Contributor is exactly
Dana Lee Bell
Hearing Aids
In the audio-file I tried to manipulate the sounds to reflect some of the ways I interpret the world as a Hard of Hearing woman during the Covid-19 pandemic. I want the listener to be able to feel the frustration as they listen and try to understand the story. The pandemic has forced many of us to adapt. This is my story. -
ACLU The time to defend trans kids is NOW.
The time to defend trans kids is NOW. If we don't, HB 1570 will set a dangerous precedent nationwide. Tell Arkansas Governor Hutchinson to veto this bill: 501-682-2345 -
Maxine Waters tells Jim Jordan to ‘shut your mouth’ after GOP...
Republican Rep. Jim Jordan and the nation’s top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci got into a heated exchange over the country’s Covid-19 mitigation measures, which ended with Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters telling Jordan to “shut your mouth" -
Police disperse protesters, corral and photograph media
Protests continued Friday night in the aftermath of the fatal shooting of 20-year-old Daunte Wright last week. While protesters were dispersed, Minnesota State Troopers corralled media members and photographed their faces and identification. -
Seek the World talks about why their videos showed them without a mask
I am here to clarify the situation with Covid-19 and mask. I received many comments sharing their concerns about not wearing mask in the coronavirus pandemic. I kindly want to let you know all videos I released have been filmed before coronavirus. Those videos are new, yet I didn't get a chance to edit or release any video a while back. Why? I took a long break from Seek the World. The last time I filmed was more than a year. Thus, Sabrina and I didn't film or travel anywhere. From now on, you all will see new videos that were filmed before coronavirus. I applaud you all for showing care and making sure that I follow the safety etc. I fully agree with you all everyone needs to wear mask! Thanks! -
Hands of love help COVID-19 patients in hospital
HANDS OF LOVE: Nurses fill latex gloves with warm water in a technique called "little hands of love" to help COVID-19 patients in intensive care beat isolation and stimulate blood flow. -
Policing Isn't Broken — It Was Designed This Way
Our policing institutions were designed to exert control over Black people. We need to limit the role, responsibilities, power, and funding of police so interactions that lead to the death of Black people don't happen in the first place. -
Fauci clashes with GOP Lawmaker over when COVID restrictions should be eased
Dr. Anthony Fauci, pressed by a Republican lawmaker Thursday over when Americans will "get their liberties back," gave his clearest explanation yet as to when COVID-19 restrictions could be safely lifted, saying the U.S. must get its infection rate under 10,000 new cases a day. When asked by Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, at a congressional hearing to give an answer about when Americans can return to their pre-pandemic lives, Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, explained that the nation has a lot of work to do before it reaches that point. -
Maxine Waters urges Minnesota BLM protesters to ‘get confrontational
MAXINE Waters has urged an anti-police Black Lives Matter mob in Minnesota to “stay on the street” if Chauvin is acquitted in the George Floyd case. The California Democratic congresswoman also told the protesters in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, “we’ve got to get more confrontational”. -
Derek Chauvin guilty in death of George Floyd
The jury found former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin guilty of all three charges in the murder of George Floyd. Crowds outside the Minneapolis courtroom and at the location where Floyd was killed chanted "justice" and "Black lives matter" after hearing the verdict. -
My Grandma Made Front Page Again
My grandma Pauline Bell made the front page of our local paper again. This time, she was one of the first in the area to receive the vaccine. We were all so happy for her and what this might mean for all of us who miss her. -
Dear 2021
Dear 2021, A promise, once spread out the hope of an uncertain rebirth of life. A light reflected the forgotten words of a mocking society through the shattered glass. We wanted the upcoming year to be full of joy, happiness and as what used to be always, full of social interactions. Upon 2020, nonplussed, we decided to step ahead, having no expectations on how threatening this step would be. At the beginning it seemed like a single country situation, we didn’t care much. Friends still hug each others, terrorism and riots kept on going and so did pollution. A day followed the other, and suddenly a shut down came by. Universe made its call and it was time for it to balance things out. I guess that we, this generation created a massive hustle, impacting the world positively and also negatively. During this strange and silent period, the world is brought to think and reflect. In a population that used to buy, consume and work on a daily base, where Sundays or Saturdays were ways to get a small breath in a suffocating life, a virus came and all of us were suddenly forced to stay at home. An era full of misdeeds and confusion, little human being suddenly did become the possible killer of an elder. Days felt hard, long and the promised hidden light at the end of tunnel was less and less viewable. But a question belongs among us, why is staying at home so fervent, when a century ago our ancestors were forced to kill and fight for the promise of a future peace? Birds were hiding to die, sign of misfortune. Death marks the end of a life, but never the ending of a grief. A new flag was raised and it was a blue mask. A new weapon , hand sanitizer. Eyes brought us back to a time where the information wasn’t easily obtainable, old times of an enjoyable sorrow. In these deep moment, death or illness was accepted, shunned but certainly not forgotten. The concerned families were brought to burry their heads underwater and scream pain silently. A connected generation begged for freedom, to let their hands go and restart living, start back what made us this new generation, the 21st century people. In a way this burning request can be seen as a demand of life, normality or even just a spirit call. Spirit has always made itself more living than simple materialism, so have we learned? Were we ready to grow up, and face the upcoming burdens? Is life going to come back as normal? Dear 2021, be kind to us, to the world. Sinner and Saints, killers and savers, blacks and whites, Homos and heteros, all of us threw a stone, set a margin in this so called life. Coming out from the isolation period, contact were made back, but different. Activities and work took back place, but different. The social system fired back, but different. The difference is not that big, but nowadays hygiene Normas become the main focus of health services; but this slight change is very impactable. I’d like to quote a blogger on this platform named Kristijan,17 from North Macedonia that sparkled the fact : "three things I don't leave my home without: my phone, my wallet and a face mask." back to normal but different. Dear 2021, let this year be brighter and let the human kind learn. we are all humans, so keep us united. From 2020 youth- Elyés Ayadi -
To stop digital ‘redlining’ and help students, make the internet an essential utility
Last year, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 98 to help ensure that all of our children are able to successfully continue their education virtually through the Internet. Unfortunately, although this requirement on our educators came with significant funding, the California State Legislature did not couple it with any requirements for internet service providers to actually provide service. We have seen this problem manifest acutely in the many school districts around the state that are scrambling to keep students connected. California’s surge in COVID-19 cases means remote education will continue to be the safest way to continue learning for many students in the weeks and months ahead. But the need for connectivity will not end after the pandemic. If we truly want to level the playing field for students in California — to ensure all students have access to the technology and tools that not only help them access their learning remotely but will be needed for success the rest of their lives — we cannot rest until the internet flows like electricity. -
Minnesota Department of Health Travel, and Covid-19 Information in ASL
This video covers the basic information of the 2020 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. For more information on COVID-19 visit: ASL talent - James Paul Beldon III, Keystone Interpreting Solutions Video Transcript - Hello. This is a message from the Minnesota Department of Health. Lately we’re hearing a lot about an outbreak associated with novel coronavirus. This outbreak started in China, and now has spread to other countries including the United States. The novel coronavirus causes respiratory illness in people and can spread from person to person. Symptoms of infection include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. While most people recover, it has led to serious illnesses and death in some cases. Minnesota’s public health community is working hard to protect you, and we’re asking for your help by following the same precautions we all use to prevent colds and flu: ▪ Wash your hands often and well with soap and water. ▪ Cover your cough every time. ▪ Stay home when you are sick. Also, if you’ve recently traveled where novel coronavirus is spreading and have symptoms, be sure to call your doctor or health care provider to let them know of your symptoms and your travel history. They will work with you to assess your condition and take appropriate steps to get any needed treatment while limiting the risk of passing along an infection to others. We are learning more about this outbreak and will share key information as it continues. You can stay up to date by visiting the Minnesota Department of Health’s website at -
unaccompanied migrant children in US Border Patrol facilities, which are akin to jail cells
The number of unaccompanied migrant children in US Border Patrol facilities, which are akin to jail cells and not intended for kids, has reached dramatic highs, according to internal agency documents reviewed by CNN, underscoring the urgent challenge facing the Biden administration. More than 3,200 unaccompanied migrant children were in Customs and Border Protection custody, according to the documents dated Monday. Of those, around 2,600 were awaiting placement in shelters suitable for minors, but there were just over 500 beds available to accommodate them. The latest data comes on the heels of a trip to the US-Mexico border by senior administration officials to assess the situation on the ground amid an increasing number of arrests and indicates a rapidly increasing trend of unaccompanied children coming into the US. Less than a week ago, there were around 1,700 children in Border Patrol custody. -
@melemaikalanimakalapua gives lesson on tourism during the pandemic, through dance
Reply to @bubbassz I hope your pausing game is SPECTACULAR. Boost this video. #hawaii #hawaiian #polynesian -
The screenshot says it all...
The screenshot says it all... -
My dream is to help change the world for the better what's yours?
My dream is to help change the world for the better what's yours? -
Tens of millions of American's are out of work.
Tens of millions of American's are out of work. Half our people are living paycheck to paycheck. -
When Workers Stand Together in Collecive Bargaining, There's Power.
Verified When workers stand together in collective bargaining, there's power. Every benefit, from the minimum wage to the 5-day work week, was earned when people organized. It’s never easy. But workers at an Amazon warehouse in Alabama are standing together right now and if they win, it will send a shockwave throughout this country. -
Your Priority is to Open Schools Faster Rather Than Safer?
So @andrewyang, let us get this straight... your priority is to open schools faster rather than safer? You would have preferred for @uftny to open schools in the largest school district in America BEFORE it was safe to do so (which it arguably still isn’t)? Got it. 👍🏽 What are your thoughts on @andrewyang as a candidate? Do candidates’ views on education/ teaching unions influence your vote? Share below! 👇🏽 Source; @nyc_covid_mutualaid -
Ilhan Omar Thread on Current Border Policy
People who lack empathy to imagine circumstances outside their own two feet is what we’re dealing with. A bunch of folks who have never left America, let alone their own state. If they did it was to the “big city” and their understanding of American politics is that it’s a game and they don’t want to lose. They don’t know why they’re playing they just don’t want to lose. They have no faith in anything other than the American myth of pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps. How do we lead a horse to water who isn’t thirsty? Focus the herd towards the water and the stubborn horse will eventually drink -
Stop AAPI Hate
Nearly 3,800 anti-Asian racist incidents occurred in America last year, mostly against women, based on data by Stop AAPI Hate. Yesterday, Asian Americans and allies called for solidarity and condemned discrimination and racist violence in Minnesota. They also honored the lives of Delaina Ashley Yaun, Xiaojie Tan, Daoyou Feng, Julie Park, and Hyeon Jeong Park -- employees of an Atlanta-area spa who were killed on Tuesday by a gunman. -
Activists are Showing Solidarity for Victims of Police Violence
As the Derek Chauvin murder trial is underway, outside the courthouse activists are showing solidarity for victims of police violence by placing 'locks for love ones lost' on fences and barbed wire. For the second week, National Guardsman and Minn. State Police removed these locks. Through Friday, there are six people of color and seven white people among the 13 jurors chosen for the trial. There are two remaining jurors to be selected. -
If You Need To Read Lip's...
At Muir Woods National Park the park ranger had a sign displayed, If you need to read lips just let them know and they will remove their face coverings to communicate with you. I was super impressed. This year has be rough. I make my husband do the shopping after a man yelled at me at the beginning of the pandemic because I didn't hear the cashier the next isle over when she said she could help me. The man yelled, "What are you deaf?" and I was too embarrassed to defend myself. I don't wear my hearing aids now because of the mask. Insurance wont cover the cost of the hearing aid and it costs more than my car. I am worried a hearing aid will fly off when I remove my mask so against the advisement of my audiologist I just keep them off. It's whatever. Seeing signs like this just impress me. Inclusivity matters. -
Mask Trash in Our Sacred Places
Mask Trash found in our sacred places. This was found inside of Muir Woods National Park. -
Mask Trash in Our Sacred Places
Mask trash found in a protected habitat area of Muir Beach, California. The area is closed to try and recover habitats in danger. -
Trisha Vaughn Oral History, 2021/03/18
Trisha Vaughn is the CPT Supervisor for a large Bay Area community hospital. In her spare time, Trisha hosts a podcast with her daughter, is an avid writer, and she is starting a small apothecary business to sell her skin care creations. In the oral history interview, Trisha shares how she has navigated through Covid-19 in both her personal life, and as an essential worker. She reflects on staying motivated and helping the people in her life stay motivated thought these hard times. Trisha describes how the social injustices and civil unrest in response to police brutality during the pandemic has affected her and those around her and about how the urgency of the pandemic has overshadowed the injustices faced by people of color across the nation. -
Teachers Are Being Pushed To Their Breaking Points
From article: “At first it was, ‘Oh we love our teachers’ and now it seems like people are sick of having their kids at home and want their babysitters back.” -
Social Justice Call
The COVID-19 pandemic has not stopped millions of people around the world from taking to the streets and organizing collectively against oppression and racism. Advocates, protestors, leaders and supporters from all backgrounds and walks of life are fighting many fronts to establish lasting social change, despite the dangers and rising infection rates. These are historical movements within a historical moment- how are you fighting for social justice during this pandemic? And how has the pandemic affected your fight for social justice? Your contribution to the archives will ensure these battles and their ideology are preserved for future generations. Your stories are valuable, and we hope that you will share them. Share your story here. Your voice will be archived alongside other stories of resilience and social justice efforts. To make your story more visible, include the hashtag #SocialJustice with your description. Questions? Email Dana Lee Bell for more information. The link to submit is -
Silver Linings Oral History with Steven Bell
Silver Linings Oral History_ Steven Bell Interviewee: Steven Paul Bell Interviewer: Dana Lee Bell Date of Interview: 02/19/2021 Location of interviewee: Rogue River, Oregon Location of Interviewer: Fairfield, California Transcriber: Dana Lee Bell Abstract: This interview was for the Silver Linings mini oral history project within the JOTPY archive. The interviewer Dana Lee Bell is an intern with the JOTPY archive and is also the daughter of the interviewee Steven Paul Bell. Steven is a wildlife artist residing in Oregon with his wife of 25 years. In the interview Steven talks about how it is nice spending time with family during Covid-19. He also talks of enjoying spending time alone walking and hiking with his dog. Steven had a hard time reflecting on the positive things to say about the Covid-19 experience. Steven Bell is the father of Dana Bell. He thought it very amusing to try and act more formal for the interview. -
The Covid Quilt
This is my Covid Quilt. When the lock down started I ordered a bunch of different fabrics to make masks with. The fabric size that seemed to have the most value was called a fat quarter. After making my family a bunch of bright colored masks, I had so many squares of fabric left over I decided to save them. I was not sure why I was saving them though. By the end of this summer I had hundreds of squares and decided to make a quilt. This is my Covid quilt. You can see a years worth of colorful masks represented in it. I really wish I knew how to do embroidery. I would embroider the words, "Covid Quilt 2020" into it. I am not even a sewer. I took a class in high school over twenty years ago. Defiantly imperfect just like the year 2020. But it is warm and thick. I think I will try my best to take care of it. -
Tempers flare as Congress rejects objections to Pennsylvania electoral votes
Excerpt from article: WASHINGTON -- Objections to Pennsylvania's electoral votes failed in Congress on Thursday as tempers flared during an early morning debate. Republican Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania and Republican Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri objected to the counting of Pennsylvania's electoral votes, triggering up to two hours of debate in the House and Senate. -
"internal security threat"
From post: The House and Senate recessed from their session to count state-certified Electoral College votes as pro-Trump protesters breached the Capitol and the building locked down. A notice from Capitol Police sent to all Capitol staff warned them of an "internal security threat" and told them to shelter in their offices and stay away from windows. Lawmakers posted messages urging protesters to be peaceful, and reporters inside the Capitol shared videos of protesters wandering the halls of the Capitol looking for lawmakers to confront about the electoral votes. Photo shows mayhem in the Capitol. Some masked. Was this a super spreader event? -
Minnesota: More than 1200 march demanding justice for Dolal Idd
Excerpt from article: Minneapolis, MN - On January 3, over 1200 people marched in South Minneapolis to demand justice for Dolal Idd, who was killed by the Minneapolis police department on December 30. -
With LA hospitals overwhelmed by COVID-19, EMS told not to transport certain patients
Extracted from article: Los Angeles hospitals have been scrambling to care for the rising number of coronavirus patients for weeks now, turning chapels and gift shops into space to care for those who are sick. -
Black man wrongfully detained by maskless police officer tests positive for COVID-19, fiancee says
Excerpt from article: A Black man who was detained by police in Virginia Beach, Virginia after being suspected for a crime he did not commit, has tested positive for the coronavirus, according to his fiancée, Shantel Covil. -
Mom who gave birth while intubated due to COVID-19 made her ICU nurse the godmother
From Article: A woman has finally brought her child home after giving birth while fighting COVID-19. On Sept. 23, Monique Jones of Ferguson, Missouri, welcomed Zamyrah Prewitt who arrived at 29 weeks gestation weighing 2 pounds, 5 ounces. -
Ben Crump demands charges against ‘Karen’ who allegedly attacked Black teen at hotel
From article: As theGrio reported, the 14-year-old son of Grammy-winning trumpet player Keyon Harrold was apparently accosted by a white woman who claimed he had stolen her iPhone at the Arlo SoHo Hotel in New York over the weekend. At one point, it appears she even lunged at Keyon Harrold Jr. and left him with scratches. The acclaimed musician posted the encounter to his Instagram and it went viral. Video shows masked woman accosting a man in public. -
Covid Wedding
My daughter and son-in-law had a Covid wedding. Only days after the Solano County shelter in place was reinstated. They have waited so long to be married. Waiting for Covid to be over just seemed endless. The wedding was held at the grooms parents house and only a few very close family attended. Everyone else was sent invitations to attend via zoom. The photograph shows my daughters and her new husband thanking guests online. In all honesty it was a perfect day! This was shared with permission from the Bride and Groom. Covid Wedding! -
Santa to the rescue
This holiday, we were on an emergency stay at home order. Solano County advised that all gatherings should cease. Meaning that our holiday was unfortunately canceled. My family has been working hard to adhere to the rules and orders, but we are all feeling a little exhausted from it all. I especially wanted to visit my parents in Oregon. Originally, we were thinking of getting tested for Covid right before we headed up to Oregon. But my mom being a medical worker did not feel that she could guarantee our safety. So for a little change in our routines, we made hot cocoa at home and filled up our new mugs. We got warm and cozy (All in our jammies and hats) and piled into the car with blankets. Then we drove to a local neighborhood that is well known for its holiday spirit. The locals call these streets Lollypop Lane, and it adjoins with a road we call Candy Cane Lane. We just cruised in a big loop listening to Christmas music for hours. Whatever, the kids were happy and we felt like we were doing something out of the ordinary for the first time in a long time. At one house, a man dressed as Santa yelled to the children in their cars and told them that he knew they had been good. It was sweet. All and all we went looking for Christmas lights every few days. -
Clean bum
Everyone needs to get a bidet! That is my pandemic hack. While everyone was out panic buying toilet paper me and my family were sitting pretty. A few years ago, I was invited to a symposium in India. My dad came with me for his first trip after retirement. I had never seen a bidet in my life and I sure as hell was not about to try it. But by the third day we were there, my dad confessed to me that he had been using the bidet and he loved it. I figured if my dad was willing to try it and admit to me that he tried it, I might as well try it out myself. Let me tell you! This invention is not common in America. I went forty years without ever even seeing one. By the time we left India I was hooked. A clean butt every day all day! Yes! I procrastinated on buying one when we came home but eventually, I ordered two. They stayed in that Amazon box until… that is right. Until the great toilet paper shortage of 2020. We watched on the news of mayhem at the grocery stores and fights over TP! Getting close to our last few rolls we decided it was time to break those bad boys out and install them. Ahhhh heaven. Warning though, teaching kids how to use this is a learning curve. Some minor flooding was involved. Once the shelves were stocked again, we did end up buy a huge box of toilet paper for the boys. But toilet paper still disappears from the store shelves whenever there is a new shut down. We are pretty proud of ourselves whenever we can’t find any toilet paper! -
Slow gain, slow lose
Ahhh Covid. From March until December I steadily gained more weight than I ever have (without being 9 months pregnant)! Each month progression was a steady +5, +5, +5, +5, +5, +5, +5 … Until December 13th. The day before my daughter’s wedding. I tried to squeeze myself into ANYTHING that might pass for wedding attire. Work clothes did not fit anymore, not even a cute pair of jeans. Would my husbands slacks work? The answer is nope! Apparently ten months of wearing pajamas and stress eating was really affecting my ability to gauge my own girth. This was traumatic for me. I pride myself in being prepared for any occasion. In my closet I have funeral outfits, wedding outfits, professional outfits. All carefully curated over the years to see me through anything. I thought I was prepared for my daughter’s wedding. I imagined a stroll from the living room to my closet where I would just choose whatever wedding attire I was in the mood for that morning and come out shining! But nope! Not this day. Instead, my husband had to make an emergency trip to the Target drive-up after I panic ordered every size of the same pair of pants and blouse, crying the whole time. All of this, is leading to my favorite thing. A $30 Walmart trampoline. I ordered it on a whim with the groceries I had ordered on delivery. I didn’t even think they would have it. It seems all exercise equipment has been sold out during the pandemic, along with board games and toilet paper. I bounce in the morning, I bounce during passing period, I bounce after work. I watch movies and bounce. I listen to podcasts and bounce! I have (so far) bounced off a total of 10 pounds since December 13th. I still need to bounce off another 30 and maybe my pants will fit again. My husband and kids are annoyed by the constant bouncing. But it was cheaper than most other exercise equipment and I hardly notice I am working out when I am into the latest Netflix binge. -
Everyone at the CHOP is Safe From Covid
This is a conversation captured about the CHOP stronghold in Seattle. -
The Class of 2020
This is a screen shot of a post shared by Dyami Thomas. She does not name the young man, but says he was unable to graduate because of Covid-19 so he took a photo in his cap and gown as the protests took place behind him. As a teacher, it has been incredibly difficult to watch my students struggle during what would have been the time of their lives, graduating and starting their next chapters. I just received news that several of my students lost their jobs and returned to work in the fields with their families because they needed the income. Some of my students are attending protests daily for BLM. I worry for them all, even this young man in the photo I have never met. They are experiencing the most turbulent year I have ever seen, and they embarking on their adult lives amidst the chaos. -
Cover of the New York Times
As a high school history teacher I collect newspaper articles for my students to later explore. The 5/24/2020 New York Times cover had the lists of victims of Covid-19. The paper sold out early. I tried to get a copy calling everyone I could think of. My boss a principal at Sem Yeto called his family in New York and they were able to find me one. I just got it today. -
Things are different
Taking my grandmother Janice Simon to lunch at Denny's as shelter-in-place orders are lifted. The staff is wearing masks and every-other table is closed. All utensils and plates are disposable. Everyone there was so excited to be there. -
Funny Covid-19 rules for schools
The screenshot describes the new rules for when students return to school. This mirrors the confusion and frustration of parents and educators who have no idea what to expect as schools open. -
The new normal
Shelter in place has been lifted. I decided to go inside Starbucks for the first time in months. The chairs and tables are now against the wall. There is a path marked for patrons that guide people from the door, then counter, then pick up, then exit out a different door. There is plexi-glass around the entire work area. The employees have a log-in station by the front door where they must wait until another barista comes to take their temperature before they are allowed to work (with a mask). -
Senior drove through love parade
My grandmother Pauline Bell made it into the local paper. She lives in an assisted living community and no visitors are allowed. Family was invited to decorate their cars and drive by slowly honking and encouraging their loved ones from a safe distance!