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An Old Gray Piece of Cloth
Gabriel Rheaume’s Sensory history contribution to COVID-19 Archive I would like to submit my gray, cotton face mask to the COVID-19 Archive. It is perhaps not as the most important item, but certainly it is the most present item for me throughout this pandemic. At almost a full year into this adventure, everyone has a keen familiarity with and opinion of face masks. I got this one as a gift. It feels about the same as getting socks on Christmas, except more useful. I have used this thing every single day unless I forget it—which sends me into a chaotic panic. I am a teacher in a suburb of Nashville, TN. Our school district insists on teaching in person, despite having alarmingly high infection rates in our community. This mask is now part of my daily uniform, a non-negotiable. It serves as a role model for students. A sign that their health is of paramount concern to us. It is part of everything I do. I have dozens of paper replacements in my desk. Those aren’t as good. They straps hurt your ears. The cloth ones are better, more comfortable. I thought about getting one with my favorite band’s logo, but I am going to stick with this old reliable gray, cotton mask. The smell of this mask will haunt me the rest of my life. I wash it multiple times per week. It often smells like laundry detergent. That is a good thing. However, by the end of the day it often smells like whatever I had for lunch. The masks gets hot. It is blasted with my carbon dioxide for eight hours straight. It gets really bad when I have to lecture during the day. When you inhale sharply to talk, it sucks in the material. I’ve learned how to breathe differently when I have the mask on. Sometimes I just pinch the end and hold it with my fingers while I talk. I can rarely take it off. I panic if I forget to put it on when I leave my classroom to go anywhere. Who would have ever thought this little cloth mask would be so important? I often doubt that it is effective at preventing the spread or contraction of infection. I am certainly NOT an anti-masker. But it’s a piece of cloth. I guess that it’s better than nothing. This gray cotton face mask, sometimes imbued with the glorious smell of fresh linen in the breeze or Last night’s roast and mashed potatoes has become a source of loathing and resentment, but simultaneously an anti-viral security blanket (if only in my imagination). Yet, I can’t wait to get rid of this vile thing. -
The old gray mask
I would like to submit my gray, cotton face mask to the COVID-19 Archive. It is perhaps not as the most important item, but certainly it is the most present item for me throughout this pandemic. At almost a full year into this adventure, everyone has a keen familiarity with and opinion of face masks. I got this one as a gift. It feels about the same as getting socks on Christmas, except more useful. I have used this thing every single day unless I forget it—which sends me into a chaotic panic. I am a teacher in a suburb of Nashville, TN. Our school district insists on teaching in person, despite having alarmingly high infection rates in our community. This mask is now part of my daily uniform, a non-negotiable. It serves as a role model for students. A sign that their health is of paramount concern to us. It is part of everything I do. I have dozens of paper replacements in my desk. Those aren’t as good. They straps hurt your ears. The cloth ones are better, more comfortable. I thought about getting one with my favorite band’s logo, but I am going to stick with this old reliable gray, cotton mask. The smell of this mask will haunt me the rest of my life. I wash it multiple times per week. It often smells like laundry detergent. That is a good thing. However, by the end of the day it often smells like whatever I had for lunch. The masks gets hot. It is blasted with my carbon dioxide for eight hours straight. It gets really bad when I have to lecture during the day. When you inhale sharply to talk, it sucks in the material. I’ve learned how to breathe differently when I have the mask on. Sometimes I just pinch the end and hold it with my fingers while I talk. I can rarely take it off. I panic if I forget to put it on when I leave my classroom to go anywhere. Who would have ever thought this little cloth mask would be so important? I often doubt that it is effective at preventing the spread or contraction of infection. I am certainly NOT an anti-masker. But it’s a piece of cloth. I guess that it’s better than nothing. This gray cotton face mask, sometimes imbued with the glorious smell of fresh linen in the breeze or Last night’s roast and mashed potatoes has become a source of loathing and resentment, but simultaneously an anti-viral security blanket (if only in my imagination). Yet, I can’t wait to get rid of this vile thing. -
What I did
Over the course of online learning I would usually get up go to class and wait for a break. I would get up at about 7:45 and then get dressed in a cozy sweatshirt and some fuzzy sweatpants or shorts depending on how hot it was. Then I would look at my schedule and go to my class. After my class I would eat and then continue classes until the end of the day. I think the most challenging part of online learning was probably just making sure I had everything and that I wasn't missing a class or that my Wi-Fi was working. I think the best part of online school was getting to stay in my pjs. Over covid we decided to go to Nashville, it was so awesome. I barley had to wear a mask, and no one was really crazy about it. I loved it we got to eat out without a problem. I even got to go shopping. I got a rust colored sweater, some brown leathery boots, and a cute black bandana with orange, yellow, and green flowers. Over all I think the best part of covid (and by far the funniest) was when me and my dad went out to Malibu. We went to a shopping center and we were the only one without masks walking outside. This old woman was walking as well and when she saw us she called us creepy and moved to side like she was scared. I mean I get it but still how are we creepy for not wearing masks. Over all though, quarantine hasn't been that bad. -
COVID-19 Having an Impact of the 2020 Presidential Debates
Due to the increase in COVID-19 cases in America and President Trump recently testing positive for the virus, the second presidential debate was canceled. It was interesting to see that during such an important election, one of the presidential debates could not happen. -
Conversation with my pharmacy friend
My friend is a pharmacy student in Nashville and was shocked at how students were being treated by employers and professors. She was also shocked by the news and information being presented to clients. This exchange explains why so much disinformation spread as this started. This is Part 2 of our conversation. #NortheasternJOTPY -
Conversation with my pharmacy friend
My friend is a pharmacy student in Nashville and was shocked at how students were being treated by employers and professors. She was also shocked by the news and information being presented to clients. This exchange explains why so much disinformation spread as this started. This is Part 1 of our conversation. #NortheasternJOTPY -
Drone Footage
Drone Footage Nashville