topic_interest is exactly
fossil fuel
Environmental effects of COVID-19 pandemic and potential strategies of sustainability
The article discusses the positive and negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the environment and climate and proposes possible strategies for global environmental sustainability going forward. The open-access article is posted on the U.S. National Institutes of Health website. -
Demonstration demanding Biden administration stop DAPL and Pipeline number 3. -
Actions in Front of White House Demanding Joe Biden Shut Down DAPL
#StopLine3 #NoDAPL #Solidarity with direct Actions in front of White House demanding @joebiden #Shutdowndapl and #line3 pipelines. Action was organized by @xrsfbay at #SanFrancisco Federal Building #armycorpsofengineers #buildbackfossilfree -
March to stop Line 3
Our relatives from @crgrassrootscollective stopped by the Line 3 White Earth Camp this weekend on their way to bring the fossil fuel snake back to DC and demand @joebiden #BuildBackFossilFree and #shutdowndapl and #stopline3. We stand united in saving our land, sky and water— will you join us on April 1st? -
White House demonstration
Today joined by allies and relatives we took the streets of DC to demand @joebiden #ShutDownDAPL and #StopLine3. We delivered 100,000 petitions, had 900 calls to the White House and counted coup on the fossil fuel snake in Biden’s front yard. This youth led action featured a run, die-in, march and a 300 ft snake representing the pipelines that have been forced upon our communities without our consent. More soon. -
Environmental activists take pipeline protests online during Covid-19
Due to Covid-19 activists are finding creative ways to protest. -
Documentation of Pipeline Progress Amid Covid-19
From the Cheyenne River Grassroots Collective: Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the Cheyenne River Grassroots Collective has documented the following footage at a Keystone XL pipeline man camp that is 1/4 mile north of Phillip, South Dakota. This proposed man camp is less than an hour south of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal reservation border. As you can see, there are over a dozen heavy machinery equipment ready to desecrate Unci Maka. Not to mention, the drug/sex trafficking brought with these man camps... TC Energy is moving rather quickly with pipe transport and reconstruction activities despite a Montana federal judge's ruling to the revocation of permit 12. -
States Quietly Criminalizing Oil Protests During Covid
It is infuriating to see so many instances of government taking advantage of Covid-19 in order to enact laws that will backtrack any progress made against fossil fuel industry. But honestly, they have done this before and it wont be the last time.