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COVID-19: How to Help Your Child Navigate This New Normal
A blog post from Banner Health about helping children during Covid-19. -
A Recollection of Feelings
This was a short paper assignment from a professor for an English class and we had free range with it so I decided to write my feelings and experiences during COVID times and this was the result. -
A Pandemic that got Old Quick
In my opinion, teens and students around the United States were excited to take a one-two week break from school, and experience what it's like learning at home. Many memes and jokes were posted, and at the beginning, they were interpreted as funny. However, as the situation got worse and when we went into full quarantine, the constant jokes and excitement of having a longer spring break started to not be funny anymore. What we thought was ok to laugh about soon became upsetting, especially for people like the class of 2020 who was missing out on Senior year activities and proms, and when people around the world were dying. -
How your furry friends (pets) at home help
My dog stays with me everyday and it is important that I feel my dog's feelings more than ever -
The Landscape of Emotion #12
The Landscape of Emotion Series: Under Quarantine is a series illustrating the diverse experiences of mental health and feelings throughout quarantine.Marco Ortiz, my nephew expresses the physical fear, and argues that we must accept certain feelings during these troubling times. -
This image was taken by me when I came home from University for Spring Break. At the time, the Covid 19 virus was present but it hadn't forced people into lockdown yet. I have always loved photographing things but the ocean has always been a place of true solitude. When I first saw the picture, I did not think that it would be the last time I saw the ocean for some time. I was unaware and did not appreciate how truly beautiful the picture was. I want this image to serve as a reminder to all that in these difficult times we must appreciate everything in our lives. Whether it be loved ones, a hobby, a food, or even the simplest things like waking up in the morning and being able to experience the sensations and feelings that we feel because we never really know when things may come to end and we want every last time to be a proper farewell if needed. #REL101 -
My blog/diary: Photo #1
My name is Egor and i write my thoughts and emotions in my blog every day for more than 6 years. And i want to share some of posts about life in self-isolation. And also i'm working in a city hospital as a radiologist.*There is some photos taken by me and notes from my blog about my thoughts and feelings. May be it will be helpful for your research. Thank you! -
week of april 27
Week of April 27, 2020 I am from Myrtle Beach, SC and as most people know South Carolina was one of the first states to open back up after President Trump gave his blessings to each governor to make their own decision regarding how quickly and what to open up and what to restrict. During this entire month, Covid 19 has revealed some uncomfortable truths about America. Every day brings a reminder that we are a country of extreme haves and have nots – and this applies to people have accurate information. We as a country have the most Nobel prizes in science and also the most willfully ignorant people when it comes to understanding science. How else can we explain electing a low information buffoon who pushes bullshit cures and disinformation that will actually kill people. Injecting disinfectant??? Really? Trump knows that there is no disinfectant at stores. But he like many Americans believes that science is just an opinion instead of trying to understand it. These people are far better at dismissing inconvenient science than trying to understand how it will affect their lives. Thinking is hard. Repeating memes is fun. And after all, isn’t not believing in Darwinism really Darwinism? When facts are inconvenient, these folks just scream that “I can’t hear you.” This goes to prove another fact, that America cares more about the corporate health of its companies that the actual health of its citizens. Corporations got most of the bailout cash. And corporations and the politicians corporations pay are behind the “grassroots” push to prematurely open America. Georgia has one of the lowest rates of testing in the country and it is the first to completely reopen. That’s what happens when you make medical decisions for political reasons. Like the mayor of Las Vegas offering to make her city a control group with testing. It would be like a doctor saying they were going to treat cancer with lower taxes. Republican governors believe that sacrifices have to be made for corporate profits. Frankly, I don’t want to be a statistic. And because of trump’s attitude toward this has been that he won’t take any blame, our response to the pandemic has been ad hoc, conflicting, and piecemeal. Some states have had responses founded on research surrounded by states with policies founded on Twitter hashtags. It is amazing to some that viruses don’t respect state lines or how deadly they are. The conflicting responses are like having a no smoking section in my car or a no peeing section in my bathtub. I have to give credit for most of this post to a post I follow on Facebook called Mrs. Betty Bowers. It reflects my feelings and frustrations but says it far better than I could. -
A history teacher's perspective of COVID-19 pandemic in his journal.