Tag is exactly
Petri dish
A comic strip about Covid-19 -
HIST30060 Melbourne Convention Centre QR Check-In
This is a picture of one of the QR codes inside the Melbourne Convention Centre that one had to sign in while getting their vaccine. Each person was directed to pull out their personal phone and sign in individually. There were 2 QR codes to sign into, with staff standing nearby to direct the public in what to do as well as double check the confirmation. The QR code outside of the centre would lead to a short survey, with questions such as “Do you have any symptoms of COVID?” or “Have you been to any of the latest COVID hotspots?” This QR code in particular is to confirm that the person has signed into the physical place of the Melbourne Convention Centre. HIST30060. -
Staying Connected: Battling Isolation During a Global Pandemic
This music note is the logo for Tik-Tok, the reigning social media outlet that allows account holders to both create and view content in the form of 15-120 second videos. As of 2020, there are an estimated 65.9 million monthly active Tik-Tok users in the United States alone (Statista). Although the app was created in 2016, it skyrocketed in popularity during the pandemic and saw a 75% increase in weekly average users from January to September of 2020 (Forbes). I, among millions of others, joined those figures when I created my Tik-Tok account in late March of 2020. When school closed indefinitely earlier that month and my job followed a few weeks after, my meticulously structured daily routine was thrown into a state of disarray. As mounting uncertainty grew over whether it was safe to leave our homes at all, the four walls of my bedroom transformed into a prison. I was perpetually shackled to my bed, spending every day in a continuous cycle of sleep that lacked a beginning or an end. That was until I discovered Tik-Tok. Suddenly, I had a reason to wake up in the morning, anticipating the stream of new videos that would appear on my carefully crafted “for you page”. I spent hours glued to my phone screen, fascinated by the small glimpses into the lives of people who were just as bored as I was. I appreciate Tik-Tok for the fleeting but much needed moments of laughter and distraction it supplied me with throughout the pandemic, but the app holds value to me because it showed me that I was not alone. In the early weeks of quarantine, I spent countless nights in pure distress over what I believed was “wasted time”, and it felt as if I was on the fast track to loosing years of my life. However, Tik-Tok showed me that these feelings did not belong to me alone. Countless other people felt the same way I did, and this knowledge put into perspective the importance of staying connected. My cycle of isolation left me alone with my feelings in a vacuum, but once I opened myself up to the outside world through Tik-Tok, I found solace in the online community of people who shared the same sentiments I did but chose joy and laughter instead of sorrow and despair. Tik-Tok provided me with the support I needed by allowing me to witness the happiness of others, eventually prompting me to create my own. -
A Virtual Funeral is Now Normal
On January 7, 2021 I attended a virtual funeral service for a friend's husband. This was the first time I had seen an online funeral. It was streamed on Youtube while the closest family and friends attended in person. I watched the service from my phone alone at work. It felt surreal. I recognized several friends on the tiny screen with familiar voices, but it felt far away. Since then I have spoken to a few people and mentioned how I felt disconnected to be on the other side of the screen. Many others had similar stories about these kinds of services. It was now normal to experience these things, but I can't shake the feeling of how much the experience continues to bother me. I hope some day online services won't be necessary. -
My Virtual Experience
During COVID-19 my school participated in virtual learning. It was not a very great experience considering we had to sit at our computers all day. I became so bored that I started downloading games on my phone and sometimes would beat them before school ended. All I could describe it as would be boring. It was the same thing over and over and it started to feel robotic. It was like an inescapable prison. Day after day of the same thing over and over I just couldn't take it. Eventually I started to realize that the pandemic was becoming more and more political based and I Realized it wouldn't end anytime soon. -
My experiences from virtual learning
Ever since March 13, 2020, till December of 2020, I had to do school online, from home. During this period of time, I had many new experiences. I have never done school at home before, and I never want to ever again. We used this app called zoom, and we had big face times with all of my classmates for our classes. All I had to do to go to school was roll out of bed and log on to my computer. Which is not as fun as it sounds. Doing all of my classes at home was really hard, I could not pay attention no matter how hard I tried. I always had my phone right next to me which was a big distraction, and my bed was 2 steps away. Although it was hard to pay attention and I didn't like doing school virtually, it was still fun. I had all the food at my house accessible to me, I got to nap at break, use my own bathroom, and face time my friends and stuff. So even though I hated do school at home, it was a fun and new experience that I will never forget. -
Virtual School
During virtual learning I learned a lot of different things. At first it was hard to pay attention, learn and just sit still for 80 minute classes on a computer. I was so used to shorter classes that would be done in a snap, but that changed quickly. I slowly started liking online school more and more. My schedule was usually waking up 5 minutes before class and setting up to learn. Then during break and lunch I could eat whatever I wanted and I got to go on my phone. I liked online because I have a lake house and we could go up there whenever we wanted. Now that we are back in person school I am definitely having an easier time learning but its hard waking up in the morning and sitting still for so so long. But I love seeing people and getting to socialize with people. Although sometimes I switch back to zoom for a day because school is very tiring and draining. -
My Discovery of the Virus
When I heard first heard about Covid-19 I was sitting in my room on my phone. I saw a video by the southern morning china post about a mysterious virus.. They said it came from a shopping center in China. As more past, it was found that the virus came from a bat and I was very surprised by this because I did not know that they had bats in Chinese shopping centers. -
Hospital COVID-19 Visitors Rule
This call was informing her a month before her due date that she was NOT allowed, visitors. This was one of the many different calls that caused a nerve-racking feeling. We had been in quarantine for about three weeks and it was determined that she had to go through this all alone. This call was very important because it is something you never want to be taken away from you. Sharing moments like these with your family are very valuable and in a very tough situation, you need a support system. Her spouse was not allowed either. The last month of her pregnancy she had to face alone up until the moment she was in the labor delivery room. At this point, she feared she wouldn’t be allowed to have anybody in the room with her. Luckily, Massachusetts laws allowed her to have at least one. -
Tweets from Inside a Prison 09/27-10/03/2020 by Railroad Underground
These images show the Tweets of an incarcerated person utilizing a contraband cell phone to let the outside world know about prison conditions during the pandemic. This week he talks about the ability of incarcerated people to vote would cause them to be treated better, living like a caged animal, lockdown, going outside, mental health, watching presidential debates in prison, a second Covid outbreak happening in his prison, how important family connection is, incarcerated people are eligible for a stimulus check, people of color being the majority of incarcerated people and the majority of Covid deaths, difference of sentencing of white and black people, -
Tweets from Inside a Prison 08/30-09/05/2020 by Railroad Underground
These images show the Tweets of an incarcerated person utilizing a contraband cell phone to let the outside world know about prison conditions during the pandemic. This week he talks about forever loosing his right to vote because he is now a felon, the logic of incarceration where people are told everyday how worthless they are as a way to make them "fit" into society, the daily request he receives to send or receive messages on his contraband cell phone, that the phone represents hope, a dream about Donald Trump, he never had role models growing up but now has them inside prison and they are other incarcerated people, and his greatest fear is not knowing. He says that used to relate to not knowing when he would get out, or if his parents would die before he is released but Covid has changed this into not knowing when he will be allowed to shower or get a bar of soap. -
Covid Tracker App Now Available in Manitoba
Manitoba has become the 5th province to activate Canada's Covid-19 tracker app using Bluetooth technology. The app alerts the user when they have come into contact with someone who later tested positive. -
cell tips -
Screen Time During the Pandemic
In quarantine I haven’t had much to do, so the majority of the time I spend on my phone, watching videos, playing games, watching shows on Netflix, or just texting/calling my friends to keep in touch. I think this says a lot about how the pandemic has affected my personal life and my activities. Whereas I used to go out to eat with friends and family or just meet up at someone’s house, or the park to hang out. I cannot do these things anymore so instead I pass the time on my phone. -
Music helped me during quarantine because it was an amazing distraction and I was able to tune everything else out. I would listen to music in my different ways including a record player, a cd player, and my phone. I played music just about anytime I wasn't doing something else. It helped me calm down in such stressful times. Quarantine was such a dark time, we expected to finish off the school year but that got taken away from us. We weren't allowed to see our friends, we didn't get to say goodbye to our teachers, all we really needed was distractions. Music wasn't the only thing that helped, some other things were facetiming, text messaging, TikToks, movies/tv shows, and reading. -
Vice News Article
This is an article about how people are unable to access unemployment services during this social and economic crisis. It exposes the faults of the current unemployment system in the U.S. -
Online Shopping
During this pandemic I have been quite bored while being stuck in the house... this means that I have been spending too much time on my phone and computer online shopping. -
Humans of Covid-19 AU: Alissa
“I’m feeling the totality of the experience, the lack of any space or any break whatsoever. It leaks into every aspect of life, every minute of every day. This has definitely been a challenge. Being ‘forced’ to have quality time with my kids, actual quality time, is the best part. I’m loving the slowing down - no more rushing or hurrying the kids. Even on relaxed weekends, we were always pushing ourselves: try the latest cafe; take the kids to a new park; see friends we hadn’t seen for a while. Now there’s a stillness to things and reality is making my partner and me more present with the kids, and they’re loving it - for now! Apart from when it comes to the phone… that’s almost become a source of evil, with too much going on. I’m trying to put it aside when I can.” Instagram post on Alissa, a teacher, and her experience during the pandemic, which was created by a psychology student living in Melbourne who was interested to hear about how COVID-19 was impacting on different peoples’ lives. -
“I don't think that it really has influenced too much..."
“I don't think that it really has influenced too much because I really feel that to get out of this we are in the hands of the scientists and the minds of science and it seems like especially lately in the United States there is a lot of issues between belief and science feeling like science is just one belief system and religion is another belief system. I don't happen to be really buying into this. This is science and we need vaccinations. We need to have any kind of antivirals or anything that can help us get through this virus.” -
COVIDSafe Phone App
Despite some concerns about privacy, the Australian Government has just launched the COVIDSafe app to help in contacting people exposed to coronavirus. Around a million people have downloaded the app n the first day -
“NOTIFY NYC” Text Alerts
Text alerts related to NYC COVID response -
Adventures During the Epidemic
During the pandemic, we could only stay home every day. We could not go out at all, and every day is so boring. We studied and played on our phones a lot, but even now playing on our phones is boring. What I remember vividly is that during the outbreak, I tasted all the ice cream at the supermarket. One of the flavors tasted disgusting and made me vomit. It had onions, meat floss, milk, and cumin. The taste is unforgettable. -
Phone conversation between cousins in Tempe, AZ and Arequipa, Peru.
Recorded part of a phone conversation between Marco Peralta Urquizo and his cousin Jose Pezo about how things are going in Peru during the lockdown. -
Peru en tus manso: El gobierno implementa nueva app para identificar situaciones de riesgo
The Peruvian government launches a new app that tracks where your phone goes and identifies areas of higher risk for coronavirus exposure. -
"Travel" in Quarantine Meme
It is a meme about "traveling" from your bed to your couch to look at your phone in quarantine.