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Parallel Timelines
In 2020, I jumped to an alternate timeline. Everything I had known before became somewhat stranger, uncanny, the familiar suddenly not quite familiar. I began to lose trust and safety in my community, my family, and myself. I wondered if it was the beginning of the apocalypse. I wondered how we would survive -- any of us. It started with an earthquake. We lived in southeastern Idaho, and I had never experienced an earthquake in my twenty-five years. I was home with my partner and our two dogs. There had been news of the virus spreading in places far from us, but it seemed distant and inconsequential. Nothing seemed to touch us in our rural, isolated patch of Idaho desert. Things were as they'd always been and always would be. We had just made dinner -- mini Hawaiian sliders, kettle chips, and orange soda -- and had settled in to eat when the soda in the bottles began to ripple and shake. The dogs lifted their heads and tucked their tails. We both stared at the soda, then shifted our gazes out the window to the dry Lost River Valley, where we watched the land move in a way that didn't seem to make sense. I felt the shift internally as the earth shifted in kind. Something inexplicable had changed. Soon, people began to talk of the apocalypse; swarms of locusts (or murder hornets), natural disasters, plague, conspiracy, political unrest, riots. It was global; it was in our backyard. It was far out of our control and too close to home. And though wouldn't know it for a few more months, I was pregnant. I had never planned to be a mother, but I suddenly had to grapple with bringing a daughter into this unstable, dangerous landscape. The following week, my partner was laid off from work. Uncertainty grew. Lockdown protocols began, but they were ignored by most of our community. I continued going to work at my public-facing job, afraid each day that my unborn child and I would be infected with the mystery virus by the many, many people in my community who didn't believe it existed, who ridiculed me for wearing a mask, who thickly associated the taking of health precautions with opposing political ideology, compromised morality, and poor intelligence. My partner began to experience inexplicable health concerns: sudden, severe bouts of vertigo, rapid heart rate, weak pulse, fainting spells, inability to digest food, and days-long migraines. It was chronic and debilitating, preventing him from seeking consistent work. None of the health providers he met with was able to identify the source of these issues, citing either anxiety or sympathetic pregnancy and sending him home. He worried he was dying of an undetectable disease. I worried that nothing would make sense ever again. When I was seven months pregnant, our landlord made the decision to turn our home into a vacation rental. This left us to either pay highly increased rent or find a new home. However, over a few short months, the cost of housing had nearly doubled in our community, and we could no longer afford to live there. Our only option was to move out of state to live with family. My daughter was born healthy, though I gave birth alone because the hospital would not allow visitors. A couple of months later, in our sick and sleep-deprived states and while navigating new parenthood, we packed all we knew and took the leap. We came out alive on the other side. Nothing was as it had been, but we were hopeful of new opportunities. Trump left office. The vaccine was developed and distributed. My partner found ways to cope with his mystery illness and found meaningful work. We both returned to school. Things moved on, forever changed but not destroyed. But now, in 2024, I've jumped timelines again. It started when I swallowed a pill of Iodine-131, a radioactive isotope of iodine meant to kill the thyroid cells in my body that had become cancerous. Something shifted at that moment, and each event since has eerily mirrored the events of 2020. I once again find myself feeling that sense of strangeness, that uncanny reality, that loss of trust in the self and the other. I am unexpectedly pregnant with a second daughter, and the pregnancy is high-risk because of its proximity to the radioactive iodine treatment. My partner works, but I have struggled to get back into the workforce. There have been sudden personal conflicts with the family that have supported us, and we are now faced with finding a new home within the next six months. My physical and mental health have declined. And as of this week, we are living with the nearly unfathomable reality of a second Trump presidency. I try not to attribute unneeded significance to perceived patterns, but it's hard to ignore the parallels between then and now. Each shift feels like stepping into an uncanny mirror: familiar yet alien. I wonder if these parallels suggest a lesson or are simply the chaotic rhythm of life. In the midst of it all, I hold on to the small victories -- the ways we’ve learned to cope, to rebuild, to love fiercely in uncertain times. Despite everything, we are still here. I hope that this time, the other side will bring more than just survival: it will bring peace. As I sit with the weight of both past and present, I am reminded of what remains constant: the love I carry for my children, the strength I find in my partner, and the quiet resolve to face whatever version of reality lies ahead. Maybe we all live in parallel timelines, revisiting familiar struggles in different forms over and over again. For now, I’ll keep moving forward, one hand in each of my daughters', one uncertain step at a time. -
COVID paranoia alive and well in 2023
At a stop light this morning, my attention was grabbed by a car with lots of writing on it. I wish I could have gotten a picture, but the light turned green before I could. The car message was about Marxism and how fear controls its movement. The message expressed that recent events have all been staged in order to control society and went on to predict that mask mandates would be back on September 15. The message ended by encouraging people to resist the future mandate in order to retain control of our society. I was very intrigued to see that there are some people who are still very vocal about topics such as this and very loudly are telling people not to live in fear when they are the only ones who seem to be living in fear these days. I read a hashtag on their car and looked it up when I got home. This page belongs to a person (or movement) that is very anti-mask, anti-covid vaccine, and anti-mandates. They are part of the extreme right politically and very religious. I’m curious to see if anything were to happen on the 15th and if not, how this page will respond to the “normality” of September 15. I guess we’ll see in two weeks. -
Jason Inskeep Oral History, 2022/05/04
Jason Inskeep lives in Chandler, Arizona with his wife and daughter. In this oral history Jason discusses the way that the Covid-19 pandemic has affected his work and personal life, as well as the way that it impacted his wife’s career and his daughter schooling. He reflects on the polarization of the United States of Americas politics through the lens of Covid-19 with the impacts of mask wearing and vaccinations. As well as his feelings of worry and the USA’s 24/7 media cycle. -
A Return to Truth #REL101
This is a short story detailing my struggles with the Christian church as I returned to the faith during the pandemic. -
Iran: The double jeopardy of sanctions and COVID-19
This article discusses the effects of Covid-19 on Iran and how the sanctions imposed on Iran by the Trump administration exacerbated Covid’s effect on Iran’s already weak economy. It highlights Iran’s attempts to reduce the fatality rate despite a shortage of medical supplies. Additionally, the article posits that lifting sanctions during the pandemic might have reduced the death toll by thousands. While there is speculation that the true number of Covid deaths in Iran has been reduced and even misreported, this article highlights the connection between U.S. politics and the effects of sanctions imposed on countries during a public health crisis. -
The Hanover County School Board, in partnering with an anti-LGBTQ outfit, has declared war on its transgender students.
This news article is from the Richmond Times-Dispatch in Richmond, Virginia. The article contains a recent review of the Hanover Country School Board seeking legal advice from a well-known hate group that disguises themselves as "Christian conservative legal group" also known as the Alliance Defending Freedom. Back in December of 2021, the ACLU of Virginia filed against Hanover County for discriminatory policies against transgender students. The pandemic has bought out numerous laws against the safety of LGBTQ students and individuals. This is just a small example of what queer children have been facing since the start of the pandemic. -
Wade Pitrucha Oral History, 2020/12/01
Wade Pitrucha, Marine Corps veteran and butcher, was raised in Texas and lived in California for several years, and currently works as a butcher and lives in Barron, Wisconsin. In this interview, Wade discusses the political and economic developments he has observed since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Wade gives an inside look at the COVID-19 meat shortage, and explains some of the causes, as well as the impacts on farmers and families. Wade also shares some of his personal experiences and frustrations with the local handling of the pandemic, and how he feels the federal government and the Trump administration has contributed to the massive spread of COVID-19 in the United States. In an entertaining and sometimes darkly humorous interview, Wade’s military experience and personal beliefs provide a unique and well-balanced view of the COVID-19 pandemic and modern American society. -
Christopher Combs, Garima Sehgal, Ore Benson Oral History, 2021/12/08
This podcast covers the ways that learning about past pandemics has affected our attitude toward, or perception of, the current pandemic. -
HIST30060 Frustration over lockdown restrictions in Victoria
This is a short sentence sent into the Herald Sun newspaper just after another lockdown had been announced, that says quite simply 'Daniel Andrews, just get out of my life.' This sentiment has grown throughout the course of the pandemic, as people feel very frustrated with their freedoms being restricted, if only temporarily. Thus, this item reflects the debate around pandemic restrictions- while some see them as necessary to stop the spread, others question either the need for them or their harshness. -
On the Fence
South Carolina legislation and its residents have always been on the fence about COVID but when senator Lindsey Graham caught it back in March of this year, reality started to settle in. This was a wake up call to southerns and South Carolinians alike to start taking COVID mandates more seriously. I empathized with Graham but also was somewhat grateful that his sickness would be a lesson to others. -
I worked the polls at Nevitt Forest Elementary during the 59th presidential election. The lines were crowded at 6:00 prior to the polls official opening at 7:00. The energy in the voting room was definitely mixed--some determined, some anxious, and some angry at the previous conditions of Trump administration of 2017-21. Although the energy of the election results are still mixed today still, this meme reflects one of the more amused and joyous reactions of the election turnout. Thus, using one of Trump's infamous lines of his famed tv show Celebrity Apprentice, this meme pokes fun at the importance of public ratings not only in pop culture but in politics as well. -
Rules for you, suggestions for me
A meme referencing either how members of the UCP of Alberta going on vacation during the worst months of the pandemic, or our Premier's vacation during the onslaught of the 4th wave. I guess it's even funnier based on the fact that this can represent multiple instances. -
Best Summer Ever
This is a news article detailing the result of Alberta’s “Best Summer Ever” which saw almost all pandemic restrictions relaxed with only the begrudging exception of a required quarantine if you were to test positive – yes they seriously tried to get rid of that. ‘They’ being the UCP (United Conservative Party) of Alberta, which has exacerbated the pandemic through prioritizing corporate needs by pushing to continually open the economy at the expense of public health. Ontop of this, the continual gutting of our healthcare system, as a means to ‘legitimize’ the need for a private healthcare system coincided with this, and had devastating results on the lives of Albertans. Jason Kenny, the premier, went to our ‘greatest outdoor show on earth’ the Stampede; and flipped pancakes for all attendees with a smile. They sold ‘Best Summer Ever’ hats, while slowly our hospitals were filling up. As I am writing this, there is a humanitarian mission currently in my province, the army has been deployed to assist, and we are flying people to Ontario for medical treatment because our hospitals are at capacity. The cannibalistic nature of this party and overall of Capitalism has resulted in immense suffering for my province, people are dying in waiting rooms. The last portion which I wrote there really bothers me, I can’t comprehend that experience, you’re in somewhere where they can take care of you, or help you in anyway – but there’s nowhere to lay down, dying in a liminal space. I have Conservative, and Liberal friends who have stated that “it isn’t that bad” or that it’s “just the unvaccinated,” (yes this is a real comment a Conservative ‘friend’ told me in response to my anger with the situation) I cannot comprehend what they mean by either of these, the situation is clearly unacceptable. People have been willfully sacrificed so corporate executives can make their regular paycheques, why is that not infuriating people, why is it just this fixation on ‘getting back to normal.’ Normal is killing people, and having strong men like Jason Kenny smile and flip pancakes only adds onto the absurdity of the situation, I can’t help but be reduced to a boiling rage whenever I read anything relating to our province and the pandemic, I don’t want to live here anymore if this insanity is perceived as somehow normal, or at the most extreme, ‘tolerated’. -
"Plight of Holyoke Soldiers' Home residents, families becomes political flashpoint in state Senate race"
This MassLive news article discusses how a state senate candidate was using the poor response to the pandemic at the Holyoke Soldiers' Home during his opponent's term in office to gain popularity for himself. -
Sorry, Not Sorry. Vaccines Are Necessary.
In two years of everything under the sun becoming political, it’s not a shock that vaccines are yet another unnecessarily politicized topic. Of course, unlike masks, which were not a part of our daily routine prior to 2020, vaccinations and anti-vaxxers are not new. And honestly, if my two elementary aged kids could be vaccinated I would care a lot less about anti-vaxxers. I think they’re selfish, but for the most part, they’d be hurting themselves (and the immuno compromised that cannot be vaccinated.) But my kids can’t be vaccinated and I have been trying to stay positive knowing next week they’re walking into a classroom with only a mask for protection. I asked my mom “what is their teachers are unvaccinated?” I mean, every unvaccinated person poses a risk - what is the adult in charge is an anti-vaxxer and anti-masker? So it was with complete and utter shock and total relief to get the official word that teachers in the state of CA must be vaccinated. It’s a shame that this seals the fate on governor Newsom’s recall. I don’t love the guy, but I sure as heck want him more than a DeSantis and considering the last time CA recalled a governor, we ended up with the Terminator in charge…well. With Florida’s teachers being threatened with losing their pay over mandating masks, I am relieved to live in a state taking the opposite approach. Call us Commiefornia, I don’t care. Like I’ve been saying for a year and a half, this is a public health crisis. This isn’t about politics, it’s about an invisible virus that is continuing to mutate and spread. And as a teacher, I truly believe it’s my responsibility to do anything to help mitigate the spread. -
Exposure to covid in the classroom
I came across this conversation on a neighborhood app (Nextdoor) of a grandmother pleading for masks and vaccines after learning that one of her grandchildren was exposed to the virus in the classroom. I added a bit of the thread as well to show the different opinions on the matter. -
If it isn't one thing its another
I have never realized how different my friends on social media are. Growing up in Los Angeles I have many friends who are all politically and socially like-minded. My husband joined the military and then my social media was flooded with the opposite from my "liberal" friends. The differences of opinions never bothered me and hardly ever showed themselves until Trump became president. It's funny how Trump ignited a flame in so many people. Today with politics fueling everything I still see that clear distinction between my friend groups. The saddest part about the pandemic is seeing how science has been "canceled" and political views have somehow replaced common sense. Because so many Democrats are urging people to get vaccinated it seems like Republicans must refuse. I see posts like the one pictured all the time. There's always a reason to refuse common sense. First, it was because COVID wasn't real, then it was because their right to contract covid was being infringed on. I heard some say robots were being implanted, that the government was running experiments on willing democrats. When the death rate continued to rise, they said the numbers were made up. Today it seems like most covid deniers are claiming that if COVID was real essential workers would not be required to be protected against it. I will never understand their reasoning. -
Joseph Giangreco-Marotta Oral History, 2021/07/09
Wife interviews husband about COVID-19 experience. -
My Covid Vaccine Experience
These are the two Facebook posts I made the day I got my first shot and my second. I received the Moderna vaccine. As a teacher, I was able to get mine sooner than many others. Many people I know had (and still have) reservations about getting the vaccine. I believe in science. I believe in vaccines. It is disheartening and dangerous to see so many Americans throwing away an opportunity to protect themselves, their families, and their community because of politics. Science should not be political. The vaccine did make me feel ill, especially the second one, but it was temporary. I would do it a hundred more times if I had to. A friend of the family said they would not get the vaccine because, "What's in it for me? Even if I get Covid, I am young and healthy, unlikely to die." I found that statement alarmingly self-centered. Getting the vaccine isn't about you as individual as much as it is about you protecting your community and the world. As the saying goes nowadays, "Until all of us are safe, none of us is safe." -
A COVID 19 Reflection
Observations and lessons learned and learning during this Pandemic. -
Anti-Maskers, Covid Disbelievers, and Anti-Quarantine Memes
COVID-19 quickly became a political rather than a health issue. Conservatives tended to deny COVID's existence as well as the value of vaccines, quarantine and wearing masks. -
Maxine Waters tells Jim Jordan to ‘shut your mouth’ after GOP...
Republican Rep. Jim Jordan and the nation’s top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci got into a heated exchange over the country’s Covid-19 mitigation measures, which ended with Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters telling Jordan to “shut your mouth" -
Colorado Governor Jared Polis Gets Engaged
The Governor of Colorado Jared Polis proposes to his boyfriend of seventeen years Marlon Reis due to their COVID-19 diagnosis where one of them had to be hospitalized. Members of Congress in his state had issues with him getting engaged to his longtime boyfriend due to their conservative views and the governor's response to the pandemic. The two long-time partners have two children together as well. Some residents of Colorado showed hate towards the Governor's news as he was an open and out government official and was the first Gay Colorado Governor in history. -
Pandemic Street Art: exploring street art around the world
This article captures images of several murals around the world that were tributes to George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Trayvon Martin, and Ahmaud Arbery, Kobe Bryant, and Chadwick Boseman, to doctors and nurses, "as well as messages of hope, strength, and resilience in the face of the global health crisis and ensuing economic downturn." -
Is This Patriotic Enough?
Lee Wong, chairman of the West Chester, Ohio, Township Board of Trustees, condemned anti-Asian violence during an impassioned speech that has now gone viral. -
News Article: Gov. Ducey relaxes COVID-19 guidelines in Arizona; bars can open, cities cannot require masks
This news article from Laura Lollman of 3TV/CBS5 in Phoenix, Arizona, relays updated COVID-19 guidelines that Gov. Doug Ducey signed into place on March 25, 2021. These included a statewide phase-out of municipal and county mask mandates and prohibitions on new mask mandates; businesses may continue to require patrons and employees to use masks or face coverings; gatherings of more than 50 people no longer require permission from local governments; bars may fully open and choose to require patrons and employees to wear masks and social distance -
March 11, 2020: Arizona Declaration of Emergency by Gov Doug Ducey
Declaration of Emergency - COVID-19 WHEREAS, the World Health Organization declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on January 30, 2020, the United States Department of Health and Human Services declared a Public Health Emergency related to the COVID-19 outbreak on January 31, 2020, and the World Health Organization officially declared a pandemic due to COVID-19 on March 11, 2020; and WHEREAS, globally there are 124,908 total confirmed cases and 4,591 total deaths to-date related to COVID-19, and the situation is rapidly evolving with person-to-person transmission and continued community transmission; and WHEREAS, COVID-19 was first discovered in Wuhan, China, and is known to cause respiratory illness, which can result in severe disease complications and death; and WHEREAS, Arizona is proactively leading on the COVID-19 response in the United States, as the third of 39 states that have confirmed cases of COVID-19; and WHEREAS, the Arizona Department of Health Services and local public health departments have identified 9 cases of CO VID-19, including cases spreading in the community, and have additional patients under investigation linked to the global outbreak; and WHEREAS, COVID-19 poses a serious public health threat for infectious disease spread to Arizona residents and visitors if proper precautions recommended by public health are not followed; and WHEREAS, the Arizona Department of Health Services in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and local public health departments have implemented disease surveillance and testing for confirmed COVID-19 case(s) and patients under investigation; and WHEREAS, in Arizona, public health and health care systems have identified precautions and interventions that can mitigate the spread of COVID-19; and WHEREAS, the Arizona Department of Health Services requires a more robust and integrated response to successfully combat the COVID-19 outbreak; and WHEREAS, the Governor and the Director of the Arizona Department of Health Services have reasonable cause to believe the spread of COVID-19 can lead to severe respiratory illness, disease complications, and death for Arizona residents, particularly those with underlying medical conditions or the elderly; and WHEREAS, it is necessary and appropriate to take action to ensure the spread of COVID-19 is controlled and that the residents of Arizona remain safe and healthy; and WHEREAS, the Governor is authorized to declare an emergency pursuant to A.R.S. § 26-303(D) and in accordance with A.R.S. § 26-301(15). WHEREAS, pursuant to A.R.S. § 26-307(A), a state agency, when designated by the Governor, may make, amend and rescind orders, rules and regulations necessary for emergency functions; WHEREAS, pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-787(A), during a state of emergency declared by the Governor as a result of an occurrence or imminent threat of illness or health condition caused by an epidemic that poses a substantial risk of a significant number of human fatalities or incidents of permanent or long-term disability, the Arizona Department of Health Services shall coordinate all matters pertaining to the public health emergency response of the State; and WHEREAS, pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-787(B) and (C), during a state of emergency declared by the Governor, the Governor, in consultation with the Director of the Arizona Department of Health Services, may issue orders pertaining to the public health emergency response of the State; and WHEREAS, pursuant A.R.S. § § 36-788 and 36-789, during a state of emergency declared by the Governor, the Arizona Department of Health Services, to protect the public health, may establish and maintain places of isolation and quarantine and require the isolation or quarantine of any person who has contracted or been exposed to a highly contagious and fatal disease; WHEREAS, the Legislature has authorized the expenditure of funds in an event of an emergency pursuant to A.R.S. § 35-192; and WHEREAS, Executive Order 2017-06 establishes the Arizona Emergency Response and Recovery Plan to assist in responding to emergencies including public health emergencies; and NOW, THEREFORE I, Douglas A. Ducey, Governor of the State of Arizona, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and Laws of the State, do hereby determine that the COVID-19 outbreak presents conditions in Arizona, which are or are likely to be beyond the control of the services, personnel, equipment, and facilities of any single county, city or town, and which require the combined efforts of the State and the political subdivision, and thus justifies a declaration of a State of Emergency; accordingly, pursuant to A.R.S. §§ 26-303(0) and 36-787, I do hereby: a. Declare that a State of Emergency exists in Arizona due to the COVID-19 outbreak, effective March 11, 2020; and b. Direct that the State of Arizona Emergency Response and Recovery Plan be used, and the Division of Emergency Management to be engaged, as necessary or requested, to assist the Arizona Department of Health Services' coordination of the public health emergency response and authorize the use of state assets as necessary; and c. Authorize the Director of the Arizona Department of Health Services to coordinate all matters pertaining to the public health emergency response of the State in accordance with A.R.S. Title 36, Chapter 6, Article 9; This Emergency Declaration will be eligible for termination upon the resolution of the outbreak as determined by the Arizona Department of Health Services. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal. of the State of Arizona. ATTEST: GOVERNOR (Douglas Ducey) DONE at the Capitol in Phoenix on this 11th day of March in the Year Two Thousand Twenty and of the Independence of the United States of America the Year Two Hundred and Forty-Fourth. ATTEST: Secretary of State (Katie Hobbs) -
The screenshot says it all...
The screenshot says it all... -
Tens of millions of American's are out of work.
Tens of millions of American's are out of work. Half our people are living paycheck to paycheck. -
When Workers Stand Together in Collecive Bargaining, There's Power.
Verified When workers stand together in collective bargaining, there's power. Every benefit, from the minimum wage to the 5-day work week, was earned when people organized. It’s never easy. But workers at an Amazon warehouse in Alabama are standing together right now and if they win, it will send a shockwave throughout this country. -
Ilhan Omar Thread on Current Border Policy
People who lack empathy to imagine circumstances outside their own two feet is what we’re dealing with. A bunch of folks who have never left America, let alone their own state. If they did it was to the “big city” and their understanding of American politics is that it’s a game and they don’t want to lose. They don’t know why they’re playing they just don’t want to lose. They have no faith in anything other than the American myth of pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps. How do we lead a horse to water who isn’t thirsty? Focus the herd towards the water and the stubborn horse will eventually drink -
Deb Haaland Sworn in as the First Native American Cabinet Head
Photos of Deb Haaland proudly wearing the ribbon skirt I designed for her brings me so many emotions that are difficult to describe.It is such an honor to see an Indigenous woman be sworn in as the first Native American Cabinet head. Deb Haaland is such a gracious, humble, and compassionate leader who exemplifies all the teachings that are pretty universal for Indigenous Peoples. The teachings of love, kindness, humility, honesty, truthfulness and courage can be felt every time someone meets Deb or each time we see her speak. Today not just as a ribbon skirt maker but as an Indigenous woman….I feel SO SEEN. I know that feeling echoes tremendously with relatives all across Turtle Island. I am so proud to have been a part of this historic moment in some way. Thank you and shoutout to my friends Margaret Gonzalez and Shane Balkowitsch for asking me to make her a ribbonskirt. ✨✨✨✨✨✨ The ribbon skirt reminds us of the matriarchal power we carry as Indigenous women. They carry stories of survival, resilience, adaption, and sacredness. As survivors of genocide we wear our ribbon skirts to stay grounded in our teachings, to stay connected to the earth and our ancestors. ✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽 Wearing it in this day and age is an act of self empowerment and reclamation of who we are and that gives us the opportunity to proudly make bold statements in front of others who sometimes refuse to see us. It allows us to be our authentic selves unapologetically. This is extremely important to me because when I was a little girl, the hate and racism I experienced as a First Nations person left me feeling shame. As the daughter of a Residential school survivor and a Sixties scoop survivor, sewing ribbon skirts has brought so much healing to my life. Expressing myself in a cultural and creative way that allows me to feel the strength of my ancestors has given me the space I needed to shed that shame I carried. Sewing is my love language. Extremely honored ~ Agnes Woodward @agneswoodward #ribbonskirts #ribbonskirt #IndigenouswomenEmpowered #DebHaaland #MatriarchalPower -
The 2021 Social Justice Outlook
NEW YEAR. NEW SOCIAL JUSTICE OUTLOOK. 2020 will be remembered for the COVID-19 pandemic and nationwide civil unrest spurred by killings of unarmed Black men and women by police officers. With a new president in office, what will social justice look like in 2021? Get your questions ready and join the conversation tonight at 7:30 p.m. on NBC 6 Voices with Jawan Strader on the NBC 6 Facebook and YouTube pages. -
The average life expectancy of BIPOC trans women in North and South America is 30 - 35 years old
The average life expectancy of BIPOC trans women in North and South America is 30 - 35 years old. In just the last week, six Black trans women were found dead in the US. Say their names: Bree Black (27), Shaki Peters (32), Draya McCarty, Brayla Stone (17), Merci Mack (22), and Tatiana Hall (22). BIPOC trans lives under the constant threat of violence + murder. We need to protect trans lives, speak out against these killings, and end the systematic devaluation of trans lives in our society, culture, and politics. Here are just a few orgs to get involved with and stay informed: @transjusticefp - a community-led funding initiative to support grassroots, trans justice groups run by and for trans people @forthegworls - assisting Black trans with rent + affirmative surgery @tgijustice - ending the human rights abuses committed against transgender, gender variant and intersex people in California prisons and beyond @blackxcollective - Black trans/Queer youth organizing using art, direct action & political education -
Trump Failed 180,000 Died
This week, it was revealed President Donald Trump deliberately minimized the seriousness of COVID-19 to the public despite understanding its true danger and severity. About 190,000 Americans have died from the disease since the outbreak began earlier this year. This photo was taken during a Republication National Convention firework celebration of Trump's Presidential nomination. -
The Oromo Community in Minnesota is Demanding the United States Help
The Oromo community in Minnesota is demanding the United States help bring an end to political violence and restore human rights in Ethiopia. In recent weeks, the country's Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, has jailed his political opponents and temporarily shut down the country's internet access. Abiy also indefinitely postponed Ethiopia’s general elections which were scheduled to occur this month. -
Republican senators to Tennessee's public colleges: Stop athletes from kneeling during national anthem
In a virtual interview, Rennia Davis explains why the Lady Vols knelt during the national anthem. From the article: Tennessee Republicans are up in arms over a state college basketball team's decision to kneel last week during the playing of "The Star-Spangled Banner," prompting legislators to warn the public university system not to allow student athletes to do so again. -
Movements & Memes: How The Struggle For Social Justice Shaped 2020
Elly Belle refers to the year 2020 as a year of reckoning for North America. There are no better words to describe 2020. It was also a year of progress in spite of so much adversity. In the article Elly Belle seems hopeful saying, " The organizing and calls for justice that have taken place have provided the necessary framework that will influence work for decades to come — marking lasting changes in conscience beyond the ballot box. In turn, those who helped to secure food and housing for people, to hold police accountable, and transform what social services are funded will continue to push for meaningful, material change in the new year. From all that happened in 2020 alone, it's certain they’ll continue shaping conversations and movements in pivotal ways we haven't yet imagined." -
Big uptake of COVID-19 emergency benefit program in N.W.T and Nunavut
27,790 people in the the Northwest Territories and Nunavut have received the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit for one month or more. -
November 14, 2020
"Get the water fixed"
Tweet from former MP Celina Caesar-Chavannes of video of Beetabun Moonias from Neskantaga First Nation sharing her experience of the water crisis and missing her home. -
Proposed six-month freeze on rent increases voted down in legislature
The government and opposition party voted down a motion brought forward by the New Democratic Party (NDP) on Dec. 9 that proposed a six-month freeze on rent increases to help renters during the pandemic. The NDP had asked the legislature to pass a ministerial order under the Civil Emergency Measures Act to prevent rent-increases until July 1, 2021. -
Memes relating to today
I wrote this essay for my History 103 class at Niagara University for my final exam -
International Businessman Oral History, 2020/11/29
IMPORTANT NOTE: My professor, Dr. Blake Jones, approved of the anonymity of my interview subject. My subject is highly private and wishes to maintain that anonymity for business and personal reasons. Max is a businessman from the United States. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Business and holds an M.B.A. He has been conducting business in the electronics industry for over 40 years. He has a wife, adult children, and dogs. Max has been heavily involved in Asian markets in his business for multiple decades. He was a vital part of the explosion of Japanese electronics onto the American market in the 1980's, the rapid introduction of the Internet in the 1990's, and has most recently been working to implement the next generation of lighting displays for consumer electronics. Max’s life and work has been one that has been vital to the development of the world’s technological progress in the past 40 years, although he is not a household name. Max has lived through multiple important events and has a unique perspective on all of them as a businessman, agent of free enterprise, and average American providing for his family. He holds several unique opinions on current events and is not afraid to state them plainly. In this interview, he reflects on the difficulties and silver linings that COVID-19 has thrown at him in his work and personal life. -
Politics during a Pandemic
I chose this graphic as my second artifact because it references not only the global symbol of COVID-19 – a mask – and its impact on decreasing the spread of the virus, but also the political unrest our country has faced in response to this pandemic. In addition to other social injustices that continue to plague America, the Coronavirus has caused significant debate and division between Americans, notably between political parties. Our current president has time and again proven that controlling the virus is not his priority, constantly placing the blame on others while simultaneously denouncing the legitimacy and severity of COVID. Upon contracting it himself, Donald Trump downplayed COVID by Tweeting an enormously insensitive message saying, “Don’t be afraid of COVID. Don’t let it dominate your life,” as if the hundreds of thousands of deaths on his hands could have been prevented by the power of sheer will and determination. As this graphic suggests, the mishandled pandemic should not be an issue of political preference, but rather about human character and our moral obligation to treat others with respect by avoiding placing others in danger knowingly and without regard. -
Jewish Melbourne: ZFA Facebook post - Morrison and Netanyahu speaking about Covid
"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו, today, spoke by telephone with Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison (ScoMo). The two discussed ways to deal with the coronavirus and the effectiveness of the use of lockdowns in dealing with the second wave of the spread of the virus. Prime Minister Netanyahu complimented his counterpart on the success of the lockdown in Victoria and said that Israel is starting to see preliminary results in wake of the lockdown even though the rate of morbidity is still high." -
Doug Doucey
The once mildly disliked man is now disputed moreso as a general failure when it came to Red for Ed and the COVID-19 cases in Arizona. -
North Dakota state legislative candidate dies due to complications with COVID-19.
This is the obituary of the North Dakota state legislative candidate, Dave Andahl, who won the seat posthumously in the 2020 election. Mr. Andahl died due to complications with COVID-19, a tragic loss for North Dakota communities. “David Dean Andahl, 55, passed away on Oct. 5, 2020. David was born in Bismarck on Oct. 30, 1964, to Ronald and Patricia Andahl. David was passionate about farming and ranching, his home state, and the quality of life of its people. David was known for being a compassionate, generous, ambitious, and inviting soul. He brought a warm light into so many people's lives over the years. Funeral services will be held 2 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 14 at the family farm, 14501 15th St. NW, Bismarck, 58503. For those attending, masks are required; we also ask you to please social distance and provide your own chairs. Visitation will be held from 4 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 13 at Parkway Funeral Service, 2330 Tyler Parkway, Bismarck. Burial will be held at Baldwin Cemetery. David graduated from Century High School, obtained his associate's degree from Bismarck State College, and attended North Dakota State University, where he studied animal science. After attending NDSU, he pursued one of his lifelong dreams and became a successful professional driver. He was known as "Dakota Dave," because of being from North Dakota, and his commitment to promoting his home state. As president of Dakota Sports Marketing, David showcased the economic and tourism opportunities offered by the state. He connected with former Governor Ed Schafer, who supported the concept, and was a participating dignitary in starting one of his races. Upon retiring from active racing, David worked as a contractor, serving as a professional driving instructor for various large automobile manufacturers and organizations around the country. Some of this work included obtaining high-level security clearance from the United States Government for training that was needed during the war in Afghanistan. David said he learned a great deal from his travels, but North Dakota was always calling him home. David was a partner and general manager of 4T Ranch north of Bismarck. The ranch has been in the Andahl family for three generations and takes its name from the year his grandparents married (1940). As Bismarck grew, many developers expressed interest in segments of 4T Ranch, but David and his family had a vision about the legacy they wanted to leave. In 2013, they founded 4T Ranch Developers, Inc. with David serving as president. They created "The Ranch," a unique rural subdivision with a community feel. His commitment to leaving a legacy called David to serve on the Burleigh County Planning and Zoning Commission for 16 years, including chairing the commission for eight years during a time of rapid growth and change for the region. David cited developing a Comprehensive Plan for Burleigh County as one of the major accomplishments during his tenure, creating a solid foundation for the future. David was interested in doing even more for the state and threw his hat in the ring for the Republican endorsement for the North Dakota House of Representatives from District 8. In the June primary election, David was selected as one of the successful candidates. One of his fondest wishes was to have the opportunity to serve in the legislature. David is survived by his parents, Ronald (Patricia) Andahl; his sister, Darcy; his son, Charles (Tia) Lacy; his adopted grandmother, Joan Zacher; his dear friend, Audrey Ekstrom; his beloved dog, Hank; as well as numerous aunts, uncles, and cousins. He was preceded in death by his brother, Ty, his grandparents, and his beloved dogs, Bear and Zeus.” -
EXPLAINER: Have election-related protests materialized?
These images and the article they came from show the continuing effect of the virus and the pandemic. Even in the protests during the elections, some people are wearing masks. This election is happening months after the pandemic began. -
Voting During a Global Pandemic: A Student's Experience Voting in Person
The object is an image of my family and I after voting and holding our “I voted” stickers. The eligible voters in my household are my mother, father, younger brother, and myself. After becoming very invested in politics, my youngest brother, who is eight, got a future voter sticker for coming along. Voting, in general, is a significant task, but this year, with the presidential election, mass amounts of people were expected to vote in person and with mail-in ballots. The pandemic heavily altered what an election usually looks like. Voting in person looked very different and had additional procedures to be cautious. When we entered immediately, we were given a hand sanitizer and a disposable glove to touch the voting machines and ballot. The room setup was different as areas to walk marked off, waiting in line to check-in required voters to wait for six-feet apart from each other. The floors were marked to show directions you could walk in. The voting machines were farther apart than usual to keep everyone at a distance. It was strange to experience a COVID-19 election, especially as this has been an anticipated election for a few years now. Last year I could never have imagined voting in a mask and being given a glove to keep the voting machines clean. This year is notable for the difficult circumstances of COVID-19 and a year focusing on the historic presidential election. -
Man at Trump Rally in NYC
Man wearing a "Gays For Trump" shirt and a MAGA hat at a pro-Trump protest in New York City during COVID-19.