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Northeastern University HIST 1323 Optional Assignment Prompt
This is an optional assignment given to students in Northeastern University HIST 1323, History of Boston, taught by Dr. Rabinovitch in Fall 2020. -
Pandemic skeptics assignment
The instructions given to HST 580 interns: Assignment: Browse one of the pandemic skeptic websites below. Select one image/idea/video to submit to the archive. Write a reaction paragraph to this item. What is its message? How does it try to persuade the audience? And what is your reaction to this item? What to submit Submit your story to the COVID-19 archive and submit the title of the story (or even better- the link to the story in the archive) in Canvas. -
Explore the archive assignment for ASU HST580 interns week 1
These are the assignment instructions given to the Spring 2022 graduate student interns at ASU. This assignment asked them to explore the archive and then submit something that reflects represents their geographic location. -
Mini Oral History Assignment
This week, you're going to practice oral histories, a form of field research. You'll conduct two mini oral histories with two adults aged over 60 years old. The oral history must obtain informed consent from the person being interviewed, or it cannot be included in the archive. The mini oral histories are on: christina-wocintechchat-com-LQ1t-8Ms5PY-unsplash.jpg 1. Silver linings. Here is the prompt to read. Here is an example from the archive (Links to an external site.). First, identify two people you want to talk to and record. Ask them, if they will participate. Set a time to record. You may record an audio/video file using Zoom or another application. I used Rev on my phone to record my mom. Steps to process the mini oral history (here's a video overview (Links to an external site.)): 1. Read the informed consent statement and record the interviewee's response. 2. Read the prompt. 3. Record the response. 4. Thank the interviewee for their time. 5. Create a transcription of the oral history. Follow this template. (You can manually type it out or use a program like please check the transcript for accuracy). 6. Submit the audio file & copy and paste the transcript into the description field. 7. Share the story with this individual once it has been curated in the archive. Tag the story with HST494, Arizona State University, and SilverJOTPY Submit the link to both your submitted stories in the archive. Your submission should 1) include verbal consent 2) An Mp3 file 3) a txt or doc transcript that has been edited for accuracy. 4) Title your story "Mini oral history with (interview first name and last name), date" -
Assignment for Literature and Cultural Analysis Seminar
I'm sharing an assignment sheet for my "Literature and Cultural Analysis" class at Vanderbilt University for the Fall 2021 semester. The class, themed "The Archive," is designed to encourage critical thinking around the concept of the archive and its material practices and embodiments. While we think of the ways in which archives enable research and help to cultivate new knowledge and stories, we also consider how archives encode structures of power and act as sites of forgetting as much as remembering. I've asked my class of twelve students to contribute to the COVID-19 digital archive as their first writing assignment for the semester. This assignment is designed to introduce them to an existing and regularly updated archive and ask them to think critically about processes of archiving and the decisions that go into selecting, categorizing, and framing the importance of a cultural artifact. My students have been asked to choose 2-3 items from their experience of the pandemic year to share in this public forum. Their contributions will be tagged to sync up with this assignment sheet. -
APUSH Prospect Ridge Academy Student prompt
Assignment prompt for APUSH (HS juniors) students of partner institution, Prospect Ridge Academy, taught by Kelly Feinstein-Johnson. -
VART 3030 Fordam University, email of assignment prompt
Email from Casey Ruble, an instructor at Fordham University, VART 3030. Asked students to "familiarize themself with the archive and begin posting images etc. of their observances of the world around them." Students submitted to archive during the Spring semester 2020 -
HUM 402 assignment prompt, University of Tasmania
Assignment prompt given to University of Tasmania students in HUM 402 by instructor Nicole Tarulevicz -
MUSE 360 Assingment Juliee Decker RIT
Assignment prompt given to MUSE 360 students of Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) by instructor Juliee Decker, Spring 2020 -
Colorado Academy student prompt
Description of assignment prompt given to Colorado Academy 6th grade students by instructor Eric Augustin- May 2020 -
Why is this so hard?
Every week, write an entry in JOTPY. Seems like the easiest assignment ever. I thought so, too. But, I have really struggled. I have found myself behind in entries and I probably need to write 2-3 times a week for the rest of the semester to stay on track. I've always had trouble journaling and writing in diaries ever since I was a kid. I've always viewed those things as really personal thoughts and I like to keep mine in my head. I viewed writing my innermost thoughts and viewpoints would give others an advantage over me, a way to see my weaknesses. A super intimate view of myself through my own lens. I've read thousands of pages, researched for hours, written a dozen response papers, drafted a 25-page paper, and still, this write in JOTPY every week has been the hardest assignment all semester. Maybe it's because it forces me to think about COVID and how it has affected me, my family, and the rest of society. COVID has taken over my life for the past year and this assignment forces me to confront that fact and my feelings about it head-on. It forces me to publicly share these thoughts. At first, I wondered if it was even beneficial to assign students to write for a project like this. It's supposed to be shared experiences but how authentic are the entries really going to be when people are not writing on their own, but writing because their grade is dependent upon it? I cannot speak for other students, but I feel that this entry I am writing now is very authentic. Although I am scrambling and having to submit a few times a week, I am grateful for this assignment. It really helped me grow as a student and a person. I still have a ways to go, but I am becoming more comfortable with sharing my personal thoughts and opinions in writing. -
How I broke my arm and why I sculpted the cast.
I broke my arm again yayy! -
Sensory history submissions and the COVID-19 Pandemic
I am teaching HST 643 Global History at Arizona State University during the Spring A semester of 2021. For the second time, I am asking enrolled students to submit a sensory history story related to the pandemic. The students were instructed to read at least the introduction of Melanie Kiechle's Smell Detectives before posting their story. This way, they would have a better understanding of what sensory history is and why it matters. I revised the instructions this time to push students toward non-visual stories. -
Using Early American History to Interpret 2020 - HIS103 Final Project Assignment
This is the assignment instructions for the final project for HIS 103 (United States History to 1877) at Niagara University. Students have written essays about how contemporary people use early American history to influence their interpretations of 2020- The Plague Year. -
A Recollection of Feelings
This was a short paper assignment from a professor for an English class and we had free range with it so I decided to write my feelings and experiences during COVID times and this was the result. -
HIST-W 300 Professor Peralta Student Interview
This was a project assigned by Professor peralta to better understand how we could interview a person about food and see how the COVID-19 virus has affected their relationship with it. -
Interview with Liam - Students during a pandemic
This is an interview with my classmate, Liam Driscoll. We did this as an assignment for HIST-W300, Global History of Food at Indiana University -
HISTW300 Global History of Food Oral History Assignment
This is an assignment by Prof Christine Peralta at Indiana University Bloomington for her HISTW300 students to create oral history transcripts. *may include private health info