive, it's hard to prepare.” Vaccines are first transported from warehouses that can be stored at ultra-low temperatures to hospitals equipped with freezing facilities. However, since the number of facilities equipped with freezing facilities is limited, we plan to refrigerate the facilities and transport them to each vaccination site and facilities for the elderly. The government plans to secure 10,000 ultra-low temperature freezers and aims to complete the installation by the end of May. At a facility for the elderly in Chiba City, we have begun to consider whether vaccination can be done at the facility. This is because elderly people with dementia are admitted and it is difficult to take them to the vaccination site. Chiba Workers Welfare Association, Megumi Kadowaki, Director of Nursing Care: "If possible, it is safest to ask a" family doctor "and inject the vaccine." However, whether the family doctor is given permission to inject the new corona vaccine is still unknown. In addition, Ms. Kadowaki wants the procedure for vaccination to be as simple as possible. Chiba Workers Welfare Association, Megumi Kadowaki, Long-term Care Manager: "Employees are doing their best to prevent infection and protect users of the center, so I would like you to reduce the new office work as much as possible" because there are still those who cannot visit the vaccination. Dr. Tomitsuka is visiting the clinic in Ota-ku, Tokyo. There are currently 60 patients on-site. In the middle of this month, Ota-ku recruited doctors to register as vaccination doctors for patients, including me. He says he intends to join, but he is worried about carrying the vaccine. Director of Seseragi Clinic Tamagawa Taro Tomitsuka: "The biggest fear is that the vaccine's effect is lost after transportation because the environment of minus several ten degrees cannot be maintained. At the end, I have to vaccinate it. I am accustomed to storing and transporting the vaccine. I really want people who are used in transporting and maintaining the temperature to do it.” It is said that cooperation with doctors will become more important in the future toward the first vaccination. Director of Seseragi Clinic Tamagawa / Taro Tomitsuka: "I think it's safer and more secure if you leave it to your family doctor, but on the other hand, it's a vaccination that requires speed, so you can involve local doctors well.” Minister Kono met with the presidents of the National Mayors' Association. Minister Kono, in charge of vaccination: "I told you that vaccination of the elderly will be after April 1st at the earliest. 7日午後1時過ぎ、厚生労働省と川崎市による新型コロナウイルスワクチンの集団接種の訓練が行われました。訓練は、ワクチンを供給するファイザーも協力。医師や看護師、患者役などのエキストラ約40人で、実際の流れを確認します。会場には、マイナ70度以下でワクチンを保管できる冷凍庫も用意されました。 厚労省は、すでに、集団接種のイメージを各自治体に伝えています。まず受付で、検温や本人確認などを済ませ、健康状態や持病などを問診票に記入。次に、実際に医師が接種できるかどうかを診る予診を行い、問題がなければワクチン接種を行います。その後、接種済みの証明書を受け取り、副反応が出ないかの経過観察のため、15~30分、待機する必要があります。 厚労省は、予診から接種まで1人3分で、7時間行えば、一日280人が、ワクチンを打つことができるとしています。ただ、訓練では予診から接種まで、最大で26分かかった人もいたといいます。 川崎市立看護短期大学・坂元昇学長:「きょうは模擬患者だったが、つい本音で『これってアレルギーが怖いんですね』とか、お医者さんを目の前にすると、そういう話が延々と続いてしまう。受けられる方は不安だろうから、たくさん質問するというものを今後、どうやって調整するか」 会場選びの課題も指摘されました。 川崎市立看護短期大学・坂元昇学長:「体育館だったらなんでもいいやと思われるが、小中高校になると、通常の授業で使う。いったん予防接種が始まれば、少なくとも半年とか、長い期間、使わざる負えないということを考えると、日々、教育で使うような体育館等は使えないだろう」 大きな会場が用意できない自治体もあります。人口約7500人の伊豆大島では、島内唯一の医療機関・大島医療センターで接種を行う予定です。 大島町福祉けんこう課・吉澤哲也課長:「医療従事者の体制等も考えて、休日の診療日にあたる土曜、日曜を予定。それで対応しきれない場合は、平日いずれかの曜日1日くらいを考えている。ただ、厄介なのが2回、接種しなければいけないというところで。いかんせん何もかも初めてなので」 ワクチンは船で運ばれる予定ですが、天候次第でスケジュールに影響が出る可能性もあります。 大島町福祉けんこう課・吉澤哲也課長:「当然、天候状況によっては“欠航”ということもある。我々もワクチンが、いつごろ手元に届くのか、その辺が見えてこないと、準備のほうもなかなか進めるに進められない」 ワクチンは、超低温保存ができる倉庫から、まずは、冷凍設備が整った病院などに運ばれます。ただ、冷凍設備が整った施設は限られているため、その後は、冷蔵で、各接種会場や高齢者施設などに運ばれていく予定です。政府は、超低温冷凍庫を1万台確保する方針で、5月中の設置完了を目指しています。 千葉市にある高齢者施設では、施設で接種ができないかと検討を始めました。入所しているのが認知症の高齢者で、接種会場へ連れていくことが難しいためです。 千葉勤労者福祉会・門脇めぐみ介護部長:「できれば“かかりつけ医”が問診をして、ワクチンを接種してしただくのが一番、安心」 ただ、かかりつけ医に新型コロナのワクチンの接種許可が下りるかは、まだ、わからないといいいます。さらに、門脇さんは、接種までの手続きなどを、なるべく簡潔にしてほしいと訴えます。 千葉勤労者福祉会・門脇めぐみ介護部長:「職員は、感染対策と利用者さんを守ることで精いっぱいなので、新たに生じる事務作業は極力減らしていただきたい」 接種会場に足を運べない人は、まだいます。東京都大田区で訪問診療を行っている富塚医師。訪問診療している患者は現在60人います。今月中旬には、大田区から患者にワクチン接種をする医師として登録するよう呼び掛けられました。応じるつもりだといいますが、ワクチンを運ぶことに不安があるといいます。 せせらぎクリニック多摩川・富塚太郎院長:「マイナス数十度の環境が保てなくて、ワクチンの効果が運搬後になくなっているというのが最大の恐怖。最後は私が打つ。ワクチンの保存と運搬は慣れた人にしていただきたいのが本音」 初めてのワクチン接種に向け、今後は、医師の連携が、より大切になってくるといいます。 せせらぎクリニック多摩川・富塚太郎院長:「かかりつけ医に任せていただければ、より安全・安心で、対処できると思うけど、一方で、速さを求められているワクチン接種なので、うまく地域の医者を巻き込んでいただければなと」 河野大臣は、全国市長会会長らと会談しました。 “ワクチン接種”担当・河野大臣:「高齢者のワクチン接種が、早くても4月1日以降になるとお伝えした。 -
My Mother Will Be 80 Years Old This Week
My mother will have her eightieth birthday this Sunday. She is not likely to share her story here. She has a computer and uses the Internet. However, she usually only looks at other people’s posts on Facebook and does not use Twitter at all. I will therefore tell some of her story myself. My mother has been stuck in her house for nearly a year now. She lives only a mile or two from each of us, so my sister and I get her groceries for her so she does not risk exposure to the virus. My mother was resistant to this for a while, from a combination of independence, a disinclination to impose on others, and a plain desire to get out of the house. My mother probably has not gotten a hug from anyone in nearly a year. We call her nearly every day, and we do visit with her on patio, but we always keep our distance. As much as she would like to see people more, she does not want to break social distancing. In her view, she has stuck with it this long and does not want to waste that effort. When I talk to my mother, she often expresses boredom. She reads, works on puzzles, watches television, and calls family (although she does not want to bother people). The other day I half-jokingly suggested that she spend some time writing her memoirs. It would be a gift for her children and grandchildren to record her life experiences. My mother has started writing several pages a day. She writes long-hand in a notepad, then types up what she wrote on her computer. I was amused when she told me this, because I have not written that way in more than thirty years, and younger generations likely could not imagine doing it this way. My mother made one of her rare trips outside the house last week. She was able to navigate the website and get herself an appointment for a COVID vaccination. I was rather proud of her for persistently navigating a website that I found confusing and difficult to use. Her persistence in seeking a vaccination speaks to her eagerness to get life back to normal.