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Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine's Day! We have COVID!
For Valentine's Day 2021, I gave my boyfriend COVID! What a great gift, right? The week before I started to feel down, congested, and I had a sore throat. As it was mid-February, I thought it was just a regular cold, like I get every year. So I really thought it was no big deal, so my boyfriend and I spent the weekend together like normal. But on Feb 14th, I woke up, got in the shower, and realized I couldn't smell any of my soaps! I ran out of the shower in a panic and went to the kitchen to smell all the food we had. I couldn't smell the onion, the salsa, the garlic powder, the coffee...nothing! So we decided to cancel our date plans for the day and went to get tested. My test came back positive so we went in the quarantine together, as we had spent the last four days together. At this point, I was getting exponentially sicker and laid in bed for the next 5 days. About 3 days after I lost my sense of smell, I lost my sense of taste, but only for about 24 hours. What a terrible week! Hopefully, Valentine's Day 2022 is better for us! -
Senior living home, flower shop making it possible to ‘adopt a grandparent’ for Valentines day
A flower shop in Medford, Wisconsin is letting people adopt a grandparent at a local nursing home. The flower shop plans to deliver flowers to all the nursing home residents on February 12th, just in time for Valentine's Day. Extra flowers will be given to other local nursing homes.