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support group
COVID support groups
I did some heritage work for this hospital a couple years ago so I follow their social media. Apparently they’ve founded a COVID support group for people who have been profoundly impacted by COVID-related illness, death, and disability. I sometimes think that the chronic illness and disabling nature of long COVID is often overlooked. Who can blame anyone for overlooking it with all of the more obvious, loud, visible problems wrought by the pandemic? Anyhow this is something to think about. -
Maternal mental health and coping during the COVID-19 lockdown in the UK: Data from the COVID-19 New Mum Study
This study demonstrates the interest of medical professionals in the UK towards the mental wellbeing of new mothers being impacted by pandemic-related lockdown. Various descriptors were used in the survey to assess emotion, feelings, states of being, and how the new mothers could cope with these changes as they specifically relate to the COVID-19 experience and mental health.