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New Mexico
Family Trip to Santa Fe, New Mexico
My family and I took a week's vacation to Santa Fe, New Mexico. We stayed at a VRBO house with our two kids and two dogs. We stayed at a property surrounded by trees and land. We did a lot of hiking, fishing, and grilling on the BBQ. On this trip to Santa Fe, we had no restrictions at the house we stayed at. We purposely chose a home where we could be alone without rules or regulations. During this period, the public was still navigating COVID restrictions, which included the ongoing use of masks. My workplace enforced strict travel guidelines, mainly regarding any out-of-state excursions. I was undergoing weekly testing, and masks were mandatory at all times. If I traveled outside the state, I had to present a negative test result before returning to work. Despite these challenges, my memories of that trip are filled with happiness because I was with my family. Any opportunity to break free from the routine during such uncertain times felt like a wonderful gift. Each moment spent away was a bonus, reminding me I could still have fun despite strict regulations -
Unpleasant Sounds
Before the pandemic the sound of a harmless cough or sneeze did not bother me. After two years into the pandemic those same sounds make me cringe. For me, the sound of a stranger’s cough or sneeze triggers the feeling of disgust. I am repulsed and immediately want to leave the environment I am in. When at work and I hear a cough or sneeze I stop, and wonder is it the cold dry New Mexico air that caused it or is it the virus? I try not to get worked up about it and carry on. The pandemic has changed a lot of once “normal” things for me, and has made me hyper aware of things I might not have noticed before. -
The Scents of a Homecoming
My maternal grandfather passed away late last year amidst a relatively heavy pandemic lockdown, and our family has since tried to fill in for him in caretaking for my grandmother. If he could have asked something of us, I know it would have only been to look after her. He was that kind of man. He didn’t need for anything for time with his family and friends, and his utmost concern was her welfare, even when she angered him. Recurring and cyclic apprehension and uncertainty over transmission rates, long-term vaccine efficacy and inoculated antibody generation have forestalled several attempted return trips to my hometown. Data-driven doubts have eroded my wife’s confidence that our collective vaccinations will protect her aging parents from life-altering illness and death have prevented her from traveling with me, even though she wont readily admit that outside our home. In addition to everything else the pandemic has altered or taken from us, it’s also complicated my family’s efforts to care for each other. My grandmother turned 86 recently, and her birthday was also their anniversary. They would have been married 63 years this month, and we wanted to make sure the day didn’t pass like any other lonely Tuesday since his death. My cousins and I put together a birthday dinner at the best restaurant in town, and I traveled back to New Mexico for a week to visit and help where I could. The trip turned out to inspire a self-reflection on the power of scent in my life, emotions, and memory. *** I drove straight to my grandmother’s home on Blodgett Street. I pushed the front door open, and an unpleasant stink hit my nostrils. Throughout my life, that home had particular smells that transitioned over time. Everyone in my family but the children smoked cigarettes while I was growing up, and it wasn’t unusual for a blue-gray haze to hang in my grandparents’ home during family holidays. It wasn’t uncommon for their 1000 sq. ft. home to sleep ten or fifteen people when we had something to celebrate or grieve. Ashtrays often overflowed if late night poker games grew too intense to step away from the dining table. I recall one Thanksgiving from my early childhood in which heavy cigarette smoke obscured my view of the backdoor while I stood near the front door. Even through those early years, I associated their home with the smell of sweets. Baked goods, chocolate cakes, snickerdoodles, and sugar cereals, although I’m now surprised any of us could smell anything. I never ate Fruity Pebbles anywhere but their house. Word reached my family in the mid 80s that hotboxing the house was bad for everyone’s health, and they began smoking outside. Grandad hated that; he’s the one who paid off the mortgage, so he oughta be able to smoke wherever he damned well pleased. Still, he took it outside for the grandkids. Since they stopped smoking in the house, and especially since they quit smoking fifteen years ago, I associated their home with a particular and pleasant fragrance. I never placed it, and I’ve never smelled it anywhere else. It wasn’t solely the scented wax my grandmother leaves on warming plates for too long, which are almost always homey food scents, like apple pie. The scent of their home welcomed me back to a place I am unconditionally loved, missed, and wanted. My jokes always hit, my cooking never failed, and everyone was always glad to see me. They were also glad to take my lunch money at the poker table, which I imagine might have contributed to my perpetual welcome. As of this trip, that unique aroma is gone, replaced by a light odor of stale animal waste. My grandmother took in a low functioning chihuahua about three years ago, and the dog is slowly and thoroughly ruining all the flooring surfaces in her home. It won’t housebreak, and it’s incapable of turning right. Seriously. The dog might be a reincarnated Nascar driver. It only turns left. When it’s excited, anxious, fearful, doesn’t matter. The only emotional arrow in its quiver is a left turn, and the only dichotomy is the circumference. The dog can run around the whole room or spin in place, but only and always left. Lefty shit on one of my most important and reassuring emotional stimulants. ** I also stayed with my parents, who live across town, and we share a love of food, especially comfort food best consumed with big spoons or served in casserole dishes. Because we’re New Mexicans, that means a heavy dose of Hatch green chili goes in everything produced in our kitchens. Throughout the week, my folks made all the staples for fall: red beef enchiladas, fire roasted salsa, smoked burgers, and green chili chicken stew. While I associated backed goods and sweets with my grandparents’ home, I’ve always associated the aroma of meals with my parents, and especially the foods that take a day or two to get just right in a crock or stockpot. Bubbling green chili anything reminds me of the best parts of my childhood, and I have no unfond memories or emotions associated with it. I never caught a beating over the dinner table, never fought over a kettle of green chili. Comfort foods have historically made all the hurt and misery of the outside world go away. That’s their magic, isn’t it? No matter what the day and the world brought to your doorstep, the right foods and aromas improved everything they touched. ** As such, the consistent and predictable wonderfulness of my parents’ home helped buttress my emotions and the loss of the Blodgett Street Scent. The disappearance of that emotional, olfactory experience altered my perception of the trip. I regarded its replacement as a bellwether of things to come, a foreshadowing of my grandmother’s seemingly imminent decline into managed in-home care. My concerns over what the light stink meant conspired with her increased hearing loss, the occasional repeated story, and the often-repeated questions to erode my confidence in her long-term stability. Although she’s now 86, she remains independent and self-sufficient. There’s nothing she can’t accomplish on her own with enough time and naps between exertion. I think I’ve taken that for granted, though, and I should begin managing my expectations. Thanks to a left-leaning chihuahua, I have to confront my grandmother’s increasing fragility and forthcoming dependence. I regret having never attempted to define its source ingredients, although I doubt I could recreate it at any other time or place. In the meantime, I need to get her out of the house long enough to have the flooring scrubbed and sanitized. If you’re in the market for a left-loving fecal factory, please inquire within. -
No Room for Activities
I am not overly social. Therefore, the COVID-19 pandemic’s stay-at-home orders were not a big deal to me. However, the mandate meant no after-school activities for my kids who had a very hard time with it. My ten-year-old son took it the hardest as it meant no soccer, no chess, and no playdates which also meant no touching, no tag, and absolutely no wrestling. After classes, I would pick them up and chauffeur the kids around town to all their activities. If we had time we would sometimes stop by the mall and grab a bite to eat. If we had an hour to kill, we would run into the arcade for a quick game or two of Mario Kart. But all that stopped once COVID struck. There was no room for the kids’ activities—no sports, no music lessons, no mall eateries, no more Sbarro on the run, no arcade—so in essence, no more fun. Due to COVID constraints, my boy developed a small case of depression from not being able to play with his friends and soccer buddies. Seeing my son miserable affected me, especially after reading some children were committing suicide due to these restrictions. I forgot just how much bonding with friends and socializing meant when you are ten and surrounded by thirty other kids for five days a week. While the pandemic gave parents like me a respite from all their children’s after-school extracurriculars, it was not worth seeing my son sad like that, and socializing was not the only aspect affected. My kids really missed getting their hands-on activities with other kids at the playground and soccer field. Kids simply love playing anywhere and touching everything, so not being able to do so hampers their growth through play and touch. Soccer was an outlet for all my son’s pent-up energy and once it and the other sessions were taken away, he felt trapped at home. We would play in the backyard, but it was not the same for him. Although he may complain about school now, he still needs his friends. Luckily, the pandemic is over, and soccer and their clubs are all back on. My son is back to his normal rambunctious self again. My children are back to being full-time kids again! -
Navajo Department of Health Data & Website
Despite recent data and statistical successes, the NDOH has left its 10pm to 5am curfew in place. The site offers a dashboard with current COVID-19 information, in terms of both resources and data. -
Indian Country and Beyond Celebrates U.S. Representative Deb Haaland’s Confirmation as New Secretary of the Interior
In a historic first, the U.S. Senate voted to confirm Debra Haaland (D-N.M.) on March 15, 2021, as President Biden’s secretary of the U.S. Department of Interior, making the second-term Democrat the first ever Native American to be a member of a White House Cabinet in U.S. History. In this role, Secretary Haaland, an enrolled member of the Laguna Pueblo, will oversee 70,000 employees and the country’s natural resources. The Department manages nearly 500 million acres of land, and notably, the Bureau of Indian Affairs and Bureau of Indian Education. -
POL COVID-19 Update: Possible UK Variant in Pueblo of Laguna
Both vaccine makers, Pfizer and Moderna, have tested the effectiveness of their vaccines against the UK variant and tests are showing the vaccines are effective against this strain. The POL EOC strongly encourages that we all take individual responsibility to get vaccinated to protect ourselves and our children who are still not able to receive the vaccine. The virus still has a hold of us and is putting our community at risk so we must continue to remain vigilant. -
Stay-At-Home Order Reinstated for Navajo Nation Residents
The Navajo Nation has reinstated the “Stay-At-Home” order due to an increase of Covid-19 cases. Two weeks ago, there was one day with zero reported cases. On Friday, there were 26 reported new Covid-19 cases. -
News Article: ASU watching new COVID-19 'Arizona variant' with a mutation known to weaken vaccines
By Amanda Morris of the Arizona Republic: Arizona State University researchers have found a home-grown variant of the coronavirus emerging in Arizona that they say should be monitored closely because it carries a mutation known for weakening vaccines. In a non-peer reviewed study that published Sunday, researchers said they have detected 17 cases of the new variant since February, 15 of which were in Arizona. The other two cases were found in Houston in late February and New Mexico in early March, suggesting that the variant has begun to spread. "My hope is that we do not see more of these cases. The whole point of surveillance is to keep this from spreading," said Dr. Efrem Lim, an ASU virologist and assistant professor. The variant is known as the B.1.243.1 variant, and descends from a common lineage of the virus called B.1.243, which nationally makes up about 2.5% of all cases, according to David Engelthaler, director of the Translational Genomics Research Institute's infectious disease division in Flagstaff. "It's not dominant. But, there's a fair amount of that lineage that has been able to hang around," Engelthaler said. "It seems to have picked up this E484K mutation, what we call the 'eek!'" This E484K mutation has also been seen in the variants first detected in South Africa and Brazil, as well as one new variant recently discovered in New York. Numerous studies have shown that this mutation — located in the spike of the virus — lowers antibody responses to the virus and could weaken vaccines. Antibodies are one of the body's tool to recognize and fight the virus. The E484K mutation has been shown to weaken antibody responses. One study from Seattle showed that it caused the neutralizing effects of antibodies to decrease by tenfold, and numerous other studies have shown similar results. American vaccine development company Novavax reported that its COVID-19 vaccine was 96.4% effective against the original coronavirus strain and 86.3% effective against the U.K. variant, but was far less effective in South Africa, where the South Africa variant carrying this mutation is dominant. In the South Africa trials, the vaccine was shown to be 48.6% effective overall, and 55.4% effective in HIV-negative individuals. Moderna announced a sixfold reduction in antibody responses from its vaccine against the South Africa variant, and Pfizer observed a drop in vaccine-induced antibody responses against the South Africa variant. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is reported to be 64% effective against moderate to severe COVID-19 in trials in South Africa vs. 72% effective in U.S. trials. Though the E484K mutation appears to reduce antibody response and possibly reduce vaccine efficacy, Lim stressed that vaccines still work well and said people should get their vaccines as planned. Scientists are monitoring mutations in the spike of the novel coronavirus. Community spread is a concern Though the new Arizona variant carries this mutation, it's still possible for the variant to fizzle out and stop spreading. Lim said researchers have found two other cases where viruses within the B.1.243 lineage independently picked up the E484K mutation, but did not spread. "In both cases, they never led to more transmissions," Lim said. Engelthaler has also tracked other lineages where the E484K mutation showed up, but those strains fizzled out. Overall, researchers have detected over 60 samples containing the E484K mutation statewide, according to TGen's Arizona COVID-19 sequencing dashboard. In order to continue spread, Engelthaler said variants need to be very "fit." "This mutation has popped up on multiple instances and then just goes away," he said. "This one mutation by itself doesn't give the virus superpowers." "It’s definitely a mutation of concern but time will tell if it will be a variant of concern," he added. If the mutation shows up in a more fit version of the virus, then Engelthaler said it becomes more of a concern. The new variant in Arizona is different than past cases because it has already spread from one person to another and could spread further, according to Lim. He said "one-off" mutations here and there are normal, but that the bigger question is about the transmission levels of this variant. A variant's ability to spread to others is also dependent on human behavior, Lim said. If people follow public health guidelines, they are less likely to spread variants to others. In total, Lim said the new Arizona variant has 11 mutations, which is "quite a bit more" than normal virus variations. These 11 mutations could be helping the virus survive or spread and could also act as a "fingerprint" to help researchers identify the new variant, Lim said. Another one of the 11 mutations is located in the spike that the virus uses to attach to and infect cells. Engelthaler said that because of the importance of the spike, any mutations in that area could affect things like how fast the virus spreads or how severe the related illness is. Both Lim and Engelthaler said it's too soon to tell whether the other mutations in this variant have any effect. Overall, this variant still seems to account for a very low percentage of overall cases in the state, according to Dr. Joshua LaBaer, the executive director of ASU's Biodesign Institute. ASU researchers wrote that it's still possible there are more undetected cases of the variant since there are limited efforts to genetically monitor the virus nationwide. In Arizona, roughly 1.3% of cases overall have been genetically sequenced, or analyzed, according to TGen's Arizona COVID-19 sequencing dashboard. In February and March, over 3% of cases were sequenced, higher than national rates of sequencing, which were below 1% in January. ASU is working with the Arizona Department of Health Services to monitor the new variant and hopefully prevent further spread through contact tracing and other public health measures, Lim said. California and UK variant cases rise Currently the Arizona variant is only considered a "variant of interest" and not a "variant of concern." These are different categories outlined by the CDC and used to assess the risk level of each variant. The CDC defines "variants of interest" as those that are associated with potential changes, whereas "variants of concern" have evidence showing actual changes such as increased transmission, more severe disease or antibody evasion. There are five variants of concern, which include variants first identified in the United Kingdom, South Africa, Brazil and California. Two variants from California were elevated from variant of interest to variant of concern this month and have rapidly spread in Arizona. "They're closely related to each other and have definitely been documented with increased transmissibility and some impact on some antibody treatment," Engelthaler said. In November 2020, both the California variants accounted for only 0.73% of Arizona's genetically sequenced samples. By March, they accounted for 31.64% of samples and are predominant variants statewide. One non-peer reviewed study from the University of California San Francisco showed weaker antibody responses against the California variants. Because of concerns that monoclonal antibody treatments may be less effective against these two variants, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced two weeks ago that it would limit the distribution of one treatment to states with high levels of the California variant, including Arizona. The California Department of Public Health also recommended that the state stop distributing the treatment, which is made by American pharmaceutical company Eli & Lily. In a health alert, the department said this treatment was unlikely to be active against the California variants. The U.K. variant, which is highly contagious, has also been spreading statewide ever since it was first detected in late January. In March the U.K. variant accounted for 4.72% of genetically analyzed samples. Currently, Engelthaler said Arizona has over 100 cases of the U.K. variant and over 1,000 cases of the California variants. Arizona also detected its first cases of the South Africa variant last week. So far, Lim said that all of the variants of concern are manageable and have not risen to the level of "variant of high consequence," which the CDC defines as variants that are shown to significantly reduce the effectiveness of prevention and medical measures. "The risk is whether one of these current variants of concern acquire additional mutations that push it up to the next level," Lim said. To prevent further mutations, LaBaer said it's important to prevent spread of the virus by continuing to follow health guidelines and getting vaccinated. The more the community can prevent the spread of the virus, the less mutations will occur, he said. "We're kind of in this race right now between the developed dominance of these much more infectious variants that are now spreading throughout the country and getting people vaccinated," LaBaer said. "At the moment, I'm a little worried that the spread of this virus is so fast that that may outpace our ability to get vaccines in arms." He said it was theoretically possible that new variants could escape the vaccines, meaning that the public would move backward away from reaching herd immunity. But Lim said the vaccines can easily be updated to protect against new variants. Pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer and Moderna are already working on developing updated booster shots. In the meantime, researchers will continue to monitor the Arizona variant to see if it spreads further. Engelthaler said he expects the most fit variants of the virus to become more dominant statewide as people continue to get vaccinated and stamp out less successful strains. "There's a bit of a race here with the virus — a survival of the fittest race," Engelthaler said. "But what we don't want is to raise too much concern that things are going in the wrong direction...what we're doing is closely watching the evolution of a virus like we never have before. It's good that we have this capability, it's more important to put it into context." Amanda Morris covers all things bioscience, which includes health care, technology, new research and the environment. Send her tips, story ideas, or dog memes at and follow her on Twitter @amandamomorris for the latest bioscience updates. Independent coverage of bioscience in Arizona is supported by a grant from the Flinn Foundation. -
What pandemic? One urbanite's weekend venture into rural Arizona
In addition to all the other aspects that currently define my life, I can almost see the end of my first year of graduate studies in Arizona State University's Global History program. I returned to academia in the fall of 2019, wrapped up 34 undergrad credit in 9 months with a 4.1 GPA, and started my master's studies in the fall of 2020. I still have to work a dayjob to keep the lights on, and I have a side hustle ghost writing fiction novels and hosting a podcast on creative writing. Time is my most valued and least possessed commodity. My school schedule is generally comprised of 7.5-week courses, and the university recommends taking no more than one at a time. I couldn't avoid doubling up during the first two months of this spring semester, and, to be candid, I arrogantly denied the validity of the university's guidance. By the end of the first term, I desperately needed to remember what a weekend felt like. Because God blessed me with the Greatest Wife in The History of the World, she scheduled a four-day weekend for us in the White Mountains in eastern Arizona. For those unfamiliar with the area, eastern Arizona has the largest stand of Ponderosa pine trees in the world. Hunters consistently harvest trophy elk and deer from the White Mountains and Gila National Forest, which spans the Arizona-New Mexico border. Unlike Colorado's coniferous forest, eastern Arizona seems devoid of pine beetle kill. Nothing but healthy, evergreen forest and the scent of sun-warmed pine greets you. We stayed in a vacation home on the outskirts of Pinetop, brought our groceries from home, and largely intended on hiking, cooking, drinking, and doing a lot of nothing. When we arrived in Pinetop in early March 2021, I had already fully recovered from COVID-19 and had time for both of my Moderna vaccines to have taken full effect. My wife had neither protective barrier, but we had generally become comfortable with purpose-driven shopping (as opposed to "window shopping") and takeout dining. As such, we stopped into a bakery to get breakfast on the way out to the hiking trails as a vacation treat. To our surprise, many of the patrons weren't wearing masks while walking through the restaurant or waiting in line. That made us a little uncomfortable. Then, one of the employees walked out from the kitchen with no mask on and began working on filling orders at the front, cold-food storage counters. Both of us panicked a bit and considered cancelling our orders and leaving. My wife pulled up the Arizona Department of Health Services site and quickly found that entire county had endured only a little more than 560 cases. A quick bit of division translated that into an average of two infections per day for the entire pandemic year-to-date. The statistical odds of the unmasked clerk or patrons presenting a health risk to either of us fell to just north of zero. NOT zero, but we both felt we could see it from there. The ham, egg, and cheese croissants were delicious, by the way. In trying to be good guests, we continued to wear our masks whenever we ventured into public spaces and businesses. Less than half of those around did the same, and I didn't see or hear anyone confront each other about mask wearing. Our last venture out that weekend was to a beer garden with a prominent outdoor patio and seating area. We again wore our masks inside the establishment, but we immediately felt like outcasts for having done so. When we stepped inside, it looked as though the town villain had just stepped through the saloon doors: all activity inside the business stopped, and everyone seated inside turned around to look us up-and-down for few silent moments. If anyone had been playing piano, they would have switched to a minor key. NO ONE else inside wore a mask, and the interior tables didn't appear to have been spaced to comply with prevailing social distancing guidelines. Everyone stayed kind of quiet until we ordered beers and asked to sit outside. In hindsight, I wonder if they expected we were there from some government bureaucracy to issue citations, or just out-of-towners about to have a value-based hissy fit? I have been generally opposed to broad behavior mandates that typically justify compliance on urban problems, but that weekend compelled me to really consider the divergent pandemic realities Arizonans have endured for the past year. Further analysis of county-specific data seems to suggest at least four divergent pandemic experiences within Arizona: urban centers, border counties, rural counties, and Native American reservations. I hope to better understand the personal experiences of those who lived in these diverse regions and how the pandemic affected their perspective and reality. -
Running Masked Up: Six Navajo Nation Athletes Earn All-State Accolades
By Quentin Jodie | Mar 27, 2021 | Track & Field | Navajo Times | Sharon Chischilly Kirtland Central junior Aisha Ramone places third overall in the 4A girls’ cross-country state championships on Friday at Albuquerque Academy. ALBUQUERQUE It’s been a long time coming for the Tohatchi boys’ cross-country team. On Friday, the Cougars placed four runners in the top 20 at the New Mexico Class 3A state cross-country meet as they secured the second-place trophy. “It’s been a while since we took one of these home,” Tohatchi coach Fern Spencer said of the red trophy. The longtime coach is not sure when was the last time they brought home a state trophy in cross-country but she said it was well deserved. “It’s very good for the program,” she said when asked if the state runner-up trophy is a nice addition to the trophy case. “They’re all young so we have another year with them. We’re going to continue to work hard and keep improving.” The Cougars were not the only school to take home hardware as six athletes earned All-State honors. In the 4A girls’ race, Kirtland Central’s Aisha Ramone and Shiprock’s Kaydence Platero placed third and fourth, respectively. “Finishing in the top three was my main goal and I got it,” Ramone said, who finished the 5K race in 19:47.77. “I just felt like I could have stayed up with the Albuquerque Academy runner (Emma Patton) but I just didn’t dig deep down enough to finish second.” Nonetheless, the KC runner was happy that she improved from last season’s sixth place finish at state. Platero was another runner who saw improvements from last year as she jumped four spots to fourth this year. “I’m so happy that I made the top five,” Platero said. “This is a big morale boost for me because I didn’t have a lot of confidence in myself but my team, my coach and the whole town of Shiprock cheered me on.” Platero, who was clocked in at 20:00.26, said her game plan worked to near perfection as she tried to shadow Ramone. “I tried to hang with Aisha and I tried to execute that but they did take off,” she said. “But in the end I was still able to finish behind them.” With a team score of 83 points, the Aztec Lady Tigers placed fourth while Shiprock took fifth with 94 points. In the 4A boys, Miyamura’s Tayan Benson made the podium with a 10th place finish. “I was hoping to do better than last year, but I just couldn’t do that today,” the Miyamura junior said. In the team standings, the Shiprock Chieftains placed fourth while Miyamura took sixth. In the 3A boys’ race, Albuquerque Cottonwood Classical ran away with the state title with 14 points while the Cougars finished with 47 points. Tohatchi was led by Nicolas Yazzie as he placed 10th overall. “It means a lot to us,” Yazzie said. “We all come in every day to practice and we give it our all. It just led to this moment and I think the time and effort we put into this paid off. I couldn’t have done it without them.” In addition to Yazzie, the Cougars had Melvin Scott Jr. place 14th, Jimmie Chavez III 17th and Jared Peterson 20th to complete the team score. Tohatchi’s fifth runner, Rodney Joe placed 30th overall. Individually, Crownpoint’s Tylon Tsosie and Newcomb’s Damien Johnson were named to the 3A All-State team by placing in the top 10. Tsosie took seventh, one spot ahead of Johnson. In the 1A/2A meet, the Ramah girls and Rehoboth boys took fifth in their respective races. -
Navajo Nation casinos reopen as new virus cases dwindle
By Donovan Quintero | Mar 25, 2021 | Business, CORONAVIRUS | CHURCH ROCK, N.M. Peterson Zah has a concern. On Tuesday, while hundreds of Fire Rock Casino patrons tried to win some money, the former Navajo Nation president wanted to hear what the COVID-19 public service announcement sounded like in Navajo. “I didn’t hear any of the PSA while inside because it’s so noisy,” he said. After taking a step outside the casino, the former Navajo Nation president said he was able to hear it. But that raised a concern for him. “And it’s pretty good,” Zah said, explaining the PSA in Navajo was clear and concise. “But you can only hear that clear outside and inside you can’t really understand it.” Zah said he was concerned no one would hear the COVID-19 safety guidelines everyone needed to follow. His other concern was that since many Navajo people have gotten both doses of the vaccines, many of them might become emboldened. “The reason why I was concerned is people have this attitude that because of the shots … they say, ‘Hey, I’m immune, I don’t have to worry about the virus.’ So when I go places I’m gonna take mine (mask) off,”’ Zah said Tuesday. According to the president’s office, more than 76,000 people have been fully vaccinated as of March 23 and more than 191,000 total doses have been administered. Zah didn’t think people should take any chances by easing up on protecting themselves from the contagious respiratory virus because some people were not wearing masks. After being closed for more than a year, Fire Rock Casino and Northern Edge Casino were on the fifth day of a two-week “soft reopening.” Just the gambling portion of the casinos were open at 25% capacity, and only Navajo Nation residents were allowed into the casinos, according to Navajo Gaming interim CEO Brian D. Parrish. Parrish clarified Navajo Nation residents meant everyone, including non-Natives, living on the reservation would have access to the casinos during the reopening phase. “We’re doing it with a two-phase reopening plan that started with Fire Rock and Northern Edge first,” he said. “We’re going to reevaluate with the Navajo Nation. They’re going to do audits and monitor our implementation of our workplace safety plan.” Of the 1,180 casino employees, 650 have returned to work since last Friday, said Parrish. Employees like Fire Rock Casino housekeeper Mildred Russell, who said she’s been out of work for over a year, were happy to be working again. “It’s been a struggle,” Russell said while cleaning a slot machine last Friday. “Hopefully this pandemic will be gone and everybody can go back to their normal lives.” Other employees, like casino security officer Vernon Keeswood from Hogback, New Mexico, shared Russell’s gratitude for getting the call to go back to work. “It’s good,” he said on Tuesday during a telephone interview that was arranged by Michele J. Crank, executive director of communications and public relations for Navajo Nation Gaming Enterprise. Instead of the usual hugs and shaking hands, Keeswood said, now it was “fist bumps” and “elbow bumps.” As for the reopening, he said many Northern Edge Casino customers “are pleased and happy” the Navajo casinos have begun reopening. He added a few customers were not sure if the casinos should reopen. “I hope everyone washes their hands and practices social distancing so we open to 100 percent capacity,” Keeswood said. “I hope it opens more.” After all, the threat of another COVID-19 outbreak looms on everyone’s mind, including that of Robert Peterson from Thoreau. “People are still afraid to come here but a lot of them want to enjoy being out instead of being stuck at home,” said Peterson, who said he lives alone, last Friday. Peterson said being alone and dealing with the pandemic has been hard for him. Despite his fears, he decided to head to Fire Rock to get his mind off COVID-19. Mary E. Silversmith, 79, from Lupton, Arizona, ensured no one came to visit her with a “no visitors allowed” sign posted on her hogan. She was happy to support the casino employees who returned to work. “The casinos were opened for the casino employees,” she said on Tuesday at Fire Rock. “Many of have children and they have bills to pay. “Because of that, I am OK with the reopening,” she said. “Some people have been criticizing the reopening. Not me, I don’t think that way or talk that way.” Before the pandemic, Silversmith said she frequently ate at Fire Rock, as well as at Twin Arrows Casino and Resort, when she had extra money to spend. Silversmith was wearing a surgical mask. To gain entry into both casinos during the soft reopening, a state ID, like a driver’s license, is required and a working number at which customers can be contacted. Temperature checks were also part of the requirements for anyone wanting to enter. After their temperature was checked, security asked customers to momentarily remove their masks and look at the front entrance security camera. The purpose of collecting all of the information is for contact tracing, said Parrish. “We have an excellent plan that’s in place,” he said. “We’ve had it reviewed and modified and enhanced by public health experts, not only on Navajo, but outside the Navajo Nation.” He added that Navajo Gaming invested close to $2 million in “equipment, supplies, signage, training,” to keep everybody safe. U.S. Indian Health Service officials toured both of the casinos’ kitchens on March 12, Parrish added, to review their safety procedures. “And in terms of reopening of the other properties, especially at a higher capacity percentage, that’s going to be based not only on how well the enterprise does, but what’s happening with the public health metrics, the rate of vaccinations on Navajo and other key indicators like that,” the interim CEO said. The Navajo Gaming enterprise’s careful planning even got praise from Jordan Schermerhorn, a senior research associate at Georgetown Center for Global Health Science and Security. Schermerhorn stated in an email to NNGE their plan showed the tribe was leading “the entire country in a smart, careful return to normalcy.” “Combined with the Navajo Nation’s outstanding vaccine rollout, this soft reopening shows what is possible with a data-driven pandemic response in a community dedicated to public safety,” Schermerhorn‘s email said. Even the ventilation, air conditioning and heating systems, which completely re-circulate the air inside the casinos 15 times a day, were reviewed, said Parrish. “We’re ready to go to fifty percent, we’re ready to offer food and we’re ready to bring the rest of our team back,” Parrish said. Zah watched casino patrons trying to win money as sounds from the Tuesday afternoon hustle and bustle all but drowned out the COVID-19 PSA. “So basically, the attitude shouldn’t be such now that because they got their shot they don’t have to worry about it,” he said. “It’s still around. Even though ninety percent of the people may be wearing their mask, or all of them, if one of them comes in that has it, then we’re in trouble.” Zah explained a new COVID-19 variant is much smaller than the original strain, which to him was why everyone needed to double mask. “If you can see light through your mask that means it’s gonna go through,” Zah said. “We gotta start wearing two masks.” He said he intends to go on KTNN and remind everyone not to run off to Phoenix or Albuquerque just because they’ve been vaccinated. “At the same time, they still have to follow those protocols,” he said. “I want to say, ‘You gotta start wearing double masks.’” As of Tuesday night, the Navajo Nation Department of Health reported a cumulative 30,010 cases of the virus and 1,233 deaths. -
Navajo Nation outpacing states in rate of vaccinations
By Rima Krisst | Mar 9, 2021 | CORONAVIRUS, News | WINDOW ROCK President Jonathan Nez proudly said last week that the Navajo Nation had exceeded its goal of administering 100,000 COVID-19 vaccine shots by end of February, crediting tireless health care workers who have been serving seven days a week to plan vaccinations and administer the vaccines. On Tuesday, the president’s office reported that 135,161 COVID-19 vaccine shots have gone into arms on the Navajo Nation, which represents 92% of the total 146,980 doses received and includes 48,800 persons who have had their second shots. This means that over 26% of the approximately 327,000 enrolled Navajos have gotten a shot through the Navajo Area Indian Health Service and tribal health care system, which is an amazing feat. By comparison, in New Mexico 22.4% of the population (738,705) has been given at least one shot. Arizona has administered at least one shot to 17.1% of the population (1,847,750), with Utah trailing behind at 12.2% receiving at least one shot (687,925), according to the CDC data vaccine tracker. And as of March 2, 15.3% of the U.S. population had received at least one shot, with 76.9 million shots administered, including 25.4 million receiving the second dose. Approximately 1.8 million vaccines per day are being administered daily in the U.S. So, percentage-wise, Navajo is outpacing both neighboring states and the general U.S. population. ‘Amazing partnership’ On a Feb. 25 IHS media call, IHS Chief Medical Officer Rear Adm. Michael Toedt reported that as of Feb. 18 the IHS had also achieved its goal of administering 400,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine “across IHS, tribal, and urban Indian Health programs,” representing 16% of the “target population,” with 6.3% receiving two doses. “This milestone was reached ahead of schedule despite severe weather, making travel to health facilities difficult across much of Indian Country and leading to shipping delays,” said Toedt. Toedt said most IHS facilities have now vaccinated the majority of their priority populations and are moving into Phase 2, which includes those who work in higher risk settings such as schools and prisons. “Very shortly we expect that everyone who needs a vaccine will be able to receive it,” he said. Toedt credited IHS and tribal health care employees across the country who are committed to ensuring the protection of tribal communities in 11 geographic areas covering 26 states and 349 health facilities, many in rural and remote locations. “We have had an amazing partnership with our tribes to use all available resources to help with delivery of vaccine,” said Toedt. This included distribution and redistribution of vaccines by ground and air transportation as needed. Toedt said the IHS has also conducted over 2 million COVID-19 tests at a higher per capita than most states and is reporting a seven-day average test positivity rate of 4.5%, below the 5.6% all-races rate in the U.S., despite the fact that COVID-19 has had a disproportionate impact on American Indians/Alaska Natives. The Navajo Nation has conducted 245,085 COVID-19 tests resulting in 29,774 positive cases. ‘Developing trust’ Coordinated public relations campaigns in partnership with tribes have been key to the success of the vaccine rollout, said Toedt. Navajo Area IHS Chief Medical Officer Loretta Christensen agreed, saying public messaging has been critical. “This collaboration is one of the reasons we’ve been extremely successful,” said Christensen. “Honesty and transparency, developing that trust with the people you are serving is vital. We have spent a great deal of time on that relationship with our Navajo people to encourage them to be vaccinated.” She said the communication process has been very unified across Navajo and with the president’s office, using social media, radio, and a bilingual approach. “This is constant public education,” she said. “We encourage people in a very personal way that we would like them to be safe, keep their families, their communities safe. We feel very fortunate and grateful that our population has really stepped up.” Toedt acknowledged there has been some vaccine hesitancy relating to how quickly the vaccines were developed and whether or not they are completely safe, which has made some people distrustful. According to IHS Public Affairs Specialist Joshua Barnett, a recent IHS-funded survey by the Urban Indian Health Institute reported that 75% of Native Americans were willing to get a vaccine and 74% believe that doing so is their responsibility to help protect their community. “I’m confident that the process for vaccine development has the full integrity and completeness of time necessary to make sure these vaccines are safe, but it’s our job as healthcare providers to communicate that in a way that’s acceptable and trusted by our population,’ said Toedt. “We know our efforts are working and we’re seeing good delivery and acceptance of these vaccines in our communities.” Reaching the homebound Christensen said one of the strongest assets in the Navajo vaccination campaign has been the collaboration between public health nurses and community health representatives in reaching out to community members at the local level, including homebound elders and persons with disabilities. “These are the people out in the rural areas that know the families, that know the homes,” said Christensen. “We rely on them for that person-to-person contact out in the communities.” She said between 4,000 to 5,000 homebound individuals have actually been vaccinated at home or close to home. Moving forward with the goal of getting the Navajo population vaccinated and achieving “community immunity,” Navajo Area IHS wants to make sure that all 27,000 square miles of the Nation have been penetrated, said Christensen. “We want to be able to target any communities, populations or subgroups that have perhaps maybe not been able to get vaccinations,” she said. “So, our first step is to heat-map our whole area and then focus on those populations that are perhaps more rural or don’t have easy access to healthcare facilities.” “Our goal is to get every single person vaccinated and to keep our populations in Arizona, New Mexico and Utah safe,” she said. Christensen said her team will be working with chapters to identify anyone who might have been missed. They have also reached out to Navajos living off reservation and have established an online registry to help people find a place to get their vaccination. “We highly encourage them to come back if they need to and we will certainly take care of them and their families,” she said. Tracking variants In regard to surveillance for COVID-19 variants, Toedt said IHS does contribute its tests to state public health labs as well as different large lab corporations such as TriCore, LabCorp. and additional processes for genomic testing are in development. “The samples that are included through those mechanisms are sampled through the CDC’s processes to test for genomics,” said Toedt. Christensen said similarly the Navajo Area and the Health Command Center are working to establish more specific genomic surveillance within Navajo Nation. “In the meantime, we are participating in testing both in New Mexico and Arizona,” said Christensen. Christensen said the Navajo Epidemiology Center has also reached out to bordering states requesting any relevant information on variants be shared. “We all stand by ready to support this process and we are hopeful that we will have more specific information for Navajo Nation very soon,” she said. Christensen confirmed that she was not aware of any variants having been identified on the Navajo Nation from random sampling. “We have requested that information but we have not received it as of yet,” she said. Adverse events Any adverse events, or serious side effects, related to vaccinations within IHS are collected and reported to the same CDC system that collects the data nationally, said Toedt, but the data broken down by individual tribes is not publicly available. “We are part of that Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System through the CDC,” said Toedt. “All adverse drug reactions are investigated by the CDC to determine what category it goes in and how they analyze data.” Navajo Area is gathering information on any adverse events on the Navajo Nation, but there are patient privacy issues when it comes to sharing that publicly, said Christensen. “We do, as (health care) institutions across Navajo Nation, share basic data with each other when we’re doing best practices,” she said. Christensen would not answer whether or not there had been any adverse events on the Nation. “I will say we have done very well with these vaccines,” she said. “There are certainly side effects which have been well defined, but we’ve had minimal significant adverse events. I cannot quantify that for you, but we are tracking those events across Navajo Nation.” Preventing transmission As far as keeping everyone safe after being vaccinated, Toedt said it’s still important to continue to wash your hands, stay six feet apart and to wear a mask. This is because vaccinated persons can theoretically still contract COVID-19 and spread it after being vaccinated, although they may not have any symptoms due to protection from the vaccine. There are also still many unknowns related to COVID-19 variants and to what extent they may evade vaccine protection, be more transmissible, or cause more serious disease. “We have been trying to report on possible variants most recently, explaining that we don’t have all the information yet on what the long term effects of those variants are,” said Christensen. “So we highly suggest that you still watch your distance, wash your hands and wear your mask.” Christensen said public messaging encouraging everyone to abide by the public health protocols in place, regardless of vaccination status, will continue until there is community immunity. -
In numbers: Tracking COVID-19 Across the Navajo Nation
In numbers: Tracking COVID-19 Across the Navajo Nation By Navajo Times | Mar 29, 2021 | CORONAVIRUS | On Sunday, Navajo Nation health officials reported 7 new COVID-19 cases. A total of 30,059 people have been sickened by the coronavirus. The rate of decrease in new cases is slowing. Nevertheless, the seven day average is 7 new cases per day, a decrease of 30 percent from the average two weeks earlier. On a per-capita basis, about 3 cases for every 100,000 people on the Navajo Nation are active. This means the Navajo Nation has the lowest per-capita cases anywhere in the 50 U.S. states. No new deaths were announced, leaving the total at 1,246 casualties of the virus. At least 16,342 people on the Navajo Nation have recovered. More than 8 of 10 people on the Navajo Nation have received at least one dose of the vaccine, or 86.3 percent of the population as of March 26, according to the Navajo Area Indian Health Service. A spokesperson for the Navajo Area IHS says 244,209 people get health care from it. Of those, 196,902 have received at least their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. That number includes 88,891 people, or 36.4 percent, who are fully vaccinated, according to the spokesperson. Caution is still warranted: Highly contagious variants of the virus continue to spread. The more lethal U.K. variant is doubling every 10 days throughout the United States. It now represents more than half of new U.S. cases. Many jurisdictions near the Navajo Nation are relaxing COVID restrictions. Some health experts warn that easing up right now is too soon. It could lead to an increase in new cases. Health experts recommend continued vigilance in wearing masks, social distancing, avoiding socializing with people outside your immediate household, and hand-washing. Double-masking also is recommended. For those who are fully vaccinated, the CDC still recommends wearing a mask and hand-washing; although social restrictions are more relaxed. Follow this link for complete CDC guidance for those who are vaccinated: Although the Navajo Nation has relaxed some restrictions, a daily curfew remains in efffect from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. Businesses may remain open until 9 p.m. timeline Positive Test Rate The estimated percentage of people who tested positive was 1.2 percent on Sunday. The 7-day average positive test rate was estimated at 1.9 percent. The World Health Organization recommends a 7-day average positive test rate of less than 10 percent for two weeks in a row. Localities that have a test rate of 3 percent or less are most successful in containing COVID-19, according to the WHO. At Hopi, one new cases was reported overnight, bringing the total to 1,376. The Hopi radio station reported on its Facebook page that at least 120 people have died since the pandemic began last year, but the Hopi Tribe has not consistently reported fatalities from the virus. The following charts and maps show the extent and location of the coronavirus on and near the Navajo Nation. Hover over, tap or click the map markers and graph for expanded information. (Last updated March 29, 2021 at 10:44 a.m. MDT.) Growth of COVID-19 on Navajo Nation and Hopi Reservation Cases April 2020 June 2020 August 2020 October 2020 December 2020 February 2021 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 Number Date Cases Mar 16, 2020 2 Mar 18, 2020 3 Mar 20, 2020 14 Mar 21, 2020 26 Mar 23, 2020 29 Mar 24, 2020 39 Mar 25, 2020 69 Mar 26, 2020 71 Mar 27, 2020 92 Mar 28, 2020 115 Mar 29, 2020 128 Apr 1, 2020 214 Apr 2, 2020 214 Apr 4, 2020 321 Apr 5, 2020 354 Apr 6, 2020 384 Apr 7, 2020 426 Apr 8, 2020 488 Apr 9, 2020 558 Apr 10, 2020 597 Apr 11, 2020 698 Apr 13, 2020 813 Apr 14, 2020 838 Apr 15, 2020 921 Apr 16, 2020 1,042 Apr 17, 2020 1,127 Apr 18, 2020 1,197 Apr 20, 2020 1,206 Apr 22, 2020 1,282 Apr 23, 2020 1,360 Apr 24, 2020 1,540 Apr 25, 2020 1,637 Apr 26, 2020 1,716 Apr 27, 2020 1,769 Apr 28, 2020 1,873 Apr 29, 2020 1,977 Apr 30, 2020 2,141 May 1, 2020 2,292 May 2, 2020 2,373 May 4, 2020 2,474 May 5, 2020 2,559 May 6, 2020 2,654 May 7, 2020 2,757 May 9, 2020 2,976 May 10, 2020 3,122 May 11, 2020 3,202 May 13, 2020 3,392 May 14, 2020 3,632 May 15, 2020 3,740 May 16, 2020 3,912 May 17, 2020 4,002 May 18, 2020 4,071 May 19, 2020 4,153 May 20, 2020 4,253 May 21, 2020 4,434 May 22, 2020 4,529 May 23, 2020 4,633 May 24, 2020 4,689 May 25, 2020 4,794 May 26, 2020 4,842 May 27, 2020 4,944 May 28, 2020 5,044 May 29, 2020 5,145 May 30, 2020 5,250 May 31, 2020 5,348 Jun 1, 2020 5,479 Jun 2, 2020 5,533 Jun 3, 2020 5,661 Jun 4, 2020 5,730 Jun 5, 2020 5,808 Jun 6, 2020 5,918 Jun 7, 2020 6,020 Jun 8, 2020 6,110 Jun 9, 2020 6,150 Jun 10, 2020 6,275 Jun 11, 2020 6,378 Jun 12, 2020 6,470 Jun 13, 2020 6,554 Jun 14, 2020 6,611 Jun 15, 2020 6,633 Jun 16, 2020 6,672 Jun 17, 2020 6,747 Jun 18, 2020 6,832 Jun 19, 2020 6,894 Jun 20, 2020 6,963 Jun 21, 2020 6,990 Jun 22, 2020 7,045 Jun 23, 2020 7,088 Jun 24, 2020 7,157 Jun 25, 2020 7,278 Jun 26, 2020 7,320 Jun 27, 2020 7,414 Jun 28, 2020 7,469 Jun 29, 2020 7,532 Jun 30, 2020 7,549 Jul 1, 2020 7,613 Jul 2, 2020 7,669 Jul 3, 2020 7,733 Jul 4, 2020 7,804 Jul 5, 2020 7,840 Jul 6, 2020 7,914 Jul 7, 2020 7,941 Jul 8, 2020 7,981 Jul 9, 2020 8,042 Jul 10, 2020 8,098 Jul 11, 2020 8,124 Jul 12, 2020 8,187 Jul 13, 2020 8,243 Jul 14, 2020 8,290 Jul 15, 2020 8,370 Jul 16, 2020 8,486 Jul 17, 2020 8,536 Jul 18, 2020 8,568 Jul 19, 2020 8,593 Jul 20, 2020 8,617 Jul 21, 2020 8,639 Jul 22, 2020 8,684 Jul 23, 2020 8,734 Jul 24, 2020 8,768 Jul 25, 2020 8,837 Jul 26, 2020 8,891 Jul 27, 2020 8,912 Jul 28, 2020 8,927 Jul 29, 2020 8,968 Jul 30, 2020 9,019 Jul 31, 2020 9,055 Aug 1, 2020 9,068 Aug 2, 2020 9,103 Aug 3, 2020 9,139 Aug 4, 2020 9,156 Aug 5, 2020 9,195 Aug 6, 2020 9,223 Aug 7, 2020 9,257 Aug 8, 2020 9,293 Aug 9, 2020 9,308 Aug 10, 2020 9,315 Aug 11, 2020 9,334 Aug 12, 2020 9,356 Aug 13, 2020 9,394 Aug 14, 2020 9,412 Aug 15, 2020 9,423 Aug 16, 2020 9,447 Aug 17, 2020 9,469 Aug 18, 2020 9,486 Aug 19, 2020 9,500 Aug 20, 2020 9,519 Aug 21, 2020 9,531 Aug 22, 2020 9,545 Aug 23, 2020 9,547 Aug 24, 2020 9,557 Aug 25, 2020 9,573 Aug 26, 2020 9,597 Aug 27, 2020 9,601 Aug 28, 2020 9,780 Aug 29, 2020 9,789 Aug 30, 2020 9,800 Aug 31, 2020 9,820 Sep 1, 2020 9,830 Sep 2, 2020 9,847 Sep 3, 2020 9,871 Sep 4, 2020 9,883 Sep 5, 2020 9,891 Sep 6, 2020 9,900 Sep 7, 2020 9,901 Sep 8, 2020 9,903 Sep 9, 2020 9,915 Sep 10, 2020 9,933 Sep 11, 2020 9,952 Sep 12, 2020 9,969 Sep 13, 2020 9,977 Sep 14, 2020 9,982 Sep 15, 2020 9,992 Sep 16, 2020 10,059 Sep 17, 2020 10,083 Sep 18, 2020 10,090 Sep 19, 2020 10,107 Sep 20, 2020 10,119 Sep 21, 2020 10,131 Sep 22, 2020 10,141 Sep 23, 2020 10,167 Sep 24, 2020 10,212 Sep 25, 2020 10,237 Sep 26, 2020 10,269 Sep 27, 2020 10,290 Sep 28, 2020 10,312 Sep 29, 2020 10,333 Sep 30, 2020 10,355 Oct 1, 2020 10,369 Oct 2, 2020 10,404 Oct 3, 2020 10,421 Oct 4, 2020 10,441 Oct 5, 2020 10,454 Oct 6, 2020 10,501 Oct 7, 2020 10,546 Oct 8, 2020 10,582 Oct 9, 2020 10,632 Oct 10, 2020 10,675 Oct 11, 2020 10,696 Oct 12, 2020 10,728 Oct 13, 2020 10,737 Oct 14, 2020 10,780 Oct 15, 2020 10,819 Oct 16, 2020 10,857 Oct 17, 2020 10,913 Oct 18, 2020 10,955 Oct 19, 2020 10,969 Oct 20, 2020 10,999 Oct 21, 2020 11,030 Oct 22, 2020 11,101 Oct 23, 2020 11,151 Oct 24, 2020 11,217 Oct 25, 2020 11,298 Oct 26, 2020 11,362 Oct 27, 2020 11,386 Oct 28, 2020 11,462 Oct 29, 2020 11,603 Oct 30, 2020 11,694 Oct 31, 2020 11,753 Nov 1, 2020 11,828 Nov 2, 2020 11,875 Nov 3, 2020 11,947 Nov 4, 2020 12,080 Nov 5, 2020 12,195 Nov 6, 2020 12,288 Nov 7, 2020 12,447 Nov 8, 2020 12,571 Nov 9, 2020 12,641 Nov 10, 2020 12,720 Nov 11, 2020 12,818 Nov 12, 2020 12,971 Nov 13, 2020 13,069 Nov 14, 2020 13,249 Nov 15, 2020 13,373 Nov 16, 2020 13,596 Nov 17, 2020 13,744 Nov 18, 2020 13,880 Nov 19, 2020 14,085 Nov 20, 2020 14,441 Nov 21, 2020 14,612 Nov 22, 2020 15,039 Nov 23, 2020 15,236 Nov 24, 2020 15,374 Nov 25, 2020 15,616 Nov 26, 2020 15,862 Nov 27, 2020 15,954 Nov 28, 2020 16,223 Nov 29, 2020 16,427 Nov 30, 2020 16,595 Dec 1, 2020 16,711 Dec 2, 2020 17,035 Dec 3, 2020 17,310 Dec 4, 2020 17,495 Dec 5, 2020 17,738 Dec 6, 2020 17,915 Dec 7, 2020 18,163 Dec 8, 2020 18,324 Dec 9, 2020 18,575 Dec 10, 2020 18,943 Dec 11, 2020 19,199 Dec 12, 2020 19,420 Dec 13, 2020 19,608 Dec 14, 2020 19,766 Dec 15, 2020 19,929 Dec 16, 2020 20,095 Dec 17, 2020 20,395 Dec 18, 2020 20,569 Dec 19, 2020 20,810 Dec 20, 2020 21,019 Dec 21, 2020 21,177 Dec 22, 2020 21,327 Dec 23, 2020 21,513 Dec 24, 2020 21,833 Dec 25, 2020 21,833 Dec 26, 2020 22,155 Dec 27, 2020 22,155 Dec 28, 2020 22,371 Dec 29, 2020 22,526 Dec 30, 2020 22,776 Dec 31, 2020 23,090 Jan 1, 2021 23,429 Jan 2, 2021 23,581 Jan 3, 2021 23,728 Jan 4, 2021 23,841 Jan 5, 2021 23,978 Jan 6, 2021 24,247 Jan 7, 2021 24,521 Jan 8, 2021 24,776 Jan 9, 2021 24,979 Jan 10, 2021 25,216 Jan 11, 2021 25,383 Jan 12, 2021 25,383 Jan 13, 2021 25,746 Jan 14, 2021 25,952 Jan 15, 2021 26,073 Jan 16, 2021 26,287 Jan 17, 2021 26,383 Jan 18, 2021 26,448 Jan 19, 2021 26,517 Jan 20, 2021 26,612 Jan 21, 2021 26,782 Jan 22, 2021 26,955 Jan 23, 2021 27,109 Jan 24, 2021 27,484 Jan 25, 2021 27,573 Jan 26, 2021 27,665 Jan 27, 2021 27,887 Jan 28, 2021 27,987 Jan 29, 2021 28,075 Jan 30, 2021 28,217 Jan 31, 2021 28,325 Feb 1, 2021 28,388 Feb 2, 2021 28,471 Feb 3, 2021 28,544 Feb 4, 2021 28,668 Feb 5, 2021 28,796 Feb 6, 2021 28,872 Feb 7, 2021 28,897 Feb 8, 2021 28,937 Feb 9, 2021 28,994 Feb 10, 2021 29,041 Feb 11, 2021 29,098 Feb 12, 2021 29,167 Feb 13, 2021 29,205 Feb 14, 2021 29,269 Feb 15, 2021 29,283 Feb 16, 2021 29,308 Feb 17, 2021 29,336 Feb 18, 2021 29,386 Feb 19, 2021 29,464 Feb 20, 2021 29,509 Feb 21, 2021 29,535 Feb 22, 2021 29,551 Feb 23, 2021 29,576 Feb 24, 2021 29,602 Feb 25, 2021 29,655 Feb 26, 2021 29,710 Feb 27, 2021 29,719 Feb 28, 2021 29,740 Mar 1, 2021 29,754 Mar 2, 2021 29,774 Mar 3, 2021 29,794 Mar 4, 2021 29,816 Mar 5, 2021 29,838 Mar 6, 2021 29,857 Mar 7, 2021 29,866 Mar 8, 2021 29,873 Mar 9, 2021 29,887 Mar 10, 2021 29,900 Mar 11, 2021 29,911 Mar 12, 2021 29,930 Mar 13, 2021 29,945 Mar 14, 2021 29,948 Mar 15, 2021 29,954 Mar 16, 2021 29,957 Mar 17, 2021 29,968 Mar 18, 2021 29,987 Mar 19, 2021 29,992 Mar 20, 2021 29,998 Mar 21, 2021 30,007 Mar 22, 2021 30,007 Mar 23, 2021 30,010 Print COVID-19 Cases on the Navajo Reservation Presumptive Positive Tested Positive Died Recovered 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 Navajo Nation Chinle AZ IHS Tuba City Regional Health Care Shiprock NM IHS Gallup NM IHS Fort Defiance NM IHS Crownpoint NM IHS Kayenta AZ IHS Winslow IHS Zuni reservation Hopi reservation Utah Navajo Health System Number of cases Community Presumptive Positive Tested Positive Died Recovered Navajo Nation 0 12483 1205 16,212 Chinle AZ IHS 5496 0 0 Tuba City Regional Health Care 6 5324 0 0 Shiprock NM IHS 0 5018 0 0 Gallup NM IHS 0 4729 0 0 Fort Defiance NM IHS 0 3562 0 0 Crownpoint NM IHS 0 2861 0 0 Kayenta AZ IHS 0 2642 0 0 Winslow IHS 0 1948 0 0 Zuni reservation 0 1454 0 0 Hopi reservation 0 1372 120 0 Utah Navajo Health System 0 1064 0 0 NOTE: Navajo Nation officials have been reconciling discrepancies for July and August data. At the end of August, in a press release, the president’s office added 165 cases that occurred between April 6 and Aug. 12. Then, on Sept. 8, they added 2 more cases for July. Health officials also added 16 more deaths to the overall tally at the beginning of September. According to a news release, the deaths occurred between May and August. Officials blamed several states for delayed results. On Sept. 16, officials added 49 previously unreported cases in New Mexico. -
New Mexico Tourism Department: Tips for Healthy & Safe Travel In New Mexico
Tips for Healthy & Safe Travel In New Mexico During this time, the New Mexico business community is implementing additional COVID-Safe Practices at their establishments to help ensure the health and safety of their customers. Below are some of the additional safety measures you can expect and plan ahead for when visiting New Mexico’s businesses, restaurants, and attractions. For more information on the status of COVID-19 in New Mexico, please visit the New Mexico Department of Health. red alert NOTICE FOR ALL TRAVELERS: Effective February 11, New Mexico will no longer require self-quarantine for visitors arriving into the state from "high-risk" states. Visitors from anywhere outside of the state will instead by strongly advised to self-quarantine for a period of 14 days and to seek out a COVID-19 test upon their arrival in or return to New Mexico. NOTICE FOR ALL TRAVELERS: Face coverings are required for all visitors and residents in New Mexico. The only exceptions are when drinking, eating, or under medical instruction. Any individual found in violation may face a $100 fine. Guidelines for Travel in New Mexico If you are traveling to New Mexico, please follow all safety guidelines and restrictions. Local governments may impose more restrictive guidelines so be sure to check local instructions before traveling. Please be mindful of the following general guidelines for travel to and within the state of New Mexico: Effective December 2, guidelines and restrictions in New Mexico have moved to a county-by-county basis. Please consult the county map from the New Mexico Department of Health to learn more about specific county restrictions Effective February 11, New Mexico will no longer require self-quarantine for visitors arriving into the state from "high-risk" states. However, visitors from anywhere outside of the state are strongly advised to self-quarantine for 14 days and seek out a COVID-19 test upon their arrival in New Mexico Everyone is required to wear a face covering in public in the state of New Mexico. The only exceptions to wearing a face covering are eating, drinking, or medical requirements. Drive-in events may operate in accordance with COVID-Safe Practices. Effective February 24, 2021, Casinos, Entertainment Venues, and Recreational Facilities may operate in accordance with COVID-Safe Practices within the county-by-county framework. COVID-Safe New Practices at Hotels, Resorts & Lodging Please note that guidelines and restrictions in New Mexico have moved to a county-by-county basis. Please consult the county map from the New Mexico Department of Health to learn more about lodging operations for specific counties. Please note these changes to hotel and lodging operations: Lodging establishments will adhere to the enhanced cleaning procedures outlined by the American Hotel & Lodging Association’s Stay Safe Enhanced Industry-Wide Hotel Cleaning Standards. Comfort items and appliances such as coffee machines, irons, hair dryers, extra blankets, etc. may be provided upon request. Housekeeping shall only provide cleaning service during a guest’s stay upon request by the guest. Multiple guests per room are to be limited to “same households” only (individuals who live within the same place of residence). If food service is provided onsite, room service is encouraged as a first option for guests who would like food service with food carts being left at guest’s door to minimize contact. Self-serve food bars and refreshments such as water, coffee, ice, etc. will be closed or removed. Hotel staff can provide these services upon request. Valet service will be suspended. Safe Dining Please note that guidelines and restrictions in New Mexico have moved to a county-by-county basis. Please consult the county map from the New Mexico Department of Health to learn more about restaurant operating procedures for specific counties. Here are some of the COVID-Safe Practices and enhanced health and safety practices recommended by the Food and Drug Administration and the CDC that you can expect to be in place to keep customers safe while dining at New Mexico’s restaurants: In an effort to support contact tracing, restaurants will be required to retain a daily log of all customers and employees who enter their establishment. All customers are required to be screened for COVID-19 symptoms through a questionnaire upon entry of the premises. Reservations, dining parties and private events may not exceed the mass gathering definition. Reusable items such as menus and condiment containers left on tables will be cleaned and sanitized after each use. Items that cannot be cleaned and sanitized after each use will be replaced with single-use items. Animals and pets, excluding service animals, will not be permitted inside the establishment, onto patios, into stores, or other such areas. Responsible Outdoor Recreation Effective February 24, 2021, New Mexico State Parks will be open for day use hours to all visitors. Effective February 27, camping will reopen to all visitors by reservation only. While many parks are reopening, services, activities, and hours of operations may be limited so please consult the current Conditions and Alerts page for each park. Please be aware of the following safety and health guidelines currently in place: Group sizes vary by county, so check the status of the county before traveling to a New Mexico State Park Wearing a mask or cloth face covering is mandatory in public settings Maintain a 6-foot distance between people Visitors are strongly encouraged to carry their own sanitizing supplies and PPE Comfort Stations and restrooms are closed to reduce close contact Vault toilets at some State Parks will be available Check with the National Park Service website for more information on openings, amenity availability, and best practices. Safe Retail Shopping Please note that guidelines and restrictions in New Mexico have moved to a county-by-county basis. Please consult the county map from the New Mexico Department of Health to learn more about retail operations for specific counties. Here are some of the safety guidelines required from New Mexico’s retailers to keep customers safe: High-touch items such as doors, fitting rooms, and credit card terminals will be cleaned and disinfected once every two hours (or more frequently). Safety protocols that allow for contactless curbside pickup and home delivery whenever possible will be established. Signs, stanchions, and/or floor decals will be utilized wherever possible to support 6-foot social distancing, including one-way aisle traffic, and separate entry/exit. COVID-Safe Practices for Museums and Cultural Sites Museums with static displays may operate at limited occupancy in accordance with COVID-Safe Practices. Beginning February 4, state museums and historic sites may reopen under a modified framework. To learn more about the modified operations for state museums and historic sites, visit the Department of Cultural Affairs website. Please contact individual museums and cultural institutions before planning your visit for additional information regarding openings, hours of operations, and available services. Here are some of the safety guidelines required to keep patrons safe: Interactive exhibits and attractions will be discontinued. Use of rental equipment, such as headsets, portable speakers, and strollers will be discontinued unless required for ADA accessibility. Use of coat check areas, lockers, backpack and purse storage, and related storage for public use will be discontinued. Safe Travel Recommendations Outside of the modified 14-day self-quarantine requirement on certain travel to New Mexico (see above), there are currently no domestic travel restrictions to the state of New Mexico. However, visitors to New Mexico should continue to follow the protective measures outlined by the CDC: Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands Put a distance of at least six feet between you and other people Stay home if you are sick, except to get medical care Stay up to date on the latest travel advisories from the CDC, WHO, and the U.S. Department of State -
Eddy County(NM) government and business leaders relieved COVID-19 restrictions lessened
This article discusses recent easing of the New Mexico state government's business restrictions in Eddy County. Businesses have been struggling to remain open and viable for the past year, and these lessened restrictions may help some restauranteurs avoid shuttering their businesses and permanently laying off their employees. The restrictions there, like many states, have specifically targeted the food and beverage industries while mega-stores are seldom impacted. During the previous year, the mid-sized community of Carlsbad lost 2 of its 3 grocery stores to temporary shutdown mandates over the holiday season. This community and its county have been especially hard-hit by economic impacts of President Biden's new Executive Orders on oil and gas production on federal lands, and the pandemic's additional business restrictions have made this a very difficult place to operate and patronize businesses. -
Southern NM County Mandates COVID-19 Vaccine for First Responders Including Sheriff's Deputies
This article discusses a recent mandate from the Dona Ana County government, which is seated in Las Cruces, New Mexico, that orders all its first responders to submit to vaccination. To my knowledge, this is the first such mandate in the United States, and it illuminates the relative lack of control first responders have over their lives once they enter their respective profession. The order is likely to be contested, particularly when such requirements have not historically been a condition on employment, The order reads in part, "Being vaccinated is a requirement and a condition of on-going employment with the County due to the significant health and safety risks posed by contracting or spreading COVID-19." The order applies to all paid personnel in the county's law enforcement, fire, detention, and medical professions. -
Plenty of Vaccines, but Not Enough Arms: A Warning Sign in Cherokee Nation
As COVID-19 vaccine efforts are still going strong across the United States, the Cherokee Nation is struggling to get more members of the community vaccinated. Some of the hesitancy to get the vaccine stems from the memory of the government's medical malpractice the greatly affected indigenous people. Other members of the community have questions about the vaccine's side-effects and how it will affect their pre-existing conditions. -
Mural by Navajo graffiti artist, Ivan Lee
This photo is included as part of an article about the Navajo Nation's fight against COVID-19. -
Carolyn Rayroux Oral History, 2021/02/21
At 0930 hours on 02-21-2021, I asked my stepmother for her perspective a positive outcome of the COVID-19 pandemic. -
US Rep. Yvette Harrell seeks to spare NM from Biden's ban on oil and gas leases
This article from Carlsbad Current Argus reporter Adrian Hedden explains NM District 2 Congressional Representative Harrell's efforts to preserve the oil-and-gas driven economy in New Mexico. The oil and gas lease referenced here applies to federal lands, and the ban of new lease issuance impacts existing operations. Much of southeastern New Mexico is federally owned, while nearby Texas is predominantly private land. The effect of this ban, if successful, would merely drive operations a few miles across the state line without largely impacting production from within the Permian Basin; it will, however, destroy the New Mexico economy, approximately 40% of which depends on oil and gas operations within the state. This article and topic are important to me because of my familial ties to New Mexico, but also because it demonstrates the unintended and myopic objectives set forth in this particular executive order. The economic impact of this ban would further exacerbate community and statewide problems related to COVID-19 as homeless has recently spiked in that region, and the disappearing tax base has further inhibited county and state programs and operations. -
Eddy County, New Mexico: Comparing The Curve
These graphs illustrate the to-date experience of COVID-19 infections and known positivity rates for Eddy County (NM), the State of New Mexico, and the United States. This data demonstrates dichotomies in the experiences of that county, the state, and the nation from the beginning of 2020 through February 6, 2021. Such data provides context to discussions and debate on public behavior, public health policy, and executive actions taken within the State and the County. This is important to me because many of my close and extended family members still reside in and around Eddy County, and the infection rates and restrictions they have endured has been especially tough on them and their community. -
New Mexico Invokes Riot Law to Control Virus Near Navajo Nation
This article discusses the use of a rarely used Riot Law Act to help diminish the tension between the Navajo reservation and the small towns bordering the reservation in Gallup, New Mexico. The upsurge in cases on the reservation resulted in accusations that the Navajo brought the virus into Gallup and its suburbs. The tribe has fired back that Gallup citizens are refusing to follow social distancing mandates and as a result, Gallup has one of the highest case rates in the nation. This report relates to the JOTPY archive as it an example of the friction COVID-19 has created between the local government and tribal reservations. -
Doctor On What It's Like To Fight The Coronavirus On The Navajo Nation
Interview between NPRs' Ari Shapiro and Chief Medical Officer of Indian Health Services, Dr. Loretta Christensen. Dr. Chirstensen discusses some of the challenges in covering an expansive area which includes Arizona, Utah, New Mexico. -
SE NM’s Hospital COVID-Bed Capacity
This information displayed on this webpage contains an interactive map with corresponding data summary of the dedicated COVID beds and general capacity of hospitals in southeastern New Mexico for January 24th, 2021. This snapshot demonstrates a reasonably live and present condition of the availability for urgent and emergent COVID medical care within that geographic region and at that date and time. -
Santa Fe Tourism During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Santa Fe, New Mexico is a popular tourist destination because of its art scene, culture, cuisine, historical sites and landscape. It brings in an average of two million visitors each year. However, because of the COVID-19 Pandemic those numbers have drastically dropped in 2020. TOURISM Santa Fe has created a webpage that provides visitors with current information on New Mexico's COVID-19 restrictions, rules, and policies. -
COVID in the Navajo Nation
When I was originally planning my trip, I hoped to visit Antelope Canyon, as well as a few other parks on the Navajo Reservation, but the Navajo Nation has been one of the hardest-hit regions in the country, so by the time I was in the area, the parks were closed, and even if they had been open, I wouldn’t have felt comfortable visiting and spreading it more, even if I would have been outside and away from people. Because of that experience I wanted to take this space to try to amplify their experience. This Instagram account records the experience of an organization providing relief to members of the tribe. There are only 45 search results for Navajo in the archive, which I would constitute as an archival silence considering that many cities with comparable populations have hundreds of entries. I know that taking a screenshot of a website can only tell you so much, but it is the best way I could come up with of elevating the voices of the Navajo Nation, which is an important practice to engage within the context of archival work. -
Roxanne Garcia Oral History, 2020/12/04
Roxanne Garcia, a worker and mother, is the person I am interviewing. We discuss her life, including some background information about her family; including her parents and siblings. In this interview we reflect on suicide, prison, education, enfranchisement, COVID-19, and motherhood. The overall concept behind this interview is to see where a random mother and worker finds herself within the complexity of modern life, specifically as it relates to her children’s education, prisoner’s rights, and the pandemic. Her experiences intersect many issues and hot topics. -
IAIA 2020 Graduating Senior Virtual Exhibition
Every semester the IAIA campus hosts an exhibition for the graduating seniors. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic the campus was closed and everything moved to an online format. Determined to show the work, the graduating seniors worked with their instuctors, advisors and the gallery director to organize and execute a virtual exhibition. The show was designed and created with the Ortelia software. Although they did not get to exhibit the work in person this interactive exhibition did return some normalcy to the gallery exhibition space. -
The Holidays Will Be Different This Year
The New Mexico Department of Health, created a short video encouraging people not to gather for holidays such as Thanksgiving. It is said that large gatherings increase the odds of transmitting or getting the COVID-19 virus. The video clip shows a family gathered for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, however they are communicating through their online devices. The conversations have not changed, just they way they interact. Every year my family gathers to enjoy a meal with one another. Holidays will be differnt in 2020, we will not be gathering but we can still speak and interact online. -
New Mexico Governor's COVID-19 Update
New Mexico's Governor Michelle Lujan-Grisham, gave her weekly update regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. The Governor addressed the rising number of COVID cases and deaths in New Mexico. She ordered a two week "reset" to lower the number of cases. This means that shopping centers, gyms, unessential stores, indoor dining, museums, group sports, etc have been closed for two weeks. The Governor has been facing a lot of backlash because of her COVID-19 mandates and policies. These new closures have upset the people of New Mexico further. I personally see them as a means to stop the spread of the virus and keep people healthy and safe. Yes, I do miss sharing a meal with friends and family, visiting a museum, watching a movie and just living a "normal" life. However, I understand that I need to be safe not only for myself but for my family and community as well. It is not about my needs, I need to consider others as well. This is not a time to be selfish and ego driven. -
Concerns From the 4-Corners
This is a screenshot from my phone from this afternoon. I live in Colorado, but depend on New Mexico for several things. I made a quick trip to Target today, and while in the checkout line, everyone’s phones went off. -
9 Year Old Boy Walks To School For Wifi
A 9 year old boy has to walk to school to use the wifi to attend his online classes. -
Mask Up New Mexico
I found this image on the internet. It depicts Clint Eastwood wearing a mask with the caption "Mask up New Mexico". The imagery is based on the western movies Eastwood is known for. -
Stop the Spread of Germs
The New Mexico Department of Health created a bilingual poster that can be downloaded and printed. This poster uses images and simple text to educate the public on ways to stop the spread of the coronavirus and germs. precautions, poster, bilingual, NM Department of Health, germs, stop the spread -
Lovelace Hospital's Secret Coronavirus Policy
Lovelace Women’s Hospital in Albuquerque, New Mexico implemented a secretive policy that racially profiled Native American mothers. As expecting mothers who “looked” Native were admitted into the hospital, staff would compare their area codes to a list of zip codes belonging to Native lands such as Reservations or Pueblos. After being identified as “a person under investigation for COVID-19”, mothers were often misled or were forced into signing a wavier that gave permission for hospital staff to remove the newborns from their parents after birth. The families were only reunited once the pending coronavirus test results came back negative. Test results took up to three days to come in, thus leaving the mothers in fear and uncertainty about the wellbeing of their child. Lovelace, Native American, mothers, healthcare, newborns, separation, New Mexico indepth, ProPublica, racial profiling, New Mexico -
COVID-19 Emergency Toolkit and Coloring Book by New Mexico Native Cartoonist Ricardo Cate and Dose of Reality NM
New Mexico Native cartoonist Ricardo Cate teamed up with Dose of Reality New Mexico to address the COVID-19 virus in Native communities. The website promotes proper COVID-19 practices and is targeted for the Native American population. The webpage includes short videos, articles, resources, and podcasts that focus on combating COVID-19. For this project Cate created a coloring book based off his cartoon Without Reservations. The cartoon-based coloring book looks at the pandemic in a humorous and cultural manner. The coloring book is printable, and a printed version has also been distributed throughout Native communities. HST580, ASU, humor, Ricardo Cate, Dose of Reality New Mexico, New Mexico Narratives, cartoonist, protect Native communities, coloring book, resource -
ACLU of New Mexico Files Class-Action Lawsuit Against the State of New Mexico
The ACLU of New Mexico joined forces with both local and international law firms to file a class-action lawsuit against the state of New Mexico. The lawsuit states that the state of New Mexico has failed to protect the lives and constitutional rights of people held in the correctional system. HST580, ASU, New Mexico Narratives, New Mexico, lawsuit, constitutional right, correctional system, ACLU, incarceration, loss, death, safe practice -
Virtual Talent Show
The whole summer I had this looming inexplicable fear that time was running out, and I guess that was really embodied by my job search. I feel like I applied at every fast food place on the westside of Albuquerque and the south side of Rio Rancho and I had gotten a call back from only a few. All in all I got 5 interviews from different places and none of them were for jobs I ended up getting. This was because there were so many downsized companies and competition for the jobs that they had. I was driven to madness by the midpoint of the summer and I felt like because the summer was halfway over that I was running out of time. By the end of the summer I didn’t start working until the weekend after the second week of school at Sonic. -
Diné College distributes 300 CARES Act checks to students at Tsaile campus
"TSAILE, Ariz. — Diné College students are picking up their emergency aid CARES Act checks this week at three campus sites in Arizona and New Mexico. The checks arrived under a $1.3 million grant secured via the U.S. Dept. of Education’s Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act)." -
American Indian Graduate Center distributes over $142,000 to Native students
" — American Indian Graduate Center has empowered 91 students impacted by the coronavirus pandemic through the Student Emergency Fund, which was established in March. The fund has granted $142,843 in direct assistance to Native students to date." -
Rural areas, tribal lands hit hardest by census interruption
"We have historically been underrepresented in the past, and there's an unfortunate precedent to show we will be underrepresented again. This pandemic makes it all the more challenging," said Javier Sanchez, mayor of Espanola, a city of 10,000 in Rio Arriba County. "I think we are struggling like every other rural community and doing the best we can amid these problems when so much is at stake in the next 10 years." -
New Mexico Delegation of Legislators and Tribal Leaders Introduce Tribal COVID-19 Disaster Assistance Cost Share Relief Act
“Under the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Public Assistance program, emergency work, including Direct Federal Assistance, is authorized at 75 percent federal funding, leaving Indian Tribal governments responsible for the remaining 25 percent. Maintaining this cost share during the COVID-19 pandemic – as Tribal economies and health systems struggle – places severe pressure on Tribal budgets and limits critical resources that are desperately needed to protect the public health of Native communities. The Tribal COVID-19 Disaster Assistance Cost Share Relief Act would waive the cost-sharing requirement and grant 100 percent funding for all Indian Tribal governments.” -
Gallup, New Mexico, Shuts People Out, Preventing Navajo Patrons From Getting Supplies
“The outbreak on the huge Navajo reservation, the nation's largest with 175,000 people, have made people in Gallup nervous. Many see hints of the long-running racism that has divided people in the town for centuries. ‘They targeted the people around here. They're going to be coming to Gallup to shop, so they put a stop to that,’ said Johnnie Henry, who said two of his relatives on the Navajo Nation were apparently infected with COVID-19 while working at a hospital in Gallup. ‘We kind of look at each other and say, are we the ones bringing it? No, it's all over. There's a lot of people who want to go back into Gallup, but they're afraid that they're going to call us names ... say that we are the carriers.’” -
A Catholic diocese is reopening for Mass despite a statewide stay-at-home order
The article reported churches for Masses in New Mexico will be the first to get reopened by The Catholic Diocese of Las Cruces. The diocese guarantees to only limit 5 people come in at a time to follow the public health order of banning gathering more than 5 people in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the Las Cruces Diocese, thry believed churches are closely related to "essential activities" because people seek out hope and confinement in churches to stay peaceful and reduce the anxiety during this hard time. -
Outbreak of corona virus in Las Cruces, NM