topic_interest is exactly
*me in 10 years*
This is a meme found on Instagram from biddamemes. This meme depicts how someone would feel 10 years from now and being reminded of 2020 in small ways. The items in the flashback are very relevant, as hand sanitizer had major shortages in 2020, with some places putting a cap on how much people could buy at one time. It also shows things like empty shelves, which did happen at the very beginning of 2020 with people panic buying. One of the most panic bought items was toilet paper, and companies that produced toilet paper could not keep up with the amount of panic buyers, so for a few months, nicer toilet paper was harder to come by. -
Saturdays are for "toilet paper jokes"
A comic strip about Covid-19 -
Strangers united in pettiness
Medical mask mandates on public transport had been in effect for a while now when this happened: There are always the inevitable idiots who refuse to wear their masks (or just wear them below their nose, which in addition to being stupid also looks stupid) and usually people will just roll their eyes but say nothing - that one morning went differently. The train was neither particularly crowded nor empty, for each 4-seater there'd be 2-3 seats occupied. We rolled into a station, people got on, among them a young woman who sat down on the first available seat. Directly behind her, some middle-aged guy, in possession of a mask but having it bunched up beneath his chin like a face-diaper. Upon seeing the woman sit down, he suddenly started ranting at her because apparently he'd wanted to sit in that seat (note that there were plenty of seats left), insulting her with a barrage of sexist and racist terms I don't care to repeat. She ignored him. Another passenger, however, didn't, and told the mask-less idiot to stop making an ass of himself and put on his mask before speaking and 'spreading his aerosols' indoors, which drew the idiot's ire on him. After realising that neither the woman nor the other passengers would offer their seat to him in response to his insults, the idiot moved on to the next 4-seater - only to find that the people there used their bags and jackets to occupy the empty seats there to prevent him from sitting down there, responding to his cussing by telling him to just put on his fucking mask again. He moved on, everyone on the next row of seats blocked him as well, again and again. One woman, lacking a bag, went as far as full-on man-spreading in the middle of two seats to occupy them both. In the end, the idiot had to move to a whole other train car to find a seat. The rest of us was left with smug smiles and a sense of petty satisfaction for the rest of the ride! -
Catch a Jesus Virus and Let it be Contagious
My boyfriend and I found this church's billboard during the first week of shutdown in March 2020. We were driving around with nothing to do since everything was closed and found this sign too funny to not stop and take a picture. -
Much too early
The country was clearly still in distress when governments decided to reopen -
I found this to be an interesting example of how people have used humor to cope with quarantine and the pandemic, and actually ironically reflects how a lot of information has spread. While relying on social media for reliable news is not typically advised, it can be less overwhelming than professional media and reflects the day-to-day perspective more accurately. -
Zoom Meeting Fashion
What's been your pandemic work attire? It's gotten much comfier these days when you're only having to be seen from the chest up. -
Covid Testing the Potatoes
Humor with temperature testing during Covid-19 pandemic. -
How fast things can change
At the start of 2020, and even into the beginning of March, we had absolutely no idea what was lurking right around the corner. I recently got shown this video, and I thought it did a perfect job of capturing the suddenness of the pandemic. So much happened in only a matter of a few weeks; the shift in what life was and would be like in April compared to January was stark. -
Vaccine Passport
The Instagram page nochill_latinos share a meme directed at those who are making a big deal that vaccine cards are being required at schools and places of work. -
Star Wars Meme
picture showing a meme posted by Mark Hamill. It pokes fun at how ridiculous anti-maskers sound about having the right to not wear a mask. He calls on people not to be "maskholes" -
Street Art
A friend of mine posted this photograph on social media -
Tips from the ER
Steve is a retired ER tech who has combined comedy with medical advice. In this clip, he uses humor to break down why being vaccinated is better than avoiding the vaccine even though it is still possible to contract the covid virus. -
COVID meme
I think what makes Covid memes so funny is that they are sometimes based on truth... -
Roses are red
My grandmother's birthday is in May, so last year, during the beginning of the pandemic, we were unable to visit her and celebrate her birthday or Mother's Day. So, we sent her a nice card, and in it, my brother and boyfriend made up the poem. It reads "roses are red, violets are blue, when coronavirus is over, we'll come see you! xoxo Owen + Andrew" -
Essential AF
Most people think of essential workers as public servants, mainly hospital staff but this picture shows that there were some unexpected jobs that were at one point labeled essential. This photo got some unexpected comments on Instagram like this one - "In that dark time, you helped people stay positive thru a pandemic man! That was the most essential work then." And this other one "But ice cream was essential during the pandemic! It was basically my only reason to live for a lil while." A lot of people found this picture funny but surprisingly many were quick to point out that it was the simple things, like mascots and ice cream, that kept us all smiling. -
Even Bigfoot wears a mask
Even the Bigfoot inside Saturday's discount store/gas station in Leadville, Colorado wears a mask. I took this photo while getting gas and snacks over the summer. It made me smile after a hard week- if Bigfoot can do it, so can I. -
Second Grade Class Reacts to Teacher Being Kicked Out of Class
When a 2nd grade teacher at Parkland Elementary in Texas lost internet and left of her virtual classroom, her students realized the conversation was being recorded and won’t stop talking about toast. -
I'm F*%!@d!
@deafimmy is a Deaf Tik Tok creator who is posting hilarious videos on #Deaf life in lockdown and #deafculture! Check out this skit on reading lips during and after #coronavirus. 🤣 #captionsmatter #deaftiktok #lipreading Immy Nunn's Tik Tok: @deafimmy YouTube: ImImmy -
Put on Your Mask
The photo that I submitted is of a penguin wearing a mask as he intensely stares off. This image I found pretty entertaining yet very appropriate during this pandemic. As you see the penguin sweat and tear up, the penguin must be very uncomfortable and worried for its health next to a person. The full comic shows the penguin looking like that after someone sneezes next to them without covering their mouth on the train. I think it is cute and an important message to send others as I often see people disregard wearing masks during the time when the pandemic and even before the pandemic, people paid really little attention to sanitary procedures which caused the pandemic to spread. -
Deep Clean the White House
A cartoon shows a masked President Biden and Vice President Harris in front of the White House with a clean up crew of sorts. -
My experience in 2020
Well when I am sad I usually watch Mr. Beast's Gaming video's and that makes me laugh and smile especially when Karl gets banned from the servers. -
A Very Covid Christmas
Every year, we send out a family Christmas card. The front has pictures of all of us. This year, we noticed that all of our photos have us wearing masks, so that is what we covered the front page with. Inside, we always do a funny message, so we made a list of parody Christmas carols themed after Coronavirus, the pandemic, and all of the other elements associated with it. We got lots of comments from family and friends that said they enjoyed the humor and regardless of the pandemic, they looked forward to our cards every year and knew that this year wouldn't be any different. -
2020 in a nutshell
This is the PlayStation5 the most sought-after piece of technology in 2020. -
The Creation of Memories
March 13, the covid-19 virus struck my highschool. We were sent home early and spring break was prolonged. Everyone assumed this would last a week maybe a month, but I knew that the devastation would last a long while more. Everyday during my lockdown, I focused on myself, more than I ever had before. I worked out every day, I baked, I did my school work, I was on a schedule. Over the four weeks I barely went out of my apartment, I tried my best to keep my head up high and try not to worry about the essential and front line workers. I buried myself into Tik Tok, which is what my story is going to be about. Through lock-down I became quite the dancer. I managed to learn most of the Tik-Tok dances and become fascinated with the Tik Tok algorithm. Although this sounds like a bit of a problem, I was happy, I spent hours a day on my phone scrolling. A screenager, I know. Well, in the midst of my scrolling I would come to romanticize my life post covid, how I will be making new friends and exploring new places. I made one Tik Tok a day, no kidding. I created an archive of the lockdown in my drafts. I devoted a lot of my day to Tik Tok, I kept up with the drama and followed all of the baking trends. However, my Tik Tok debut never occurred, sadly. But, I did come to find out new things about myself. I know, most people find social media toxic in some sort of way, as I do now, but during lockdown I felt it was a sort of outlet. I expressed myself and laughed, and saw a little happiness while being inside. I realized that all of my saved videos on Tik Tok would be an archive for my children, they would look at the videos and the umpteenth amount of selfies I took and laugh. Of course, the pandemic is no funny situation at all, but when my children learn about it and question how covid was for me I can show them. The photograph is not as important as my realization of how the Tik Tok changed the pandemic. It might have altered it in a bad way at times because people were glued to their screens. But it is okay for people to spend time on it, to make them laugh and to make them maybe become more creative. -
Everyone Needs a Mask!
My mum sent me this very adorable photo of my dog wearing a face mask to gently remind me to wear a mask while in public to keep me safe from COVID-19. In Victoria, masks have been mandated in all public areas since July, regardless of social distancing. My mum sent this photo to some of our friends and family too, to cheer them up during the difficult times Victoria was going through at the time with a strong rise in cases. She had also reminded me, like with how our dog Snowy was wearing it in the photo, to make to cover both the mouth and the nose for the mask to function properly. Snowy did not much like wearing the mask, but he certainly looked extremely cute in it! Although at the time when my mum sent me this picture she had meant it as a joke, unfortunately with the new strain of the COVID mutation rumouring to originate from minks in Denmark, the possibility of dogs or cats contracting COVID-19 perhaps isn't so far-fetched. Remember to wear a mask and stay safe! -
Humor in the Face of Covid
I submitted this because we all need to laugh a little more… especially right now. -
Stocking Up
A lighthearted photo that pokes fun at people's obsession with toilet paper during the initial lockdown that occurred in the Spring. -
Future History Teachers
I am hoping to become a high school history teacher and this meme rang true for me. I cannot wait to teach 2020 to future students, it will probably be a class in itself! -
Why My Friend Can't Get a Date
My friend gave me permission to share a hilarious online dating experience he just had. Quotations are paraphrased. My friend Luke hops on Xbox and begins to tell me a story. He says, “I’m talking to this girl on Tinder for four hours. She then tells me, ‘I’m bored and I’m going to go read a book’ at 1:30 in the morning! I just laugh it off and ask if she wants to get together at some point the next day. She then tells me, ‘sorry, but my parents won’t let me go out because of COVID.’ She’s 24! She is 24 years old and she’s acting like her mom just grounded her.” I respond by telling him, “bro, she totally just curved you. She also told you she’d rather read a book than text you!” He then replies, “I know that, but if you’re 24 and can’t come up with a better excuse than ‘I’m grounded,’ you don’t belong on Tinder!” This funny story makes one ponder how many other things people use COVID-19 as an excuse to dodge and avoid. -
Xbox Live Shenanigans
This is a trap remix of Darkthrone’s “Transilvanian Hunger” that I made on my phone in GarageBand. My friends and I usually congregate on Xbox Live every night after we get home from work for the night. With rising costs, dwindling savings, and less work available than ever before, we don’t really plan things anymore. When we do, the plans usually include cooking dirty burgers, drinking beer, and playing board games at someone’s house. That and playing Xbox together are the cheapest options for hanging out that we even have. Lately, our favorite pastime has been making beats on our iPhones in GarageBand. Someone jokingly told me that Norweigan black metal is the only un-sampleable musical genre. I set out to prove him wrong. Laughter and hilarity ensued. -
Restaurants after Covid-19.
The meme explains the struggle of not being able to go out and eat at a restaurants and how good it will feel when you are finally able to. I thought it was funny because it took a scene from the show The Office and made it about Covid-19 instead and when I saw it it made me laugh. -
Not Everyone's Cup of Tea
While looking for items to submit to this archive, I tried searching Pinterest for some humorous memes to add. After reading a lot of heavy articles, i felt a little humor was in order; only to be thwarted by Pinterest. After searching for "Covid19 humor, I received a message saying that pins relating to this topic often violate community standards guidelines and so, results were restricted to established health organizations... I guess gallows humor is not for everyone... I tried a google search for the same search term and came across a few things but this article stood out. It discusses the rise of 'dark' humor and how it can, in some cases, actually help those trying to cope with difficult subjects. It confirmed my suspicions that those of us who have a 'gallows humor' approach may have been on to something all along. -
Neighbours washing their car
In the middle of the lockdown in Italy, things were looking pretty grim. Other than the obvious fear for the outcome of the pandemic people were feeling pretty on edge about police who were (rightfully) being very strict about abiding the laws about quarantine. People weren't aloud to see anyone other than the people they shared a home with and were supposed to stay inside at all times they weren't providing to their basic needs. One day I was looking through my window and I witnessed probably one of the funniest but surreal scenes of my life. A group of my neighbours were in the process of washing their car,there were maybe 8 people there between friends and family and they were very close, getting on top of the car and having fun. All of sudden they hear an helicopter approaching (police used them to spot "fugitives") and straight up jumped off the car and ran home all panicked. I couldn't stop laughing for an hour, it truly was a moment of release in the midst of worry and depression. -
Normal Covid Year
Through the pandemic I have never stopped working. My wife and so many others were laid off and impacted through all of this. I smile because we have been able to maintain our livelihood and health. -
The Toilet Paper Chaos
Me and my family would go to the store to get grocieries, the shelfs were basically empty and had nothing on them. We needed toilet paper but there really wasn't any there, so we had to improvise and get paper towels which were about gone. The meme says a lot about the pandemic because it was a hassle to go to the store and get groceries cause there wasn't anything there. -
Why She Wont Wear a Mask
While some people refuse to wear a mask other's are worried for their safety. -
Damage Report
This meme pretty much describes every morning for the past three months. Every single day the news reports some wild new thing. First Kobe dies in a fiery crash, then a plague shuts the world down, toilet paper shortage throughout America, people loose their jobs, I (a teacher) am sent home until further notice, some cop decides to murder a man in daylight while being filmed, causing mass protests, rioting and looting in my city, I was just notified that the budget cuts for education in California may cost me my job. Oh, and somewhere in there was the announcement that murder hornets were in the states now and some huge asteroid is going to barely miss us. I have started sleeping in as long as I can. Mostly so I don't have to face the next thing coming my way. I was crying to my mom recently and she told me to get it together, "Honey, none of this is about you. You know that right? This is happening to us all." I keep asking myself if this is even real? -
Military Meme
I thought it would be important to post a Military meme as they are usually what is considered the 'front line'. It is a niche community but still very broad. I think this meme emphasizes the freedom we take for granted but are beginning to realize as quarantine is deepened. This is something the Military is more accustomed to.