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Los Angeles Times
"Asian and Black Americans experience racism differently. But we need to unite against hate"
In this editorial in the Los Angeles Times, Black female staff writer Sandy Banks poses the question "Now the question is: Can we join together and move forward, with white supremacy — not each other — as the enemy?" She reflects on the years of tension in Los Angeles between the Black and Asian American communities. However, she sees a common ground between the two communities in light of the anti-Asian racism and shooting of six Asian women at the hands of a White male, whose crimes were justified by a police spokesperson who was found later to have made anti-Asian social media posts. -
1 in 5 Americans has lost someone close in the pandemic, poll finds
"About 1 in 5 Americans say they have lost a relative or close friend to #COVID_19, highlighting the division between heartache and hope as the country itches to get back to normal a year into the COVID-19 #pandemic. A new poll from the Associated Press- NORC Center for Public Affairs Research illustrates how the stage is set for a two-tiered recovery. The public's worry about the virus has dropped to its lowest point since the fall, before the holidays brought skyrocketing cases into the new year. -
Stress Continues After Death
As if the mounting deaths aren’t enough I’ve read stories of mortuaries having to turn loved ones away. It’s hard enough to lose someone, made worse by not being able to be with them, and then finding that you can’t even plan their memorial. I’ve noticed the obituaries section in the paper growing. When I saw this one it just made me so sad. I have such empathy for what families must be going through. So thankful that I am not experiencing the same. -
Time to Standardize Masks with a Mask Mandate
With more states requiring face coverings to prevent the spread of COVID-19, gaiters and bandannas have become popular accessories. But tests show those hipper face coverings are not as effective as surgical or cloth face masks. -
Having a Negative COVID-19 Test Still Requires Social Distancing
Some people have started to get tests for the coronavirus as a way to clear themselves to attend dinner parties without needing to wear masks or keep their distance. That’s absolutely the wrong thing to do. -
COVID-19 Risk Forecast
The Los Angeles Times released a map of how likely someone is to contract COVID-19 anywhere in the United States. Officials predict a rise in cases in the next two weeks due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Traveling and fly is set to increase dramatically and more people (especially) will be together which is going to lead to a rise in cases. This map shows where in America is it more likely to contract Covid. -
Healthcare Workers Vulnerability to COVID
This is article covers a research period from March 1 to May 31 involving adults with COVID-19 which included healthcare workers as patients. It reports finding who was affected, how sick they became, and the percentage of those who died. The median age was 49 for healthcare workers, 13 years younger than the entire group surveyed. Men outnumbered women in severity, but women accounted for larger numbers affected. The findings also concluded that healthcare workers are being stretched to their limits and operating with scarce personal protective equipment. -
Tweet Changes Headline
Language is changing to be more people focused. This has happened in several arenas including incarceration. Instead of calling people inmates, prisoners, or convicts there is a movement to change the language to a people first option such as incarcerated person. One activist, Adnan Khan, of Restore Justice, a California based nonprofit seeking to change the criminal justice system, saw his Tweet about people first language cause the Los Angeles Times to change their headline. -
Ventura County faith leaders demand officials allow socially distant gatherings amid coronavirus shutdown
This article follows the feelings and actions of religious leaders during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The article follows the journey of a pastor and a rabbi to hold religious services, though gatherings of more than ten people are prohibited in Ventura County. They believe that attending religious services are part of an American's First Amendments Rights. According to them, the prohibition of in-person religious services is unconstitutional.