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Philadelphia Trip Covid Combat Corner
The pandemic was a very depressing time of limited activity that divided many by political responses. March 2020 is when the U.S. responded with stay at home responses followed by social distancing and testing. A year later in that same month of March, I was cornering my teammate for his fight for Cage Fury Fighting Championship in Philadelphia where some COVID measures still existed such as masks that we utilized on the plane and even during the warm up of the fight. Tests were required that had a swab impaled up our noses, but in hindsight it was a great experience especially as a historian where I toured many historical sites such as Benjamin Franklin's grave. -
Ministry During the Pandemic
The experience of being a priest during the pandemic -
Hands-on art classes adapt to COVID-19 restrictions
Art professors at Saint Joseph's University talk about changes they've made to their courses due to COVID-19. -
From California to Pennsylvania over 2020-2021 New Years
This is a 40-minute video that documents, in an entertaining manner, a couple and their cat going on a road trip across the United States during the pandemic (New Years 2020-2021). They began their journey from their house in Los Angeles, California towards their destination of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in a matter of 6 days (3000 miles). They shared their experience going state to state, along with the precautions they took while doing so. As the title of the video suggests, “We Moved Across The Country,” they did end up moving to North Carolina. So this video covers what road travel was like as well as moving during the pandemic. -
Kamala Harris is Elected First Woman of Color to Become Vice President
Kamala Harris will become the first woman and first woman of color to become Vice President. She is also the first graduate of a historically Black university in the White House. Kamala graduated from Howard University with a political science and economics degree in 1986. Her sorority sisters from Alpha Kappa Alpha celebrated her victory in Philadelphia after her Presidential ticket won the state. -
Black Doctors Consortium 24hr Philadelphia Vaxathon Feb 19 - Feb 20
The Black Doctors Consortium in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania planned to administer vaccines at the Liacouras Center at Temple University. It was to last 24 hours from Feb 19 12PM to Feb 20 12PM. It aimed to serve those who "live[d] in the hardest hit zip codes." No appointments were necessary. The original poster, handle @dralastanford, posted a series of photographs that helped answer some of the most frequently asked questions. These included the zip codes they were aiming for. These zip codes were specifically chosen as African Americans had "more than 50% of [the] death[s] related to COVID-19." With so much confusion over the vaccine and how to get it, this organization tried to make it an easy process. They assured that there would be designated lines for those who pre-registered and those who didn't. -
Black Doctors COVID-19 Consortium’s 24-hour Walk-Up Vaccination Site @ The Liacouras Center
The original poster updated their social media feed (Twitter), in the form of a thread, about the vaccination site at the Liacouras Center at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The vaccines were administered by the Black Doctors COVID-19 Consortium ( The poster shared videos and photos of the people lining up to get their vaccines, which lasted hours. Since the mission was to get people vaccinated, there were some who had pre-registered for it. Unfortunately, even some of those people still had to wait a long time. It's really saddening to see how everyone waiting had to wait in freezing weather, and it seems that if they left for food, the restroom, or otherwise, their spot would just be taken. As written in the last screenshot, there were thousands of doses still left to give at that point, and they weren't sure how long it would take to do so. -
Along for the Ride
Getting to free food pick up has been difficult, but I am so thankful. I have to use Ubers because public transportation is even more difficult. As I am riding in my Uber I draw my city. This has been adding to how I sketch and create while moving so I can capture the purest essence of my people and my city. -
A Distanced Reality
Instructions, requirements, and signifiers inevitably invade my sight on the once-bustling streets of Philadelphia. This is an image of a square graphic glued to the sidewalk on South Street, a historic and well-known place in Philly. This graphic has been sponsored and done by Philadelphia Mural Arts historic center was founded to help eradicate graffiti. As a design student, I quickly noticed how artists and designers were using their resourcefulness during these times of uncertainty to take advantage of their visual skills to communicate the precautions of the CDC. With technology allowing me to virtually connect better than it ever has been able in the past to my friends, family, and loved ones, I realize it cannot provide to us that tangible human connection we all have experienced before within 6 feet. Although there may have been efforts to remove and peel away this graphic there will never be a removal of the effects and tolls the Coronavirus has taken on our world, country, and beloved cities. -
Two Biden supporters in Gritty costumes greet each other in Center City
The picture is about the protests in Philadelphia, with an icon of Philly, particularly surrounding the desire to count every vote against the requests of President Trump who wants to stop the count. -
Social Justice, Time Changes with Support
The video from PBS News Hour is an interview with Professor Peniel Joseph, University of Texas at Austin. The interview is about the comparison from 1960s Civil Rights protests for Social Justice to todays. Specifically Joseph references the height of 1963 protests and involvement to this year's protests and involvement. This year's protests even during pandemic standards have outdone 1963 protests in numbers. The agreeance for Social Justice has also changed drastically. Joseph mentions that white people supporting Social Justice have increased and most protests are nonviolent. White people supporting these Social Justice movements have helped and the awareness for Social Justice reform has grown more popular throughout the United States. Joseph ends with the importance of the United States coming to almost half of the country supporting the Social Justice protests. The video is a progression comparison for Social Justice protests and how the support has brought the movements closer to reform. -
Phillies place four players on the COVID-19 injured list
This is an article that I wrote on July 3rd, detailing how the Philadelphia Phillies placed for players on the injury list because of exposure to COVID-19. This is an important piece to me because it is one of my first forays into sports journalism, and it also shows how the pandemic affected my favorite sport. -
Time to Cook
Before the onset of the corona virus and the lockdowns and quarantines that followed, I had a pretty routine schedule. I would wake up around 7:15am and I would not get home again until about 7pm. Normally I would make something easy for dinner that I could have at least another night in a row. Usually it would just be a meat and a vegetable with fruit for dessert. I would cook the vegetables and the meat in the same pan to save myself the clean up time later as I would normally go to bed around 11pm and not want to waste any more time cleaning than I had to. I also would not stray too far from recipes that I was comfortable with. I would be very upset if I made something terrible after a ling day at work. However now with quarantine, I work from home and my schedule has become quite different. I am able to sleep in a little longer as I do not have to commute anymore. As soon as I am finished work I am already home and can start making dinner as soon as I want. This extra time gives me more flexibility to try new recipes and take chances on foods I may not have tried otherwise. On my lunch break I am able to go food shopping so I am not limited by what ingredients I have on hand. For this meal that I made and posted pictures of, it would be a rare treat to get this on a worknight before COVID-19. This meal took longer, used more ingredients, involved more pots and pans, and took longer to clean up than any pre-quarantine meal that I would make. Yet the payoff was absolutely delicious. To have pan seared scallops in a creamy garlic sauce over wheat spaghetti on a random Wednesday night is one of the few bright sides of quarantine. I am looking forward to the day when all restrictions are lifted and life returns to normal but I will surely miss all the extra time I have to try new recipes, to have my kitchen filled with new and unique scents and for my taste buds to experience diverse ranges of cuisines that my normal schedule precluded. -
Amid COVID crisis, two Philly LGBTQ nonprofits merge to form new initiative for seniors
It seems that LGBTQ+ seniors are often overlooked within the community. In a pandemic that disproportionately impacts older Americans, this is especially problematic. In addition to the unique issues faced by LGBTQ+ people, being a LGBTQ+ senior makes that position especially precarious. It's relieving to see that there are organizations dedicated to protecting LGBGTQ+ seniors and I hope that this merger proves to be effective. -
I've loved drawing all my life but I've never felt like I had the time to practice or the skill. I started journaling and this is one of the drawings I did. I feel proud of it... -
April 10, 2020
Mandatory Facemasks – Philadelphia
I have to wear a facemask if I leave my house. Philadelphia and its suburbs are fining people who do not wear masks in public. -
Covid Class of 2020: Campus Philly's Virtual Yearbook for College Grads
The Class of 2020 didn't get the pomp and circumstance they deserve, but that didn't stop them from celebrating. Campus Philly wanted to take that celebration one step further by recognizing graduates from colleges and universities in the Philadelphia region with a Class of 2020 prize pack. We asked students to submit an anecdote about what they are most proud of following their undergraduate career, along with their graduation photos. We heard from 83 students, and created Philly’s first ever virtual yearbook to recognize the hard work they put in over the last four years. We sent students a variety of prizes, including gift cards, laundry bags, Red Bulls, and gift certificates for a celebratory dinner. One lucky winner even got a shout out from Philadelphia Eagles player Boston Scott! Campus Philly is so glad to have played a small role in making the Class of 2020's graduation a memorable experience. -
A Beautiful Wedding Amid a Black Lives Matter Protest in Philadelphia
In the middle of a big BLM protest in Philadelphia, a couple got married. She wore a white wedding dress and he was in a tuxedo. They struck a powerful pose and the whole event was tremendously moving and beautiful. -
Scenes of the Crowds as They Protested in June 2020
These are aerial shots of the crowds in some of the cities where the Black Lives Matters protests were held. The crowds were unprecedented and the footage of them are dramatic. -
Philadelphia Couple Gets Married During the BLM Protests
This is a wonderful story of a couple that got married during a BLM protest in Philadelphia. Due to the Coronavirus, the couple had to postpone their wedding, but they were able to make up for it for sure! The bride and groom were beautiful and very happy! I love this article because it shows the resilience of people as well as their creativity. And, it celebrates love in a turbulent time. Some things never do change no matter what is happening in the world. -
Don't Talk, Just Listen
I was moved by a photograph that I saw of a protestor holding this painting in what appears to be a peaceful march in Sacramento, California. The message is clear - it is time for America's leaders, and for all of America, to listen. -
Signs From Around: #6, Philadelphia, PA
"Signs From Around: #6, Philadelphia, PA" is part of a series exploring the signage surrounding COVID-19 from different parts of the world. Local restaurant works around social distancing. -
Signs From Around: #4, Philadelphia, PA
"Signs From Around: #4, Philadelphia, PA" is part of a series exploring the signage surrounding COVID-19 from different parts of the world. Residents of this building can quarantine knowing their building is in good hands. #FordhamUniversity #VART3030 #SignsFromAroundSeries Creat