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Anonymous Oral History, 2021/12/14
Anonymous is a person who, in his senior year of university, was hit by covid. Anonymous goes into detail on what went wrong with the pandemic, how new sources are at the biggest fault, and how it affected his personal life when looking for a job, and interacting with family and friends who both do, and do not want to be vaccinated, and self-isolating with many precautions despite Wisconsin having very few mandates. -
Pandemic Gyms
A comic strip about Covid-19 -
The eruption of senior year
This is important to me because weight lifting is important when it comes to playing baseball. Even know Covid-19 had hit us and closed down the gym, my friend and I were determined to stay as strong as possible so when we got back to playing we weren't behind anybody. With that being said, we made a squat rack out of wood and used it multiple times a week. We also made a deadlift platform that took us about a week to make and used that a bunch as well. -
Lost Basketball Season
What I was able to do when my ability to play basketball was limited during the pandemic. -
Improvised workout during quarantine
When the quarantine lockdown mandate was first instated, and all gyms were closed, I quickly became nervous figuring out how I would be able to work out every day efficiently. As a child, I was always overweight until one summer when I obtained a gym membership and trainer to help me lose 45 pounds. However, when all gyms closed, I feared that not going consistently would lead me to gain weight again as I sat stagnant at home. Fortunately, I was able to make the most out of my situation at home and create an at-home workout routine to stay healthy. Daily, I would wake up and run 2 miles outside, followed by 100 pushups, 50 situps, and 5 one-minute planks. Although this workout was not as strenuous as if I was able to go to the gym, it was still very effective in keeping me in shape and helped me stay active. Most importantly, these at-home workouts kept me occupied during quarantine and helped relieve my stress of not seeing or hanging out with my friends and other family members. -
Focusing on Physical Health During the Pandemic
The COVID pandemic of 2020 affected many lives including my own. For me, it greatly affected my ability to focus on my physical health. When we were all sent home from school to finish our semester online, the gyms closed. This drove a wedge between me and where I wanted to be physically. While I could still do calisthenics at my house, I was unable to do the heavy weight training that I had grown so accustomed to. This caused me to lose some of the muscle mass I had spent so much time trying to gain. Not only that, I also lost the one place I could go to be alone with my thoughts. While I’m at the gym, I can focus on problems inside my mind while also making myself stronger. I don’t have to deal with any unnecessary external interactions with others while I’m at the gym. While I was at home, I would sometimes find myself being irritated by my family with nowhere to go. During these times, I would end up going outside or locking myself away in my room. Since I had nowhere to blow off the steam, I could only sit there and let the irritation manifest into anger. While calisthenics were good for my physical shape, they did not help me the same way heavy weights did. To fix that issue, I took up boxing with two gloves and a small yoga mat. I put the mat up against the wall and began teaching myself how to box. This was helping. While I had to deal with the occasional interruption by my family, I finally found an activity that helped me effectively blow off steam. Still, I always knew that none of this was going to last. I knew I needed to get back into the gym in order to feel like myself again. Much like many others, I waited until the day when mine reopened again. When my gym reopened, I considered the pandemic to finally be over in my eyes. -
Navigating my mental health during COVID- Working out and Dieting
Have you ever had a hobby that was critical to your mental health? Well ever since High School, my sanctuary has and still is, the gym. As someone who works out almost every day, the pandemic put a hamper on the manner in which I would have to work out. Gyms were closed, at the time it was winter, so it was not like I could go outside to workout. I was left with only lightweight dumbbells. During this time, things were hard for me as I felt out of shape and weaker than normal. I always felt as if I could go to the gym and block out the rest of the world and now I couldn't do so. I struggled at first, and there were times I would get so mad at the world over it. But what could I do? Nothing. So, I had to figure out what could help me get through this awful time. Which led me to learn how to properly diet and make myself the best out of the workouts I could perform. By counting my calories in a journal and still using those dumbbells in different variations, I was able to get into the best shape of my life. Now I weigh around 170 (was around 190 prior to doing this) and feel more energetic and happier than I have been in a long time. My mental health in my opinion is the best it has been in a long time. I figured that without the gym my life would go through a spiral, but it got better. This was the one time that I have been grateful for the pandemic because although it has unfortunately ruined many lives, it forced me to better myself in ways I would not have thought of prior to that. Now because of the experience, I know now that no matter what, you have to make the best with what you have and never let it bring you down. There is always a bright side to things, and contrary to belief, things WILL get better. For me, finding new ways to work out and diet helped me tremendously. I am grateful I was able to find another way to be in my "sanctuary" without actually having to be at a gym and hope others can find their "sanctuary" The moral of this story: Don't let COVID completely control your life, there are ways to battle this Pandemic and stay in good mental health. Find your method and take off with it as I did! -
Body Building: Covid Edition
In the years leading up to the Covid-19 Pandemic, I was working out 6 days a week. I was trying to build muscle in hopes to do a bodybuilding competition in the near future. I was making significant progress in the final months of the gyms being open and then it all changed. The Covid-19 spread became increasingly of concern and the world was going into panic. Then all the schools got sent home, I was home for a week before the gyms closed indefinitely. It was unknown how long everything was going to be closed down. There was no way that I was going to go weeks or months without the gym, I had come too far. Bodyweight exercises were not going to do the trick. I needed real weights to preform good muscle building exercises. The following day after the gyms closed, I drove to a local sports store and bought the last power rack, bench and barbell they had. This wasn't totally ideal like a real gym is, but it was enough for me to keep progressing. I was very fortunate to obtain these weights and rack because most people didn't and had nothing to work with. I lost no progress, and I am so grateful for that. -
A fitness lovers life during a pandemic in the UK
It describes how I struggled during the pandemic as I was not able to do what I love doing the most: training. -
COVID-19 Story
During the pandemic, I was able to get back into reading and also once the restrictions were lifted, I was able to get back in the gym and start biking again. I would try and bike anywhere from 10-15 miles per day which was a goal of mine to hit. -
Connecting through Climbing in the Pandemic
Just prior to the pandemic, I got seriously into rock climbing. For me, not only it was a much more fun way to work out, but it is absolutely a social sport. Everyone at the climbing gym was and continues to be extremely friendly, and you can simply strike up a conversation with anyone by simply asking what routes they are working on so that you can help one another find the most efficient way to reach the top. As all the routes are graded, just watching yourself improve and working on harder routes is an amazing feeling. With the outbreak of the pandemic, however, the gym closed until September, and I felt like such an important piece of my life went missing. While it was hard losing an activity and social outlet like that, I like trying to find silver linings in the difficult times. Even though it took me a while to come to this conclusion, I realized that it took the pandemic and losing it to truly appreciate the people there and sport itself. Ironically, I can almost contribute the pandemic to my continued obsession with climbing, even if it did rip it away from me for a few months. Attached is a picture of the first event back at the climbing gym, which was a lights-out event for Halloween where you could only use headlamps to see where you were going. -
Getting My Vaccine!
I got my Pfizer vaccine! It's actually surreal to me to think that I got a vaccine because I was quite pessimistic about Covid in 2020. I think there was a voice in my head telling me that we're going to be in “this” for so long, and that it's going to be so bad but when I wrote my second Coronavirus journal entry, I said “I think we might get a vaccine by 2021 but I don't think it will be distributed to the public quickly until mid 2021” and I hit it right on the nail with that. I guess my prediction was pretty lucky. The progress that the United States has made with vaccines has been outstanding to be honest. I think it might be regarded as one of the most successful events in modern US history. A couple months back it was crazy for me to see that juniors in my French class we're being taken out to get the vaccine. At the time I was hearing about how Canada was lagging behind in vaccines. Even more crazy to me is that this Friday, my school opened up the gym for students 12-15 years old to get vaccinated so students in my grade got vaccinated at PE. Interestingly enough a classmate of mine was in the trial for under 15 year old kids. I'm sure that he documented his experience, but my experience with him being in the trial was that we teased him in Science class after he got his first dose. We said “oh you got the microchip” and “I bet your cellular connectivity got better”. He of course laughed it off. A lot of my humor is sarcasm, irony, and pretending to be dumb so when I said “oh you got the microchip” and “I bet your cellular connectivity got better”, it was meant (and taken) as a joke. But of course in humor, lies some truth. There are people that believe those things. There are people that are believing this misinformation from the internet. There are “Karen's” on the internet saying stupid things. There have been campaigns to fight misinformation about the vaccine and I think they've been successful, but there will always be dumb people. I think there are some famous people that are not using their influence for good, which is terrible as I think they have an obligation to support the vaccine. Someone I think that embodies this is LeBron James. I don't think he's gotten enough blow back for his comments. He is one of the most influential people in the world and his comments are damaging. His comments could indirectly be killing people. There is also some irony in his actions and his comments. It's well-known that he spends over 1.5 million dollars a year to keep his body in Tip-Top shape but he won't take a free vaccine. Anyways my experience getting the vaccine was pretty standard. I went into the hospital at 10:30, got my vaccine card (and an extra to archive), got pricked (it didn’t even hurt), waited 15 minutes and went home. Now 2 hours after I'm writing this, I haven't had any side effects other than some pain in the arm that I got it in. My dad got some bad side effects after his first dose, but not after his second, which seems to be odd because most people get worse side effects after the second dose. I’ll have to see if I get bad side effects from the first or second dose. Also if you’re reading this 50 years from now, check out if they have my vaccine card. -
Jeff Foster Oral History, 2021/05/03
Elizabeth Hathorn interviews Jeff Foster, a college student and member of the U.S. Army. He discusses the effects of COVDI-19 on college classes and on military training. He also touches on a few other aspects of life during the COVID-19 quarantine. -
Devyn Nguyen Oral History, 2021/05/04
Interviewee discussed what life is like graduating during the pandemic, working in a small family-owned business and the pushback against COVID safety in Orange County. She describes how the pandemic has brought her family together along with the tight-knit community with similar social values she has created. -
masks at the gym
Working out is something very important to me and with the pandemic going on I see many people wearing masks incorrectly so I made this funny tiktok to show how dumb people look when they dont wear their mask correctly in the gym. -
My At-Home Gym
During this drawn-out pandemic, I have had the misfortune of living alone in my apartment, essentially stranded. This was not helped by the fact that I have recently been left without a car. I have no family that lives close by and I have relied a lot on my friends' willingness to carpool with me if I need to get anywhere. I generally must walk to and from the grocery store and have many things shipped to me. Additionally, my commute to work is always on foot. These minor inconveniences are not as unbearable, however, as my inability to travel to the gym. The gym had become a daily routine for me pre-pandemic. On occasion, I would drive to the gym twice in one day to stay occupied. My lack of transportation was, thus, a major hit to my daily routine. About a week had gone by without exercise before I hatched an idea. I purchased a simple, $20, 25 lb weight to be shipped to my apartment. This weight would become the nucleus of my workout routine for the next year. With This 25 lb weight, I can mimic virtually any exercise that exists at the gym. Instead of 20 lb shoulder raises, I do 25 lb shoulder raises for a shorter set. Instead of 35 lb dumbell curls, I do 25 lb curls for a longer set. If an exercise would usually be done on a bench or mat, I could simply set down a few pillows and achieve the same effect. The transition was a bit awkward but easier than I expected. My pandemic-grade, simple, at-home weight room may appear underwhelming. It is, indeed, cheaper and of lower quality than gym equipment. However, my make-shift gym has kept me busy throughout the entirety of this pandemic. I am now back to my daily "gym" routine, sweating just as much in my apartment as I would be at a gym. -
Night Sprints
We have a balance beam upstairs. Since quarantine, we’ve added a trampoline and a tumble trak. All the years of vowing to have my daughter only due gymnastics at the gym has ended because she hasn’t set foot in the gym since March 2020. Even a few months ago, we were talking about having her return in the fall, but with the spike that started in October, there was no way. I want to support her the best I can, because she is passionate about her sport. Even though she is never going to be an Olympian or collegiate gymnast, she does well at our local and state meets and continuing to practice everyday (even on the days she complains) gives her that light she needs at the end of the tunnel. The knowledge that when this ends, she can return to the world of competitive gymnastics and all her friends on her team is one of the things that keeps her going. But I’m not a gymnastics coach. Until quarantine, I didn’t know what half the skills were. And we have no bars, and no vault. But there is one thing I can do - run. I figure the practice videos, (thanks Paul Hamm and Amanda Borden), the twice a week live zoom practices (thank you Kazio Acrobatics & Gymnastics, who, though not being my daughter’s gym and being 400 miles away, graciously extended their online classes to anyone in the country when this all began), and the at home training schedule of conditioning and skills her gym sent in March takes care of the floor and the beam. Bars is a lost cause, I hope some muscle memory remains for her. But the vault, which is her highest scoring event, is powered by running. I love running, and her coach used to tell me that gymnasts notoriously hate running, but it is a skill that really helps with vaulting. I figured I may not be able to do a back handspring, but I can teach my kid to run. So three times a week, I make her run. She is NOT a fan of the mile on the treadmill, but she seems to genuinely enjoy sprinting. On Friday, she was bummed because it got dark before she could make it out to sprint. So to make it fun, we figured we’d just sprint in the dark with lights. Was I secretly trying to train her to hold a baton? Maybe. Or maybe I’m just trying to keep hope alive for the kid. She’s 10, and before Covid, the longest stretches she has had from the gym is two weeks, and that is only when we go on vacation. So she basically has lived at that gym since the summer before she was 3. If she wants to continue competing, I will do anything I can to keep those muscles in shape so she can return. And if I end up training a new running partner in the process, what a win. -
Covis rules
This past year we have had to follow so many new rules for Covid-19, some of these rules are wearing a mask, social distance, and not being able to go into some places. One time i got in trouble because I was playing basketball in a Gym and we had to wear a mask at all times, but I hate the mask cause I cant breath in it while Im playing so i took it off for less than a minute and one of the employees got mad at me. I don't like any of the rule cause as a kid I don't want to have to do all of these things, I just want to live my life and not lose a whole year of my life. -
No Fans
Playing throughout the year with very little fans and no fans at all has changed to game a lot. The fans of a team make a huge impact on the game itself and impacts how a team can play. Fans bring so much energy to the gym, it makes the game a lot more fun to play. -
Planet Fitness- Boston
Planet Fitness Planet Fitness, the place people go to work out and get some exercise to stay in shape. My love and passion for working out had just begun when the coronavirus went global. At first all the gyms were shut down in Boston as exercise was deemed not essential. The state had a list of businesses that were listed as essential or not essential to be up and running while they were trying to figure out how to control this virus. The whole state of Massachusetts had a series of phases of when certain businesses could be open. I am writing right now during phase 3. I do not know how many phases we are going to have, but it has been about 8 months now. When the gyms were finally opened, I was pumped. I was tired of doing home workouts every day since it got boring. I also was getting tired of being stuck in my apartment all day every day. Planet Fitness was a good place to work out but also a good place to meet new people. The coronavirus changed that. Everyone must wear a mask as they work out. You must stay 6 feet apart from everyone else. The worst part is that only about half the machines can be used. Planet Fitness disabled half the machines so no one could use them. This is a major bummer since I am limited in the things I can use. I cannot wait until the coronavirus is finally under control, but in the meantime, everybody needs to play their part and stay safe. -
BN Oral History, 2020/11/18
The contributor of this item did not include verbal or written consent. We attempted to contact contributor (or interviewee if possible) to get consent, but got no response or had incomplete contact information. We can not allow this interview to be listened to without consent but felt the metadata is important. The recording and transcript are retained by the archive and not public. Should you wish to listen to audio file reach out to the archive and we will attempt to get consent. -
Sports? What's That?
March 13th was the day that everything changed. My social life, school, activities and especially sports, were gone. I remember the last day that we were in school before getting the email that schools were going to be shut down for what we thought was only going to be two weeks, I had open gym for volleyball. I remember me and my team being super excited because we haven't played in moths and we were all excited to get back on the court and to all be together. My team and I all meet after school to get ready for practice and as we were walking to the gym in all of geer that took 20 minutes to put on, out team captain told us that our open gym was canceled. Everyone was in shock and mad at the same time because we all wanted to get back on the court, plus we had already changed and that took a lot of work! After we all said our goodbyes not knowing how long it would be until we saw each other again and even how long until we were able to get back on the court. Finally after months of being away from volleyball and my team we started conditioning. It was so fun to each my team and to get to workout together. We are not sure when we will get back on the court but at least we have conditioning which is a huge step forward. -
Mask Mandate
In this picture, we see a gym employee wearing a mask and cleaning their equipment. I like to go to my local 24 Hour Fitness and you are required to wear a mask which is an example of government action. This is all due to the mandatory face covering policy that was announced by Governor Sisolak caring for the health of the public. This is extremely important and meaningful to me because I know this extra protection is for me and others when going outside or going to the gym. -
Staying Active during Quarantine
This photograph shows how different the time is compared to before the pandemic. I used to go to a gym called Orange Theory a few times a week to do HIIT workouts, however during quarantine they were closed and I had to find a way to still stay fit while not being able to actually go to the gym. I ordered some dumbbells and resistance bands on Amazon and would set up a space outside to do my workouts after running outside. It was different for me because I like having a coach present to give me workouts to do and to push me harder so it took some adjusting. Overall, this picture represents quarantine because it shows how we much adapt in order to keep going with our daily routines. -
Last day I was a Coach
This is a photo inside the gymnastics gym I used to work at. It was taken shortly before everything started to shut down. I didn't know how long the pandemic would last, I didn't think it would change my life as much as it did. I've worked with these kids and their families for years; we consider ourselves a big family. The strain the pandemic put on our friendship was immense and I fear it may have broken some. The gym re-opened (although at the time all forms of gyms were still forced to stay closed) and this made a dilemma that I didn't think I'd have to face. My situation was confusing and has caused me a lot of anxiety as families were asking if or when I was coming back. I couldn't give them an answer because my family needed me. My older family members were effected the most by all this. They are all high risk and couldn't do the things they wanted to like go to the store or the movies. I had a choice; leave my family out to dry and go back to coaching or take care of my grandparents and others. I of course chose my family. But I still miss the families and the kids I coach. I deal with that everyday when I see their progress of Instagram. Some of the family's doubt the severity of the pandemic, which makes me even more stressed because they could very well be speaking ill of me for the way I've been handling all this. I fight this inner doubt everyday because I really care for the kids I coach and I want to be apart of their progress, but at the same time with so many family members in the medical field and people that now depend on me I can't justify leaving them by themselves or potentially spreading it to them. -
New Sanitization Protocols
This fogger is a new sanitization device introduced to our daily cleaning regime at the Athletic Center. It plays an integral part in ensuring that the recreation spaces are sanitized for patrons and for athletes to use the spaces. The fogger is used by custodial staff at 10:00 am and 2:00 pm and the facilities must be closed for an hour each time. The fogger is also used at a closing time ensuring that the facility is sanitized for incoming athletes for their 6:00 am sessions. -
A Different Perspective
I never realized how important a simple walk to the store was until Covid-19. To be honest I never realized how important a lot of stuff was. A daily event of going to school was no longer a daily event because of a new virus going around. Going to work was a task I used to complain so much about until I was on quarantine and wished I still had the option to go. Sitting in the house decorating a face mask because the new normal would be to wear them anytime you are outside. The most annoying thing about the face mask would be the scabs I get on my ears from it being too tight. Also,not being able to do a hard activity because the mask will make you struggle to get your breath back. And the worst part of it all is not knowing when it’s going to be over. Everyday we get different results of the amount of cases and different ways we can protect ourselves. The way this pandemic affects you is all based on how you view it in my opinion. Many people took the opportunity to start a business or learn a new hobby. I personally would say a good outcome of it would be having enough time to invest in yourself. During this pandemic I had time to update my resume that way when the first phase was ready I could apply for new jobs. In addition, I got better at braiding hair which is something I felt I never had enough time for. I’ve always wanted to learn since I never liked the way other people braided my hair. When I was younger I would ask for braids just so I could avoid having to get my hair straightened. When I was learning I actually used to just rebraid my hair over and over since we had to be separated from everyone. This outbreak was something that was very dangerous and also hard to adjust too. I'm used to being able to go out to eat every weekend and maybe watch a movie in the theater when I’m done. The corona virus has closed gyms, movie theaters ,indoor dining, casinos and many more. The dining wasn’t such a setback to me because it was summer time but now we’re back to quarantine basically because winter is coming.Sitting outside for lunch will no longer be an option and delivery will become everyone’s new favorite. Being able to do activities outside gave some relief from covid but now it’s all gone. Although it’s a worldwide pandemic, I feel you should always try to make the best out of your situations even if they may seem unable to adjust to. Staying positive and trying to adapt to this new lifestyle is something I’m still growing into. If you take everything as a chance to grow eventually you would look at life differently. -
Exercising through COVID
The time lapse video shows a little snip-it of how I dealt with quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many businesses were forced to shut down for a few months to ensure everyone's safety was first priority. One of the businesses that were shut down were gyms. I was very saddened by this business shutting down because my physical health is very important to me. Physical health has a lot of affect on mental health as well. To keep my mental health in check during this pandemic, I would workout almost every day so that I didn't let myself go through these months of being quarantined. My best friend came over to my house almost everyday for about an hour to workout in my living room. We worked out together to not only stay in touch during these trying times, but to also keep each other motivated to keep pushing ourselves. The only equipment we had access to were dumbbells and a bench. These two things were all we needed to keep going in our physical strength during these rough couples of months. My friend and I were anxiously waiting for the gym to open back up and while we were working each week still not knowing when the gyms will open again, I kept trying to challenge us. Almost every week I introduced a new workout to our list because sometimes it was so unmotivating to do the same workouts every day. I constantly researched and watched videos of what we can accomplish with just some dumbbells and a bench. We definitely got creative with some of our exercises. Although the pandemic kept us away from the gyms, my friend and I decided early on that our mental and physical health will not deteriorate for these next couple of months and we will give it our all. -
The Room Gym
As for all of us around the world, we all experienced unique circumstances within our homes. For me, it was keeping up with my workout routine these past six months. The gym has become my second home over the past two years. It was where I can relieve my daily stressors and shut off my mind for an hour. The healthy lifestyle changes that I have made were greatly influenced by working out, so having the gym closed during the pandemic was a drastic change in my environment, along with the closing of schools. Right before everything was officially shut down, my mom and I drove to the nearest target to grab a set of dumbbells. By the time we got there, everyone was in a frantic state and the shelves were practically empty. Luckily, I was able to get my hands on a set of 10s and one 40 lb. They were the last of the weights, I cannot imagine what would've happened if we came five minutes later. These three dumbbells became the sole accessories of my workouts for the coming months. I knew it was time to get creative. In addition to some resistance bands I own, I obtained a shopping basket from my local market. To mimic the deep back squats, I would pile all my weights in the basket and grab two dining table chairs. Then I would stand on top while straddling the basket with my hands. Originally, I used my younger brother but he became too occupied with video games as quarantine went on. This repetitive movement would allow anyone to quit after the first month, but I kept on going. The idea of maintaining my strength no matter the lengths I had to go through was my key motivator. By using grocery bags filled with detergent bottles tied to a broomstick, laundry bags filled with clothes, I performed my exercises in the strict confinements in my bedroom. My parents were too busy focusing on not scraping any new furniture or floors that came with finished renovations. I was not allowed to workout outside my room, so this was another mentally challenging restriction. It is different weight lifting right next to an unmade bed, and I was so close to giving up almost every week. I would try to find loopholes, but nothing was going to change my parents minds. I had to keep pushing myself, no matter what. I knew if I gave into the temptations of my soft bed, I would never get back to exercising until the gyms re opened. What helped was going on daily isolated walks, so I could at least get out of my room for a little. As I am sitting here typing this memo, I am ever so grateful for the gyms reopening. With the limited equipment and lack of space, I am truly amazed that I did not give into the laziness. Though in other aspects of my life activity levels depleted, working out in my room was the one habit I kept consistent throughout. -
Life in Quarantine
I never expected that this virus would shut down the world. One day I’m sitting in class talking about the first corona case and just a little later I hear that this will be our last in person lab. These quick changes were difficult to adjust to not just for us but for the professors as well that have never done remote learning. A biology class I was doing decent in, completely ruined by this remote learning. In order for the professor to target those who were using help from the internet, they just made the exams much more difficult and shorter than needed. But as I got used to it, I feel as I improved in my other classes. If I can, I would like to retake my biology class when we return to in person classes. This remote learning has helped in some ways too. I never thought I’d have more free time when I didn't have to commute. Being at home I was able to do summer classes while working as well. However, due to the pandemic, what I used to do in my free time couldn't be done because most places in this city are closed. I used to go to the gym regularly, and then I couldn't anymore. So instead, I used my free time to bike with my friends to interesting places usually by the water and just enjoy the views. The city is starting to open up with my restaurants doing outdoor dining instead of indoor which gives us the opportunity to try new flavors and new foods. My experience with this pandemic sounds very pleasant but there are families that are hurt. I am grateful for me and my family’s health. It's tragic to see this virus take so many lives. People in the medical fields are working very hard to treat these cases. I doubt things will ever go back to normal but I hope we all can enjoy the little things in our life and continue living to make ourselves better. -
COVID-19 Share Your Story
COVID-19 has definitely made a huge change to my everyday routine. Before this all hit Arizona, my weekly schedule was gym in the morning, and depending on the day i would go to work in the afternoon and then do some homework before bed. On my days off from work I would go to school in the afternoon and usually do homework after. I would usually only have free time on Sunday's. This hasn't really affected my schedule negatively, but has definitely changed the origin of where I do things and has limited my abilities to do a lot of things as well. I now work out from home and had to purchase equipment and do not have access to anywhere close to the amount of equipment or weight that I normally have access to at the gyms, but have to make it work with what I have. I also have had to work from home, which is the same schedule I was on before and it definitely took a little bit of getting used to since I have roommates, but I made it work and I'm very fortunate to have a reliable job during these times. Most of my classes I take are online, so that won't have a very big impact on me other than if I ever have to go to campus, which I haven't had to yet. This has also had a huge impact on my relationship with my family. I went from seeing them once every 1-2 weeks to never seeing them because of me being a risk. My grandparents are very old and I haven't been able to see them since March. It is definitely tough for me, but i try to call them everyday to stay in touch with them as much as I can! Overall, I don't thing this whole COVID situation has impacted me as much as a lot of others and I and lucky to be in the situation I am in. -
Life In Isolation: The Coronavirus... Matt Durham
Though I am quarantined, I'm still able to work both my jobs since one doesn't interact with people and the other is considered as an essential. The only thing I'm stressed about is not having a gym but right now trying to turn my backyard into a gym. Ha-Ha -
Al Bailey Oral History, 2020/03/30
Al Bailey grew up in the Midwest. He joined the Navy and worked on nuclear submarines for six years, has a degree in nuclear physics, worked in many nuclear power stations, and has been retired several times. He is an avid collector of paper money, enjoys ham radio, and is planning to go to law school this August. He has been married twice and has five children. Al and his wife Sara Bailey are currently living in Florence, Kentucky, with their youngest daughter Melanie. Sara is working in Kentucky at a chemical plant and is currently not required to stay home. Al’s life has been filled with many interesting events and experiences from his time in the military to 9/11 and more. In this interview, he reflects on current events related to COVID-19 and its political implications as well as how he and his family are handling the social distancing and isolation. -
California Gym Builds Workout Pods
This gym built see through pods to enable clients to workout in safety. They are showing social distancing, but what grabbed my attention was how similar these pods are to the glass prisons you see in science fiction movies. Check out Avengers, Skyfall, X-Men, or Star Trek. This is what a virus-infected world is coming to! -
PANDEMIC, The empty spring leading to the river
These photos were taken by my friend in New York. She usually used to work out in the gym. However, all the gyms had been closed because of the Covid-19. She had to carefully find a route for walking to avoid people. She hardly did so since she didn't like the crowded street but now it is hard to see people on the street. These photos record an empty spring in New York. We can see a cat looking outside the window which is rarely seen in usual because cats are afraid of the crowd. -
Empty Fangcang Hospital
This is a photo of Fangcang Hospital in Wuhan, China. The hospital was originally a gym square and used to isolate patients during this pandemic. But this empty gym signals that China has beat the COVID-19 and patients in this hospital are all cure. -
Orange County
The pandemic has not hit my area to hard, I have not experienced much difficulty besides with the food that I eat and the access to the gym. When my family goes to the local store for groceries and supplies it is limited in what I can buy but overall, we manage the necessities. My real hardship comes with access to the gym, I truly miss the gym, there were so many weights and machines, it allowed me to...basically edit my body through time and hard work and I thoroughly enjoyed that feeling of process, that I was reaching my goal. Although due to the COVID-19 situation I cannot go to the local gym and therefore must rely on home workouts with a limited variety of weights, this restriction makes it much harder to keep progress up and get the results I am working towards. This situation of constantly being at home makes me want to sit and laze about but as long as one keeps the mind set on progress, even if slower, they can make it. I encourage others to pursue their goals as much as they can, make the best of a bad situation and start an inner journey, pick up hobbies such as painting, gardening, or reading, I know for sure that this time has allowed me to read and really understand literature more. Pick up upon hobbies that don't pose a threat to others and the time will pass and you will gain much from this as I am doing now. This time is difficult yes, but altogether, pales in comparison to others during this time. -
Finding Alternative Ways to Exercise
As the pandemic first began to spread and garner attention, gyms in Orange remained open. At the beginning of March, I first began to notice that the number of people in the gym during peak hours was beginning to decline. Hours were still the same, but the staff also took up the practice of roaming throughout the gym with disinfectant and paper towels, trying to clean down each machine after it was used. On March 17th Governor Newsom declared a statewide stay at home order, and when I tried to get one last workout in I came across this sign. *Original text in Creator: Fitness-19 posted the sign *Original text in Contributor: Joey Dorion took the photo -
How the pandemic changed my everyday actions.
Every day, I cook (kitchen not pictured but in the same room), work out, study, relax, and work from home all in the same room. This goes to show that even though the world is changing in huge ways during this time, every day actions such as going to the gym have had to transition into the home. Small changes like this show how we have had to adapt routines that we wouldn't normally give a second thought to. #REL101 -
Deployed in Afghanistan during COVID-19 #REL101
I am currently deployed in Afghanistan and have no idea when I will return home to the states due to COVID-19 travel bans. I have been here for about 7 months now and was supposed to leave soon but we have been informed it is a strong possibility we will be extended. Through these tough times it is even harder for troops that have been away from their families for so long only to be told they cuts wait longer. We have limited access to amenities such as gyms and MWR(game rooms) due to social distancing. I hope that resolutions for the virus will soon be found and we can return home safe and sound #REL101 -
Intown Stars' Response to Georgia's Announcement of Re-Opening Businesses
Email from the owner of a gymnastics studio explaining why she was choosing to remain closed despite the governor of Georgia's announcement that gyms would be expected to re-open by April 24. -
Keeping Healthy During the Pandemic
The gyms are still closed across China, but that doesn't mean we can't work out! I have worked out every day to strengthen my resistance. Working out can not only strengthen our bodies and our immunity, but also release all of the pressure after class every day and make us relaxed and happy. -
Planet Fitness Live Streams At-Home Workouts
Planet Fitness holds a live stream for at-home workouts suitable for the whole family (due to gyms closing). -
The Gym V.S. Covid-19
This piece by Evan Bowie explains how their gym experience and proximity to COVID-19 cases had made them more self conscious of the virus in its early stages. Evan took social distancing seriously and implemented thorough cleaning measures while using exercise equipment, up until the point businesses were forced to shut down. Bowie's habitual activities were heavily altered and claims that this virus is a once in a lifetime experience that is going to affect everyone. [created by curator for added context]. -
23 March 2020
Leisure centre closure
Announcement of leisure centre closure in line with Government requirements -
City of LA Closures (16 March 2020)
City of LA's closure of all gathering places, restaurants (except for take out), entertainment venues--not yet "sheltering in place" but a shut-down that makes clear the new social organizations of daily life.