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Christmas 2020
Over the holidays, it was a good way to reflect on how the year turned out. When my fiance flew home for the holidays, we had to wear a mask to go pick him up from the airport. There were even some family members that came to visit over the holidays asking us to wear a mask around them as we opened up presents. The only time we took our masks off was for family pictures. -
Life with Covid-19 United in Isolation
I had a few other objects I could have used for my story but I decided to use this one because it is the one that has meaning to me. This pandemic affected several areas of my life, as it did for most people in the world. After considering all of the relevant memories that impacted my life, like working from home, and switching from in person classes to online and zoom meetings, I decided that the area that impacted my life the most was not being able to see my family for over a year. My family is very united, we meet for special events, birthday celebrations, holidays, and for any other reason we come up with just to get together. None of us ever imagined how difficult it was going to be to be isolated from one another for such a long time and the impact it was going to have in our lives. At first it was ok because we didn't know for how long it was going to last, and how bad things were going to get in such a short period of time. We definitely did not think that Christmas of 2019 was gonna be the last time we would see each other in over a year. This photograph reminds me of the feeling of isolation that we were all feeling as a family. I could tell that this situation was difficult for all of us. It was taken in the summer of 2020, everyone was pretty scared. We were all trying our best to stay healthy, one thing that I remember hearing over and over again was "We have to stay apart in order to be able to stay healthy and see each other again". No one is to be missing next time we gather. Most members of my family were raised with Christian values. This was definitely an important factor for most of us, prayer and religious encouraging words and bible quotes were common on our group chats. Many of my family members live in Mexico and to this day they are not able to cross. During the worst days of the pandemic, prior to the vaccine, life changed 100% for all of us, but this screenshot is a perfect example of how we managed to stay together even when w e were so far apart. Social media and technology kept us united. We were able to see each other exactly one year later on Christmas of 2021, we followed recommended guidelines and celebrated outdoors, with masks as well as social distancing. This experience really changed the way we lived our lives in more than one way, one thing is for sure is that we stayed united through it all. This screenshot of a zoom meeting with my family will always be a reminder of what we endured at the beginning of the pandemic, a global event that we will never forget. -
What Is Social Distancing and How Do I Do It?
A blog postfrom the Banner Health Blog about social distancing. -
Banner Health recommends alternatives to in-person gatherings this Thanksgiving
A press release in which Banner Health recommends alternatives to in-person gatherings on Thanksgiving. Banner Health advises that individuals evaluate the risk level of their Thanksgiving plans and consider safer alternatives for those activities that present a higher risk of contracting or spreading the virus. -
One Way to See Family During a Worldwide Crisis
Primary Source Essay Wildania Hernandez The primary source I’m using for this project is a picture of my family on a zoom call celebrating my father’s birthday on march 12, 2020. This is how my family and myself had to gather together to actually spend some time since the virus started. Our family is a very united family, we are very close and before COVID-19 started we used to get together in somebody’s house and just cook and dance and talk, and enjoy every second of it but everything changed when the virus started it was spreading too fast, and everybody was scared. I remember how my mom was always watching the news and you could see all the videos of all those people that died in Queens and they had so many bodies that they didn't have a place to put them. Funeral homes were full and all I could think was about those families who lost a loved one and how some people were thinking that COVID was fake. The first time we use zoom was to celebrate my father’s birthday, it was something new and not something like we usually do but at least we got to see some of our family members. We were always home since we stopped working because of the pandemic. We used to work for a medical transportation company so we were “Essentials Workers”, we transport people to get dialysis treatment 3 times a week and after the virus started to get stronger we had to stop working because almost every patient we transported died of COVID-19 before the wave of summer even started. Sadly the COVID ended the life of two members in my family, at the end of June we got the news that one of my aunts was at the hospital on life support, three weeks later one of my uncle was in the same situation. We couldn't see them or say goodbye, everything just happened so fast that we were in shock and this is how we started our “Weekly zoom meetings”. The reason why I selected this source is because I want to show historians of the future how families use to communicate in a group without getting together. We used this tool to so much that we had an schedule, every Friday we had a zoom meeting to just talk about our week. To talk about our different point of view of the pandemic and not only that but all of the events that happened last year, like the protest that started shortly after George Floyd was killed, and the election in November but most importantly those zoom meetings was just to make sure that everybody was good and to support each other since some of my family members were still working outside. Crazy how everything started last year and now we have a vaccine and hopefully everything will go back to normal in no time but for now we need to live with the memory of what started in the year 2020 that affected the whole world. -
Decide to get my covid vaccine
Getting my Covid vaccine. -
The Holidays with COVID
Holidays in America means at least for me have always been a time to gather with family and friends to celebrate. Big parties and gatherings have been a staple of the holidays for years. But this past year has been much different than the years before it. With the global pandemic happening the norm of these parties and gathering became inexistent. This year for the holidays I celebrated over what has become the new norm and that is Zoom. Eating and attempting to celebrate with your family on a Zoom call is one of the weirdest things I have experienced. Well it was nice getting to see everyone's faces doing it over a video call is not the way I enjoy. Hopefully things will turn soon as I am growing increasingly annoying by Zoom and video calls. -
The year that was, pandemic and my mental journey
I live in Cleveland, Ohio. I grew up an hour away in Ashtabula, Oh. My fiancé and I went to a concert they day before everything else closed down. We had no clue it would be the lass mass gathering we would go to in over a year. We moved during the summer and that kept us going. However, after being in lock down and not being able to see our friends and family began to make things harder. We all know the tole that covid has played on physical health but mental health is something the news hardly covers. We have young nephews that we couldn't see. My dad turned 60 this summer and we couldn't have a big party. Summer passed and fall came we thought maybe we can get together for Thanksgiving. Then well if we skip Thanksgiving we can have a family Christmas. That would not be the case. My sister and brother in law had a big family Thanksgiving with his family and they all ended up getting covid. They were around my dad and he got sick. Christmas was a no go. I was worried about my grandma who was 84. It is now March 2021 and we are "remembering" the last year. People without anxiety are feeling the mental affects of a year were we were not able to have parties, gatherings, weddings, and even funerals to remember the lives lived and lost. It is hard not seeing the friends and families that we took for granted before covid. We all need to take a moment, and take a deep breath. Check in with our mental wellbeing. It has been a long year. -
Manitoba Ban on Non-Essentials
Manitoba government banned the sale of non-essential items in large superstores in conjunction with further restrictions on large gatherings -
Covid Exposure
We have a night nurse (NCS) come over to take care of my 3 month old sister. One night we were eating food when the night nurse came down and said that she had bad news. She said that she tested positive for Covid but still decided not to wear a mask when telling us and came really close to us. We had to tell her to put on a mask and go because she asked if she should stay regardless of having Covid. This was a week before Christmas so of course it ruined all of our plans and didn't have anyone over. A couple days later after she confirmed she had Covid, we went to get a rapid test, and a normal test in both of my nostrils with a total of 4 swabs and i was very much against it. They all tested negative. We then got tested again a week later with again another 4 swabs. We had a total of 9 swabs so far because i also got one in early quarantine. They felt like they were stabbing at my brain and one time gave me a gushing bloody nose. Luckily we still tested negative but Christmas wasn't as good all because our night nurse didn't tell us that she had an exposure (which she new about for days before telling us). After a couple weeks she tested negative and came back. -
Rules and procedures
I haven't gone back to school yet so there aren't many rules to follow. The first rule is to wear a mask around people and social distance. There used to be a curfew but that didn't last long. The last rule is we aren't allowed to have big gatherings. -
Rules I have to Follow
In quarantine, we have had to wear masks to avoid the spread of COVID-19. I agreed with the rule through most of 2020 but I have become angry at the fact that everything is still closed. We have flattened the curve as we were told to at the beginning but now we are just causing more homelessness and depression from quarantine and the loss of jobs. Other rules we must follow are those of eating outdoors and not having large gatherings. All these rules have one goal, to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 but it is really getting annoying at this point. -
Rules in a Pandemic
During the pandemic, there are rules that people are required to follow in California. Some of these rules are incredibly stupid, and some actually make sense. There was a rule for Thanksgiving that you were not allowed to sing. There was also a rule that you could have less people in a party or holiday than a funeral. These rules I find to be incredibly ridiculous, however I do think some rules are noteworthy as being fair to a pandemic, such as social distancing or washing your hands. -
Consider some of the rules or procedures that you have to follow, and tell your feelings about them.
A lot of the new rules I have to follow, I dislike them. They make life a lot more boring and add to all the horrible aspects of life. I am not able to do many of things I was before, such as go to amusement parks or hang out with large groups of people. Not being able to do sports has also been unpleasant. Without them, life has been quite boring. Those were some of my favorite things to do, and I hate that I can not do those things anymore. However I am more than willing to follow these rules to help my fellow citizens stay safe. -
Thanksgiving Dressing Connection
My family Thanksgiving's have featured a wide variety of fare throughout the years. The one constant, the one dish that has always made an appearance is dressing. The recipe is a family one that originated with my great-grandmother, a wonderful woman who lived to the ripe old age of 102. Known across the extended family as the Queen of the Kitchen, her legacy lives on through the recipes she left behind. This Thanksgiving was more difficult than any I can remember. Out of the twenty-four Thanksgiving's I have been alive to see, I have never spent one without my sister. Now, she lives a state away and health concerns surrounding my 93-year old grandmother kept my sister away. COVID-19 drastically changed the mood of the holiday, but one dish still had to be cooked. You guessed it, dressing. Ingredients: 10 baked biscuits 2-3 cups of baked yellow cornbread 1 loaf of toasted bread 1 1/2 cup chopped onion 2 cup chopped celery 1 cup celery tops 1 tablespoon sage 1 tablespoon poultry seasoning 2 cups water 1 cup chicken boullion 2 eggs Salt and pepper to taste Original Directions: Break bread into small pieces. Set aside. Put all remaining ingredients except eggs in a saucepan. Boil till celery and onions are tender. Pour over bread mixture and toss. (Add more liquid if it needs to have more water. Cool. Add eggs. Mix lightly. Put in greased pan - Bake 300 degrees for 30 minutes. -
What do you think about who or what is the cause of this current virus?
I think this virus came from China. I think someone made this virus in a lab and it somehow spreaded. This virus spreaded very fast and it escaped the lab. Too many people came in contract with this virus and thats how it spreaded so quickly. Big gathering of people also doesn't help to slow the virus done. -
Our Thanksgiving During Covid
My Thanksgiving this year was different in many ways. First it was a lot shorter and we ate outside instead of inside. We were all at separate tables based on our household. It was not as fun being separated but we were still able to talk. There were less family members this year than we have had in the past. Sometimes my moms side of the family comes for Thanksgiving but they couldn’t this year because of Covid. We usually all serve our own food from big platters in the kitchen but this year my mom and dad served everyone their plates full of food and brought them outside to everyone at their tables. It was so cold outside and very windy which was hard and normally we would be inside at our dining room table, where it’s warm. Thanksgiving this year was the same because we made the same kinds of food and had a ton of leftovers but there were a lot of things that were different too. -
Fires With Family
With social distancing measures out in place when having gatherings, it is difficult to spend time with family and friends. During the pandemic, my distant family members and I decided to light a fire in the firepit located in my backyard with 6 feet in between us. We talked about what each of us have been doing during quarantine and ate delicious food made by others. This fire pit was used multiple times during the pandemic but for the same reasons. The only downfall of using this firepit for visits is that it can only be used in the warmer weather. I feel as though this photo is a necessity for a covid-19 collection. It shows what families go through to be near each other in this part of the country/world. -
Final Time Seeing Family
During the beginning of the pandemic which was considered to be the worst of it, my grandfather had passed away after years of battling dementia. Only a select few could attend the wake and funeral. My aunts and uncles as well as the grandchildren attended. It was very difficult keeping the 6 foot distance between one another during such a sad moment in time. This photograph is my family and I after the funeral. You'll notice that none of us were wearing masks at this point. This photo captured the very last time I ever saw my family all together in person. This photo shows how bad the virus got over the last couple months in the South Shore of Massachusetts. -
Thanksgiving of 2020
My Thanksgiving this year was barely changed. Ignoring guidelines by Democratic governor Newsom, who doesn't even seem to be able to follow his own rules, I celebrated a great thanksgiving. My family gathered together at my house and my mother made the meal. We had multiple pies and a large turkey to separate between all family members that could come. I had a great time celebrating, and no one in my family has got sick from the gathering. -
My Covid-Thanksgiving
The year 2020 has been a very strange year, and my families Thanksgiving experience was an odd one. Since we couldn't have a large family dinner, we ended up bringing food to both of my grandparents. I was really bummed to not be able to spend quality time with them, but I was still glad to get the opportunity to see them. After we left our grandparents, we went to our cousin's beach house. We were scrambling throughout the city trying to find an open restaurant for our Thanksgiving dinner. None of the restaurants were open, but we luckily got a call from our friend to have our Thanksgiving meal with them. The lesson I learned from this day was that having close family and friends really matters and that they can get you out of any tough situation. Overall, my Thanksgiving during the pandemic was not an ideal one, but it was still a blessing to be able to be with my family and friends nonetheless. -
Thanksgiving 2020
The Thanksgiving that I had in 2020 was in some ways different, and some ways the same. I would normally go to my Grandparents house, and they would invite family and friends over too. But this year, only my family was invited. My grandfather had also passed away in October, so only my grandmother was there. The food was the same, but the company was very different. It felt more lonely this year, because of the lockdown. My Thanksgiving was different in some ways, but familiar in other ways. Overall, it was a fine experience, but obviously not as good as previous years. -
B.C. looks at speedy increase in fines for repeat COVID-19 offenders
Following several incidents where groups of people refused to obey orders banning in-person religious gatherings, B.C. Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth asks to increase fines for those people breaking COVID-19 laws multiple times. -
Newfoundland and Labrador out of Atlantic bubble until at least January, according to Premier Furey
Newfoundland and Labrador premier Andrew Furey states why the province pulled out of the Atlantic Bubble. -
Social anti-mask: Police break up anti-mask dance gathering at Quebec shopping mall, issue fines
One video portrays a dance gathering at a Quebec shopping mall. -
Social anti-mask: Anti-mask protesters, conspiracy theorists march through downtown Vancouver
This article shows anti-mask protesters march through downtown Vancouver in mid-October. -
Social anti-mask: Very disappointed': Kenney not happy with mass anti-mask protest in Calgary
Article includes photos and videos of a large anti-mask protest in Calgary. -
Social anti-mask: Coronavirus: Dozens show up at anti-mask rally in Moncton, N.B.
This article includes two videos and provides additional details as to an anti-mask rally in Moncton, N.B. -
Social anti-mask: Protesters in St. John's say mandatory mask policy makes them pariahs
This article further describes the small anti-mask protesters in St. John's who demonstrated in response to the enforced restrictions. -
Social anti-mask: Anti-mask rally in Steinbach sees hundreds of attendees
This article shares about a recent anti-mask rally in Steinbach, Manitoba. -
Social negative response: Family seeking COVID-19 is 'playing with a loaded gun' in B.C. city discouraging visitors: mayor
This article discusses one family seeking COVID-19 exposure to improve their immunity to the virus. -
Social Holidays: Christmas How to tell family their Christmas gathering is too risky and you're not going
This article provides tips on how to best celebrate Christmas holidays and encourages Canadians to stay home. -
Social negative gatherings: ‘Learn from our story’: How a B.C. birthday became a COVID-19 superspreader event
This article includes a video on how a birthday became a COVID-19 superspreader event. -
Social funeral: Funeral homes using high pressure sales tactics amid COVID-19 pandemic, new report finds
This article examine how funeral homes are using high pressure sales tactics during the pandemic. -
Social wedding: 30 Small Wedding Ideas for an Intimate Affair
This article suggests some ideas on how to host a micro wedding. -
Wedding venue: Water's edge mirco wedding
Pictured is a couple situated next to a record player. This venue offers specialty pricing for micro weddings. -
Social wedding: What Is a Micro Wedding and Should You Have One?
This article defines what a micro wedding is: 50 people or less. -
Picture of massive group of protesters in Montreal
This photo shows a large gathering of protesters armed with signs in downtown Montreal. -
Picture of massive group of protesters in Calgary
This photo shows a large gathering of protesters in downtown Calgary. -
Goodbye Family Gatherings
It is almost Easter and my family usually gather together at a park and do a big egg hunt except this year was going to be a little different due to the pandemic. We all had to stay at our homes since there can't be any large gatherings. This was when I started thinking that all of our family gatherings were going to have to be canceled. And up to this day Dec.11 of 2020 it looks like it is going to be canceled. It has been a long time since I have not spend time with family because we are trying to keep each other safe. -
COVID Effects on Masconomo Park, Manchester Ma.
Masconomo Park is a place where family and friends spend most time of their afternoon to interact with the public and have a healthy social environment. During the summer, the park would host bands, ice cream tables, face painting and a movie night for everyone. Many tourists would come to town to experience socially the interactions and activities offered by the town and appreciate the beauty of the harbor. During the Tuesday movie nights, a projection screen would be placed in the center of the park and everyone would bring their chairs, blankets, and snacks for a cozy movie night with family and friends. The Park was one of the most populated point of the town until the outbreak happened. Masconomo has not been the same since the outbreak of COVID-19. As you can see in the photos below of before and after the pandemic, the contrasts are enormous. The silence of Masconomo Park is louder than the fun summer nights the citizens used to have. Now the emptiness has taken over and no one can interact in the public space anymore. The park has been closed for a long period of time and citizens were not allowed to share the field for their own health safety. Once everything goes back to normal as we all hope, we cannot wait to spend engaging times at the park as we used to. For now, we just have to remain social distancing and virtually connecting for mental and physical health of the citizens. -
Jewish Melbourne: Souper Kitchen's lockdown rules
In July, as Melbourne headed into its second lockdown, Souper Kitchen provided information about how they would handle the rules about workplaces and gatherings -
Every week my friends and I will devote a few hours of our time to play spike ball together. It has provided us with great exercise and a fun way to pass our time. Arguments have been started due to the competitive nature of my friends and I, but in the end, it has brought us closer together and has helped make Covid not as bad. -
Protest at Irvine Civic Center
Group of peaceful protesters at Irvine Civic Center on June 3rd, 2020 following the murder of George Floyd. Most protesters were wearing masks but social distancing was not observed. -
New Zealand's ban on large funerals during Covid-19 criticised as 'inhumane'
"New Zealand’s ban on large funerals and tangi has been described as 'inhumane' by the opposition leader, and 'disappointing' and 'cruel' by indigenous funeral directors." -
Social Distancing at Graduation
Graduates practice social distancing during their ceremony. Even during the pandemic important events and social gatherings can happen, with proper precautions taken. #ASU #HST580 -
Quarantine Mother's Day
Today I tried to make my day more interesting by staying more focused on what I was doing right at that moment. I feel like this helps me to make the day go by faster and have a better quality of the things I did. Today I did my workout and then helped my mom make my pinata for my sister’s 5th birthday. We took a pizza box and covered it in different colored and cut streamers. We also put a picture of a unicorn in the center since that is the theme of the party. Even though it took a really long time and hurt my back my mother and I had a lot of fun and were very proud with the results. This Mother’s Day I was more thankful that ever for my mother because she is the one who has kept my family together during this tough time. The coronavirus has made this day different since my family would normally treat my mother to her favorite restaurant. I don’t even know what is open or if something will ever open which is a scary thought. #LSMS #NSD -
“At this point, there's been real no effect on my faith or beliefs."
“At this point, there's been real no effect on my faith or beliefs. My faith and beliefs are just that, my faith and beliefs. No pandemic,other natural occurrences, or otherwise will affect either.” “Well, since my arrival here in Kentucky quite a few years ago, I really haven't found a church to my liking so I don't really participate in any churches or other religious gatherings. For myself, my mind and my body are my church so no effect at all for myself but from what I do understand though that some churches have been affected as far as not being able to gather and I do understand as well from in the news that some churches are still gathering against the governor's restrictions…” -
“It has affected my faith and beliefs in a good way since my..."
“It has affected my faith and beliefs in a good way since my family and friends are helping.” “Well, they're not gathering.” “Due to covid-19, we're not able to engage in our community.” -
Easter Breakfast
This is a screen capture of our Easter brunch with my family. We have family from all over the world that tuned into this meeting, even if just for a little bit.