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conspiracy theory
Carmen Caamaño Morua Oral History, 2021/06/11
En esta entrevista Carmen Caamaño Morua es entrevistado por Carmen Kordick Coury concerniente al covid-19 en Costa Rica. Carmen es profesora en la Universidad de Costa Rica y vive en San José. Habla de su trabajo virtual en la universidad, del crisis de la salud mental y de la gente que cree en las teorías de la conspiración. Carmen habla de la relación entra las ciencias y la religión y como eso afecta los sentimientos hacia la vacuna. Habla de la xenofobia, el racismo y el clasismo. También habla de las vacunas y la respuesta del gobierno. Para terminar, Carmen habla del gobierno, la economía y las noticias. -
WHO Plans Global Takeover: The Pandemic Treaty
American alternative medicine proponent, Joseph Michael Mercola, stated that the World Health Organization (WHO) has started drafting a global pandemic treaty in preparation of a global takeover. in biosecurity. This treaty would grant WHO absolute power over digital identities, vaccine passports, mandatory vaccinations, travel restrictions, standardized medical care, and more. Although the World Health Organization does not currently have absolute authorization over international public health, Mercola argues that the agency is working with the United Nations to pass this treaty on June 16th and 17th so that they may seize absolute control over these entities in order to strip civilians of their basic rights and freedoms based on claims and statistics that seem to exaggerate the climate of the pandemic and its transmissions. As a reader, I am somewhat amused and concern with this information, not because I believe it to be true but because I know that it is heavily misguided. For starters, Mercola tries to persuade readers that the WHO "is not qualified to make global health decisions," but stressed how the agency is tied to international public health and has advocated the public health risk of COVID-19 throughout the whole entire pandemic. Secondly, "The Corbett Report" mentions that the treaty is not expected to be carried out until 2024 which is less urgent of a matter than what Mercola stated in his article (that he mentioned would transpire in mid-June of this year.) Finally, I do not feel that Mercola takes nations and state legislations into account of this treaty and proposal. Although the US federal government mandated the shutdown, it is still up to state legislators to decide the curfews and times the shutdown would commence. Therefore, I think this article, "The WHO Pandemic Treaty Closes in on Absolute Control over Global Biosecurity," offered more conspiracy than tangible evidence, being that this proposal has been drafted or commenced. -
Analyzing Democratic election -
Rabbit holes
A comic strip about Covid-19 -
Save our Children Tour?
The anti-vaxxers are out in full force. Disguising themselves as Patriots dedicated to personal freedoms and, for some reason, the saviors of children? This Save Our Children tour harkens back to Anita Bryant’s homophobic “Save Our Children” movement in the 1970s but it’s unclear if they’re the same thing? No about page on their website. I find this disturbing that not only are people hesitant to get vaccinated, some groups are mobilizing to spread misinformation and disinformation about the vaccines as well. This comes in the tail of Neil Young’s ultimatum he delivered to Spotify about their hosting of Joe Rogan’s podcast. Neil Young and now Joni Mitchell have demanded that Spotify drop their music if they keep hosting Joe Rogan. Spotify’s stocks are way down since they chose Joe Rogan over Neil Young. -
Joanne Jahkne-Wegner Oral History, 2020/11/20
C19OH -
Tamara Harris Oral History, 2021/04/25
Tamara Harris was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and raised in Black River Falls, Wisconsin and is now a retired teacher of the Chippewa Falls Middle School living in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. In this interview, Tamara describes how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected her daily life, relationships with long-distance family, and participation with the community. Tamara also describes how attitudes have changed during the pandemic and how she has dealt with these changes. Tamara has 7 adult children, 9 grandchildren, as well as many other family members spread throughout the Midwest. -
Emily Karreman Oral History 2020/08/26
C19OH -
Alex Osuji Oral History, 2020/05/05
In this monologue, Alex Osuji discusses his feelings on the social response to COVID 19. He reflects on the racism he is witnessing and connects it to past viruses. -
COVID-19 and the Family Divide
My submission details the drastic shift in the lives of the family unit after the emergence of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. It is important for me to discuss the pandemic's effects within the household as they pertain to internal religio-political affairs. -
Control Group
It's sadly interesting how many people are clinging onto this thought of their rights being infringed on. I have a lot of acquaintances on social media that have excuses like liberty and rights. Some people still believe there is a government conspiracy, that we have been implanted with a mind-controlling chip, or that were being willfully expereimented on. I have come to a point where, as frustrating as it is, I don't care if people won't get vaccinated. It's a sad thought but I hope they done die of the virus. Like with many things in life I think humor does a really good job cooling heated situations down. I laughed louder than I thought I would when I came across this meme on my feed. -
"Disinformation Dozen"
This article discusses "misleading claims and outright lies about COVID-19 vaccines that proliferate on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter". According to the article, 12 people are behind the majority of the misinformation surrounding COVID and the vaccine that leads to conspiracy theories. Many of these theories have led some social media users to avoid the vaccine and ignore scientific facts. It is scary to think that such a small group of people are in control of so much of what we see on social media. What this small group shares and communicates to users are so widespread... I can't open a social media app without seeing some sort of conspiracy theory about COVID or the vaccine. We are so close to overcoming the pandemic, but this type of misinformation is holding us back. -
Religious Leader Claims Covid-19 Vaccine "Turns You Gay"
A popular rabbi is claiming that the vaccine for COVID-19 “could make you gay.” And it's all part of Bill Gates's plot to "cull global population." Swipe up in our stories to read more. -
COVID is all part of a plan
COVID was not a mistake or an accident. It didn’t just come here like other viruses did it was on purpose. The far left, Germany, Italy, and other countries used this virus to shut down people, shut down opinions and anyone who thought otherwise. Their main goal was to get President Trump and company out of the White House. They rigged the election, rigged the senate races and put in a fony President Joe Biden. Joe Biden isn’t the problem it is his Vice President Kamala Harris, she will bring socialism into this free country. You see, mail in ballot votes are safer cause of COVID, we can’t voice opinions cause of COVID, we can’t live cause of COVID. It’s all fit into a plan to turn this country into China, the left have used COVID to get rid all that we have loved about this country. -
QAnon Knows No Borders, even in Nova Scotia
This article details a far-right political conspiracy and its existence in Nova Scotia. -
Social anti-mask: Anti-mask protest in Montreal draws large crowd, propelled by U.S. conspiracy theories
Pictured is an anti-mask protest in Montreal which drew a large crowd. -
Social anti-mask: Anti-mask protesters, conspiracy theorists march through downtown Vancouver
This article shows anti-mask protesters march through downtown Vancouver in mid-October. -
Canada's Anti-Mask Movement Demands Liberty
This article shares Canadian opinions on mask policies, including that of anti-maskers and their own right-wing views on freedom. -
Using History to Explain Current Events
The objects ive uploaded basically takes into context both history and the present time to explain how we can make predictions about the current COVID-19 crisis. -
"The Coronavirus Conspiracy Boom" - The Atlantic Monthly
The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic and its associated socioeconomic and political shock has created fertile grounds for the dissemination of conspiracy theories. In an article for the Atlantic Monthly, political scientists Joseph E. Uscinski and Adam M. Enders provide an overview of why conspiracy theories have developed and spread, and how they are being exacerbated by political polarization, groupthink, group identity, and misinformation. The authors also examine the different types of COVID-19 conspiracy theories, showing that certain kinds of conspiracy theories are associated with political identities and exacerbated by conspiratorial statements made by politicians. -
Epoch Times found in Mailbox
The front page literally only covers China and Covid-19 conspiracies. The Falun Gong own and run the Neo-Conservative paper. This and the Shen Yun dance trope appears to be apart of the continuous push to reach non-chinese North Americans. -
Health officials warn Canadians against believing COVID-19 'internment camps' disinformation
Conspiracy theorists in Canada believe that the Federal government is planning on creating internment camps and forcing people into them. This is likely due to the government push for funding of federal quarantine sites offered to homeless and other individuals on a voluntary basis. -
Complotiste Québécoise
Translation of Photo: I know that many are afraid of losing friends, of being judged, but I will not give up. I want to save the freedom and the life of my children - Chantal, Conspiracy Theorist and Anti Masker. Translation of Title: Quebecer(female) Conspiracy Theorist -
Dumbest Idea
From injecting bleach to a bio-shield? There are a lot of strange ideas to keep Covid-19 from infecting people. Some of them are pretty strange. Introducing the personal bio-shield. -
Not My New Normal
This skeptic believes COVID-19 is a conspiracy to allow testing, tracking, poisoning, and chipping. This person refuses to also wear a mask, believing masks to be part of the conspiracy. The person who shared this post on sarcastically states amount of people already dead to refute the conspiracy claim. -
New World Order
This COVID-19 skeptic believes that the pandemic is false, and that it is being used to usher in a “New World Order.” Among the things he is protesting against are: martial law, mandatory vaccines, one currency, and a cashless society - all things he believes the pandemic is helping to foster. The person who shared this on sarcastically uses “sheeple,” as this might be how the protester would refer to those who do not question the pandemic. -
Fear and Group think drove unnecessary global lockdowns
This shows the significant perspective of people who did not believe the Pandemic was real. -
Half of Fox News Viewers Believe Bill Gates Wants to Use Virus Vaccines to Track You, New Poll Says
"Misinformation is taking a dangerous hold on Fox News viewers. According to a new poll, half of all Americans who name Fox News as their primary news source believe the debunked conspiracy theory claiming Bill Gates is looking to use a coronavirus vaccine to inject a microchip into people and track the world’s population." This connects to the conspiracy theories floating around. It is a strong indication of how politics and the media affect the population during a crisis. -
Analyzing the Coronavirus Rumor Mill, news story
Jon Lee, English, examines social phenomena such as conspiracy theories and fake "cures" that arise during times of widespread illness. "We essentially have two different narratives running in an epidemic," Lee says. "One is the official medical narrative, which tells you where [the disease] came from, when a vaccine might be possible. But you also have the cultural narrative, which runs alongside--but often counter to--the medical narrative." -
Navigating Pandemic Conspiracies: Addressing Conspiracy Existence
This project aims to document all of the different conspiracies and their growth and treatment by the media throughout the pandemic. This is the headline of an article acknowledging the existence of conspiracies that have and will continue to start arising due to the pandemic. -
"YouTube University" doctorate circulates on Facebook, amid recent conspiracy theories
This fake diploma/meme is circulating among friends on Facebook in response to recent conspiracy theories about the origins of Covid-19 and how to properly treat it. YouTube has removed some of the videos in question, prompting backlash. This satirizes people on Facebook spreading conspiracy videos. -
Nearly three-in-ten Americans believe COVID-19 was made in a lab
Conspiracy theories in the time of COVID-19. Another that’s been popular as of late in the UK is that 5G data networks are the cause of the virus. This article highlights how Americans have believed the conspiracy theory that coronavirus was artificially created in a science lab.