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Impacts of Covid-19
I uploaded a photo of the toilet paper shortage during the covid-19 pandemic. I found this photograph the best suited to show the effects of the pandemic. Shortages are occurring everywhere since the pandemic has started which is also affecting our supply chain. This is important to me because the photograph shows struggles we individuals had to face from covid-19. -
What are we going to do with all these masks?
In looking through my "mask basket", I see I have about 23 masks. What am I going to do with all these when the pandemic is over? What are you going to do? I know a lot of people want to have a "burning party", but I don't think it's a great idea to set fire to all of our masks, collectively. Will we throw them away, contributing new tonnage to the landfills? Or save them just in case we find ourselves in another terrible situation where we need them? Can we create a collective where we send them in and they are cleaned and stockpiled for a day in the future that they are called upon again? Something to thing about... -
Essentials that are hard to find during COVID-19
I submitted this image because it represents the cleaning items that are essential in my life but have been hard to find because of COVID. Many people were restricted about how many Clorox wipes they could buy at the store. It was weird to go to the store and not find the cleaning products I need. When I found an item such as Lysol Laundry Sanitizer, I would send a text to my friends and family to let them know which store had them in stock. I would also try to buy several Lysol Laundry Sanitizers so that I could give them to my friends and family. Prior to COVID, cleaning products would not be a gift that you would give your friends and family, but it became a thoughtful item that you could give to your loved ones. For several weeks it was difficult for me to find Lysol laundry sanitizer. It was scary to go to the store and find the shelves empty. Luckily, I had already stockpiled prior to COVID so I had plenty for several months. -
Working at a Grocery Store
This all takes place in March around the week of the 20th I believe? Sadly, I have not been keeping tabs during when the pandemic was actually announced, but I did work that week a few days when the news hit everyone. The week following the mass panic in my area I paid attention to what was going on in the other parts of the U.S. People were stocking up on toliet paper and handsanitzer, so I knew to be ready when I was here. I bought my stuff and people thought I was crazy. When the week came, my little store with only 6 registers was packed. All day long there were from 3-5 people lined up at every register. They bought everything. The shelves were just bare and the meat department was empty. People paniced that we would never get food back in as if trucks weren't going to come on their correct dates with fresh supply. Every single day the trucks came the food was gone. People thought we were hiding stuff in the back, but in reality the moment it got here it was put on the shelves and then gone. I did not work in the morning, but since grocery trucks (the ones with toilet paper) were stocked overnight in the morning it would be packed. Halfway through the week, we put limits on things like meat, eggs, hand sanitizer, and any other sold out items. This concludes for those weeks.