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June 19, 2020
Essential Worker Appreciation
Screenshot of a poster thanking Staten Island essential workers from the CSI Public History Coronavirus Chronicle Facebook page -
The Great Reset Pandemic Skeptic
This double-sided A4 leaflet provides an extended summary overview of the supposedly 12-step plan behind the COVID. This leaflet was taken from the, and they hope to inform people about the “real” reason behind the COVID pandemic. This leaflet says that the billionaires want to impose new ways for global corporations but for their plan to work, they need to acquire everyone to be tagged with a unique digital identity number and surrender their privacy. As this leaflet points out, the “New Normal” that billionaires want to accomplish is to be depopulated, cleaned-up, high-tech, dehumanized, totalitarian dictatorship, genetically modified, digitally tagged, nano-chipped, etc. this leaflet tries to persuade the audience by pointing out that the COVID pandemic is just a big scheme in hopes of taking control of the total population. The 12 step that is mentioned explains the different reasons why the government is pushing for people to take COVID and the vaccines seriously. I have heard of this idea before from my friends. They were talking about it, but to me, I believe that COVID is real. I have seen my family members getting infected by the virus. I will never believe things like this and I will never let anybody put a chip or something within me. Although our world is getting more and more highly advanced, I believe that this so-called “Great Reset” will not take place. -
Sign in Staff Area of St. Olav's Hospital
This sign is located in the staff area of St. Olav's Hospital in Trondheim, Norway. This photo was taken on March 16th, 2022 inside of a staff-only area. The sign reads as follows: Habits that prevent infection Paper tissues Cover your mouth and nose to protect others when coughing or sneezing. Through away the tissue after use. Then wash your hands. Use the hook of your elbow When you need to cough or sneeze and you do not have a paper tissue. Wash your hands With hand sanitizer when hand washing is not possible; for example, when traveling. In 2022, many places in the world have taken down signs and other precautionary rules that have to do with limiting the spread of coronavirus. This sign, which can only be seen by hospital staff, shows how precautions are still being enforced for hospital staff. This is important as it shows what rules and regulations are still being enforced in 2022. -
SMhopes at the SMPL Teen Lounge
A variety of submissions to the SMhopes website, designed as posters and banners by Paula Goldman, and installed in the Teen Lounge at the main branch of the Santa Monica Public Library. The Library asked for a variety of hopeful messages as they begin having students visit the Teen Lounge again. -
Take One Please!
This pandemic has been an eye-opening experience as to how reactionary humans are during times of need. Variations of this sign have been placed around my university’s campus in the hopes that people will stop taking handfuls of masks and will only take one (i.e., what is needed). It is odd how this theme of greed has echoed throughout the last two years. The same people preaching to “be a decent human being during unprecedented times” will hoard basic necessities and stockpile their garage with hand sanitizer and paper towels. It is unfortunate that pandemics can sometimes bring out the worst people. Hopefully, 2022 will be different. -
St. Marys Spring Wind Ensemble Concert Poster
This image is advertising the spring 2021 wind ensemble concert at St. Marys University. The location of the performance was in the Pecan Grove, one of the outdoor areas at the university. This is a sign that the band is trying to return to normal. However, there are several indicators that precautions are still being taken. The outdoor location tells us that the band is trying to protect both members of the band and those in the audience. The included zoom link also tells us that the band is considering those who might be uncomfortable with attending in person. So the band is clearly in a transitionary period, where they are trying to move back to normal but haven’t quite reached it yet. -
Pro-Vax, Pro-Union Anti-Fascist Poster - Jewish Melbourne
In the wake of the anti-lockdown riots that gripped Melbourne in September 2021, the Campaign Against Fascism movement disseminated the phrase Pro-Vax, Pro-Union, Anti-Fascist. Inspired by this, Link/לינק, a zine associated with the Jewish Labour Bund in Melbourne, posted a poster to their Instagram account, of their take on this messaging, including the shouting man from early twentieth-century Bund posters. The poster was also physically published in the zine's second edition in October 2021. HIST30060 -
COVID-safe posters in school - Jewish Melbourne
"Be a Mench, Wear a Mask." Sounds like a Jewish superhero slogan! This poster, using the Yiddish word 'mench' or 'mentsh,' "a person of integrity and honor," published in the Australian Jewish News has been cut out and stuck onto the door of the Jewish Studies (ייִדישע שטודיעס) office, alongside a sign expressing the limit of people inside the room. There has been unclear government mandates on mask wearing inside schools, mainly when it comes to standing at the head of a classroom, but this poster has reminded all walking past the JS office of the mask's importance throughout the pandemic. -
Being Covid-Safe on the Tram (HIST30060)
(HIST30060) This is a digitised version of a poster that I saw every day on public transport on my way to work. It's bright, unambiguous, and yellow and it reads: ‘You must wear a face mask while travelling’. This text is accompanied by a simple outline of a mask in black. Being without a car during the pandemic and being an essential worker meant that I had to make frequent trips on public transport. Before the pandemic I used to enjoy my tram rides, take the time to unwind and mindlessly listen to podcasts. However, now when I am on the tram, I feel vigilant. If someone sits down right next to me on an empty tram I move seats. This poster highlights the importance of following public health advice on public transport. -
Power of 100 Vaxx Fest poster
Shared in Facebook by Tsuutina Comm. The poster is directed at indigenous people in the Canadian Province of Alberta. It advertises three days of events (24-26 September 2021) that those who get vaccinated at the event will also receive a swag bag; that there will be draws for gift cards, Macbooks, and iPads; social media influencers present; live music; drive-in-movies; and food. -
Yukon Social distancing graphic
Found in entrance of remote camp on the Yukon river in Alaska. -
As an Australian who has traveled extensively in the US and who has met many kind and generous people over the years, watching America being ravaged by the virus in those early months was horrifying. Especially my beloved NYC. This was compounded by the incompetence and wilful neglect of the Trump administration. And so, this project - the visual smashing together of two mediated narratives POTUS45 and COVID19 - began out of rage in April of 2020 when the death count had (only) reached 100,000. Pasting up these posters across the streets of Melbourne - in a time of helplessness, of lock-downs, of isolation and of global death counts - felt cathartic. It won't of course bring back the dead or heal the suffering of the long haulers, but it was a physical act of artistic expression and global solidarity. That was a year ago, POTUS45 is gone (for now), but the cost of his administration's negligence is represented in the statistics of April 2021 that were unfathomable a year ago. -
Illistration by Pauline C. Cuevas
During the pandemic, hate crimes against the AAPI community have significantly increased. Our people had been unjustly blamed by previous leadership for the virus, and little hateful comments here and there have now grown into full blown terrorist actions. THIS is why words matter. THIS is why leadership matters. I urge you to speak up, stand up and be an ally to the Asian community-- especially for our elders. We are hurting, angry and scared, but the future can be a brighter one if we stick together. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to make this piece for @calendow. I've noticed my own fear and uncertainty during these times. I worry for my kids and my family, but being able to use my art to shine a light during these dark times gives me courage. We can do this together. #ProtectOurElders #StopAAPIHate #AAPI #AsianAmerican #PeoplePower #Solidarity #RiseUp #womenshistorymonth #filipinaartist #sandiegoartist -
School in the Era of the Pandemic
Going around the school, there are signs and posters scattered around the entire vicinity, requiring masks and social distancing. Prior to any of these events, people were constantly together, with no masks, crowded rooms, etc. Now it is crazy to even fathom that I've been to a concert with thousands of people bumping into each other. Although this seems like a generic topic to discuss, I'm sure in the future it will seem so inconceivable. -
Kids for Positive Change make signs to thank essential workers
This photo is of a child holding a handmade thank you poster for healthcare workers and other essential workers. The children who made these thank you posters wanted to show their appreciation for essential workers around them locally and around the world. He is thanking them for their service and staying at home so that he will be healthy for them. -
Stop the Spread of Germs
The New Mexico Department of Health created a bilingual poster that can be downloaded and printed. This poster uses images and simple text to educate the public on ways to stop the spread of the coronavirus and germs. precautions, poster, bilingual, NM Department of Health, germs, stop the spread -
GO TO Travel Campaign
The "Go To Travel Campaign" is a campaign that the government made to support up to half of the price when making a domestic travel reservation within the campaign period through a travel agency or travel reservation site. The maximum amount of support is planned to be up to 20,000 yen per person per night, and up to 10,000 yen for a day trip. (Not applicable to overseas travel) 70% of the amount of support will be given as a discount on travel expenses, and the remaining 30% will be given as a "regional common coupon" that can be used when purchasing local food and drinks, tourist facilities, and local souvenirs. This campaign was so that local restaurants and travel areas can start functioning and have the economy back. However, this campaign had a lot of flaws. First, we were still in a Pandemic and the government was urging traveling within Japan. Second, Tokyo residents were not allowed to travel outside, but people from outside of Tokyo can use the campaign and use Tokyo as a place for transportation. Tokyo residents were not allowed to use the campaign due to the highest number of COVID-19 cases in Japan, and yet they are allowing people outside to use Tokyo. Recently, the Governor of Tokyo is thinking of adding Tokyo residents to the campaign as well. This is image of one of the posters of the campaign. -
Car with Mask Skeptic Information in Victoria, BC, Canada
The car has both a paper taped to the window with a list titled "Face Mask Precaution" and a website written on at least two of the other windows. Victoria, British Columbia has recently been implementing mask mandates, this car is likely reacting to these new restrictions. -
Tips for Safe Outings
This graphic was posted where I work and on the Maricopa County government website. It gives the reader some points to consider before venturing out in public. This graphic is part of a series of similar graphics to help inform the public on how to safely socially distance during this pandemic. -
Flattening the Curve
I was walking through Princeton University area and near the old movie theater I saw this poster. I thought that this would be a great thing to share on WhatsApp to help keep my friends and family safe during this time. -
How PRINT and Poster House Tackle COVID-19
"As the coronavirus pandemic reshapes huge swaths of society, the design world is responding with eye-catching visual messages of safety and gratitude. Because of this, there has been a huge surge of design activism." This article describes the increase of posters aiming to spread PSAs and messages of love and solidarity in NYC and was written by a senior journalism student following a beat developed and thought about in terms of the "local" in a journalism course at Pratt Institute that was upended by the pandemic. -
Stay Home, Wash Your Hands, BLM
I posted the original of this poster a few weeks ago, and I was happy to see that it has been modified with "BLM - Spectemur agendo," the second part of which seems to be Latin meaning, "Let us be judged by our acts." -
Pepperz Safety Poster
A safety poster on the window of Pepperz, the restaurant of the UTAS College Road student accommodation. Pepperz became a vital source of cheap cooked meals for many residents who relied on communal kitchens prior to the lock down. Access to those kitchens was restricted due to social distancing measures. -
Taketomi Island: At Least Wear a Mask Please
A poster created by a community organization on the island of Taketomi, in Okinawa prefecture, Japan, reading "At least, wear a mask, please." Taketomi is famous for its traditional Okinawan village environment - it's one of the best places in all of Japan for visitors to experience the white sand paths, limestone walls, and red terracotta roofs of a traditional Okinawan village. The island's residents rely very heavily on tourism revenue to get by. However, an epidemic like Covid19 can quickly overwhelm and devastate a local community like this. The rest of the poster reads: せめてマスクを着用して下さい 竹富島に観光で訪れた皆さまへ *竹富島はオジーオバーが非常に多いです。竹富公民館員数282名の内103名が70歳以上の高齢者です。 *竹富島は小さな診療所が1つだけしかありません。醫師1名看護師1名事務1名のみ。新型コロナウイルス感染者がいても対応できません。 To everyone visiting Taketomi Island for tourism: At least wear a mask please. Taketomi Island has an extremely high number of grannies and granddads. Of the 282 members of the local citizens' organization, 103 are elders over 70 years old. Taketomi Island has only one small clinic. There is only one doctor, one nurse, and one admin staff. Even if someone were to have coronavirus, they can't respond to it. -
Kumamoto Castle Self-Restraint Poster
A poster created by Kumamoto City in southern Japan, featuring a picture of Kumamoto Castle, which is under repair since a powerful earthquake in 2016. The poster reads: 籠城じゃ。家にいよう。みんなで打ち克とう。熊本市。 We're holed up as if in a castle under siege. Let's stay home. Let's be victorious together. Kumamoto City. -
Beavis and Butthead poster
This is a poster stapled to a bulletin board. It shows Beavis and Butthead with the text "Coronavirus is scary/ isolation is a bore/ This year sucks more than anything has ever sucked before." A local artist has created several related designs is stapled them to telephone poles in downtown Jersey City. *poster: image with words -
rhyming poster
Poster of photo with comic rhyme warning people to be careful. This is the text on the poster: "Six Feet Of Distance/ Is What I'll Allow/ For If You Haven't Heard/ IT'S A PRETTY SERIOUS SITUATION RIGHT NOW" Spotted on May 12, 2020 -
Willie Mae's Remains Open During Stay at Home Order, New Orleans, LA
Willie Mae's adds a poster to the restaurant's Facebook to let patrons know the restaurant is open for business. Orders are for pick-up or Ubereats only. -
12 Monkeys
The Astor Cinema, an Arthouse cinema, has put up 12 Monkeys posters in its poster windows at the entrance of the cinema. A tongue-in-cheek reflection on our times. -
"Won't Bow Down NOLA's Healthcare" Poster, New Orleans, LA
A poster created by a local New Orleans artist (name not listed) for "Feed the Front Lines NOLA!" a program created by The Red Beans Krewe that hires out-of-work musicians to deliver large orders of food from local restaurants to doctors, nurses, and first responders during the COVID-19 pandemic. -
Defaced rent strike sign in Chicago
The remnants of a flyer taped to a lamp post in Chicago's Hyde Park neighborhood, advertising a rent strike against MAC Properties, one of Hyde Park's biggest leasing companies. Before being mostly ripped down, the flyer read "MAC tenants, organized" and included an image of an apartment building with the words "keep your rent, April 1." -
Celebrating Easter 2
A family celebrates Easter Sunday while following social distancing. -
Celebrating Easter 1
A family celebrates Easter Sunday while following social distancing. -
"Sequoyah Sez: Learn Your Language, Wash Your Hands"
Roy Boney, Jr. is a citizen of the the Cherokee Nation (Tahlequah, OK), a film-maker, and graphic artist. This poster is part of the Native Realities series of Covid-19 Comic Propaganda Posters produced by Indigenous artists to promote social distancing in Indian Country. For more on Boney and his work, see -
Social Distancing in Indian Country
Posters are part of a campaign in Indian Country to practice social distancing for the sake of protecting elders. #IndigenousStories -
Sign Series #24
This is part of a series exploring the role of language, typography and design in informing the general public. #FordhamUniversity #VART3030 #SignSeries -
Sign Series #23
This is part of a series exploring the role of language, typography and design in informing the general public. #FordhamUniversity #VART3030 #SignSeries -
Sign Series #21
This is part of a series exploring the role of language, typography and design in informing the general public. #FordhamUniversity #VART3030 #SignSeries -
Sign Series #18
This is part of a series exploring the role of language, typography and design in informing the general public. #FordhamUniversity #VART3030 #SignSeries -
Sign Series #17
This is part of a series exploring the role of language, typography and design in informing the general public. #FordhamUniversity #VART3030 #SignSeries -
Sign Series #16
This is part of a series exploring the role of language, typography and design in informing the general public. #FordhamUniversity #VART3030 #SignSeries -
Sign Series #15
This is part of a series exploring the role of language, typography and design in informing the general public. #FordhamUniversity #VART3030 #SignSeries -
Sign Series #14
This is part of a series exploring the role of language, typography and design in informing the general public. #FordhamUniversity #VART3030 #SignSeries -
Sign Series #13
This is part of a series exploring the role of language, typography and design in informing the general public. #FordhamUniversity #VART3030 #SignSeries -
Sign Series #12
This is part of a series exploring the role of language, typography and design in informing the general public. #FordhamUniversity #VART3030 #SignSeries -
Sign Series #10
This is part of a series exploring the role of language, typography and design in informing the general public. #FordhamUniversity #VART3030 #SignSeries -
Comic Relief on Main Street
A local craft store infused their window display with a sense of humor surrounding the current air of anxiety associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. -
Sign Series #9
This is part of a series exploring the role of language, typography and design in informing the general public. #FordhamUniversity #VART3030 #SignSeries -
Sign Series #8
This is part of a series exploring the role of language, typography and design in informing the general public. #FordhamUniversity #VART3030 #SignSeries -
Sign Series #7
This is part of a series exploring the role of language, typography and design in informing the general public. #FordhamUniversity #VART3030 #SignSeries