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GoToトラベルと感染拡大の関係 詳しく分析すると・・・(2021年1月25日) - A detailed analysis of the relationship between GoTo Travel and the spread of infection ... (January 25, 2021)
This is a news that talks about the Go To Travel. Go To Travel in simple is a plan that the government set up in order for local areas to gain back the economy by supporting up to half the amount of travel fees. Using this A LOT of people traveled around Japan despite being in a pandemic. I always have thought that this traveling plan will cause more trouble, which it did. I translated the video. A group at Kyoto University has published a research paper stating that GoTo Travel "may have affected" the spread of the new coronavirus. The survey was conducted by a group of Professor Hiroshi Nishiura of Kyoto University and was published in the international medical journal "Journal of Clinical Medicine" on the 21st. The group survey analyzed about 4000 people infected with the new coronavirus in 24 prefectures from May to August last year. As a result, it was found that about 20% traveled across prefectures or were in contact with travelers. What is interesting is the comparison of the "incidence rate" of infected people around July 22, last year when Go To Travel started. According to the initial 5 days survey when Go To Travel started, the incidence of travel-related infected people has increased 1.44 times compared to the 5 days of the previous week. Furthermore, if the purpose of travel is limited to "sightseeing," the incidence rate jumps up to 2.62 times. Late July last year is the time of the "second wave" in Japan. However, the compared 5 days were also days with special conditions. That is, 4 out of 5 days from the start of GoTo were holidays and other holidays. And at this time, it was still before Go To was implemented in Tokyo. Professor Nishiura et al. paper did not conclude that GoTo Travel was the cause of the spread of the infection, but pointed out that it may have affected it, at least in the early stages. GoToトラベルが新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大に「影響した可能性がある」とする研究論文を京都大学のグループが発表しました。 調査は京都大学の西浦博教授らのグループが行い、21日に国際的な医学誌「ジャーナルオブクリニカルメディスン」に掲載されました。 グループの調査では去年5月から8月にかけて24の県で約4000人の新型コロナウィルスの感染者を分析。その結果、約2割が県をまたいで旅行したか、旅行者と接触していたことが分かりました。 興味深いのは、GoToトラベルが開始された去年7月22日前後の感染者の「発生率」の比較です。 GoToトラベル始まった当初5日間の調査だと、旅行に関連した感染者の発生率は前の週の5日間に比べて1.44倍に上がっています。さらに、旅行の目的を「観光」に限定すると、発生率は2.62倍にまで跳ね上がるのです。 去年7月下旬といえば、国内だと「第2波」の時期にあたります。 ただ、比較した5日間は特別な条件の日でもありました。それは、GoTo開始から5日間のうち4日が祝日などの休みであったということ。そしてこの時期、東京ではまだGoToの実施前だったということです。 西浦教授らの論文ではGoToトラベルが感染拡大の原因とは結論付けていないものの、少なくとも初期の段階では影響した可能性があると指摘しています。 -
ワクチン集団接種“初訓練”3分想定も最大26分に(2021年1月27日) – Vaccine mass vaccination "first training" assumed 3 minutes and up to 26 minutes (January 27, 2021)
This was a news video where Kawasaki city in Japan conducted a practice round of vaccination process. Personally, I do get the reason why the practice is happening; however, Japan still doesn't have a set date of when vaccinations will actually happen. This news and event itself could lead to people having high hopes of getting vaccinations soon when in reality, it could take much longer. Unlike U.S., Japan does not have a culture of drive through, meaning people physically have to go to locations for the vaccines. Also, having large gatherings like this I personally think should be avoided and maybe they should have videotaped it and posted on YouTube on how to get vaccinated, instead of many people physically going to the place and learning how to be vaccinated. I have translated the video. After 1:00 pm on the 7th, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and Kawasaki City conducted a training for mass distribution of the new coronavirus vaccine. The training also cooperated with Pfizer, which supplies vaccines. About 40 vounteers of doctors, nurses, and patients checked the actual flow. At the venue, there was also a freezer where vaccines could be stored at a minus temperature 70 degrees or less. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has already conveyed the message of mass distribution to each local government. First, at the reception, complete the temperature measurement and identity verification, and fill in the questionnaire about your health condition and chronic illness. Next, a pre-examination will be conducted to see if the doctor can actually vaccinate, and if there are no problems, vaccination will be given. You will then need to wait 15-30 minutes to receive a vaccinated certificate and follow up for any side effects. According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, it takes 3 minutes per person from pre-examination to vaccination, and if it takes 7 hours, 280 people can get the vaccine a day. However, it is said that some people took up to 26 minutes from the pre-examination to the vaccination in the training. Kawasaki City College of Nursing, President Noboru Sakamoto: "I was a simulation patient today, but I feel like I would continue asking questions like ‘I am really scared of allergies from this vaccination’. People who are receiving the vaccination are most likely afraid so we would need to consider and adjust the fact that people will ask questions, for future vaccination sessions” the issue of selecting a venue was also pointed out. Kawasaki City College of Nursing, President Noboru Sakamoto: "I think it's okay if it's a gymnasium, but when it comes to elementary, junior high and high schools, we use it in regular class for students. Once vaccination starts, we have to use it for at least half a year or a long period of time. Given that it is unbearable, we will not be able to use gymnasiums that are used for education every day.” Some local governments cannot prepare large venues. In Izu Oshima, which has a population of about 7,500, we plan to vaccinate at the Oshima Medical Center, the only medical institution on the island. Oshima Town Welfare Health Division, Tetsuya Yoshizawa, Chief: "We plan to have Saturdays and Sundays, which are holiday medical treatment days, considering the system of medical staff. If that is not enough, we are considering about one day from the weekday. However, the trouble is that we have to vaccination twice. This is just new for us.” The vaccine will be shipped by ship, but the schedule may be affected depending on the weather. Tetsuya Yoshizawa, Chief of the Oshima Town Welfare Health Division: "Of course, depending on the weather conditions, it may be canceled. If we can't see when the vaccine will arrive, it's hard to prepare.” Vaccines are first transported from warehouses that can be stored at ultra-low temperatures to hospitals equipped with freezing facilities. However, since the number of facilities equipped with freezing facilities is limited, we plan to refrigerate the facilities and transport them to each vaccination site and facilities for the elderly. The government plans to secure 10,000 ultra-low temperature freezers and aims to complete the installation by the end of May. At a facility for the elderly in Chiba City, we have begun to consider whether vaccination can be done at the facility. This is because elderly people with dementia are admitted and it is difficult to take them to the vaccination site. Chiba Workers Welfare Association, Megumi Kadowaki, Director of Nursing Care: "If possible, it is safest to ask a" family doctor "and inject the vaccine." However, whether the family doctor is given permission to inject the new corona vaccine is still unknown. In addition, Ms. Kadowaki wants the procedure for vaccination to be as simple as possible. Chiba Workers Welfare Association, Megumi Kadowaki, Long-term Care Manager: "Employees are doing their best to prevent infection and protect users of the center, so I would like you to reduce the new office work as much as possible" because there are still those who cannot visit the vaccination. Dr. Tomitsuka is visiting the clinic in Ota-ku, Tokyo. There are currently 60 patients on-site. In the middle of this month, Ota-ku recruited doctors to register as vaccination doctors for patients, including me. He says he intends to join, but he is worried about carrying the vaccine. Director of Seseragi Clinic Tamagawa Taro Tomitsuka: "The biggest fear is that the vaccine's effect is lost after transportation because the environment of minus several ten degrees cannot be maintained. At the end, I have to vaccinate it. I am accustomed to storing and transporting the vaccine. I really want people who are used in transporting and maintaining the temperature to do it.” It is said that cooperation with doctors will become more important in the future toward the first vaccination. Director of Seseragi Clinic Tamagawa / Taro Tomitsuka: "I think it's safer and more secure if you leave it to your family doctor, but on the other hand, it's a vaccination that requires speed, so you can involve local doctors well.” Minister Kono met with the presidents of the National Mayors' Association. Minister Kono, in charge of vaccination: "I told you that vaccination of the elderly will be after April 1st at the earliest. 7日午後1時過ぎ、厚生労働省と川崎市による新型コロナウイルスワクチンの集団接種の訓練が行われました。訓練は、ワクチンを供給するファイザーも協力。医師や看護師、患者役などのエキストラ約40人で、実際の流れを確認します。会場には、マイナ70度以下でワクチンを保管できる冷凍庫も用意されました。 厚労省は、すでに、集団接種のイメージを各自治体に伝えています。まず受付で、検温や本人確認などを済ませ、健康状態や持病などを問診票に記入。次に、実際に医師が接種できるかどうかを診る予診を行い、問題がなければワクチン接種を行います。その後、接種済みの証明書を受け取り、副反応が出ないかの経過観察のため、15~30分、待機する必要があります。 厚労省は、予診から接種まで1人3分で、7時間行えば、一日280人が、ワクチンを打つことができるとしています。ただ、訓練では予診から接種まで、最大で26分かかった人もいたといいます。 川崎市立看護短期大学・坂元昇学長:「きょうは模擬患者だったが、つい本音で『これってアレルギーが怖いんですね』とか、お医者さんを目の前にすると、そういう話が延々と続いてしまう。受けられる方は不安だろうから、たくさん質問するというものを今後、どうやって調整するか」 会場選びの課題も指摘されました。 川崎市立看護短期大学・坂元昇学長:「体育館だったらなんでもいいやと思われるが、小中高校になると、通常の授業で使う。いったん予防接種が始まれば、少なくとも半年とか、長い期間、使わざる負えないということを考えると、日々、教育で使うような体育館等は使えないだろう」 大きな会場が用意できない自治体もあります。人口約7500人の伊豆大島では、島内唯一の医療機関・大島医療センターで接種を行う予定です。 大島町福祉けんこう課・吉澤哲也課長:「医療従事者の体制等も考えて、休日の診療日にあたる土曜、日曜を予定。それで対応しきれない場合は、平日いずれかの曜日1日くらいを考えている。ただ、厄介なのが2回、接種しなければいけないというところで。いかんせん何もかも初めてなので」 ワクチンは船で運ばれる予定ですが、天候次第でスケジュールに影響が出る可能性もあります。 大島町福祉けんこう課・吉澤哲也課長:「当然、天候状況によっては“欠航”ということもある。我々もワクチンが、いつごろ手元に届くのか、その辺が見えてこないと、準備のほうもなかなか進めるに進められない」 ワクチンは、超低温保存ができる倉庫から、まずは、冷凍設備が整った病院などに運ばれます。ただ、冷凍設備が整った施設は限られているため、その後は、冷蔵で、各接種会場や高齢者施設などに運ばれていく予定です。政府は、超低温冷凍庫を1万台確保する方針で、5月中の設置完了を目指しています。 千葉市にある高齢者施設では、施設で接種ができないかと検討を始めました。入所しているのが認知症の高齢者で、接種会場へ連れていくことが難しいためです。 千葉勤労者福祉会・門脇めぐみ介護部長:「できれば“かかりつけ医”が問診をして、ワクチンを接種してしただくのが一番、安心」 ただ、かかりつけ医に新型コロナのワクチンの接種許可が下りるかは、まだ、わからないといいいます。さらに、門脇さんは、接種までの手続きなどを、なるべく簡潔にしてほしいと訴えます。 千葉勤労者福祉会・門脇めぐみ介護部長:「職員は、感染対策と利用者さんを守ることで精いっぱいなので、新たに生じる事務作業は極力減らしていただきたい」 接種会場に足を運べない人は、まだいます。東京都大田区で訪問診療を行っている富塚医師。訪問診療している患者は現在60人います。今月中旬には、大田区から患者にワクチン接種をする医師として登録するよう呼び掛けられました。応じるつもりだといいますが、ワクチンを運ぶことに不安があるといいます。 せせらぎクリニック多摩川・富塚太郎院長:「マイナス数十度の環境が保てなくて、ワクチンの効果が運搬後になくなっているというのが最大の恐怖。最後は私が打つ。ワクチンの保存と運搬は慣れた人にしていただきたいのが本音」 初めてのワクチン接種に向け、今後は、医師の連携が、より大切になってくるといいます。 せせらぎクリニック多摩川・富塚太郎院長:「かかりつけ医に任せていただければ、より安全・安心で、対処できると思うけど、一方で、速さを求められているワクチン接種なので、うまく地域の医者を巻き込んでいただければなと」 河野大臣は、全国市長会会長らと会談しました。 “ワクチン接種”担当・河野大臣:「高齢者のワクチン接種が、早くても4月1日以降になるとお伝えした。 -
[GoTo」自粛キャンセル 13日までに申告で無料(2020年12月3日) - Cancellation of self-restraint of "Go To" Free of charge by declaration by 13th (December 3, 2020)
In order to reduce the risk of elders, Tokyo Governor is asking elders to cancel their trip and will make canceling fee free. However, like I have said in previous stories, Japan can never enforce rules on citizens. It has to be “we would like you to do it”. I doubt a lot of elders will cancel because using Go To travel allows traveling fee to be reduced, and some would definitely think that it's a waste to not use the government’s money. 東京都は高齢者たちが自粛の呼び掛けに応じて「GoToトラベル」の旅行を取りやめる場合、13日までに申し出ればキャンセル料は無料になると明らかにしました。 東京都は65歳以上の高齢者や基礎疾患を持つ人たちを対象に「GoToトラベル」の東京発着の旅行を17日まで自粛するよう呼び掛けるとしています。キャンセル料などに関する政府から都への回答によりますと、17日までに出発する旅行については13日までに申し出ればキャンセル料はかかりません。一方、キャンセルされた事業者に対しては解約された旅行代金の35%を国が負担するということです。また、小池都知事は1日に菅総理と会談した際、高齢者らへの「GoToトラベル」の利用自粛の呼び掛けについて、全国規模で行うことを検討するよう求めていたことも明らかにしました。 その東京都では2日に新たに500人の感染が確認され、重症の患者は59人になりました。また、都は50代から90代の男女5人が死亡したことも発表しました。このうち4人は高血圧などの基礎疾患があったということです。 The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has announced that if elderly people cancel their "Go To Travel" trip, the cancellation fee will be free if they apply by the 13th. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is calling on elderly people aged 65 and over and people with underlying illnesses to refrain from traveling to and from Tokyo on "Go To Travel" until the 17th. According to the government's response to the city regarding cancellation fees, there is no cancellation fee if you apply by the 13th for trips departing by the 17th. On the other hand, the government will bear 35% of the canceled travel fee for the canceled business operator. In addition, when Governor Koike met with Prime Minister Suga on the 1st, he said that he had requested that elderly people consider refraining from using "GoTo Travel" on a nationwide scale. In Tokyo, 500 new infections were confirmed on the 2nd, and the number of patients with severe symptoms became 59. The city also announced that five men and women in their 50s and 90s had died. Four of them had underlying illnesses such as high blood pressure. Video translated by Youngbin Noh -
GoToトラベル 来年中ごろまで延長する方針(2020年12月3日)- GoTo Travel, extend until mid-next year (December 3, 2020)
Go To travel has been something I’ve been submitting to this archive. In order to boost up the economy, Japan has supported people who will be traveling by paying up to half of the traveling fee. Personally, this I think really caused the second wave of COVID-19 in Japan, but people still want to travel because it is cheap using the government’s support. 最大で旅行代金の半額相当が支援されるGoToトラベルについて、政府は来年中ごろまで延長する方針を固めました。 GoToトラベルはこれまで1月までの旅行を対象としていましたが、政府関係者によりますと、これを来年中ごろまで延長する方針で、8日に取りまとめる緊急経済対策に盛り込むことにしています。ただ、Go Toトラベルが終わった際に旅行の需要が激減することを防ぐため、現在、最大で35%となっている割引率を段階的に引き下げることや受け取ることができる地域共通クーポンの金額の見直しなどを検討するということです。 The government has decided to extend Go To Travel, which supports up to half the travel price, until mid-next year. Go To Travel has been targeted for travel until January, but according to government officials, it is planned to extend this until the middle of next year, and it will be included in the emergency economic measures to be summarized on the 8th. However, in order to prevent the demand for travel from dropping drastically when Go To Travel is over, they will gradually reduce the discount rate, which is currently up to 35%, and review the amount of regional coupons that can be received. Video translated by Youngbin Noh -
新型コロナワクチン 来週から大規模接種へ ロシア(2020年12月3日) - New corona vaccine to large-scale inoculation from next week Russia (December 3, 2020)
ロシアのプーチン大統領は、世界で初めて開発に成功した新型コロナウイルスのロシア製ワクチンについて、国民を対象にした大規模な接種を来週から始めると表明しました。 プーチン大統領は2日、閣僚らとの会議でロシア製ワクチン「スプートニクV」の大規模接種を来週後半から始めるよう指示しました。すでに200万回分のワクチンの生産がほぼ完了しているとも述べ、まずは優先的に医師と教員に接種させるとしています。ロシア国民であれば接種の費用はかからないということです。新型コロナウイルスのワクチンを巡っては、イギリス政府がアメリカの製薬大手「ファイザー」のワクチンを承認して来週から接種を開始すると発表していて、プーチン大統領としてもロシア国内でも接種を始めて対抗する意図があるとみられます。 Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced that he will begin large-scale public vaccination next week for the world's first successful Russian vaccine for the new coronavirus. President Putin instructed at a meeting with ministers on the 2nd to start large-scale inoculation of the Russian vaccine "Sputnik V" from the latter half of next week. He also said that the production of 2 million vaccines has already been completed, and will give priority to doctors and teachers. If you are a Russian citizen, there is no cost for vaccination. Regarding the vaccine for the new corona virus, the British government has announced that it will approve the vaccine of the American pharmaceutical giant "Pfizer" and start vaccination from next week, and President Putin intends to start vaccination in Russia as well. Video translated by Youngbin Noh -
無料コロナ検査に行列→有料クリニックが人気に NY(2020年12月3日) - Procession for free corona inspection → Paid clinic becomes popular NY (December 3, 2020)
新型コロナウイルスの感染が再び拡大しているアメリカ・ニューヨーク州では、検査の行列を避けたい人たちの間で有料のクリニックへの注目が高まっています。 検査を受けに来た女性:「多くの具合が悪い人と一緒に行列に並ぶリスクを避けたい。(簡易テストの費用が)250ドルはすごく高いけど、皆、早く結果が知りたいし、賢いビジネスだと思う」 新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大が続くなか、ニューヨーク市内では無料の検査を受けるまで数時間、外で待つ場合もあり、行列を避けたい人たちの間で有料のクリニックへの注目が高まっています。ニューヨーク州では2日、前日に確認された新規感染者が8973人に上り、4月24日以来、最多となりました。クリスマスや年末に向けて感染者のさらなる増加が懸念され、クオモ知事は多くの市民に検査を受けるよう改めて呼び掛けています。ニューヨーク州では検査が無料のため、その数は一日で最大約22万件に上っていて、病院には大勢の人が詰め掛けています。 In New York, USA, where the infection with the new coronavirus is spreading again, there is increasing attention to paid clinics among those who want to avoid the inspection line. Woman coming to the test: "I want to avoid the risk of waiting in line with many sick people. (The cost of a quick test) is very high, but everyone wants to know the results quickly and is smart. I think it's a good business.” As the infection of the new coronavirus continues to spread, in New York City, it may take several hours to wait outside for a free test, so people who want to avoid lines are paying more attention to paid clinics. In New York State, the number of newly infected people confirmed the day before was 8973 on the 2nd, the highest number since April 24th. Concerned about a further increase in infected people towards Christmas and the end of the year, Governor Cuomo is calling on many citizens to be tested again. With free tests in New York, the number can reach up to about 220,000 a day, and hospitals are packed with people. Video Translated by Youngbin Noh -
コロナでビニール手袋が高騰 輸入関税一時撤廃へ(2020年12月3日) – Gloves rise in price due to corona, temporarily eliminate import tariffs (December 3, 2020)
医療や介護への影響を抑えることが狙いです。 新型コロナウイルスの影響で医療や介護の現場で使い捨てのビニール手袋の需要が急激に伸びて価格が高騰していることを受け、政府・与党は来年度の税制改正で輸入関税を一時、撤廃する方針を固めました。国内で供給されている使い捨てのビニール手袋は現在、大半を中国やベトナムからの輸入に頼っていて、5.8%の関税がかかっています。価格の高騰による医療や介護への影響を抑えることが狙いで、来年度の税制改正に盛り込む方針です。 The aim is to reduce the impact on medical care and nursing care. The government and the ruling party are planning to temporarily remove import tax in the next fiscal year's tax reform in response to the sharp increase in demand for disposable gloves and increasing prices in the medical and nursing care fields due to the influence of the new coronavirus. Most of the disposable gloves supplied domestically are currently imported from China and Vietnam and are subject to a 5.8% tax rate. The policy is to include it in the tax reform next year with the aim of reducing the impact of increasing prices on medical care and long-term care. Video translated by Youngbin Noh -
– COVID-19: A rapid increase to 60 people with severe symptoms in Tokyo this week (November 27, 2020)
Tokyo continuously has increasing number of severe symptoms patient of COIVD-19. Despite this, Japan still wants to make the economy running, and all the restaurants are not taking proper CDC measures. Japan’s restaurants tend to be way smaller compared to here, and therefore opening one seat or a table apart from each other does not really help. Tokyo continuously has increasing number of severe symptoms patient of COIVD-19. Despite this, Japan still wants to make the economy running, and all the restaurants are not taking proper CDC measures. Japan’s restaurants tend to be way smaller compared to here, and therefore opening one seat or a table apart from each other does not really help. -
東京、大阪、札幌、名古屋“時短”全飲食店に協力金(2020年11月27日) - Cooperation money for all restaurants in Tokyo, Osaka, Sapporo, and Nagoya (November 27, 2020)
In order to take measures for COVID-19, the Prime Minister will help restaurants if they reduce the hours open. However, by Japanese law, they cannot force this rule. All the measures taken are always, “We would like you to follow” and it depends on how the citizens act instead of the government’s rule. 菅総理大臣は新型コロナウイルス対策として東京、大阪などの各都市で今週末から営業時間を短縮したすべての飲食店に協力金を支給する方針を表明しました。 菅総理大臣:「札幌市、東京都、大阪市、名古屋市でも飲食店の時間短縮を今週末から行う。時間短縮に協力するすべての店舗に対して国としてしっかり支援をしていきたい」 また、感染拡大地域の保健所に派遣する保健師などの専門職について「これまでの倍の1200人を確保した」と明らかにしました。そのうえで、「3週間が極めて重要な時期だ」と強調し、マスクの着用など感染防止対策の徹底を呼び掛けました。 Prime Minister Suga has announced a policy to provide cooperation money to all restaurants whose business hours have been shortened from this weekend in cities such as Tokyo and Osaka as a countermeasure against the new coronavirus. Prime Minister Suga: "We will shorten the time for restaurants in Sapporo, Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya from this weekend. We would like to support all the stores that cooperate in shortening the time as a country." Regarding professional occupations such as public health nurses dispatched to health centers in areas where the infection has spread, he said, "We have secured 1,200 people, twice as many as before." Based on his comments, he emphasized that "three weeks is an extremely important time," and called for thorough infection prevention measures such as wearing masks. Video translated by Youngbin Noh -
順番待ち不要!最新の銀行 窓口で現金受け渡しせず(2020年11月25日) - No need to wait in line! No delivery of cash at the latest bank counter (November 25, 2020)
This is a news where Mitsui Sumitomo Banking Corporation, one of the biggest Banking Corporation in Japan, made the bank stores much more convenient and less clustered. Personally, I felt this was very slow in terms of technology, because compared to countries such as Korea, Japan always were analog with how they organized the bank and putting money. 銀行の順番待ちも窓口前でずっと待つ必要がなくなります。 三井住友銀行が新たに開設した店舗では番号札を取った客がその場にいる必要がなく、店内が混雑して「密」な状態にならないようにします。また、窓口で現金の受け渡しをしません。高額の入金などは、客は電子サインの後にQRコードを受け取り、高性能なATMを使います。三井住友銀行は全体の約7割をこうした店舗にする計画です。 You don't have to wait in front of the counter to wait for the bank. At the store newly opened by Mitsui Sumitomo Banking Corporation, the customer who picked up the number tag does not need to be in the store, so that the store will not be crowded and become "clustered". In addition, cash will not be delivered at the counter. For large deposits, customers receive a QR code after an electronic signature and use a high-performance ATM. Mitsui Sumitomo Banking Corporation plans to make about 70% of all stores like this. Video Translated by Youngbin Noh -
都内の新型コロナ感染者は401人 重症者は54人に(2020年11月25日) - 401 people infected with the new coronavirus in Tokyo, 54 people with severe symptoms (November 25, 2020)
The capital and my home town, Tokyo, has started to have increased number of COVID-19 cases. It is because Japan is doing this GO TO travel campaign and trying to live as if COVID-19 is not happening. From my perspective, they are focusing more on the economy and trying to make Japan look as if it is fine for the Olympics, rather than focusing on the actual citizen’s health. 東京都は25日、新型コロナウイルスの新規感染者が401人確認され、重症者が54人になったと発表しました。重症者の数は2日連続で緊急事態宣言解除後の過去最多を更新しました。 都内の重症者数は前日よりも3人増えて54人となりました。2日連続で緊急事態宣言解除後の過去最多を更新したことになります。また、80代から90代の男女3人の死亡も確認されました。重症者の急増などを受けて都は島しょ部を除き、お酒を提供する飲食店などに対して午後10時までの営業時間の短縮を要請することを決めました。期間は28日からの20日間としています。 The Tokyo Metropolitan Government announced on the 25th that 401 new cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed and 54 people were seriously ill. The number of seriously ill people reached a record high for the second consecutive day after the state of emergency was lifted. The number of seriously ill people in Tokyo increased by 3 from the previous day to 54. This is the second consecutive day that we have updated the record high since the state of emergency was lifted. In addition, three men and women in their 80s and 90s were confirmed dead. Due to the rapid increase in the number of seriously ill people, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has decided to request restaurants that serve alcohol to shorten its business hours by 10 pm, except for the restaurants in the islands (that are still in Tokyo province). The period is from 28th of this month to 20th of December. Video translated by Youngbin Noh -
コロナワクチン市場供給へ 中国で初めて申請(2020年11月25日) - First application in China to supply the corona vaccine market (November 25, 2020)コロナワクチン市場供給へ 中国で初めて申請(2020年11月25日) - First application in China to supply the corona vaccine market (November 25, 2020)
中国で初めてワクチンの市場への供給許可が申請されました。 中国メディアによりますと、国有の製薬大手「シノファーム」は7月からすでに緊急的な投与を開始している開発中の新型コロナウイルスのワクチンについて、市場への供給許可を当局に申請しました。シノファームは現在、南米のペルーなどで最終となる第3段階の臨床試験をしていて、当局はこの結果を踏まえて許可を出すとしています。シノファームは「100万人近くにワクチンを緊急投与したが、深刻な副作用の報告は1件もなく、ほんの少数に軽度の症状がみられた」と説明しています。 For the first time in China, an application of license to supply vaccines to the market has been put in. According to the Chinese media, the state-owned pharmaceutical giant "Sinofarm" has applied to the authorities for permission to supply the new coronavirus vaccine under development, which has already started emergency administration since July. Shinofarm is currently conducting the final third-stage clinical trials in Peru and other parts of South America, and the authorities will issue a permit based on this result. "We urgently administered the vaccine to nearly one million people, but there were no reports of serious side effects, and only a few had mild symptoms," explains Shinofarm. Video translated by Youngbin Noh -
大型セール“ブラックフライデー”仏で1週間延期へ(2020年11月21日) - Large sale "Black Friday" postponed for one week in France (November 21, 2020)
厳しい外出制限が敷かれているフランスでは、ブラックフライデーの大型セールを1週間延期することが決まりました。 フランスでは新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を受けて多くの中小の小売店が閉鎖されています。一方でアマゾンなどネット通販大手は営業を続けていて、ブラックフライデーのセールが27日から始まることに小売店からは不満の声が高まっていました。それを受けて政府は20日、ブラックフライデーの大型セールを27日から1週間延期し、それまでに小売店の営業再開を認めることを発表しました。 In France, where strict outing restrictions are in place, it has been decided to postpone the big Black Friday sale for a week. In France, many small and medium-sized retail stores have been closed due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection. On the other hand, major online shopping companies such as Amazon are still in business, and retailers have been complaining that the Black Friday sale will start on the 27th. In response, the government announced on the 20th that it will postpone the big Black Friday sale for a week from the 27th and allow retailers to reopen by then. Video translated by Youngbin Noh -
“新型コロナ”分科会会長「札幌『ステージ3』か」(2020年11月20日) - Chairman of the "New Corona" Subcommittee "Sapporo" Stage 3 "?" (November 20, 2020)
政府の新型コロナウイルス対策分科会の尾身会長は、感染が拡大している札幌について、個人の見解として、「『ステージ3』に入っているのではないか」との認識を示しました。GoToトラベルキャンペーンの見直しを提言したことについては、「感染の早期鎮静化につながり結果的には、経済的なダメージも少なくなる」と説明しました。また、「感染の可能性を自覚しながら検査を受けない事例も増えている」と指摘し、改めて、症状が出れば早期に受診するよう呼び掛けました。 Mr. Omi, chairman of the government's new coronavirus control subcommittee, expressed his personal opinion about Sapporo of Hokkaido, where the infection is spreading, that he may be in "stage 3". He explained that he recommended a review of the GoTo Travel Campaign, which will lead to early sedation of the infection and, as a result, less financial damage." He also pointed out that "the number of cases where people are aware of the symptoms of infection but do not get tested is increasing," and once again called for an early checkup if symptoms occur. Video translated by Youngbin Noh -
新型コロナ治療に光 ウイルス侵入防ぐ物質を開発(2020年11月19日) - Developed a substance to prevent invasion of light virus for new corona treatment (November 19, 2020)
新型コロナウイルスの有力な治療薬になる可能性があります。京都府立医科大学などの研究チームは新型コロナウイルスが細胞に侵入するのを防ぐ特殊なたんぱく質を開発したと発表しました。 京都府立医科大学・星野温助教:「(新型コロナウイルス)治療薬がまだ『これ』というのが確立されてませんので、その一つの大きな候補となる開発技術になりますので、大きく社会に貢献できるものと期待します」 新型コロナウイルスは表面にあるトゲが人の細胞の表面にある「ACE2」と呼ばれる突起と結合することで細胞内に侵入します。京都府立医科大学の星野温助教らの研究チームは細胞の突起に結合する前に、ウイルス表面のトゲと結合する特殊なたんぱく質を開発しました。トゲと結合する力がACE2よりも100倍以上強いということです。このたんぱく質を軽症や中等症の患者に投与することで感染した後に症状の悪化を抑える効果が期待できるということです。また、似たような仕組みの抗体製剤と比べてウイルスが変異しても効果が変わらないとしています。 京都府立医科大学・星野温助教:「抗体製剤は比較的スパイク(ウイルスのトゲ)と点でくっついている感じですね。私たちのたんぱく質製剤は元々、スパイクがACE2(細胞の突起)にくっつく面をすべてカバーしているので」 今後は企業と協力して来年度に臨床試験を始め、再来年度の実用化を目指したいとしています。 It has the potential to be a powerful remedy for the new coronavirus. Research teams including Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine have announced that they have developed a special protein that prevents the new coronavirus from invading cells. Assistant Professor Atsushi Hoshino, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine: "(New coronavirus) Therapeutic drug has not yet been established, so it will be one of the major candidates for development technology, and will greatly contribute to society. I expect it to be possible. " The new coronavirus invades the cells by binding the spikes on the surface to the protrusions called "ACE2" on the surface of human cells. A research team led by Assistant Professor Atsushi Hoshino of Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine has developed a special protein that binds to spikes on the surface of the virus before it binds to the protrusions of cells. It means that the force to bind to spikes is more than 100 times stronger than ACE2. By administering this protein to patients with mild or moderate illness, it can be expected to have the effect of suppressing the worsening of symptoms after infection. In addition, compared to antibody preparations with a similar mechanism, the effect does not change even if the virus mutates. Atsushi Hoshino, Assistant Professor, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine: "It feels like antibody preparations are relatively sticking to spikes (virus spikes). Our protein preparations already have spikes sticking to ACE2 (cell protrusions) and it covers all of them. " In the future, we would like to cooperate with companies to start clinical trials next year and aim for practical application in the following year of next year. Video translated by Youngbin Noh -
札幌で感染拡大続く 外出・往来の自粛要請へ(2020年11月17日) - Continued spread of infection in Sapporo: Request to refrain from going out and coming and going (November 17, 2020)
Hokkaido, a region up north of Japan, has been having increased number of cases. A lot of people are saying this is happening because it is cold there. 新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大が続いている北海道では17日から札幌市の警戒ステージを引き上げ、不要不急の外出自粛などを要請します。 北海道・鈴木直道知事:「明確な減少傾向にしていくためには、さらに強いお願いをしなければならない」 札幌市・秋元克広市長:「不要不急の外出の自粛をお願いするなども含めてさらに強い対策を取って行く必要があるのではないか」 北海道では16日も189人の感染が確認され、このうち札幌市では124人と感染拡大が続いています。鈴木知事と札幌市の秋元市長は札幌市の警戒ステージを「4相当」に引き上げ、感染リスクが回避できない場合、「札幌市内での不要不急の外出自粛」や「札幌市と他地域との往来自粛」を要請する方針で合意しました。道は17日午後、対策会議を開いて正式決定します。 In Hokkaido, where the infection of the new coronavirus continues to spread, they decided to raise the alert stage of Sapporo City from the 17th and request that we refrain from going out unnecessarily. Governor Naomichi Suzuki of Hokkaido: "In order to make a clear downward trend, we must make a stronger policy." Mayor of Sapporo City, Katsuhiro Akimoto: "Furthermore, we will be asking people to refrain from going out unnecessarily. It may be necessary to take strong measures.” In Hokkaido, 189 people were confirmed to be infected on the 16th, of which 124 people continued to spread in Sapporo City. Governor Suzuki and Mayor Akimoto of Sapporo City raised the alert stage of Sapporo City to "equivalent to 4", and if the risk of infection cannot be avoided, they have agreed on agreed on a policy of requesting "self-restraint from traffic" to "refrain from going out unnecessarily in Sapporo City" or "Sapporo City and other areas". The policy for the roads will be officially decided by holding a countermeasure meeting on the afternoon of the 17th. Video translated by Youngbin Noh -
新型コロナワクチン開発 米モデルナ「94.5%効果」(2020年11月17日) - Development of new corona vaccine US Moderna "94.5% effect" (November 17, 2020)
アメリカのバイオテクノロジー企業「モデルナ」は開発中の新型コロナウイルスのワクチンについて、「94.5%の効果が得られた」とする臨床試験の暫定的な結果を発表しました。 モデルナは16日、ワクチン開発の最終段階となる大規模な臨床試験の結果を発表しました。新型コロナウイルスに対して「ワクチンが94.5%の確率で効果を示した」としています。アメリカではファイザー社のワクチンでも「90%以上」の有効性が確認されていて、来月中にも両社のワクチンの緊急使用が始まる可能性が出てきました。ただ、このタイプのワクチンは低温で保存・運搬する必要があるなど課題も残されています。日本政府はモデルナと2500万人分のワクチン供給を受ける契約を結んでいます。 American biotechnology company "Moderna" has announced the preliminary results of a clinical trial that "94.5% of the effect was obtained" for the new coronavirus vaccine under development. On the 16th, Moderna announced the results of a large-scale clinical trial, which is the final stage of vaccine development. "The vaccine has a 94.5% chance of being effective against the new coronavirus," he said. In the United States, Pfizer's vaccine has been confirmed to be "90% or more" effective, and it is possible the emergency use of both companies' vaccines will begin by the end of next month. However, there are still issues with this type of vaccine, such as the need to store and transport it at low temperatures. The Japanese government has a contract with Moderna to receive vaccines for 25 million people. Video translated by Youngbin Noh -
コロナ 変異で感染力強く 東大がハムスターで実験(2020年11月13日) - Corona mutation strongly infectious University of Tokyo experimented with hamster (November 13, 2020)
新型コロナウイルスが変異したことで感染力が強まったことを確認したということです。 東京大学医科学研究所の河岡義裕教授は新型コロナウイルスが変異したことで感染力が強まったと発表しました。変異はD614Gと呼ばれ、ウイルスの表面にある突起部分で起きたもので、変異の前よりも細胞に結合しやすくなったということです。河岡教授はハムスターなどを使った実験で変異したウイルスが従来のウイルスよりも飛沫(ひまつ)感染しやすいことを確認しました。現在、世界で蔓延(まんえん)しているのはこの変異ウイルスですが、変異前のウイルスをもとに作ったワクチンも効果が期待されるとしています。 It was confirmed that the infectivity of the new coronavirus was strengthened by the mutation. Professor Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the Institute of Medical Science, the University of Tokyo, announced that the mutation of the new coronavirus increased the infectivity. The mutation, called D614G, occurs in a protrusion on the surface of the virus (Spikes), which means that it is easier to bind to cells in humans than it was before the mutation. Professor Kawaoka confirmed in experiments using hamsters, hamsters with mutated version of viruses are more susceptible to droplet (himatsu) infection than hamsters with conventional viruses. Currently, it is this mutant virus that is widespread in the world, but it is expected that vaccines made based on the virus before mutation will also be effective. Video translated by Youngbin Noh -
ロックダウンでも「サンタには特別許可証」(2020年11月13日) - "Special permit for Santa" even in lockdown (November 13, 2020)
新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大で各地で外出が制限されるなか、サンタクロースがプレゼントを配れるか不安に思う子どもに対し、イタリアのコンテ首相が「特別な許可証」があると答えました。 イタリアでは現在、外出制限を伴うロックダウンが導入されています。5歳のトンマーゾくんはコンテ首相に対し、サンタクロースの外出を制限しないよう懇願するメールを送っていました。コンテ首相は12日、フェイスブックで「サンタさんは国際的な特別許可証を持っていて、世界中の子どもたちにプレゼントを配ることができる」と答えました。さらに、「サンタさんはマスクをして適切な距離を保っていると言っていた」と付け加えています。トンマーゾくんがサンタクロースのためにツリーの下に消毒液を置いておくと約束したことには、「素晴らしいアイデア」と応じました。また、コンテ首相はウイルスの撃退だけでなく、他のプレゼントをお願いすることも忘れないよう呼び掛けました。 Italy's Prime Minister Conté replied that he made a "special permit" for children who were worried that Santa Claus would be able to give out presents as the spread of the new coronavirus restricted his outings. In Italy, lockdown with restrictions on going out is currently going on. Five-year-old Tommaso sent an email to Prime Minister Conté begging him not to restrict Santa Claus from going out. "Santa has an international special permit and can give out presents to children around the world," Conte said on Facebook on the 12th. He added, "Santa said he was wearing a mask to keep a proper distance". To keep Tommaso's promise by the disinfectant under the tree for Santa Claus was a "great idea." In addition to fighting off the virus, Prime Minister Conté also called on him to remember to ask for other gifts. Video translated by Youngbin Noh -
産業医の診療もリモートで 生活習慣病など対応(2020年11月10日) - Remote medical care by occupational physicians for lifestyle-related diseases (November 10, 2020)
テレワークの定着で産業医による診療も遠隔になりました。 大和証券医務室・多田愼一郎センター長:「体調は悪くないですか?」 本社勤務・50代男性:「特に問題ないですね」 大和証券医務室・多田愼一郎センター長:「テレワークしていて運動もできているからいいですね」 新型コロナウイルスをきっかけにすべての社員を対象に在宅勤務を導入した大和証券では、今月から産業医による診療をリモートで行っています。本社以外で勤務する社員も利用できるようになり、在宅勤務などの新しい働き方についても相談できるのが特長です。ただ、風邪などの症状には対応できないため、生活習慣病やアレルギーなどを中心に診察するということです。 With the normality of remote work, medical treatment by occupational physicians has become remote. Daiwa Securities Medical Office, Director Shinichiro Tada: "Are you feeling okay?" Working at the head office, male in his 50s: "No particular problem." Daiwa Securities Medical Office, Director Shinichiro Tada: "It’s good that you can do remote work and exercises at the same time.” Daiwa Securities, which introduced tele-commuting for all employees due to the new coronavirus provides medical care by occupational physicians remotely from this month. Employees who work outside the head office can also use it, and it is a feature that they can consult about new work styles such as working from home. However, the doctors do cannot take care of symptoms of colds but rather mainly examine lifestyle-related diseases and allergies. Video is translated by Youngbin Noh -
中国が輸入低温食品すべてに新型コロナの検査と消毒(2020年11月10日) - Inspection and disinfection of new coronavirus on all low temperature foods imported by China (November 10, 2020)
中国は輸入された冷凍などの低温食品、すべてに検査と消毒を行う方針です。 中国東北部の天津の冷凍輸入食品を扱う企業で商品の積み下ろし作業をしていた男性が新型コロナウイルスに感染していたことが7日に確認されました。これを受けて中国政府は今後、低温の輸入食品すべてに対してウイルスの検査と消毒を徹底するとしています。中国はこれまで感染リスクが高い国や地域から輸入される低温食品を対象としていましたが、今後はすべての低温の輸入食品がより厳しく管理されます。 In China, all imported frozen foods/low temperature foods are now going to be inspected and disinfected. It was confirmed on the 7th, a man who was loading and unloading products at a company that handles frozen imported foods in Tianjin in northeastern China was infected with the new coronavirus. In response to this, the Chinese government will thoroughly inspect and disinfect all cold imported foods for viruses. China has been applying this this policy for low temperature foods imported from and regions at high risk of infection, but now all low temperature imported foods will be more tightly controlled. Video is translated by Youngbin Noh -
コロナ検査1日6万5000件へ インフル同時流行に備え(2020年10月30日) - Corona testing up to 65,000 cases a day in preparation for simultaneous spread with influenza (October 30, 2020)
I personally think this is important to increase the amount of cases they can test per day. However, from what I hear from my parents who live in Tokyo, getting tested is really hard because you have to have symptoms to get tested. With no symptoms, a lot test centers turn you down even though there are so many cases who are asymptomatic. 東京都は一日あたりの検査能力を6万5000件まで拡充します。 東京都の現在の新型コロナウイルスの検査能力は一日あたり約2万5000件ですが、インフルエンザとの同時流行で発熱患者が増えた場合、最大で約6万5000件必要になる可能性があります。こうした状況を受けて都は、新型コロナの検査能力を12月上旬までに一日あたり最大6万5000件へ拡充する方針を明らかにしました。今月25日までに都内で確認されている今シーズンのインフルエンザの患者は4人ですが、これからの流行期に備える狙いです。 The Tokyo Metropolitan Government will expand its daily testing capacity to 65,000 tests. The current testing capacity of the new coronavirus in Tokyo is about 25,000 per day, but if the number of fever patients increases due to the simultaneous spread with influenza, a maximum of about 65,000 may be required. In response to this situation, the city has announced that it will expand the testing capacity of the new coronavirus to a maximum of 65,000 per day by early December. By the 25th of this month, four influenza patients have been confirmed in Tokyo this season, but we are aiming to prepare for the coming flu season. -
混雑戻り感染懸念も・・・鉄道の換気を検証 結果は?(2020年10月28日) - Concerns about returning to crowded situation ... Verifying railway ventilation What are the results? (October 28, 2020)
Japan is the country that uses public transportation a lot compared to the United States. I personally also commuted to school with train for more than 10 years and it is normal to use public transport to commute and to get anywhere rather than your own car. Parking on streets is very hard to find and all parking lots are very expensive, especially in downtown areas. It is also just more convenient to use public transport because Japan is one of the countries that trains/bus are never late and come on time. This news is really important because infection can easily happen in trains if it is not ventilated properly and people are not taking distances. However, Japan is very rigid on rules about time and a lot of workers have to get to work on certain time, which causes crowds on trains/bus at certain time. 最近、また列車が混んできたなと感じることが増えてきました。気になるのは車両の中の換気です。ある研究データが出てきました。 シミュレーションの結果は意外なものでした。一時はガラガラだった列車も、いつの間にかコロナ前の混雑が戻りつつあります。気になるのは感染リスクです。混み具合によって車内の空気の流れはどのように変化するのか・・・。 鉄道総合技術研究所は、この「換気」の問題に焦点を絞り、シミュレーションを実施しました。例えば乗客ゼロの状態と、乗客が増えて立っている人ですべてのつり革が埋まっている乗車率100%の状態を比べると、換気の効率にどのような違いが出るのか・・・。 条件は6カ所の窓を10センチ程度開け、時速70キロで走行した場合です。結果、乗車率ゼロでも乗車率100%でも換気効率に大きな違いは出ませんでした。 これは乗客が増えると、その分、車内の空気の体積が減るため。乗客がいないと5.3分に1回のペースで車内の空気が入れ替わりますが、乗車率100%だと4.5分。むしろ早まることが分かりました。ちなみに山手線の混み具合はコロナの影響が出る直前の2月初旬を「100」とした場合、5月に38%まで落ち込んだものの、その後、徐々に回復し、先月は65%まで戻しています。 今回のシミュレーションでは乗客が増えても空気の流れ自体にはさほど悪い影響がないことが分かりました。ただし、乗客が増えることによって不特定多数と接近してしまうなどのリスクは今回の計算には含まれていません。 Recently, I feel that the trains are getting crowded again. What is concerning is the ventilation inside the vehicle. Some research data came out. The result of the simulation was surprising. The train, which was once rattled, is returning to congestion in front of Corona. What is concerning is the risk of infection. How does the air flow inside the car change depending on how crowded it is? The Railway Technical Research Institute focused on this "ventilation" problem and conducted a simulation. For example, if you compare the state of zero passengers with the state of 100% occupancy rate where all the holding straps are filled with people standing with more passengers, what kind of difference will there be in ventilation efficiency? The condition is when 6 windows are opened about 10 cm and the vehicle travels at 70 km / h. As a result, there was no big difference in ventilation efficiency between zero occupancy rate and 100% occupancy rate. This is because the volume of air inside the car decreases as the number of passengers increases. If there are no passengers, the air inside the car changes at a pace of once every 5.3 minutes, but if the occupancy rate is 100%, it takes 4.5 minutes. It turned out to be rather quick. By the way, if the congestion level of the Yamanote Line is set to "100" in early February just before the influence of the corona, it dropped to 38% in May, but then gradually recovered and returned to 65% last month. .. In this simulation, it was found that even if the number of passengers increased, the air flow itself was not so badly affected. However, the risk of approaching an unspecified number of passengers due to an increase in passengers is not included in this calculation. -
コロナでメガネ需要急増 展示会に99万円の高級品も(2020年10月28日) - Rapid increase in demand for eyeglasses in Corona 990,000 yen luxury goods at the exhibition (October 28, 2020)
大型イベントの休止が相次ぐなか、日本最大級のファッションの展示会が開催されました。 独創的な眼鏡・・・お値段なんと99万円。縁は金でできています。さらに、眼科などで使う検眼をイメージして作った眼鏡です。そんなユニークな眼鏡が展示されているのは、27日から始まった日本最大級の眼鏡の展示会。眼鏡市場はコロナで需要が高まっているといいます。 そうなると、話題に上がるのが「コロナ対策に役立つ眼鏡」です。ゴーグルにもなる眼鏡です。掛けても隙間ができず、ぴったりフィット。飛沫(ひまつ)対策になるといいます。さらに、眼鏡型のフェースシールドも。ポリカーボネートと呼ばれる素材を使用。耐久性は抜群だといいます。 ところ変わって、眼鏡展示会のお隣では国内最大級のファッションの展示会が行われていました。今回、初めてコロナ感染対策コーナーを新設。ファッションの展示会というだけあって、おしゃれなマスクが至る所に。機能だけでなく、ファッション性も兼ね備えたマスクに注目が集まっているようです。 Japan's largest fashion exhibition was held while a series of suspensions of large-scale events. Unique eyeglasses ... The price is 990,000 yen. The rim is made of gold. In addition, these glasses are made with the idea coming from optometry used in ophthalmology. Such unique eyeglasses are exhibited at Japan's largest eyeglass exhibition that started on the 27th. The eyeglass market is said to be in high demand in Corona. In that case, the topic of discussion was "glasses that are useful for corona countermeasures." These glasses can also be used as goggles. There is no gap even when hung, and it fits perfectly. It is said to be a measure against droplets (himatsu). There is also a face shield that is combined with glasses. It uses a material called polycarbonate. It is said to have excellent durability. By the way, next to the eyeglass exhibition, one of the largest fashion exhibitions in Japan was held. This time, for the first time, a corona infection control corner was newly established. As it is a fashion exhibition, fashionable masks are everywhere. It seems that attention is focused on masks that are not only functional but also fashionable. -
五輪コロナ対策会議 無症状陽性に複数回検査検討へ(2020年10月27日) - Olympic Corona Countermeasures Conference: Asymptomatic positive multiple test studies (October 27, 2020)
27日に開かれる東京オリンピック・パラリンピックの新型コロナウイルス対策会議で、陽性と判定された選手が無症状の場合、複数回の検査を行うことを検討することが分かりました。 大会に出場する選手が陽性と判定された場合、その選手が出場できないことも想定されます。このため、無症状でも陽性と判断された選手に対して複数回の検査を行うことが検討されます。また、濃厚接触者の特定にあたっては、チーム競技か個人競技かや、格闘技など多くの接触を伴う競技かを踏まえたうえで、試合直前までに陰性と証明されれば出場を認めることも検討されます。組織委員会は「感染症対策センター」を設置して、選手の健康状況を確認したい考えです。 On 27th, at the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics' New Coronavirus Countermeasures Conference, it was concluded that if athletes who test positive are asymptomatic, they have considered to do multiple tests. If a player who participates in the tournament is found to be positive, it is assumed that the player cannot participate. For this reason, it is considered to perform multiple tests on athletes who are asymptomatic but positive. In addition, if the participants were found to be in close contact with the infected participants, they have considered to allow participation if they prove that they are negative until right before the match, based on whether it is a team competition or an individual competition, or a competition that involves a lot of contact such as martial arts. The Organizing Committee wants to set up an "Infectious Disease Control Center" to check the health status of athletes. -
コロナ拡大後初クルーズ船商業運航“GoTo”対象も(2020年10月26日) - First cruise ship commercial operation "GoTo" Travel Campaign after the spread of coronavirus(October 26, 2020)
Personally, when I saw this news, I was very confused at the fact that they would start a cruise ship after all the incidents that happened on the cruise earlier this year, where cluster of infection happened. Even though bringing back the economy is important, starting a cruise ship where if an infection happens, others cannot run away and avoid infection. 25日にチャータークルーズ「にっぽん丸」が愛媛県の新居浜港を出港しました。クルーズ船の商業運航は新型コロナの感染拡大後、初めてです。 にっぽん丸は日本で3番目の大きさを誇る豪華客船です。今回のクルーズツアーは2泊3日の予定で、GoToトラベルキャンペーンの対象となっています。四国を中心に乗客約190人が参加しました。 乗客:「うれしいです。ずっと待っていたので再開を」 今回のクルーズツアーは乗船客へのPCR検査、サーモグラフィー検温など、徹底した感染対策を講じたうえでの運航となっています。にっぽん丸は26日、長崎県佐世保港に到着する予定です。 On the 25th, the charter cruise "Nippon Maru" departed from Niihama Port in Ehime Prefecture. This is the first commercial cruise ship operation since the spread of the new coronavirus. Nippon Maru is the third largest luxury liner in Japan. This cruise tour is scheduled for 2 nights and 3 days and is covered by the GoTo Travel Campaign. About 190 passengers participated, mainly from the Shikoku area. Passenger: "I'm happy. I've been waiting for a long time to restart." This cruise tour is operated after thorough infection countermeasures such as PCR inspection for passengers and thermography temperature measurement. Nippon Maru is scheduled to arrive at Sasebo Port in Nagasaki Prefecture on the 26th. -
コロナと同時流行懸念 全世代でインフル予防接種(2020年10月26日) - Concerns about simultaneous spread with corona Influenza vaccination for all age group (October 26, 2020)
新型コロナウイルスとの同時流行が懸念されているインフルエンザのワクチンの接種が26日からすべての人を対象に始まりました。 厚生労働省によりますと、今シーズンのインフルエンザワクチンは過去5年で最も多い6650万人分を供給できる見通しです。新型コロナウイルスとの同時流行の可能性が指摘されるなか、1日から重症化リスクの高い65歳以上の高齢者などへの接種が優先的に行われていました。26日からはすべての人が対象になります。 予防接種を受けた女性(60):「このところ(ワクチン接種を)していなかったが、新型コロナのこともあるので接種しようと」 厚労省は本数に限りがあることから医療従事者や妊婦、小学2年までの子どもなどは早めに接種するよう呼び掛けています。これまでのところ、全国のインフルエンザの患者は例年と比べて大幅に少ない状況です。 Influenza vaccination, which is feared to be a simultaneous spread with the new coronavirus, began on the 26th for all people. According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, this season's influenza vaccine is expected to supply 66.5 million people, the highest number in the past five years. While it has been pointed out that there is a possibility of a simultaneous spread with the new coronavirus, inoculation was given priority to elderly people aged 65 and over who are at high risk of becoming severe from the 1st. From the 26th, everyone will be eligible. Vaccinated woman (60): "I haven't been vaccinated recently, but I'm trying to get vaccinated because of the coronavirus." The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is calling for early vaccination of medical staff, pregnant women, children up to the second grade of elementary school, etc. So far, the number of influenza patients nationwide is significantly lower than usual. -
GoTo対象 北海道のバスツアーで41人のうち12人感染(2020年10月23日) - GoTo travel: 12 out of 41 people infected on a bus tour in Hokkaido (October 23, 2020)
Go to travel is a program in Japan that covers certain amount of traveling fee in Japan in order for the economy to boost back up. This program has been somewhat controversial I would say because we are still in a pandemic and we should not really travel around, especially Japan has one of the highest numbers of elderly people, and by traveling we could expose them to the virus. Also, I really do not understand how they can just overlook someone when they are having some kind of symptoms. It is very irresponsible for the tour company to do so and risk others to get the virus. GoToトラベルの対象になっている北海道のバスツアーで参加者など41人のうち12人が新型コロナウイルスに感染したことが分かりました。 読売旅行によりますと、感染者が出たのは今月中旬に関西地方から新千歳空港に入り、北海道をバスで周遊した3泊4日のツアーです。参加者38人と添乗員ら合わせて41人のうち12人の感染が確認されました。参加者は新千歳空港に到着した際、体温や健康状態を書くチェックシートを添乗員に提出しました。この時、参加者の1人が「せきや喉の痛みなどの呼吸器症状」の項目をチェックしましたが、添乗員が見落としていました。その後、この人の感染が確認されて全員の検査をすることになりました。その北海道では22日に新たに40人の感染が確認されました。このうち札幌市は31人で、一日あたりとしては過去2番目に多い人数です。 It was found that 12 out of 41 participants, were infected with the new coronavirus on a bus tour in Hokkaido, which is a part of GoTo Travel. According to the Yomiuri trip, the infected participants came from the Kansai region in the middle of this month on a 3-night 4-day tour that landed New Chitose Airport and traveled around Hokkaido by bus. Infection was confirmed in 12 out of 41 people, including 38 participants and tour conductors. When the participants arrived at New Chitose Airport, they submitted a check sheet to the tour operator to write down their body temperature and health condition. At this time, one of the participants checked the item "Respiratory symptoms such as coughing and sore throat", but the tour operator overlooked it. After that, this person's infection was confirmed and everyone had to be tested. In Hokkaido, 40 new infections were confirmed on the 22nd. Of these, 31 are in Sapporo, the second-highest number per day in the past. -
テレワークでもキチンと決まる「テレウェア」とは?(2020年10月23日) - What is "tele-wear" that works for working from home? (October 23, 2020)
This is just a fun news talking about how to look good in meetings despite feeling comfortable in meetings. In japan working from home is “Telework”, like telephone, and they used “Tele” with wear to signify business clothes that is used for remote work. 紳士服大手の「はるやま商事」は20代から30代をターゲットとした店舗でテレワークに合わせ、楽ちんなのに、きちんと決められるビジネスウェア「テレウェア」の提案を始めます。テレワークが続くなか、デニム風でやわらかい着心地のジャケットとの組み合わせやオンライン会議で自分の服装がどのように見えるか店頭で確かめて買うという新しい「試着」のスタイルも期間限定で提案します。 Haruyama Trading Co., Ltd., a major men's clothing company, is a store targeting people in their 20s and 30s, and started proposing a business wear "tele-wear", which is comfortable yet looks put together. As working from home continues, we propose this new "try-on" style for a limited time, such as combining it with a denim-like soft jacket and checking the look at the store to see what your clothes will look like for online meeting. -
「コロナで収入途絶え」自殺目的で放火か 4人死傷(2020年10月17日)- "The drop in income due to Corona" Suicidal arson 4 people killed/injured (October 17, 2020)
Personally, when I watched this news, I felt like a lot of people can relate to this man. He felt depressed most likely due to loss of income from COVID-19, and just could not handle the reality. However, he did kill and injure people during his suicidal arson, which is of course wrong. What is worse is that he is alive while he involved other people. 「コロナで収入が途絶え死を意識した」ということです。 おとといの夜、東京・北区の木造アパートの自室に灯油をまき、ライターで火を付けたとして、放火の疑いで逮捕された自称・金田一淳悦容疑者が、調べに対し「新型コロナで収入が途絶え、自殺したくて火を付けた」と供述していることがわかりました。 この火事で、2階に住む小野豊さんが死亡したほか男女3人がケガをしています "I considered of killing myself because my income was cut off in Corona." On the night two days, a self-proclaimed Kazuyoshi Kaneda, who was arrested on suspicion of arson for sprinkling kerosene in his room in a wooden apartment in Kita-ku, Tokyo and igniting it with a lighter, the investigation found that he stated, "Income is gone due the new Corona. I lit a fire because I wanted to commit himself". The fire killed Yutaka Ono, who lives on the second floor, and injured three men and women. -
新型コロナ 世界の感染者4000万人超える(2020年10月19日) - New Coronavirus Over 40 million infected people worldwide (October 19, 2020)
新型コロナウイルスの世界全体の感染者が4000万人を超えました。アメリカやヨーロッパで感染の再拡大が止まらず、外出禁止など行動制限強化の動きも出ています。 アメリカのジョンズ・ホプキンス大学の集計によりますと、日本時間19日午後5時半すぎの時点で世界全体の感染者は4005万902人となりました。約1カ月で1000万人増えています。死者は111万3750人に上っています。感染者が最も多いのはアメリカで815万人余り、2番目のインドは約750万人です。520万人余りで続くブラジルを含む3カ国で世界全体の感染者の半数を占めています。ヨーロッパでは第1波を超えるペースで感染が拡大していて、フランスでは17日からパリなどで夜間の外出が禁止されました The number of people infected with the new coronavirus worldwide has exceeded 40 million. In the United States and Europe, the spread of infection has not stopped, and there are movements to strict restrictions such as prohibition of going out. According to the data of Johns Hopkins University in the United States, the number of infected people in the world was 4,050,902 as of 5:30 pm on the 19th of Japan time. The number has increased by 10 million in about a month. The death toll has risen to 1,113,750. The United States has the highest number of infected people with more than 8.15 million, and the second most infected is India with about 7.5 million. Three countries, including Brazil, which has more than 5.2 million people, account for half of all infected people worldwide. In Europe, the infection is spreading at a pace faster than the first wave, and in France, going out at night was banned in Paris etc. from the 17th. -
新型コロナ第2波が深刻のパリ 夜間外出禁止が開始(2020年10月18日) - Paris, where the second wave of the new corona is serious, curfew begins (October 18, 2020)
新型コロナウイルスの第2波が深刻なフランスのパリで17日に新たな対策として夜間外出禁止が始まり、最初の夜を迎えました。 パリやマルセイユなど9つの地域で17日、午後9時から午前6時までの外出が仕事の場合などを除いて禁止されました。罰金は約1万7000円です。 レストランの店員:「これを見て下さい。普段ならまだ営業は続いているはずなのにもう閉店です。きょうからは8時に営業をやめて8時半には片付けです」 犬の散歩をするパリ市民:「散歩はしていいんです。ロックダウン時と同じ外出許可書を持って犬を散歩しています」 ヨーロッパでは17日、3万2427人の新規感染者を記録したフランスのほか、イタリア、ベルギーでも過去最多を記録するなど感染拡大が深刻です。 In Paris, France, where the second wave of the new coronavirus is serious, the curfew began as a new measure on the 17th, and the first night after this rule applied started. In nine areas such as Paris and Marseille, going out from 9 pm to 6 am on the 17th was prohibited except when working. The fine is about 17,000 yen (160USD). Restaurant clerk: "Look at this. It's closed even though it should be open normally. From today, it will be closed at 8 o'clock and will be cleaned up at 8:30." Pedestrian walking dog: "You’re allowed to take a walk. I am walking my dog with the same outing permit as when I was locked down." In Europe, on the 17th, in addition to France, which recorded 32,427 newly infected people, Italy and Belgium also recorded high numbers, and the spread of infection is serious. -
アビガンで新型コロナ症状早く改善 承認を申請(2020年10月16日) - Apply for approval for early improvement of new corona symptoms with Avigan (October 16, 2020)
I previously uploaded a story about the drug Avigan, where FUJIFILM was still in the process of asking for approval. This news talks about how FUJIFILM now actually asked for manufacturing approval and could be another drug that could be used for the new coronavirus. Personally, I do here that this drug also has a lot of side effects for certain patients, so I feel like we are rushing the development of drug. Side note, Avigan is also known as Favipiravir which is known to be used for treating influenza mainly in Japan. 承認されれば日本の製薬会社が作る初めての新型コロナ治療薬となります。 富士フイルムは「アビガン」について、新型コロナウイルスの治療薬として製造販売の承認を申請したと発表しました。3月末から行われていた臨床試験で新型コロナの患者に対してアビガンを投与すると症状が早く改善することが確認でき、安全性の面でも新たな懸念事項は認められなかったということです。厚生労働省が承認すれば「レムデシベル」「デキサメタゾン」に続いて新型コロナの治療薬としては3例目となり、日本の製薬会社が開発した薬としては初めてとなります。 If approved, it will be the first new corona treatment made by a Japanese pharmaceutical company. FUJIFILM announced that it has applied for manufacturing and marketing approval of "Avigan" as a therapeutic drug for the new coronavirus. In clinical trials that began at the end of March, it was confirmed that administration of Avigan to patients with the new corona improved their symptoms quickly, and there were no new safety concerns. If approved by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, it will be the third therapeutic drug for the new corona following the "Remdesiver" and "Dexamethasone", and the first drug developed by a Japanese pharmaceutical company. -
北米初 コロナに2回感染 2回目の方が症状深刻(2020年10月14日) – First case in North America's new coronavirus infection twice, the second time cause more serious symptoms (October 14, 2020)
This news talks about the effects getting the new coronavirus for the second time and it shows how we still need to be careful and don’t think that getting it once you will be fine. We still need to follow CDC guidelines. 北米で初めて新型コロナウイルスに2度感染した患者が確認されました。2回目の感染の症状は1回目より深刻だったということです。 医学雑誌「ランセット」によりますと、アメリカのネバダ州に住む25歳の男性が今年4月と6月の2回にわたって新型コロナウイルスに感染し、発症しました。2回目の感染の方が症状が深刻だったということです。ウイルスの遺伝子を調べた結果、2度の感染はそれぞれ別の由来を持つ新型コロナウイルスによるものだったことが分かりました。ランセット誌は「一度感染しても十分な免疫獲得を保証することにならない可能性がある」と指摘しています。 For the first time in North America, a patient infected with the new coronavirus for the second time was confirmed. The symptoms of the second infection were more serious than the first. According to the medical journal "The Lancet", a 25-year-old man living in Nevada, USA, was infected with the new coronavirus twice in April and June this year. The second infection was more severe. As a result of examining the genes of the virus, it was found that the two infections that were caused by the new coronavirus had two different origins. "Once infected, it may not guarantee sufficient immunity," Lancet magazine points out. -
新型コロナ“口から飲む”ワクチンの治験開始 米(2020年10月14日) - Clinical trial for the new corona "drinking from the mouth" vaccine has started in the US (October 14, 2020)
This is a news about another form of vaccine. Honestly, I am skeptical about this vaccine because recently, there were news regarding the suspension of clinical trials of the vaccines due to the side effects. This news video does not talk about any side effects and negative parts about the vaccine. I do not have any hopes for this vaccine either because clinical trials are conducted too fast, despite the potential of side effects. 新型コロナウイルスのワクチン開発を巡り、アメリカの製薬会社「バクサート」は口から飲む経口ワクチンの治験を開始しました。 バクサートは13日、開発中の新型コロナウイルスの経口ワクチンについて、初期の治験を開始したと発表しました。対象は18歳から54歳の最大48人で、それぞれ2回投与して効果を確認するとしています。バクサートによりますと、新型コロナの経口ワクチンとしてはアメリカで初の臨床試験となります。注射するタイプのワクチンは通常、低温で保存する必要がありますが、経口ワクチンは常温でも安定して保存でき、運搬が容易だということです。バクサートの初期の治験結果は今後、数週間で明らかになる見通しです。 Regarding the development of a vaccine for the new coronavirus, the American pharmaceutical company "Vaxart" has begun its clinical trials of an oral vaccine that can be taken in from mouth. Vaxart announced on the 13th that they have started the initial clinical trial of an oral vaccine for the new coronavirus that is under development. The subjects are up to 48 people aged from 18 to 54 years old, and it is said that the effect will be confirmed by administering twice for each subject. According to Vaxart, it will be the first clinical trial in the United States for an oral vaccine for the new coronavirus. Injectable vaccines usually need to be stored at low temperatures, but oral vaccines are stable at room temperature and easy to transport. The results of early Vaxart trials are expected to be revealed in the coming weeks. -
コロナ感染予防にリップクリームが効果(2020年10月10日) - Lip balm is effective in preventing corona infection (October 10, 2020)
This is a news talking how lip balms could be effective in the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 virus. 新型コロナウイルスの感染経路の一つであるつばの飛散防止について、リップクリームが効果的だとフランスの研究者らが発表しました。 研究はフランス・モンペリエ大学のアブカリアン教授らが行いました。会話中では特にPやBの発音の際、唇の間に唾液の糸ができ、それがつばとなって空気中に放出されます。しかし、リップクリームを塗ったところ唾液の糸はできにくくなり、人によっては飛散するつばの量が4分の1になったということです。 アブカリアン教授:「もし唇の表面の質を変えたらどうなるんだろうと思いました。研究では、保湿などに使うクリームを塗ると飛沫(ひまつ)の量が減ったんです」 音によって効果が異なるほか、効果自体も1分ほどしか持たないことから、リップクリームはマスクの代わりにはなりませんが、研究を続けていくとしています。 French researchers have announced that lip balm is effective in preventing the spread of the spit, which is one of the infection routes of the new coronavirus. The research was conducted by Professor Abcarian of the University of Montpellier, France. During conversations, especially when pronouncing P or B, a thread of saliva is formed between the lips, which becomes a spit and is released into the air. However, when lip balm was applied, it became difficult for the saliva threads to form, and for some people, the amount of scattered spit was reduced to one-fourth. Professor Abcarian: "I wondered what would happen if I changed the quality of the surface of my lips. In my research, applying a cream used for moisturizing reduced the amount of droplets (himatsu)." The effect differs depending on the sound, and the effect itself lasts only about 1 minute, so lip balm is not a substitute for a mask, but they will continue their research. -
「富岳」飛沫拡散を計算 “座り位置”で飛沫5倍に(2020年10月13日) - "Tomitake" calculated that the depending on the position of the seat, the droplet could be 5 times more (October 13, 2020)
This is the news explaining how droplets travel and the risk of exposure. スーパーコンピューター「富岳」を使った新型コロナ感染リスクの検証で、飲食店で隣同士に座って会話した場合は正面で会話するよりも5倍の飛沫(ひまつ)を浴びることが分かりました。 富岳が4人が飲食店で1分程度話をした場合を計算した飛沫の広がり方です。理化学研究所のチームリーダーを務める神戸大学の坪倉誠教授によりますと、感染者が横に座っていて話をした場合は、正面に座った場合の5倍の飛沫を受けることが分かりました。さらに、飛沫そのものも湿度が低ければ低いほど、下に落ちずに空中に漂う量が急激に増えることが分かりました。湿度30%の場合は、60%の場合の2倍以上の飛沫が1.8メートル先まで到達したということです。また、コンサートホールなどで、合唱をする場合は飛沫は直進するため前方の人ほどリスクが高まるほか、合唱で生まれた気流によって飛沫がより遠くまで届くということです。 In the verification of the risk of new corona infection using the supercomputer "Tomitake", it was found that when sitting next to each other at a restaurant and talking, they are exposed to five times as many droplets (himatsu) compared to when sitting and talking in front of each other. “Tomitake” calculated how the droplets spread when four people talked at a restaurant for about one minute. According to Professor Makoto Tsubokura of Kobe University, who is the team leader of RIKEN, it was found that when an infected person sits next to an individual and talks, he/she is exposed to five times as many droplets as when he/she sits in front of him/her. Furthermore, it was found that the lower the humidity of the droplets themselves, the more the droplets will be floating in the air without falling down. At a humidity of 30%, more than twice as many droplets, compared to the humidity at 60%, reached 1.8 meters away. Also, when a choir is singing in a concert hall, the droplets go straight forwards and thus the risk increases for the person in front, and the airflow created by the chorus causes the droplets to reach farther. -
「オンライン診療」コロナ禍特例→“恒常化”へ(2020年10月9日) - "Online diagnosis/check-up " Exception for Corona → To "normalized" (October 9, 2020)
オンライン診療が初診から解禁される見通しです。 オンライン診療は新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を防ぐために現在、特例的に初診であっても認められています。田村厚生労働大臣は8日に平井デジタル改革大臣と河野規制改革大臣と会談し、感染の収束後も安全性と信頼性を確保したうえで、初診も含めてオンライン診療を認める方向で合意したということです。テレビ電話など映像があることが原則となります。オンライン診療を巡っては、医療の質に影響が出ると日本医師会が慎重な姿勢を示していました。 Online medical care/diagnosis is expected to be used from the first visit. Using online medical care/diagnosis for the first visit is currently only permitted for special instances to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection. Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare Tamura met with Minister of Digital Reform Hirai and Minister of Regulatory Reform Kono on the 8th, and agreed to allow online medical care including the first medical diagnosis after ensuring safety and reliability even after the infection has resolved. As a general rule, there should be camera and ways to do video calls. The Japan Medical Association has been cautious about online medical care, saying that it will affect the quality of medical care. -
トランプ氏「コロナ感染は神からの祝福」豪語のワケ(2020年10月8日) - Mr. Trump "Corona Infection is a Blessing from God" A reason for the bold statement (October 8, 2020)
トランプ大統領が新たな動画を公開。「感染は神からの祝福だ」と話しました。 7日、ツイッターに投稿されたメッセージ。トランプ大統領は自らに投薬された未承認の抗体薬を絶賛しました。しかし、この動画には批判の声も。 そもそも、こうなったのは誰の責任か。副大統領候補による討論会。現副大統領は上司の擁護に追われます。 共和党・ペンス副大統領:「皆さんに知ってほしい。大統領は最初から皆さんの健康が第一だと考えていた。ワクチンなどもまもなくできる。大統領のリーダーシップで」 果たして、そうなのか。例えば、マスク。大統領がしていなかった期間はあまりに長く、感染発覚後、スタッフの前で外す様子も確認されています。対策は十分なのか。トランプ大統領はいまだに陰性かどうか明らかにされていません。その一方で、バイデン候補との討論会には意欲を示しています。新たな動画でこう主張しています。 トランプ大統領:「抗体薬は無償化する。皆さんの責任ではないのです。中国の責任だ。中国は大きな代償を払うことになる。 [I have personally translated the debate from Japanese to English and thus, it might not be the exact meaning/words from the actual debate.] President Trump releases a new video. "Infection is a blessing from God," he said. The message posted on Twitter on the 7th. President Trump has praised the unapproved antibody drug he had been given for treatment. However, there are criticisms against this video. Standford University, Subramanian said she was appalled by Trump’s comment that his diagnosis had been a blessing from God. “It really makes my stomach turn,” she said. “So would he say that the 210,000 Americans who died, they were cursed by God?” In the first place, who is responsible for this situation? Kamala Harris: “On January 28th, the Vice president and president received the information that this pandemic will cause death and yet they did not tell the citizens. Debate by Vice Presidential Candidates. The current Vice President is busy defending his boss. Republican Vice President Pence: "I want you to know. From the beginning, the president thought that your health was the number one priority. Vaccines will soon be available. Under the leadership of the president." Is that actually true? For example, a mask. The period that the president was not wearing the mask was too long, and it has been confirmed that he removed it in front of the staff after he was known to have the virus. Are the measures sufficient? Moderator: “(Last month) During the even at the White House, people in the front row were not social distancing, most did not wear a mask, and a lot of people from that event was found to be infected. Do you think the citizens will follow the president despite this incident?” Vice President Pence: “There are great deal of speculations. But a lot of people who participated did receive the test.” President Trump still has not stated whether he is a negative or not. On the other hand, he was enthusiastic during the debate with Biden. In the new video, he insists "The antibody drug will be free. It's not your responsibility. It's China's responsibility. China will pay a big price. Please remember that." -
ビジネス帰国の日本人対象 14日間の待機免除で調整(2020年10月8日) – Adjustment of 14-day quarantine period for Japanese returning to business (October 8, 2020)
This news is about if the Japanese citizen who have business trips outside of Japan meet certain requirement, the 14-day quarantine will be exempted. 政府は新型コロナウイルス対策で実施している入国者の14日間の待機措置について、ビジネスから帰国した日本人が条件を満たした場合には、免除する方向で調整していることが分かりました。 待機措置の免除には、帰国時に検査をするほか、帰国後14日間の行動計画の提出、公共交通機関を使わないことや移動を自宅と勤務先に限定することなどが条件となります。ビジネス上の妨げとなっていた帰国時の14日間の待機措置だけでも免除することで、海外出張しやすい環境を整え、経済活動の再開を後押しする狙いがあります。政府は引き続き各国と出入国制限の交渉を続け、ビジネス往来の要件緩和を目指す方針です。 As a method to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus by having a 14-day quarantine period, the government is moving in the direction of exemption of this period for Japanese immigrants returning from business if they meet certain conditions. The conditions include taking the test when returning to Japan, submission of an action plan for 14 days after returning to Japan, not using public transportation, and limiting the traveling to only between home and work. By exempting the 14-day quarantine period when returning to Japan, which has been a hindrance to business, the aim is to create an easier condition that allows overseas business trips and to bring back the economy. The government will continue to negotiate immigration restrictions with different countries, aiming to ease the requirements for business travels. -
マスクがスマート化 スマホと連動し通訳機能も(2020年10月7日) - The mask has become smarter. The interpreter function is also linked with the smartphone (October 7, 2020)
This is a news in Japan, where mask technology is becoming more advance. A mask now can translate multiple languages. I think this mask was developed in order for Japan to open up borders safely and have visitors from different countries. マスクの進化が止まりません。感染対策に加え、外国語の翻訳ができるマスクが登場しました。気になるその性能は。 音声を認識するスマートマスクが開発されたと聞き、その機能を試しました。まだ開発段階のものですが、自分のマスクのひもを通して一体化。スイッチを入れて専用アプリでスマホと連動させると、話し言葉が文字に。そして、通訳機能も。さらには、同じアプリを共有している場合は相手のスマートフォンに声を届けることも可能です。まさにコロナ禍のイノベーション。今月末まで、クラウドファンィングで1個4378円で応援購入することができます。 The evolution of the mask does not stop. In addition to infection control, now masks can translate foreign languages has been developed. What is the performance you care about? I heard that a smart mask that recognizes voice was developed, and tried its function. It's still in the development stage, but it's integrated through the string of my mask. When you turn on the switch and link it with your smartphone with the specific app, the spoken words become letters. And an interpreter function as well. Furthermore, if you share the same app, you can have your voice reach the other party's smartphone. This is exactly the innovation during Corona. Until the end of this month, you can buy one by crowdfunding for 4378 yen. -
マスクめぐり機内で乱闘 フェースシールドは着用(2020年10月7日) - Brawl on the plane about the mask Wearing the face shield (October 7, 2020)
This is a news where on an airplane, a fight happened because a man was wearing a face shield, but not a mask. I would think wearing a face shield is better than nothing, but not enough and for himself and others on the plane, the man should have worn a mask. マスクの着用を巡ってまた、乱闘騒ぎです。 アメリカのアリゾナ州からユタ州に向かっていたLCC(格安航空)の旅客機の中で2人の乗客がもみ合っています。2人はマスクの着用を巡って口論となり、その後、取っ組み合いのけんかになったということです。たまたま機内に乗り合わせた警察官が仲裁に入ったため、大事には至りませんでした。この航空会社では乗客に常にマスクの着用が義務付けられていますが、騒ぎを起こした乗客はフェースシールドを着用していたもののマスクをしておらず、トラブルになったとみられています。 There is another brawl over wearing a mask. Two passengers had a conflict on an LCC (low-cost carrier) airliner heading from Arizona to Utah in the United States. The two argued over wearing a mask, and then became a brawl. A police officer who happened to be on the airplane came in between and calmed down the matter. The airline requires all passengers to wear masks at all times, but it is believed that the passenger was involved in the fight because he wore face shields but not a mask under the face shield. -
被災地でコロナの落書き 29歳男「ただのいたずら」(2020年10月6日) - Corona graffiti in the disaster area, 29-year-old man "just a prank" (October 6, 2020)
This is a news on how someone spray painted a graffiti of image of a logo like COVID-19 in a shopping area that is open for the symbolization of recovery from 3/11/2011 earthquake. The reason of why he did this is unknown. 東日本大震災で被災した商店が集まる宮城県の商店街で新型コロナウイルスとみられる落書きをしたとして29歳の男が逮捕されました。 一瞬、カメラの方を向くもすぐに視線を外し、車に乗り込む容疑者。建造物損壊と器物損壊の疑いで逮捕・送検された宮城県登米市の会社員・阿部大和容疑者(29)です。東日本大震災で被災した商店が集まる「南三陸さんさん商店街」。復興に向けて歩みを進める商店街で落書きが見つかったのは今年8月のことでした。阿部容疑者は8月28日午前0時ごろ、南三陸さんさん商店街で店やトイレの壁など9カ所に黒色のスプレーで落書きをした疑いが持たれています。このうち7カ所には新型コロナウイルスとみられるイラストなどが描かれていました。さんさん商店街では訪れた人が不快な思いをしないように落書きをポスターなどで隠していました。 容疑者逮捕のきっかけは商店街に設置された防犯カメラ。警察が映像を解析するなどして調べたところ、阿部容疑者が浮上したということです。阿部容疑者は容疑を認めているということです。 A 29-year-old man was arrested for scribbling what appears to be the “new coronavirus” in a shopping district in Miyagi prefecture, where the shops were affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake gather. A suspect who turned to the camera for a moment but immediately took his eyes off and got into the car. Yamato Abe (29), an office worker in Tome City, Miyagi Prefecture, was arrested and sent on suspicion of damage to buildings and property. "Minamisanriku-san (Sansan) Shopping Street" is a collection of shops damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake. It was in August of this year that graffiti was found in a shopping district that is moving toward reconstruction. Abe is suspected of having scribbled with black spray on nine places such as the walls of shops and toilets in the Minamisanriku-san shopping district around midnight on August 28th. Illustrations that appear to be the new coronavirus were drawn in seven of these locations. At Sansan Shopping Street, graffiti was hidden with posters so that visitors would not feel uncomfortable. The evidence for the arrest of the suspect was a security camera installed in the shopping district. When the police analyzed the video and investigated it, Abe was found to have been in the area. Abe admits the charges. -
カイコ」から“純国産”抗体検査キット 予約開始(2020年10月5日) - "Domestic" antibody test kit made from "Silkworm" reservation start (October 5, 2020)
A news that Japan made a domestic antibody kit that allows tracking of antibodies of the COVID-19. The news does not say how far back it can track the antibodies, and there are news saying that the antibodies will disappear in 3 months, so I am not sure if this will be useful for people after that 3 month span. ガの幼虫「蚕」で増殖したたんぱく質を使って新型コロナウイルスの感染履歴を確認できる抗体検査キットの予約受け付けが5日から始まりました。 開発された抗体検査キットは、ガの幼虫の蚕を使って新型コロナウイルスに似た毒性のないたんぱく質を増殖させて開発されました。九州大学発ベンチャー企業「KAICO」と埼玉のベンチャー企業「プロテックス」が共同開発した純国産の検査キットで、これまでの抗体検査よりもより正確に抗体の量も測定できるということです。 KAICO開発・営業担当、谷口雅浩さん:「現状、感染した履歴が分かるのがメリット。(将来的には)抗体の量が通年で分かるようになる」 抗体検査は1回5000円ほどで、法人や団体向けで5日からネットなどで予約を受け付けます。 Pre-orders for an antibody test kit that allows you to check the infection history of the new Coronavirus using the protein grown in the moth larvae "silkworm" began on the 5th. The antibody test kit was developed by using silkworms of moth larvae to propagate a non-toxic protein similar to the new coronavirus. It is a domestic test kit made in Japan developed by Kyushu University venture company "KAICO" and Saitama venture company "Protex", and it can measure the amount of antibody more accurately than the conventional antibody test. Mr. Masahiro Taniguchi, KAICO Development and Sales Manager: "Currently, it is an advantage to know the infection history. (In the future), the amount of antibody will be known throughout the year." The antibody test costs about 5,000 yen each time, and reservations will be accepted online from the 5th for corporations and groups in Japan. -
「美女と野獣」東京ディズニーランド 新エリア公開(2020年9月25日) - "Beauty and the Beast" Tokyo Disneyland new area released (September 25, 2020)
新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大の影響で公開が延期になっていた東京ディズニーランドの大規模開発エリアがお披露目されました。 東京ディズニーランドを運営するオリエンタルランドは、約3年かけて完成した大規模開発エリアを報道向けに公開しました。新たなエリアは4万7000平方メートルあり、ディズニー映画の「美女と野獣」をテーマとしたエリアや「ベイマックス」などのアトラクションが楽しめます。当初は4月15日に開園する予定でしたが、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大の影響で延期していました。一般公開は今月28日からとなりますが、当面は混雑を避けるためアトラクションの利用は事前に抽選予約に申し込んで当選した人に限定します。 The large-scale development area of Tokyo Disneyland, where the open date was postponed due to the spread of the new Coronavirus, was revealed. Oriental Land Co., Ltd., which operates Tokyo Disneyland, has released to the press the large-scale development area that took about three years. The new area covers 47,000 square meters, and you can enjoy rides with the theme of the Disney movies "Beauty and the Beast" and "Big Hero 6". Initially, the park was scheduled to open on April 15, but it was postponed due to the spread of the new Coronavirus. It will be open to the public from the 28th of this month, but for the time being, the use of the rides will be limited to those who have applied for a reservation in advance and got the tickets to avoid cluster of people. -
「夢の国に帰ってきた」ディズニーランド&シー再開(20/07/01) "I'm back in the land of dreams" Disneyland & Sea reopening (07/01/2020)
This is a news regarding how they opened up DisneyLand and DisneySea after four months of closing. In general, everyone seemed very happy to open up and all the staff were following CDC guidelines. Personally I felt a little confused because there are still people suffering from COVID and opening themeparks just did not seem necessary at the moment. HSE, Disney Land, Disney Sea, theme park, preventative measurement 新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大で休園していた東京ディズニーランドとディズニーシーが1日、約4カ月ぶりに営業を再開しました。 再開した東京ディズニーランドとディズニーシーでは入園者を事前に日付指定のチケットを購入した人に限り、以前の半分程度に絞ります。 来園者:「めちゃめちゃうれしいです。4カ月待っていたので・・・涙出ちゃう。4カ月ずっと我慢していたので夢の国に帰ってきたって感じ」「パークに来られるだけでうれしいので、きょうは楽しみたい」 検温などの感染予防対策を行ったうえで、当面は午後8時までの営業となります。 Translation: Tokyo Disneyland and DisneySea, which had been closed due to the spread of the new Coronavirus, reopened for the first time in about four months on the 1st of July. At Tokyo Disneyland and DisneySea, which have been reopened, the number of visitors will be reduced to about half and only for those who purchased a ticket with a specified date in advance. Visitors: "I'm so happy. I've been waiting for 4 months ... I'm crying. I've been patient for 4 months so I feel like I'm back in my dream world." "I'm so happy just to come to the park today. I want to have fun " After taking preventive measures such as temperature measurement, it will be open from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm for the time being. -
「アビガン」近く承認申請へ 国産“第1号”に期待(2020年9月21日)
It is a video from ANN news in Japan, where Avigan made by Fujifilm Toyama Chemical Co., Ltd. is in the process of applying for marketing aproval of this drug. Avigan is thought to help COVID-19 and its symptoms. FUJIFILM Toyama Chemical has been conducting clinical trials for Avigan since the end of March 2020, and by the middle of this month, they will have all the data needed According to the news, the data is being analyzed, the efficacy and safety being reviews, and the application for manufacturing and marketing approval will be submitted soon. After the application, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare will examine the safety and decide whether to approve it. If the application for Fujifilm is approved, it will be the first new corona treatment developed in Japan. FUJIFILM says, "I want to proceed with data analysis as soon as possible." -
Youtube - コロナ時代の新常識!?レジなし“非接触”で買い物(2020年9月15日)
It is a clip of a news in Japan, where a supermarket called Trial in Chiba city made a cart named "no-contact" cart. How to use the cart is where you have a prepaid card, and as you go thorugh the store and put stuff in the cart, you scan your items and the monitor keeps track of what you bought and the price. At the exit, a staff will do a quick check to see if all items are scanned, and then you can go through a designated gate to exit the store. The designated gate will print out the receipt of what you bought. This allows less cluster around the register, and people can use their own bag on the cart and put what they want inside their own bag as they scan. The store also has AI cameras all around the store to prevent stealing and keep track of the stock so that it can minimize the staff to be exposed.