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middle school
Leah's experience with Covid
The objective of this story is my personal experience with Covid 19 and the shutting down of the world around us due to the health affects. At the beginning of the Covid 19 in 2020 where all schools were beginning to mandate the wearing of surgical masks to stop the spreading of the newly found disease, Personally I didn't expect this disease would shut down what we once knew as normal. In the early days of the pandemic my family was the ones who were reluctant to wear the masks, as we did not realize the danger that is to come. Only a few weeks had gone by and the schools and stores were beginning to shut down and everyone had begun to learn the severity of this pandemic. Doctors were turning away patients who were suffering with health issues caused by outside sources other than the pandemic, causing other lives to decline. As a middle school student watching the depletion of the world right before my eyes, I was afraid of what may come in the following years. I was afraid of the pandemic and what negative affects that it may bring to me and my older family members. I was also afraid of the new norm that I now had to get used to along with the remote learning and not being to hangout with my friends and family as I once did. -
Sample Virtual Learning Schedule for Middle Schoolers
When we returned from spring break in 2020, we were sent a PDF of a sample schedule. Online school was mostly asynchronous (async) for a few weeks before we switched to a live virtual format. We would usually have one or two synchronous advisories per day and the rest of the day would be independent work. I had just returned early from a family vacation and we had only just begun quarantining. When we received this schedule, we still thought that the shutdown would only last a few weeks before life would return to normal and this schedule marks the very beginning of my pandemic experience. -
Sue Buettgen Oral History, 2020/05/16
University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire student Jack Nord interviews a Minneapolis-based six-grade teacher, Sue Buettgen. In this interview, Sue discusses her initial feeling when she first heard about the COVID 19 pandemic and how it changed her day-to-day routines. She discusses her transition from classroom to online teaching and all the new struggles that presented. She talks about her fears for her student’s safety and their individual home environments are affecting them. Sue dives into discussing social disparities and how the pandemic has highlighted the issue. Sue also discusses science experiments that she was trying to still make fun for her students and how her community has come together to help others. The interviewer, Jack Nord, also chimes in to briefly discuss his life as a college student. They both discuss farming and agricultural problems that have arisen. Sue finishes off by discussing how her home life has been impacted, how her family is coping and keeping safe. She discusses her hopes for the future before ending the interview. -
Langan Oral History, 2020/06/01
The contributor of this item did not include verbal or written consent. We attempted to contact contributor (or interviewee if possible) to get consent, but got no response or had incomplete contact information. We can not allow this interview to be listened to without consent but felt the metadata is important. The recording and transcript are retained by the archive and not public. Should you wish to listen to audio file reach out to the archive and we will attempt to get consent. -
Fresh Look at the Outdated Classroom
Online was the new way of providing lessons, assigning classroom activities, and laying out information for students across all ages. Sites like google classroom, canvas, blackboard, and seesaw suddenly became teachers and professors only way of providing students with a "classroom". In the first picture we see an example of an elementary school platform, in the next image is a middle school layout, and the final image is of the new college format. All three platforms provided students with a visual way to remain in contact with their educators in a time where we couldn't meet. They were our way of adjusting to the new situation we were all stuck in. However, despite providing us with the benefits of being connected without having to meet in person, there were still a few shortcomings. Because of the lack of in person class we couldn’t form connection with each other. That was a struggle for kids and teachers/professors alike. There remained a barrier between each other. -
Covid-19 win assignment
My name is Gage Phelps, and I am a 7th grader at lone star middle school. I like to play baseball, sketch/ draw my family loves to take our 4 by 4 talon with my trailer then go camping. I was born on December 8, 2008 in Boise ID. I now live in Nampa ID and I`m on the Nampa Babe Ruth baseball team. My mother works at Micron and my dad is a truck driver for Central Oregon Trucking Company. I like to listen to NF, Twenty one pilots, and rock with my Dad. This school year is much different from last years school start. One of the largest differences this year is that we are not online. When we where online it was hard because you had meeting that most teachers made you turn on cameras (most kids didn`t). This year we are actually in school where you can make more friends and socialize. When we where in school at the beginning of last year we had to where mask and we had to have A day and B day. The only similar thing I can think about is the 1 or 2 halls. We have lockers now and we can’t carry around our back packs anymore like we had to last year. We also have several different classes called periods. -
My life During the Covid 19 Outbreak
Hi, my name is Shay Wurst, and I am 12 years old. I go to Lone Star Middle School, I like to hike, play outside, and play with Legos. These last 2 years have been hard being online and wearing masks. This year is different than last year because we have lockers, go to school 5 days a week, see the bottom half of people's faces and be at school for the rest of the year. This year is different than 4th grade because. 4th grade I was in elementary school, I have lockers, and I don’t switch classes. I very happy that this year is better than last year. -
covid in 2021
I’m Brayden O’Connor I go to lone star middle school, I’m from Pocatello Idaho, I was born in 2009. What I like about school is probably getting to see all my friends and meeting a bunch of new teachers each year. My hobbies are baseball, hockey, hunting, camping, being outside, and playing with my dogs. I would describe the start of this school year as, very stressful, difficult, and boring. It’s not similar at all. And what’s different, is probably almost everything we don’t have to wear masks anymore and we don’t have to wipe our desks down after the period, we go back full time now no more a day b day, no more hybrid, no more Wednesdays off. A lot has changed but it is still manageable, like we must use hand sanitizer and we must be careful of everything we do. Its very different than what it used to be when it was the 4th quarter of 5th grade. During then we had to go full online because there was the covid outbreak. Then in 6th grade we were pretty much all online for most of the year but then at the very end we went back to school with masks mandatory. But then this year, (7th grade), we are back to school full time with masks optional. -
Lone Star Covid Archive
My name is Cardin Madera I go to Lone Star Middle School, and I enjoy school. I would describe the start of this school year weird because it has been a long time when I last went to a full year of school and I am not into the routine yet, so it makes it weird. Last year is similar because we still must sanitize our hands to keep us safe. Also, the staff are still not messing around about Covid-19. If you were to tell a joke about Covid, “saying this kid has Covid” and it is a lie you would get in trouble. It is different than last year because we do not have to sanitize our hands as much. Then we get to have our masks off the entire day if you want and it is not like we have half of the school students at school and the other half at home. There are somethings that changed between 4th and 7th grade because during 5th grade we were almost done with the school year but then covid hit and we had to do online for the rest of the school year. Then in 6th grade at the beginning of the school year we were doing online for a long time, and it was not helping a lot because I really could not ask questions about the assignment we are doing and about the lesson. -
Lone Star WIN Journal Assignment
What is similar, different, and changed since 4th grade. -
Covid-19 experience
My name is Annabelle Leal, and I go to Lone Star middle school. I’m currently in 7th grade. I enjoy shopping and eating out with family. The start of the school year has been mostly normal. At this point everyone either has covid or has already had it. Numbers of positive covid tests were low in the summer but when school started the numbers quickly began to rise again. I wouldn’t be surprised if we had to go back into lock down by December. Last year I was doing online learning because of the virus, but I guess it's like this year because I could talk to people online, and most of my schoolwork is online. It's different from last year because I have been able to go back in person. I was completely isolated last year. No friends, no social life. A lot has changed from 4th to 7th grade. Like my personality, being home with my brothers and parents has helped me learn to be more patient with people. Another example would be that I'm in middle school now. I have opened up more to people because I have a lot of classes around a lot of them. Lastly, I wanted to say that using computers has become a big part of our education. -
Lone Star Win Journal Assignment - Shetler
This is a story about how my life was changed during the pandemic -
Lone Star Covid Archive
This text is important to me because it tells me how hard life was during the pandemic. Everything was just restricted and I was not able to do the things I wanted to do. I signed up for flag and it was my first ever time playing football but when Covid hit or submission got canceled. Looking back at this moment in time helps me think that life is better than it has seemed before. -
Then and Now
My name is Karleigh Wissel. I am 12 years old, and I attend Lone Star middle school (Nampa, ID). I would say that my last normal school year was 4th grade. I was nine years old and went to a private school. When I was in fifth grade, about halfway through the year, everything changed. The whole school quickly transitioned too online. The following year I was going to be in sixth grade, and we were going to continue with the same private school, but it just was not safe. So, my parents decided to homeschool me and my little brother. Wearing a mask is not mandatory but I wear it anyway. I must wear a mask all the time and the only time I get take it off is when I am outside and when I eat lunch. Also, I must be very aware of my surroundings and if someone coughs, I try my best to stay away from them. I would say that starting 7th grade this year has been a little hard. Since I was homeschooled, I did not get that middle school experience. I felt like everyone knew how to open their lockers and transition from class to class. It took me about a week to get the hang of it. -
Lone Star WIN Journal Assignment
The story says what has been the same, different and has changed since 4th grade. -
Marci LeMonnier Oral History, 2021/10/05
As her parent, it was interesting to ask my daughter questions about the pandemic and hear her responses. As a family, we were really lucky to stay healthy and be able to spend a lot of extra time together. I've transcribed the interview in the attached Word file. -
COVID-19 Testing At Home
Pictured are 3 at-home COVID-19 tests. These tests were given, free of charge, to school personnel at a middle school outside Houston, Texas. Each staff member received 3 tests with the hope that sick personnel would test themselves at home before coming to work with symptoms. The test is a nasal swab test which requires a smartphone app to retrieve results. It was noted by this school district that a medical professional confirmatory test would be required after a positive at-home result. -
Teacher Interview: Avilette de Castro
Middle school Spanish teacher, Avilette de Castro, answers student questions about changes to education in the coronavirus pandemic. Walls: What is your name, grade you teach and school you teach in? de Castro: Avilitte Castro, Sebastian Middle 7-8th grade Spanish Walls: How has the pandemic changed the way you teach? de Castro: So, the biggest thing is that I feel like I haven’t taught enough, like I'm putting stuff out there and it’s not sticking. Before the pandemic there was more engagement and now there isn’t. Especially with those that are DL’s (distance learners). Walls: What was the biggest challenge in the beginning? de Castro: We were not prepared as teachers at all for what we had to do. I had never taught online before and I had to try to adapt everything online. Not everyone showed up. It’s not high school, they don’t think that it counts. They don't realize that even though their grades won't neccessarily carry on to high school, everything else will. Walls: What is the biggest challenge now? de Castro: So now, it’s mostly back to normal in some senses. We haven’t had any kids go into quarantine in awhile and I’m down to only 3 DL’s and I don't know if the kids are fully into it. I always have the thought that we could go back into quarantine. We just adopted a new textbook and I have to tell that book as well. The EOC (End of Course Exam) for this year is being used from this new book. I am adapting everything, but not able to get a hold of everything. I am learning this new book as well as my students. Walls: How do you think students are doing? What are their biggest challenges? de Castro: I don’t think, for me, I really don’t think I’ve taught them as well as I normally do. I hate to say this because it’s not quite bad. Some of my students aren’t doing anything, because they don’t think it will count. The other thing for me, I do a language class. A big part of my class is conversation. I don’t let them work in groups and they aren’t able to get the conversation that they used to get. Right now we are doing a food unit. They don’t get the reaction in conversations. Walls: Do you see anything beneficial coming from the changes you have had to implement? de Castro: Oh yeah. For me, doing stuff with technology has always been supplemental instead of part of the curriculum. Like if I post this you can have it and now everything is online. The kids have access to it online, doesn’t mean the students use the extra resources. I’ve been having to use the textbook website and it’s something that they can do anywhere that they are at. It’s an added resource, so it's a benefit for them. Walls: How has parent involvement changed during the pandemic? de Castro: No, one of my DL’s has his guardian sister with him the whole time and it’s a little nerve racking to have her hear me the whole time. It’s pretty much the same overall. -
Living Like An Immunocompromised Person
I have been living in fear of getting others sick rather than what will happen if I were to be the one to get sick. My FAMILY MEMBER is immunocompromised, so I have spent most of 2020 in my house. I have not been scared of coming back positive because I have had cousins who have been sick but have had no real issues. The reason I have lived a full year with fear and anxiety is the idea of giving the disease to my Diabetic FAMILY MEMBER. Part of the reason I came back to campus when the semester started was to get away from my FAMILY MEMBER and the fear that I could be the one to kill THEM. Coronavirus has made this past year one full of fear, but the main character of my fear, meaning my FAMILY MEMBER, has talked me into feeling comfortable enough to return to college. I knew people who had impaired immune systems had to watch what they did even before Covid-19 came into the picture. These days, immunocompromised individuals can barely leave their houses so I have followed the actions of my FAMILY MEMBER. If THEY has felt comfortable enough to return to teaching for middle schoolers and working at a camp with young children who were just learning to wear masks during the summer then I can go live on campus. I actually have a close friend in my dorm family unit who keeps me in check. My FAMILY MEMBER and my friend do a great job but sometimes, I think I stay home and away from people more than some individuals I know with compromised immune systems or pre-existing conditions that put them at risk of dying from the disease. That thought will not dissuade me from continuing with my partially-quarantined lifestyle. I am confused and hurt by those who have not even tried to protect others or change anything in their daily life. With the numbers that are currently being released in the United States and at my college, I will keep living in a way that will not increase my anxiety or the chance of my fears coming true. If my college continues to see rising positive cases, I hope we get put into a full campus lockdown or I have a little warning of being sent home so I can be tested and have a place to quarantine away from my FAMILY MEMBER. Everyone has Covid-fatigue but I will push through and stay as safe as I can. This year has taught me that when this pandemic is over, I need to live my life protecting immunocompromised people even if I do not know them. If I get a cold, I will wear a mask. I never want to be the one to blame for someone else falling sick or dying. -
Victoria teachers applaud new B.C. school mask mandate
Victoria, B.C teachers appreciate the new mask mandate for middle and high students to wear masks in the classroom. Some teachers note that they wish they had also included elementary school students as well. Students will be allowed to remove their masks at their desks when there is a barrier present. British Columbia provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry says that they are continually reviewing the guidelines. -
Hobbies and Scrapbooks of Quarantine
This was made for a group project that a group of 6th graders did when they interviewed the middle school. -
The COVID Pandemic From The Perspective of a Random 8th Grader
I chose to make a computer because computers have been a huge part of lots of people's lives during the pandemic. Computers have been one of the only methods of communication for some people, and a lot of students are using them for school. I know that it may not be the most creative thing I could've made out of clay, but I think it represents a big chunk of the pandemic. -
There have been 97.7 total Covid 19 cases in the world. One of those cases was my uncle. Near thanksgiving he wasn't feeling well so he instinctively got a Covid test. About 2 days later he got a call that said he had the virus. This effected our family greatly. We were all worried sick and were praying that he healed. The funny part was, he said it only felt like a regular cold. He did eventually get better and we were thankful to God. -
COVID-19 Stats and Story
Coronavirus happened so quickly. It is difficult to recall details from March 14 2020. The day my family and thousands of others went into quarantine. March 14 2021 is approaching quickly. Back then it seemed like nobody knew anybody who had the virus. It was all rumors and stories. Now it seems like everybody knows or has had Coronavirus. A prediction is that 1 in 3 people in LA county have had Coronavirus, which is totally insane. Los Angeles county has over 10,000,000 residents. Meaning that about 33,333,333+ people have been infected, many without knowing. Although it is an estimate, that shows how serious this virus is. 1000-3000 (about) people in America die due to Coronavirus each day. About 15,000 people die each day worldwide. There have been almost 100,000,000 Coronavirus cases and 2 Million deaths. 1/70 of the world has been diagnosed, not including those who are asymptomatic and those who were not or do not have access to tests. About 2 million people have died. That is 1/50 of those diagnosed. Seeing these numbers shocks me. It opens my eyes and makes me realize how truly important it is the wear a mask and to be safe. My grandpa, I call him Papa, is getting the first dose of his Coronavirus vaccine tomorrow. I am so excited that he will have immunity. There are 11 cases of Coronavirus in his 200 person retirement home. He is 84 years old. I am so glad that Papa will be safe. He was widowed when my grandma, Grammy about 11 years ago, so I believe she had been his guardian angel just as she has been mine. My final thought is that I cannot wait for Coronavirus to be cured and for the vaccine to have wider distribution. -
Covid stats.
Personally, I don't really have an exciting story about Covid. It's just there. I haven't been affected by it or anything. But statistics show that in Ventura County which is where I live there are 13,593 cases of Covid-19. Theres not much to it really. Stay home, where your mask, and stay six feet. Just follow those guidelines and you're set. Also too, Covid has been on a downfall since January 14th. So that is good. -
Sophia's Pandemic Journey
I was at School and people were taking about the how the school was going to close and we are going to be able to stay home for two weeks longer after ski week. I went home and we saw on the news that there was a virus spreading all around the world and the first thing we did was go to the grocery store now so that we wouldn't have to go later if things get worse. We stayed home for awhile and my family is high risk so we were very careful and wore our masks everywhere and couldn't see our friends. But I didn't have that bad of a time during the pandemic because I felt lonely sometimes but I trusted in God in everything I did and do. And is since I trusted God me and my family got through the pandemic safely. -
The symptoms that I heard about very frequently earlier during this pandemic were coughing, shortness of breath, fever and fatigue. These symptoms are all common symptoms of the virus. Other symptoms are headache, sore throat and chills. A lot of symptoms are symptoms that are seen with other sicknesses like influenza. One of the symptoms that is not associated with influenza is loss of taste or smell. One of my cousins experienced mild symptoms of Covid-19 such as sore throat, fever and fatigue. -
My experience with/symptoms of Covid
The symptoms of Covid are very similar to the symptoms of the flu. You usually get a fever, body aches, it is harder to breath, etc. Unlike the flu however Covid makes you lose your sense of taste. Of all the people that I know, only three people I know have gotten the virus one was my history teacher, another was my friend, and the last was my cousin. My friend remained mostly asymptomatic the whole time he was sick. My cousin got pretty sick and had a high fever and had a lot of trouble breathing. Thankfully he recovered and is okay now. -
Some COVID-19 procedures and rules that I have to follow.
Some rules are to wear a mask and stay six feet apart. These are smart rules that are definitely helping. Wearing a face mask is irritating and bothersome because I have to wear it all day at school. But staying six feet apart is easy and not as bad as it seems. Obeying these rules are the only way you can leave your house and go places so I will do so without complaining. -
When I had Covid
In February of last year, I am not sure but I think I got Covid. My whole family ended up getting sick for about 3 days. It was really weird becuase we all felt really bad. I had like a fever and just didn't feel like doing anything. Since I happened to get a week off, I ended up going sking a couple days after, and I felt fine. Overall, it wasn't that bad and at the time we didn't even know that Covid was in the US and just thought it was a bad cold or something. -
How I have been affected by someone I know testing positive for COVID-19.
I haven't had Corona yet, or I don't think I have, but i certainly know people who have gotten it. In the beginning around April of 2020, everything had just shut down. My family had some friends who were exposed, and they all tested positive for COVID-19 right after we saw them. My family was in shock and we were scared. They began to quarantine, and then we had to quarantine as well because we were then exposed. They all got very sick and luckily no body in my family tested positive, but it was a very scary experience. -
Someone testing Positive
One of my friends tested positive for Covid. One day, I was playing video games with my group of friends. The particular friend who had Covid I had not talked to for a while. I playfully yelled his name and asked where he had been. He merely stated that he was asymptomatic and he got Covid a couple months ago. I was quite shocked. I had not heard a word of this before hand so I was not expecting this. He just blew it off and we started playing games. No more talk of the virus happened and no questions were really asked. -
My friend got Covid
I have not been greatly affected by my friend testing positive for Covid 19. My friend had no symptoms of Covid 19 and said it felt like nothing. Nothing really changed because my parents didn't want me really over at my friends house since some of my family are high risk. He said he couldn't taste anything but said the only problem was he couldn't really see us. I still called him once in a while to see how he's doing but right now he doesn't have Covid. -
Corona friend
Corona for me, has not affected my life much at all, but I do have a friend who's dad got corona. It affected me by me not being able to hang out with that friend. They did this just to make sure there was no risk of it spreading. Even though no one was really sick we wanted to make sure we could stay in school. The friend's father was completely fine and the rest of his family tested negative. I also had another friend that tested positive but had no symptoms and never got sick. These two cases are the only ones that have affected my life, but they didn't affect it a lot. I was only not allowed to hang out with them because of their parents, mine were completely fine with it because they know the virus is not going to kill anyone. -
Tested Positive
In my close circle I haven't had anyone that has been tested positive for Covid-19. In the big circle, there have been a few though. All of them were school related. Some student in school were sent home for a week because one of their students got sick, and one of the teachers in my grade also got sick, but since I was indirectly related I didn't get affected. Most of the times where someone remotely close to me got Covid, I wasn't effected in any way. -
Personally I don't know anyone that has gotten Covid 19 and I would prefer not to start now. I have heard however that the symptoms in everyone are different depending on your blood type, if you have asthma, diabetes, or any other immune disorder. The symptoms in a healthy person is just like an extended common cold. There is coughing, fatigue, light headedness, and fever. But, once it hits people who have asthma that could be a problem considering that Covid 19 attacks the lungs. It could damage their lungs even more which could potentially lead to death. Other than that the symptoms are pretty much the same. The thing that makes this particular virus dangerous is that no one shows symptoms for at least 2 weeks. So before you know its there, there is already a couple billion little virus cells in your body making you sick or worse. This disease mainly affects the elderly and is hard to control. it spreads quickly because it is an airborne disease. Some other symptoms are nausea and diarrhea. By now it is very well known about by now mostly because an insane 3.12 million people have died around the world because of it. -
My grandma and grandpa having Covid-19.
My grandma and grandpa had Covid in November, before thanksgiving. My grandma got it from a nurse that had it from her work and then she got it and passed it on to my grandpa. My grandma had it for 3-4 weeks. She had a fever, cough, lost of taste, shortness of breath, body aches. My grandpa had it for about 2 weeks. He had body aches, headaches and a slight cough. My grandma has to go to the Los Robles Hospital because she had shortness of breath. The doctors helped her by giving her some oxygen, some antibiotics, steroids, plasma with with antibodies, Vitamin D and C, and Zinc. My grandpa did not have to go to the hospital. They are all fine now but that was a little scary when my grandma had to go to the hospital. -
Symptoms of COVID-19
As you've probably already heard, many people have caught COVID. I don't know anyone in my family that has caught it, but I do have a family friend that caught it. I know that sympotoms and how the virus attacks your immune system can differ, but in this case it wasn't too bad. Some of the symptoms my friend is experiencing are tiredness, fatigue, fever, runny nose, and pain all over the body. Again, I've heard of others going to the hospital because they weren't able to breath. This friend, caught is a few days ago, so he is isolated in his home and sadly the rest of his family has caught it. As of now, they are doing fine and hope to have a swift recovery. -
Covid-19 Symptoms
I've heard many different things about Covid-19. I only know one person who got the virus but my family know a few. The person I know said that it wasn't bad. They just had a cough and a fever. I've also heard some other people say that Covid was really bad. As far as I know the main symptoms of Covid are a cough, fever, and runny nose. I haven't met anyone who had Covid and said it was really bad. -
My experience with covid
A few months back I started having covid symptoms so to be safe my family stayed far away from me and tried to bring me food or anything else I needed so I didn't have to leave my room. My symptoms ranged from the normal common ones all the way to the weird ones like my feet being freezing no matter what I did to heat them. Luckily none of them so bad I had to go to the hospital or anything. Covid soon started to go away and I had eventually tested negative but I wasn't done. For a few weeks, after I had caught another virus and had to deal with this with about the same symptoms besides the fact, my body now ached from being sick for this long without much motion in my day. not sure about date below -
My Covid Experience
In December of 2019, I believe I had COVID-19. For a few weeks I was coughing uncontrollably, like hyperventilating but coughing. It was terrible, once I started coughing it felt like it never stopped. I had to take Sudafed's, cough drops, and NyQuil even just to fall asleep. It was terrible. I got my whole entire family sick, even my mom! Which was odd because she never, I mean never gets sick. My parents decided to take me to urgent care, where they swabbed my throat. Tested the swab and nothing came back positive. So they decided to do a chest x-ray, and I did not have pneumonia. After all of these tests and x-rays, they just said, we have no idea what she has but she has something. It was kind of scary to hear that. After the next week or so I finally recovered. It was a really rough few weeks and probably the worst cold I had ever had. To wrap up, I believe I had COVID-19 in December 2019. -
My friend tested positive
When I heard my friend and her parents tested positive, I was freaking out. I was planning to hang out with her soon and if another friend hadn't told me, that would've been very bad. She was actually going to come to school and I was thinking if she would, I wouldn't be near her. But thankfully, she "changed her mind." I don't want to get exposed to covid even though it doesn't have a big affect on me. I have parents working in the medical field and it would make me feel so guilty. Since June, I've been hanging around with one specific girl and only sometimes we add this other one. I just always have an eerie feeling in public places now. And a guilty one when I think about it too much. I always try and be responsible and take others in account. -
Covid testing positive
I have not been affected by anyone I know testing positive, and i have not been tested positive. My brother has to get tested every month and he has never tested positive. I guess my moms cousin tested positive and was in the hospital, I don’t know if he died or not though my parents just stopped talking about him. I never met him. -
No more sports
I woke up one day got ready for school put my water polo stuff in my bag and I was out the door. I was excited to train so I could get ready for a big tournament coming up. I ask my dad, what time is practice. HE said people in the high school got Covid so practice is canceled for a couple of weeks. A couple of weeks I said. Then I won't be able to train for the tournament. He said yeah I know we are just going to have to figure out another way. So I had to find out a way to practice without a pool. -
How covid has affected me
Me personally has not been affected to much by covid. No one in my family or friends has even tested positive. The hard part for me is that i am not allowed to see my grandparents without wearing a mask and social distancing. My nana is ok we go to lunch and hang out sometimes but my grandparents are paranoid. Luckily my grandparents got the vaccine early with no side affects and now once we get it we will be able to see each other. -
Rules and Procedures of Covid-19
Ever since the strike of Covid-19 we have had to make changes to our everyday lives. Some of these include wearing masks around people, sanitizing yourself and surfaces often, staying 6 feet apart from others, ect. Kids and teens also had to stay home and do school online (which I enjoyed). These procedures might be quite annoying or uncomfortable, but it makes it a lot easier to them when you know you're saving lives. Personally I think that the things that have changed or the things that we have to do are annoying, but i'd rather do that than have people die. -
Cold in the Classroom
If you have ever been in a middle school classroom, feeling cold is probably not the first thing that you think of. One might think of rowdy kids, perhaps non-inviting smells, stuffy air, but not necessarily the feeling of cold. After going home on March 13, 2020, I was forced to work remotely for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is still crazy to think how quickly everything changed from normal life to the furthest thing from it—just two days before the end of in-person schooling, I was still planning on going on the eighth grade Washington, DC trip! Anyway, going into the 2020-21 school year, because teachers were allowed to return to their classrooms (even though school would remain in distance for the foreseeable future), I decided that I would go into my classroom and work from there. I figured that it would help create a sense of normalcy in my own life while offering a familiar background to my students. After a few d ays of w orking from school without any students, I noticed how cold it was in my classroom. On a normal school day, I would turn on the air conditioning fairly early in the morning, being that the room would become warm and stuffy shortly after the students arrived. Even with it warm outside, I was noticing myself running the heater well into the afternoon. Without the heater, my classroom would quickly become unbearably cold! With brick walls and only a thin layer of carpet over a concrete floor, it is clear why it was so cold. I was just one person in a room that would normally have around 30—my body heat alone wasn't going to heat up the room! It is amazing to think that a silly little thing like the temperature of my classroom kind of got me down. No matter what I did to try and simulate normal life, it was just impossible for life to be normal, and that nagging cold was there to remind me of that fact. Just writing this down, I can feel the cold on my arms and legs, and I have a n urge to go and get a blanket, put on a sweatshirt, or turn on the heater. Come to think about it, I can also feel the pain in my lower back from sitting in front of a computer all day! In addition to the sense of touch/feeling being noticeably different, I have to say, the absence of, shall we say, interesting smells has also been out of the ordinary for my middle school classroom. I really cannot complain all too much when it comes to my experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic; I am lucky enough to still be employed, I can work at home if I wanted to, and no one all too close to me has had the disease. A great many people around the globe have had their lives shattered in the past year, so I really should be counting my blessings. With that said, I feel as if the coldness of my classroom somewhat symbolizes the isolation that I (and many others) are feeling during this trying time. The simple fact that there are not 30+ individuals in the room is causing the cold and, again, it is a nagging reminder that the world is simply not the same as it was a year ago, no matter how much we wish it were. -
Virtual School
Virtual school was very different than normal school. In the second semester of the 2020 school year, we had to start doing school online. For the rest of that year school was very easy. I woke up five minutes before class and then logged onto zoom, each class was only 30 minutes long. Tests and homework were also easier. Then, after summer, I started going to a new school. It was hard getting used to the new school online. One other thing I didn't like about online school was having to stare at a computer all day. Something I did like about online school was being able to sleep and take long breaks between classes. Overall, I thought online school was much easier but normal school is a lot more fun. -
Virtual Learning during Covid-19
At the start of Covid-19, we had to do virtual learning for the rest of the last semester until now. Online learning was better in my opinion. I liked it better because we got to sleep in, and also we didn't need to get changed into uniforms. But I also liked it because we had more free time right after school ended right at 2:45, but now I only have free time at 3:30 because that is when we get home. I liked it because everything was online and we didn't have to write on a piece of paper and get our hand tired. But I also like seeing my friends in-person school. I like online leaning better than in-person school. -
Virtual Learning During Covid-19
At the beginning of 8th grade year, we were all virtually doing school which was hard to focus. My room is filled with so many things and it was hard for me to pay attention to the teacher on my screen. My computer had many mental breakdowns from overuse. A benefit is that I got to stay at my house all day, but it was hard to stay focused and engaged. I did not like virtual learning because everything was on the computer rather than on actual paper. I would much rather be in class for learning and school work.