Contributor is exactly
J. Michael Bailey
Broadway Community Project
"This is a project curated by and for the Broadway community. While the footlights are dimmed during the Broadway suspension, we wanted to shine a spotlight on the sprawling, interconnected world of workers beyond the stage that help bring the stories we love to life. By creating this interactive tool, we hope that audience and industry members alike will take a moment to learn more about the artists and artisans, technicians and ticketers. Collectively, all the roles, small businesses, and vital individuals have helped make Broadway the cultural heart of New York City through their passionate, tireless work. This is a living, breathing map, and we need you to continue its growth and evolution. The contributions from within our community will help ensure it’s as representative of Broadway as possible." -
American Theater Workers Urgently Need Financial Help. The Government Must Step In.
"The arts in New York City is a major economic engine. According to a study commissioned last year by the Mayor’s "Office of Arts and Entertainment, theater is responsible for $1.3 billion in annual economic output, 8,409 jobs, and $513 million in salaries. The Broadway closedown, effective from March 12, has had a massive financial impact on New York, and a massive personal impact on those who work within it...When the coronavirus pandemic hit New York City, hundreds of Broadway shows closed immediately. While the Actors’ Equity Association was able to secure several weeks of pay and health insurance for Broadway and touring performers, many were left with nothing." -
The Working Artist Needs Your Solidarity
An item curated for the Performing Arts collection to highlight the plight of the American theatre professional. "It’s looking more and more likely that, barring an incredible about-face like a spectacularly successful vaccine or a powerful and immediate treatment option, a majority of U.S. theaters won’t survive the pandemic. This includes theaters that were financially flourishing in the Before Times, like Mercury Theater Chicago. And along with these institutions, a majority of theatremakers — not just actors or directors, but costumers, musicians, composers, wig masters, props masters, designers, electricians, stage hands, carpenters, stage managers, company managers, house managers, administrators, wardrobe crew, production assistants, ticket sellers, concessions vendors, marketing directors, photographers, choreographers, venue staff — will not be able to wait this out." -
With exhibition and performance spaces shuttered, artists are relying on the generosity of patrons.
"caring for those sick with Covid-19 and preventing others from becoming so remains the priority in New York City, as in the rest of the country. But how can we look out for others particularly affected by the crisis? Citywide closures of nonessential services have devastated the arts at every level: Exhibition and performance spaces have shuttered indefinitely, and thousands of New Yorkers working in creative industries, many of them freelancers, have seen their livelihoods disappear with no assurances about when they’ll be able to work again." Artists are struggling and this article demonstrates some things that can be done to help. -
Molly's Quarantine Performance
Centerville, Utah (June, 2020)- My daughter is a creative soul; she loves to sing, dance and act out her vivid imagination. She loves the theatre and going to summer camp. COVID-19 stopped her from doing that this year. But Molly is resourceful and resilient, and even found opportunity to perform in her Anna costume for all her family at her own birthday party. The arts have a way of making us whole, filling us up with joy and hope; even in the midst of a pandemic. For the little ones, they always find a way back to their imagination and the safety it provides. -
When Will We Want to Be in a Room Full of Strangers Again? Theater, an industry full of optimists, is reckoning with a heartbreaking realization.
In this article written for the Atlantic on May 12, 2020- Helen Lewis writes, "As a live art form, theater is particularly affected by the coronavirus, along with concerts and stand-up comedy performances. As I talked with writers, directors, and producers, the same refrain recurred: When will anyone want to be in a dark room full of strangers again? Many of those I spoke with were quietly updating their scenario-planning documents to account for a return next spring, and warned that, without a bailout, that long of a shutdown would financially cripple some institutions. Even when theaters reopen, social-distancing rules could hamper rehearsals, and force venues to sell fewer (and therefore more expensive) tickets. Most believe theater will eventually rebound, but there is talk of a generation of artists and audiences being lost." The effects that COVID-19 will have on the performing arts industry are innumerable but elusive to define. We know things will change, but how and to what extent remains to be seen. -
Before Coronavirus, Theatre Was My Salvation. Where Do I Turn Now?
1. Due to COVID-19 fears, theaters on Broadway and across the country have shut down. Legendary actor and director, Joel Grey reveals the mental health strain this loss has caused for himself and so many in his position, including the loss of work and the community he relied on for support and companionship. Joel Grey writes "Because of the coronavirus, we’re facing a future that sure feels more tenuous and fragile than ever. Projects have been canceled, milestones have already been missed, and all the shows have gone dark. These are hard times, for sure, and in hard times I, like so many others, have always turned to the theater for comfort. Where do we turn now? This tragedy has been made that much more devastating by having to face the nightmare without the laughter, tears and sense of community that a night in the theater delivers." -
Shakespeare's Globe Faces Permanent Closure in London Without Emergency Funding
The coronavirus pandemic has already caused the shutdown of theaters in the West End and on Broadway. I have included this because there is a great fear of losing theatre companies and venues during the crisis. Funding is non-existent and actors, technicians and all others who rely on these theaters as resources for making a living will be left unemployed and searching for work in an even more saturated market. -
Extra legroom and no interval: Germany plans for post-lockdown theatre
“As Germany continues to relax social distancing restrictions imposed to curb the spread of Covid-19, playhouses in most cities are still waiting for an official date when they can reopen their doors to the public. The Berlin senate announced on Friday that open-air cultural events will be allowed from 2 June, but theatres are likely to remain shut until September. Venues such as the German capital’s Berliner Ensemble, however, are already providing a glimpse of what drama could look like in a world of social distancing.” -
"The Show Must Go On...Line" Pioneer Theatre Company
Karen Azenberg introduces this week's theme for The Show Goes On...Line! with the cast of "Music Man." It's a large cast, so hang on! Cast members also give a special shout out to ensemble member Michael McArthur from the 2015 production and went on to appear in TV's Smash, and Fosse/Verdon. Michael passed away this month; he will be terribly missed by all of us. Here to kick things off is none other than Lizzie Klemperer who played "Marian Paroo," performing her tribute to Michael with "I Could Have Danced All Night." -
Actors Argue About Safety of Return
data does not matching civic leaders decision to admit actors and patrons back into the theatre. It is becoming a hot issue amongst the Performing Arts community -
Local Actors Disagree on Safety of Return To The Theatre
Local actors are very cautious about returning to the theatre and resuming rehearsals/productions. This particular post shows the distrust of public and civic officials as they are contradicting the data provided. Some are turning against each other because of the differences of opinion and fears based in the conflicting data. Actors have been hit hard by the Pandemic and want to get back to work. Others are more cautious, arguing that the safety of others is more important. -
COVID-19 rules prompt Utah theater group to perform Shakespeare in the parking garage
"The interactive theater production “Through Yonder Window,” based on “Romeo and Juliet,” produced by the experimental Salt Lake City group SONDERimmersive. Using COVID-19 safety precautions • Audience members must stay in their cars, with windows open a bit, throughout the performance. No restrooms are available. Performers will wear face masks, and stay at least 6 feet apart at all times. Cars will likely come into contact with performers, materials, soap and water." This is how artist are attempting to further their craft and stay alive during a devastating time for their trade. -
Post COVID Artistic Renaissance
The Arts have suffered heavily during the quarantine. Artists and those who depend on the arts for revenue have been flatlined by the loss of jobs. This is a hopeful reminder of how much our society depends on the arts and its future. -
US cuts World Health Organization ties over virus response
"President Donald Trump said Friday that the U.S. will be terminating its relationship with the World Health Organization, saying it had failed to adequately respond to the coronavirus because China has “total control” over the global organization." This is a step toward deflecting Trump's own failures. It is a failure to enact true leadership and important for future generations to note when remembering the loss of lives during 2020. -
Safe drinking water must be part of coronavirus response package
Access to water must be included as part of the next major federal legislative package. We cannot expect to halt the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic without water for handwashing and basic sanitation. I am even more interested in how this is going to be administered to the Navajo Reservation that continues to struggle with COVID deaths as a result of limited access to water. In some place, zero access to clean and safe water for hygiene and sanitation. -
Sen. Cory Booker: Why Are We Voting On More Trump Judges Instead Of Coronavirus Relief?
‘All of us have been at work, in our states, working on this crisis around the clock.’ — Sen. Cory Booker blasted his colleagues after the Senate reconvened to vote on Trump judicial nominees rather than COVID-19 relief." I included this tho show the divisiveness that exists in our government during the pandemic. We are divided as citizens and it is reflected by or as a result of our government al leaders' attitude toward it -
The Countries Taking Advantage of Antarctica During the Pandemic
In this article for the Atlantic, LEAH FEIGER and MARA WILSON say, "the cutbacks delay important research on rising sea levels and the effects of climate change, but they also leave a door open for great-power competition that has been playing out across the globe—as Western nations have pulled back, the Russians and Chinese have maintained their activities on the continent in this period and are fighting for more access to fishing, oil reserves, and mining." It is a pertinent and thoughtful article about what governments take advantage of in times of crises in order to get ahead and an edge on other government entities. -
Half of Fox News Viewers Believe Bill Gates Wants to Use Virus Vaccines to Track You, New Poll Says
"Misinformation is taking a dangerous hold on Fox News viewers. According to a new poll, half of all Americans who name Fox News as their primary news source believe the debunked conspiracy theory claiming Bill Gates is looking to use a coronavirus vaccine to inject a microchip into people and track the world’s population." This connects to the conspiracy theories floating around. It is a strong indication of how politics and the media affect the population during a crisis. -
Trump Golfs While More Americans Die
This RollingStone article is one of many that are surfacing on the internet. It is an indictment of Trump's focus during this time of COVID19 crisis. There are numerous frustrations people are express regarding Trump's handling of the crisis, including his excessive and costly golfing habit. For many it exposes Trump's leadership weaknesses as well as his lack of empathy. -
Seven traits of conspiratorial thinking that lead people to believe things like 'Plandemic'
An "outline in our Conspiracy Theory Handbook and How to Spot COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories, there are seven distinctive traits of conspiratorial thinking. ..Learning these traits can help you spot the red flags of a baseless conspiracy theory and hopefully build up some resistance to being taken in by this kind of thinking. This is an important skill given the current surge of pandemic-fueled conspiracy theories." -
Jeffrey Katzenberg Blames Pandemic for Quibi’s Rough Start
A New York Times article featuring the developer of the App Quibi, Jeffry Katzenberg. It is a fair observation of how the pandemic is affecting entrepreneurs in the development and Deployment of new businesses in the era of COVID19. It is important to note the burden placed on economic development and enterprise. -
Upbeat ‘cancer dancer’ lifts souls
A story about a cancer patient who uses the internet to post hip hop dances from the hospital in order to chear people up during the COVID crisis. A bit of fresh air during a very difficult and fearful time. We could use more of this. -
Children Face Deportation Because of COVID-19 Policy
NowThisIsPolitics social media post- video -
Trump's golf game in the days of COVID19
It is a satire piece demonstrating Trump's selfish handling of the pandemic for personal gain, while spending more time and effort on golf than doing his job. This post is appearing frequently on social media threads and iuses the backdrop of a New York Times article about the death toll of COVID superimposing Trump as a golfer. It is an indictment of Trump's handling of the crisis and the publics growing view of his performance. -
Tipping Point diagram, rebound
People are frustrated with those who will not take the pandemic seriously or refuse to follow safety guidelines. Most want to make sure the numbers match the decision to reopen America. However, many believe us to be opening too soon and fear a rebound in cases and ultimately an increase in deaths. Full text of post included here: So - this is the least stupid picture I can find to illustrate what I think is about to happen. This process is called a lot of things, and often, in this context, it is called "will power fatigue." Focused, intentional action for primates is often a short-lived thing. It is very costly in terms of overall energy expenditure and - evolutionarily speaking - we MOST often can get through MOST threats in just a few minutes (oh fuck its a tiger) to a few weeks (oh fuck its tiger season). Occasionally the thing we need to have intentional action to defeat has a much longer half-life than our own personal or community will. Human will is less matter of strength of character or any other such waspy bootstrappy Enlightenment nonsense: It is more a matter of biology and statistics. Intentionality is energetically expensive. Habit is cheap as fuck. We can usually only easily do really hard, non-intuitive things for 3 - 6 weeks at the very mostest. And then our pre-frontal cortex (=PFC=the thinky smartypants part of our brain) just says, well, there you go! Gave it our best shot. Did what we could. Cheerio! Back to tea and biscuits. This part of our brain is simply not designed for the protracted, complex cognitive and social labor required for things like, say...a pandemic. This is when even very determined people most often relapse after quitting whatever is really plesaurable (booze, porn, cat videos, twizzlers, playing tiddlywinks, or - er...being a social human). This is when our determined career of trying to fix depression through yoga fizzles. This is when you stop responding to your duolingo alerts about your Tagalog lessons. This is distancing falls apart. Watch for it. I suspect we will see our first resurgent C19 "wave" very soon as many of us lose our ardor for staying alive and for keeping everyone else alive by giving up the things that we love and that come instinctually to us. Like interacting with the rest of our primate troupe. Giving up these things has taken a great deal of intentional will power. And the system is becoming fatigued. And yeah - it is not a surprise that the first surge of this behavior is from a bunch of white guys that have never had any practice managing their own selfish desires. (Take note - do not be like these numbskulls.) And none of us are immune, but yes - looking more toward what we care about and noticing our increased desire to do what we want or crave (often connection)...this can help keep our intentional selves online long enough not to kill any more John Prines. The trick is to notice that it is really hard, And still do the right thing. Please. Stay the fuck home. The main thing that keeps the PFC online and functioning - even when it is fatigued - is values. What we believe in. We can push the system a little if we decide to act on something other than what we WANT, but rather, what we think is MEANINGFUL. The better we are at keeping that super smart, ethically-driven, complex-thinking, empathic, compassionate and thoughtful part of our mind on line despite stress and fatigue, the fewer people we kill. STAY THE FUCK HOME. These next few weeks are going to be way way way harder than the first few. Stick with it. Maximize your virtual interconnections, your exercise, good food, self care, help of others, sleep, reruns of Friends, whatever it takes...these self-kindnesses will all help the will power fatigue from eating your brain. Stay. The. Fuck. Home. #HST643 -many locations in the us opening up. facebook post-creator of diagram unknown. posted to the profile of a friend of the Contributor. *graph added as an illustration to a social mediapost -
Vice President Mike Pence tours Mayo Clinic without coronavirus mask even though he was told to wear one
PUBLISHED TUE, APR 28 20202:45 PM CNBC.COM. Key Points • Vice President Mike Pence toured the Mayo Clinic without a mask despite that renowned medical facility requiring all visitors to wear masks to avoid potentially spreading the coronavirus. • Pence, who leads the White House’s coronavirus task force, when asked about going unmasked, said that he is regularly tested for the virus, and so far has been shown to be negative for it. • Donald Trump has said that he will not wear a mask, even as more than 1 million Americans have contracted the virus that causes Covid-19.