Contributor is exactly
Lyn Ribisi
Humorous memes about coronavirus
During quarantine I collected many humorous memes about staying at home and the problems that brought. All sorts of subjects were covered: cooking, getting along with your spouse/roommates, homeschooling the kids, learning to bake bread, being stuck at home, sanitizing, facemasks, people hoarding toilet paper, boredom, effects of isolation, etc. Here are a few of those memes. -
Humorous memes about toilet paper during corona
During quarantine I collected many humorous memes about staying at home and the problems that brought. All sorts of subjects were covered: cooking, getting along with your spouse/roommates, homeschooling the kids, learning to bake bread, being stuck at home, sanitizing, facemasks, people hoarding toilet paper, boredom, effects of isolation, etc. Here are a few of those memes. -
Humorous Memes about Coronavirus
During quarantine I collected many humorous memes about staying at home and the problems that brought. All sorts of subjects were covered: cooking, getting along with your spouse/roommates, homeschooling the kids, learning to bake bread, being stuck at home, sanitizing, facemasks, people hoarding toilet paper, boredom, effects of isolation, etc. Here are a few of those memes. -
Humorous Memes about Coronavirus
During quarantine I collected many humorous memes about staying at home and the problems that brought. All sorts of subjects were covered: cooking, getting along with your spouse/roommates, homeschooling the kids, learning to bake bread, being stuck at home, sanitizing, facemasks, people hoarding toilet paper, boredom, effects of isolation, etc. Here are a few of those memes. -
Humorous Memes about Corona
During quarantine I collected many humorous memes about staying at home and the problems that brought. All sorts of subjects were covered: cooking, getting along with your spouse/roommates, homeschooling the kids, learning to bake bread, being stuck at home, sanitizing, facemasks, people hoarding toilet paper, boredom, effects of isolation, etc. Here are a few of those memes. -
Humorous Corona Memes
During quarantine I collected many humorous memes about staying at home and the problems that brought. All sorts of subjects were covered: cooking, getting along with your spouse/roommates, homeschooling the kids, learning to bake bread, being stuck at home, sanitizing, facemasks, people hoarding toilet paper, boredom, effects of isolation, etc. Here are a few of those memes. -
Humorous Memes
During quarantine I collected many humorous memes about staying at home and the problems that brought. All sorts of subjects were covered: cooking, getting along with your spouse/roommates, homeschooling the kids, learning to bake bread, being stuck at home, sanitizing, facemasks, people hoarding toilet paper, boredom, effects of isolation, etc. Here are a few of those memes. -
Humorous Memes About Quarantine and Covid
During quarantine I collected many humorous memes about staying at home and the problems that brought. All sorts of subjects were covered: cooking, getting along with your spouse/roommates, homeschooling the kids, learning to bake bread, being stuck at home, sanitizing, facemasks, people hoarding toilet paper, boredom, effects of isolation, etc. Here are a few of those memes. -
Humorous Memes about Quarantine and COVID
During quarantine I collected many humorous memes about staying at home and the problems that brought. All sorts of subjects were covered: cooking, getting along with your spouse/roommates, homeschooling the kids, learning to bake bread, being stuck at home, sanitizing, facemasks, people hoarding toilet paper, boredom, effects of isolation, etc. Here are a few of those memes. -
Humorous Memes About Quarantine and Covid
During quarantine I collected many humorous memes about staying at home and the problems that brought. All sorts of subjects were covered: cooking, getting along with your spouse/roommates, homeschooling the kids, learning to bake bread, being stuck at home, sanitizing, facemasks, people hoarding toilet paper, boredom, effects of isolation, etc. Here are a few of those memes. -
Humorous Memes About Quarantine
During quarantine I collected many humorous memes about staying at home and the problems that brought. All sorts of subjects were covered: cooking, getting along with your spouse/roommates, homeschooling the kids, learning to bake bread, being stuck at home, sanitizing, facemasks, people hoarding toilet paper, boredome, effects of isolation, etc. Here are a few of those memes. -
Memes About Quarantine and Life With Covid
During quarantine I collected many humorous memes about staying at home and the problems that brought. All sorts of subjects were covered: cooking, getting along with your spouse/roommates, homeschooling the kids, learning to bake bread, being stuck at home, sanitizing, people hoarding toilet paper, boredome, effects of isolation, etc. Here are a few of those memes. -
Some Graduation Memes and Photos During the Coronavirus Time
Graduations during 2020 were conducted remotely. This meant that the students missed out on an important and memorable ceremony to mark this milestone in their lives. All ages were affected. The students were mostly home, and some had videos either as a live feed or prerecorded. Families tried their best to make the occassion memorable for their kids. Some schoolz had car parades for their graduates to "march" in front of their school or neighbors. -
Anti-Maskers, Covid Disbelievers, and Anti-Quarantine Memes
COVID-19 quickly became a political rather than a health issue. Conservatives tended to deny COVID's existence as well as the value of vaccines, quarantine and wearing masks. -
Anti-Maskers--People who were against wearing facemasks
There was a backlash against wearing facemasks--mostly with the conservatively inclined people. They made all kinds of claims about that--that they forced you to breath your own toxins, that they caused cancer, that they did no good, that it wasn't the government's job to protect our health, that it was against our Constitutional rights, etc. Here are just a few of those statements. The battle over masks heated up considerably after the early stages--the time which these are from. -
Humorous Memes about Masks
Here are some humorous memes about wearing facemasks. Wearing masks was something new and weird for us, so many people decided to find the humor in the situation -
Facemasks: Artistic and Everyday
Wearing facemasks was very new to us and it was always strange to see people walking around with them. People offered tips, sewing patterns, and even artistic portraits with masks as a theme. As many of us felt isolated, people offered to walk by our windows and wave. -
Covid jokes about bars during the time of COVID-19
This is a set of jokes about bars during COVID which were closed for several months. There are many old jokes that start out "Three (different sorts of) people walk into a bar..." Here is a Corona version. Another one shows how people in an apartment building gather on the rooftop parking lot for cocktail hour, and the other two are jokes about when bars finally reopen. -
Haircuts during quarantine
During the initial outbreak of Coronavirus, barbers and hair salons were closed and we didn't feel safe going to them anyway. So many did some home-grown haircuts. The results, ummm, varied. -
Uncovering long-forgotten and buried artifacts during Covid time
The plague of COVID-19 descended upon us in 2020. People created humorous memes and joked that this year wouldn't be the right time to unearth hidden mummies or other mysterious long buried. Who knows what might happen next? Best to avoid. Enough's enough. -
Zoom mishaps
During quarantine we used software called Zoom. It allowed us to communicate from our homes and get some work done. It also allowed video connection. There were many goofs--people caught naked, bad hair, uncensored conversations when the mics were unknowingly on, etc. One meme shows the Jetsons which was a 1960s futuristic animated show that was very popular. -
Humorous memes about 2020
These memes humorously sum up the way 2020 went for us. We were stuck at home. Many of us baked bread and didn't get dressed for days. Our poiticians told us one thing one day and then contradicted it the next. -
Portfolio of a JOPL Intern, Summer 2020, Lyn Ribisi
This is my portfolio for my 15 weeks as an intern working with The Journal of the Plague Year. I was anxious to learn the skills involved in gathering, creating, and archiving materials to preserve history in our lifetime. The pandemic of COVID-19 is a once in a century occurrence, and I felt it was very important to preserve our thoughts, emotions, photographs, jokes, and events that are shaping our lives now. Generally, I’ve been fascinated by archives and the potential they hold for telling our stories. I’ve also been frustrated by the lack of accessibility they all present. I’m hoping that the digital archive techniques we have employed will ease that problem. We’ve had the freedom to use tags (or, in archive-speak, folksonomy) to make the content searchable and accessible to all who come after us. In addition to archive work, my branch of historical interest is in the everyday lives of people. This digital repository satisfies both passions. Lastly, working on preserving the events of this pandemic has helped me find my way during this difficult time. I feel that I've been able to contribute--at least a little bit--and thus been able to be causative over some little part of this global nightmare. I am earning my Master’s degree in order to teach at the college where I work now. I’ve been functioning as a TA for the last several years as well as working as a classified staff member. I should graduate in May 2021, and become an adjunct. However, with all learning remote and the campus closed, hiring may be delayed. My mission is to inspire a love of history and the ability to think critically about the past and present. Too often history is still being taught as a memorization exercise of dates, names, and events. I will teach against that model and hopefully inspire a love of the past and its lessons and stories in my students. I want to thank all of our staff at ASU for delivering a professional learning experience—I was very lucky to have had the opportunity to be a part of it. -
Work From Home Playset
The perfect toy for 2020. For kids who want to imitate their parents, here is the toy for them. Note the earbuds, the laptop with Zoom software, the crying baby on the floor, the snacks, and the wine. -
New Meaning for the Phrase "Picture Them in Their Underwear."
During the COVID time, many people worked from home and conducted business via video conferencing. Sometimes, unexpected things would happen such as pets and kids would rush across the scene or sit on their parents' laps. In this case, a coworker got up from his chair revealing he was in his boxers. Another example was the time when a worker's husband entered the scene in his tidy whities. -
The New Definition of Business Casual
Will Reeves, a reporter for Good Morning America, a well-known morning TV show, was caught wearing no pants during his segment. This is how many people worked from home during the quarantine. Some were caught, but most of us weren't on national television. -
Dig Deeper to Find Husband in Garden
During quarantine, families were forced to be together 24/7. That situation, along with the usual stresses of marriage led to jokes old and new. This meme shows that the wife buried her husband in the garden--we assume because she just. Could. Not. Take. It. Anymore. -
Work From Home Playset for Kids. Humor
With Corona, parents have to cope with working from home, providing full time child care, homeschooling, planning, shopping for and preparing all the meals, and all of the household chores. This playset for kids shows how they can act like their parents in these days of quarantine. Children always like imitating their parents. Now they can do that during this "new normal." -
When You Find Your Meme in Your Kid's History book in 2040
We are living through a historical period with COVID-19, there is no doubt about that. This meme is about a dad who was probably a teenager during quarantine helping his child with homework in the year 2040. He discovers a meme he posted in 2020 has made its way into the history book! -
Journal From the Year 2053. Humor
This one will appeal to all historians. It is written like an opening paragraph in a serious literary work which makes it funnier. The joke is about all the hoarding of the toilet paper that went on when Coronavirus first hit. Finally, 33 years later, the last of the toilet paper stash is about to be used up. -
TV Show Features Romantic Comedy Shot Entirely Remotely
This is a first of its kind: a rom com shot entirely in quarantine. The two episode series was shot in the actors' homes. It follows a few couples during quarantine because of COVID-19. -
Kids Crash BBC Reporter's News Segment. Ellen Degeneres Dissects the clip.
This clip is SO funny! I've watched it many times now and it seems to just get funnier. The father, in early days of quarantine, is doing a news segment for BBC news. His toddler comes marching in with flair and gusto. Then his baby son scoots in using his walker. Then the mom flies in the door, grabs them, and yanks them back out. -
Point Counterpoint Editorial from Cat and Dog Regarding Humans Staying Home All the Time
Along with the humans, the pets are affected by us hanging out at home 24/7. Here is a humorous take on how a cat and a dog feel about us around all the time. -
There Are Two Kinds of People in This World
This is a meme showing the two types of people in this world--those that buy and hoard toilet paper and those that are happy buying a case of Corona beer. Obviously, this is a pun on the name of the Coronavirus. -
Funny Videos Made During Quarantine
This is just a few of the many thousands of humorous videos people made during quarantine. They show animals playing Tic Tak Toe, a woman exploding Coke into her face, a bulldog hating garbage cans, a small dog taking flight with helium balloons. It's encouraging that people have retained their sense of humor during a most difficult time. -
Man Raises a Glass to Himself Because Day Three of Quarantine
We are all going crazy in quarantine. This gentleman throws a party with himself as the invited guest. However, he "multiplies" because he has 3 mirrors in his bathroom. So he "works the room" toasting his "guests." -
Exceptionally Bad Dad Jokes Raise Spirits in Maryland
This is a heartwarming article about daughter who noticed her father was becoming despondant due to the COVID quarantine. She had given him a book called Exceptionally Bad Dad Jokes for Christmas, so she dug it out and they got the idea to post one joke a day on a whiteboard in their front yard. Soon people made special trips to read the daily humor. The dad felt a new sense of purpose and he was very happy to brighten other people's days. -
I Choose B. Husband Picks ANYTHING Other than Quarantining With His Wife and Child
This video makes us laugh about the very thought of being quarantined with our families 24/7. This gentleman personifies how that idea strikes horror in our hearts. -
The Onion Reports that Nation Close to Getting Videoconferencing Software to Work
The Onion has been having a field day with the unbelievable times we are living through. They are doing a great job making fun of what is happening and our reaction to it. This article, written as we had to make an overnight change to working remotely and homeschooling, makes us laugh at how we struggled to get the videoconferencing software to work. People across America were all saying in union, "Can you hear me?" "Can you see me?" and "I don't know how to fix it." -
Adelaide and Eloise Posner Oral History, 2020/07/17
This is an interview with two sisters, Adelaide, 13, and Eloise, 10. They discuss their lives since COVID-19 hit as well as humor and its role in facing hard times. -
The Last Supper of Jesus Conducted via Zoom
This is a funny and artistic meme depicting Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting, The Last Supper as if it would happen during the pandemic. The supper turned into a virtual event, conducted over Zoom. Jesus is seated at the table with the apostles overhead in their video chat windows. Jesus is assumed to be the host of the meeting, and he is using a Mac computer. Very well done! -
Advice to take a gap year now
This is an oped advice piece from a financial expert advising this year's high school graduates to take a gap year. He suggests travel, earning money, taking classes, and staying positive -
Dear Diary 2020
2020 is certainly a year filled with disasters, bad news, and unprecedented happenings. This author wrote down a few of them and wonders what's ahead. -
Senior Pictures Capture the Feeling of Graduation Day
This is the story of a 2020 high school graduate, Nicholas Reyan, in Pennsylvania. His mother owns a photography studio--one that takes the senior pictures you see in yearbooks. This year there was no graduation, so they set out to create photographic representations of what graduating now is like. Enjoy! -
Coronavirus Meme Collection
This is a collection of memes about the Coronavirus. Some good, some not so good, and some viral. Mostly good though. Humor is what helps us cope with stress and difficult times, so it is important. -
Funny Progressive Insurance Zoom Commericals
These commercials are airing on Hulu now. They are all so funny and typical of people struggling to work the video conferencing. One shows an employee, not realizing that she's not muted, talking about the other people at the meetings. Another one shows people's internet cutting out. A third one is a whole conversation about what day it was--a common problem during quarantine when all the days were the same. -
Famous Landmarks Now Empty Due to COVID
Quora is a large forum for Asked to Answer (A2A) interchange. One user can post a question, and any other user or users can answer. In this case, a user posted photos of famous places that are now deserted because of COVID-19. The world is quite different now--hopefully only temporarily -
New York Town Honors Their UPS Driver
During the corona time, workers such as this UPS driver kept on delivering despite any personal danger to him from a high chance of of exposure. These workers, along with custodians, grocery store workers, and of course health care professionals, were rightly hailed as heroes. This is a touching tribute and acknowledgement of the town's UPS driver. -
Woman Serves Breakfast by Lowering Her Orders in a Bucket
During quarantine, all restaurants were closed. This woman had a food truck and her reputation gave her a large following. When she was forced to close, she started making her famous breakfast sandwiches in her small apartment's kitchen. Her customers would preorder, then line up (socially distanced of course) to pick them up. She would lower the orders down from her fire escape to her clients. Pretty cool gal! -
While in Quarantine, Send the Dog for Groceries
We were stuck at home in quarantine during COVID-19. So this humorous video where the dog goes out to get supplies instead of the people who are safe at home! Then there was a follow up video of a large dog staring into the glass door captioned: when your dog gets home and see you sharing the supplies he bought without him.