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The ring of Steel
This photo shows a newspaper article published during Melbourne's 2021 lockdown. Following significant anti-lockdown protests in the CBD, the police enacted a 'ring of steel' around the CBD to prevent further protests. I was actually turned around at one of the checkpoints (unaware that the city had been shut) earlier that morning on my morning run. This was one of the most dystopian moments from the whole pandemic and highlighted the lengths the government was willing to take to stop the protests in Melbourne. -
Teachers reflect on covid struggle
This article details the reflection of a few Arkansas teachers as we reach two years since the beginning of the pandemic. The teachers highlight the drastic changes not only in safety precautions, but also the adjustments in order to provide meaningful learning in an entirely new landscape. Many of the teachers reported excitement at the prospect of a return to normalcy, however they desire some aspects of the pandemic adjustments to remain in place. Flexible learning, new and creative ideas of conveying topics, and more individualized learning methods have seen an increase in retention of material, which is fundamentally what education is all about. The teachers would also like an end to the stigma surrounding the covid learning adjustments, primarily the notion that education is now "entirely computer based". This notion is quite the contrary, according to educators, rather the new methods not only encourage flexibility and invite individualized learning but also promotes computer skills which will be vital for adulthood. I think this article is interesting because it highlights the fundamental change covid has made and continues to make on society. In order to promote public health and safety, teachers were forced to adjust and were forced to rework how they educated. This compelling of behavior has rendered some positivity. I think it is critical that children are able to have the safest and most effective education, and while covid seems terribly negative, there is a small glimmer of improvement from the pre-pandemic world. This article was published in the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette. -
Virus Questions Raised in China
This is a newspaper article detailing the repercussions of China's "Zero-COVID" policy and the impact it has on families. The story reports a rise in deaths at a Shanghai hospital for the elderly and a further rise in COVID cases in Shanghai. Extensive regulations at the hospital have forced a decrease in hospital staff to manage the many elderly patients suffering with COVID. The article details that a significant number of patients are asymptomatic, yet are placed in strict quarantine to minimize the spread. There are reports of several patients dying due to a lack of proper care from medical professionals who are forced to be absent from the patient as they are locked in strict quarantine. The article further suggests that perhaps China's "Zero-COVID" policy approach is creating far more significant damage to individuals and their families than good. I think this article is interesting because it details an alternative approach to U.S. policy which has maintained a very relaxed and hands-off attitude for a majority of the pandemic. While many states took arguably excessively extreme measures, many states were lax on quarantine, mask enforcement, lockdown protocols, etc. Furthermore, China's policy seems a bit excessive, so perhaps the right answer lies somewhere in the middle. This Article was published April 10th, 2022 in the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette. -
DUPLICATE - Looking Back to Look Forward and Adapting to Overcome
These text stories are from St. Mary University's Rattler Newspaper. These articles relate to the pandemic and my theme because they are discussing how students are adapting from the previous year(s), whether it be dealing with changes to online vs. in-person lectures, new policies to promote safety, or anything else. This theme is important to me because I was still in high school during the start of the pandemic, so I had to go through lots of adaptations, not only because of my transition into college but also because of the ongoing pandemic. When I decided to attend St. Mary's, lots of things were still uncertain, for example, whether or not class will be held in person or virtually, mask and vaccination mandates, etc. The opinion editor is Seana Barclay and the photographer is Adrianna Mirabal. -
Town of Cochrane commits to Truth and Reconciliation, declares Sept. 30 a stat holiday
This is a newspaper from Cochrane Today, a subsidiary of the Cochrane Eagle on the adoption of the National day of Truth and Reconciliation in the town of Cochrane. The document talks about how other municipalities and even the provincial government have chosen not to participate in the first day of this incredibly important national holiday. -
Russian death rates of 2020 pike due to covid
It is a newspapers article by a Russian media Medusa that demonstrates that Russia has one of the highest covid-related death rates in the world. -
Love and Loss
This is a symbolic collage that includes newspaper headlines during the pandemic. It is representative of the ups and downs of the past year. It is important to remember that it can always be worse. -
The virus death toll in the U.S. has passed 400,000.
From the Article by Patricia Mazzei: More than 400,000 people in the United States who had the coronavirus have died, according to data compiled by The New York Times on Tuesday, as the anniversary of the country’s first known death in the pandemic approaches. -
Victorian Isolation – HIST30060
The second lockdown was an extraordinarily difficult time for Victorian citizens. Our social media feeds were filled with Australians and the international community celebrating their newfound freedom, whilst we were stuck at home, demoralised, and overwhelmed with the rising cases and deaths in our hometown. This article struck me because it was the only publication I saw in this time which accurately captured the loneliness and hopelessness that was felt throughout the state. -
Connecting Spanish Flu Historical Texts with Current Pandemic
My essay shows just how similar the Spanish flu outbreak is with the COVID-19 pandemic and emphasizes the fact that we should've been so much more prepared today, with all of our modern technology and science, than we were in 1918. The newspaper article I look at also shows the shocking differences between the two, like the zero urgency for quarantining and the different kinds of masks and methods that were used to try and treat these illnesses. -
From Spanish Flu to Coronavirus: What is the role of media?
My story explains the historical context of why Spain first referred the flu in media, and what media do to pandemic from the past to the present. -
How a Spanish flu news in 1918 may help to reflect on Covid-19 (with historical text)
History is a mirror decorated with stories. Learning about historical matierals is interesting and enlightening. An article about Spanish flu from the Boston Daily Globe on September 30th, 1918, titled Number of grippe deaths fall off and discussions with the Media History class have inspired me in understanding health policies, social changes, and more from diverse perspectives during the Covid times. -
Ben Groundwater Tourism Article
This article talks of the metropolitan middle class and their 'invasion' of regional beauty spots - perforce, as they are not permitted to travel overseas currently. -
Ballarat 9 26 June 2020 - Don't Necessarily Travel to the Regions!
I found the original article by Ben Groundwater extremely irritating and opposed to the balance of medical and state opinion. Just because the middle class are denied the opportunity currently to travel overseas does not mean they should be pounding off to regional centres which have largely been exempt from COVID-19. -
Cover of the New York Times
As a high school history teacher I collect newspaper articles for my students to later explore. The 5/24/2020 New York Times cover had the lists of victims of Covid-19. The paper sold out early. I tried to get a copy calling everyone I could think of. My boss a principal at Sem Yeto called his family in New York and they were able to find me one. I just got it today. -
Oklahoma Rural Schools Publish Newspaper to Creatively Reach Students Through Distance Learning Requirements
The Oklahoma public schools in Dibble, Washington, and Lexington published five weekly newspapers that offered lessons for Pre-K through 12th grade students. This collaborative effort was organized by the three school district to offer distance learning while overcoming the lack of internet access to rural students. These papers were delivered for free to every student in each of the three school districts. Oklahoma public schools were ordered closed by Governor Stitt beginning March 25th and remained closed through the end of the school year. Dibble teacher Kelly McDaniel, a weekly contributor to the 2nd grade math and science section of the paper, provided the examples for the photograph. *Original text in "Creator" and "Contributor:" Clinton P. Roberts, curatorial intern for Arizona State University, HST 580 -
Los prisioneros
A political cartoon riffing on the band Los prisioneros, a Chilean rock group, slightly anarchistic. The cartoon shows that the virus is destroying the system. Published in the Peruvian newspaper El Comercio. -
Grocery industry faces challenges amid shopping surge
The Suffolk Journal, Suffolk University's student run newspaper, reports on life during the pandemic. -
Trump totes COVID-19 treatments that aren’t effective, experts say
The Suffolk Journal, Suffolk University's student run newspaper, reports on federal politics during the pandemic. -
Daily Hampshire Gazette 03/20/20
In this edition of the Daily Hampshire Gazette (Amherst, MA, 03/20/2020) every article in the paper (except for one on social justice and the environment) was directly related to Covid-19. -
Early March 2020 to Mid April 2020
The Corona Virus on the front of British Newspapers
The developing Corona Virus situation on the front page of the national British Newspapers #HIST 4800 -
Deaths in Bergamo
Reporting on Twitter revealed the obituary pages showed the dramatic increases in deaths in Bergamo Italy as a result of the Corona Virus.